A New Generation, a New Villa...

De JoyMax

801 17 3

It's been 13 years since the Avengers defeated Loki and his army. Things have been pretty quiet since then... Mai multe

A New Generation, a New Villain (An Avengers Fan Fiction)
A New Generation, a New Villain - Chapter Two
A New Generation, a New Villain - Chapter Four
A New Generation, a New Villain - Chapter Five
A New Generation, a New Villain - Chapter Six

A New Generation, a New Villain - Chapter Three

109 2 0
De JoyMax

"Right here."

The black SUV stopped and I looked out the window.  There was the soccerfield, and all my teammates out there with it.  At first glance, I didn't see Alexius.  But then again, I thought, who knows where he may be lurking.

"Alright, Reni, tell me the plan."  This was Nick Fury.  He was sitting in the passenger's seat and Agent Hill was in the back with me--tagging along, as always.  

"I'm to keep a sharp look out for--Alexius."  I spoke the name in disgust. 

"And if you see him?"

"I have to intercom you."

"That's right.  Go."

I climbed out of the SUV, blinking in the sunlight.

"You go, Reni," Agent Hill whispered.  I turned and smiled at her, then closed the door.

I took a deep breath.  My stomach was churning.  What if I did see him?  I took a deep breath.  Why am I so scared? I thought.  This is nothing compared to what might happen in the future.  If I'm going to be a great  S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, I'm going to have to forget these stupid emotions!

Despite what was mulling in my head, my stride was strong and unwavering--confident.  I used my peripheral vision to glance around.  No sign of Alexius yet.  I set down my bag and put on my cleats, watching my surroundings like a hawk.  No evil son of a diastrous villain trying to take over the world in sight.  I hit the field and began practice.  Still no trace of him.  I saw the SUV circle around the field a few times.  

"Rogers."  I looked up, startled, at one of my teammates, a girl whose name I couldn't remember.



Practice came to an end.  Still no sign of Alexius.  I was almost disappointed.  I picked up my bag, hoisted it on my shoulder, and began walking.  My mind was swirling with thoughts, completely in my own little world.  I was just walking by the toilet shack at the edge of the field when an arm grabbed me and a hand closed over my mouth.  In a split-second, I thrust my hand into my pocket, trying to squeeze the intercom device Fury gave me.  I couldn't reach it in time and let out a muffled scream.  Suddenly I was pinned against the brick wall, Alexius's forearm across my chest and his face inches from mine.  

"Quiet, mortal!"

My heart was racing.

"What are you going to do, kick me?"  Alexius scoffed.  

I cast my eyes down, my breath shallow and rapid.  This was not how an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. was supposed to act.  

"Look at me, swine!"

I thrust my eyes up, a flame lit in my heart at Alexius's insults.  

"You will never win," I replied determinedly.  "And I don't care what you do with me.  You'll never take down S.H.I.E.L.D. and you'll never rule earth."

He cracked an evil smile.  "Believe what you want, human."  He seemed thoughtful, devious.  "I wonder what measures the Captain would go to..." he paused.  "To save his kidnapped daughter?"

I was ashamed to admit it to myself, but panic struck into my heart.  No, no! I screamed inside.  I knew Dad would do anything to get me back, even compromise the fate of the team.  

A flicker of amusement--twisted, evil, hateful amusement--glimmered in Alexius's eyes.  He seemed more terrifying than a thirteen year old should be.  Maybe it was because he was so horrifically like Loki.

"What would the man in red, white and blue think about that, huh?"  He taunted me.

"I don't care what you do with me," I said again.

He seemed to pause to reflect on this.  Then he abruptly moved his arm from my chest, releasing me from being pinned against the wall.  I thought about trying to escape and even took the first step, but before I could take another, Alexius spun around and made a gesture with his hands.  I was pinned against the wall again.  My eyes went wide with disbelief.  How was I being held there?  I writhed and squirmed.  

"You underestimate me," Alexius hissed.  "My father taught me his magic and had me apprenticed to some of the most talented magicians.  I can do more than you think, mortal."

I gave up struggling and glared at him.  "You're accomplishing nothing by holding me here.  You're only bluffing."


I frowned.  This Alexius was a strange, strange person.  Then again, I reminded myself, he is Loki's son.

He turned to face me.  "You'll go free."  He puased.  "For now."  He made another gesture with his hands and I was free.  I stood there for a moment, staring at him, and then ran straight for the SUV.  I slammed the door shut and looked at Fury.

"He's here!"

Agent Hill and Fury glanced at each other.

