Fight That Forgotten Love ✔️...

By bethwritez

23.8K 802 96


1. Welcome To Fairy Tail High
2. Staring at you
3. Take me Somewhere
4. Sweet Guy
6. Getting Close
7. The Big Crash
8. A Mess
9. View
10. This Memory
11. I saw
12. The Big Story
13. Loosing
14. Relationship
15. I'm Ready
16. It Begins
17. I wanna die
18. Prince and Princess
19. Unreal Amnesia
20. Bouquet of Red and Beautiful Roses
21. My Lyon
22. Lier Crier and Fighter
23. His lips Her words
24. Thank You
25. Prom?
26. More Blood
27. Who did it?
28. Danger
29. Make an Entrance
30. I Love You

5. Young and beautiful

1.1K 51 8
By bethwritez

~next day~

~present day~

•Natsu's P.O.V•

I grinned happily, yesterday was great day, and want to have another. Lucy's voice was so amazing I wanted to hear it again, and again. I started running through the hall to see Lucy writing on a notebook.

"Hey what's up, Lucy!" She lifted her head, and I saw her beautiful brown eyes.

"Hi Natsu." She said soft, and calming as usual.

"What you writing?" I asked, but she closed her book.

"Oh it's... Just nothin" I smirked at her, and she smiled at me, when she wasn't looking I grabbed the book, and flipped to the first page.

Lucy's Diary.

Owned to Lucy Heartfilia

I looked up to see Lucy blushing, and twisting her hair nervously. I closed the book, and gave it back to her. She still blushed as I smiled at her.

"Don't worry I didn't read anything embarrassing." I grinned walking back to my seat. She was blushing madly. I laughed to myself as I sat down right as the bell rang for class to start.

Later at lunch, it was Lucy, Levy, and Jet sitting at the table. Good thing that Jet, and Levy were to busy talking to notice Lucy, then I could talk to her.

"Sup Lucy!" She blushed a little, probably because of earlier.

"What's up?" I sat down next to her as the others came, and joined in right after me.

Through all my classes I never fooled around once, I was to busy thinking about Lucy. The bell rang, and it was time for Gym. I ran out the class room to Lucy's locker.

"Oh hey Natsu." I smiled wide as she closed her locker door.

"Ready for Sex Ed?" She asked me. We started to laugh, we knew we couldn't skip Sex Ed again.

"Mind if I walk you there?" Lucy shook her head.

"Not at all!"

In Sex Ed I made Lucy laugh the whole entire hour, well until I got in trouble, and had to pay attention about stuff. I would always look at Lucy, she would always tap her foot, and roll her eyes when the teacher wasn't looking, which made me laugh. I really wanted to play the piano next to her again, to hear her voice sing like an angel. Right when the bell rang I zoomed to Lucy's desk.

"Hey Natsu!" She squealed, man I love her voice!

"Ugh I was so bored." I whined.

"Me too!" She wined back teasing me. What a girl. I just couldn't help, but want to be around her! i really want to sing with her, i mean to hear her sing... she's so talented! I just want to know everything about her. Everything. Maybe she can play an instrument, or can do more then just sing!

•Lucy's P.O.V•

We laughed together for a while, I was laughing so hard I started to snort which made me blush. I don't know why girls do that...

He grabbed my hand, and pulled me quickly. I guess so we wouldn't be late. When we were running around the school I saw Gray. I waved to him happily as we passed.

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