Part 10

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The next morning was Chase's birthday so they all went over to breakfast at Nat and Steve's house. Chloe was finishing up her breakfast when Taylor came up to her and said "Aunt Chloe did you remember the memories that Bucky mentioned last night when he told us all the story of you two?"

"Um some of them yes some of them are a little foggy." She said as she licked syrup off her fingers.

"Taylor why would she not remember?" Bucky asked Taylor

"You don't know do you?" Taylor said 

"Know what?' Bucky said

"Chloe you haven't told him have you?" Her dad said 

"no." she whispered 

"Did something happen to Chloe while I was away John?" Bucky said

"Yeah Buck." Steve said 

Nat left the room and came back with a photo album and lays it in front of Bucky. He opens it up and sees a car totaled and burned and he said "Chloe please tell me this isn't your car?" with a shaky voice and tears forming

"That's my car. I had it for 3 months." she said 

She looked at her daddy and he said "It's ok we will all help you baby."

"I um was driving home from band practice it was a few days before your birthday. It had been snowing and some spots from school were icy. I hit a patch of black ice and I hydroplaned into another oncoming car and I got knocked unconscious by the steering wheel I had glass in my eye and a huge cut a long the side of my head glass everywhere." she said as she grabbed his hand as he saw her injuries in the pictures.

"Bucky I got the call at the fire department cause her car was on fire. When I got there all I saw was my daughter unconscious in a car that was about to blow up. They had to use the jaws of life to get her out she also re broke her arm and was barely breathing. They had to intebuate her on the way to the hospital. Sarah was on call that night and saw them bring in our daughter and fell apart." John said 

"They told us Bucky that she was going to be fine that she suffered a mild concussion but she was going to have some memory loss that's why she doesn't remember a whole lot." Nat said 

"Why didn't anyone call me. Why didn't I don't understand why you all didn't call me. You know how important she was and still is to me." Bucky said 

"Wait...there's more Bucky. When I woke up I was scared I had a tube down my throat and all I saw was my brother he tried to grab my hand I wouldn't let him I wanted you I needed you and I kept trying to get your name out so I tried to do what you always told me to do. I tried to grab my other hand and felt that it was in a cast and started to cry. The nurse came in and took the tube out." Chloe said 

"She whispered Bucky find me Bucky I need Bucky. He's the only one I want when I'm scared.I didn't have the heart to tell my little sister that 2 weeks before you had married Dot and you couldn't come cause you already said you couldn't come when Taylor was born." Steve said 

"She cried for weeks for you Bucky. I called Winnie and asked her if she thought we were doing the right thing and she said yes that right now it was for the best cause you and Dot were already having problems." Sarah said 

Bucky closed the photo album and hugged Chloe and said "I'm so sorry baby I um you know damn good and well if I had known I would have been on that plane not giving flying fuck what Dot said." 

"I know." She whispered 

"Bucky I wanted to call you and tell you. You started asking about her shortly after that cause you hadn't seen her in any pictures with Taylor and I wanted to tell you about her accident but I was afraid you would do exactly what you just told her you would have done and you already told me about how you and Dot were having problems and I didn't want to make them worse by saying Hey Chloe was in a accident. Cause I know Dot has never liked my sister." Steve said 

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