"Why didn't you intercom?"  I could see trouble written all over Agent Hill's face.

"I...I tried to reach it, but I didn't have time."  I was out of breath.  "He had me pinned against the wall."

"Did you see where he went?" Fury asked.

I shook my head.  "I ran."  I couldn't bear their looks.  "He threatened to kidnap me."  I paused.  "Or, well, I don't know, he might have been bluffing."

We were all quiet, consumed in our own thoughts.  Then, suddenly, "Sir!"  Agent Hill pointed.  There was Alexius, walking briskly across the street in front of us.

For a split second, everyone was silent.  Then Fury and Agent Hill sprang into action, guns in tow, running after Alexius.  I hesitated for just a moment, then ran after them.  Agent Hill turned around to me.

"Stay back!  You have no way of defending yourself!" she shouted.

"Yes, I do!" I shouted back, catching up to her.


I reached down into my handy interior gun holster--the kind that slips inconspicuously inside the waist of my pants--and pulled out a handgun.

"Do you seriously think that my dad would let me go out unprotected?"  I cocked the gun and grinned.  "It's pretty handy."  

Fury was a little ahead of us.  Alexius had broken into a run when he saw us jump out of the SUV.  

"Come on, let's catch up."  

We broke into a sprint.  Alexius turned and headed down an alley.  Darn, I thought, as I began to develop a stitch in my side.  I heard shots being fired.  We finally caught up with Fury.

"Open fire," he yelled.

I began firing desperately, almost blindly.

"Calm down," I heard Agent Hill mutter beside me.  We were slowly falling further and further behind Alexius, and still not hitting him.  Even Fury was slowing down.  This guy's talented, I thought.  And then--bang!--I saw Alexius falter and grab his leg.  But he kept running and rounded a corner, and Fury stopped.

"We need to go after him!" I exclaimed.  I was surprised at my own boldness.  Fury generally made me feel sort of like a child who had stolen the cookies from the cookie jar, and I tried to avoid him and keep contact with him to a minimum.

He looked down at me.  He's so tall, I thought.  

"No.  Leave him.  We need to devise a strategy.  Besides, he's wounded."

And we can take him down easily, I thought.

Agent Hill put her hand on my shoulder.  She was out of breath, as was I.

"Let's get back to headquarters," Fury said firmly.


Back at headquarters

Dad tapped his fingers on the table.  Mom looked down at the table.  Natasha looked at me.  Tony smacked his gum and stroked the scruff on his chin, and Clint stared into space.  Bruce looked at the file before him.

"We defeated the Chitauri," he said thoughtfully, in that manner he always used.  "Loki was pretty much helpless without them.  But this Alexius is by himself.  As far as we know, he doesn't have any kind of army--he doesn't seem to indicate it by the way he spoke to Reni.  How does he expect to take over the earth by himself if Loki couldn't do it?"

I glanced up.  "I think he believes he is more powerful than Loki."  I paused.  "Whether or not that's true, I can't say.  I--"

BANG!  I stopped in the middle of my sentence.  Something burst through the wall--the actual wall!  Dust and pieces of the wall went everywhere.  

"What the heck?" I heard Tony yell.

"Greetings, Midgardians," a liony voice belted out.  

I blinked and rubbed my eyes.  There before me was Thor.

Dad stood up.  "Thor!"

I saw Mom chuckle.

Tony grinned.  "Well if it isn't the gladiator."

Fury glanced at the enormous hole in the wall.

"Welcome, Thor.  I thought you'd be making an appearance soon.  Sit down."

"I do not feel like sitting at this moment, Fury."  

To my surprise, Thor looked straight at me.  

"You are in danger, child."

I couldn't speak.

"We know that," Dad said. 

"And we're training her," Clint put in, the first thing he had said since we had gotten back to headquarters.  He looked at me and I thought I saw a reassuring smile come across his face--but it vanished quickly.

"No amount of training can equip a mere mortal child for what my brother and my nephew are planning."

I finally found my voice.  "Is Loki coming to earth again?"

"I expect he will, but there's no way to be sure."

"Have you spoken to him?"

Thor seemed taken back.

"How would I?  Once we were back in Asgard in my father's palace, he wouldn't let me near him..."  His voice faded to a quiet murmur.  "And I haven't seen him since he escaped to the land of the frostgiants."

"Thor, we know he's planning to use Alexius to conquer and rule the earth, but how is he planning to do it?" Dad asked.  "We defeated the Chitauri."

"There are more evil races and realms than that of the Chitauri, Rogers."

"What...other races?"

"The Ferox."

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