(ON HOLD) Being a Shinobi

By KuroiOozora

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[KHR x NARUTO] (SLOW UPDATE) Tsuna wasn't sure if life loved her that much or hate her that much to make her... More

1 - The Fall of The Sky
2 - Rebirth
3 - First Meeting Between Cousins
4 - Uchiha Obito
5 - Team Seven
6 - Hyuuga Kou
7 - Early Awakening
8 - Visitation
9 - Resolve, and The Fallen Genius
10 - The Academy
11 - Just Like Her Brother
12 - Team Nine
13 - Three More To Go
14 - First Ones Are Mostly Cursed
15 - Encounter
16 - Assistance
17 - Meet Again
18 - Bonds
19 - Identities
21 - Back to the Village
22 - Interlude

20 - Curiosity

3.5K 148 30
By KuroiOozora

20 - Curiosity

= OOCs
= Wrong Grammars and Spellings


Flashback / Previously

"It's the same actually, except for the sun and moon symbol that for some reason looked awfully familiar, Naka Shrine's is Uchiha clan symbol." Shisui stared at the shrine, dumbfounded.


'Who was he talking about? And... we are the same person?' Shisui thought as a small frown reached his lips. 'Does that means the past me had a connection with them?'


Sakuya widened her eyes when Shisui's form flickered a few times when he said his bye before vanishing.

= 3rd Person's POV =

True to what Shisui said, the moment he exited Sakuya's mindscape, after turning his Sharingan off, the two very worried Kakashi and Inoichi immediately approached him and threw questions at him.

"It's fine. It's fine. Sakuya-chan is fine, you two, so take a deep breath and calm down first so I can explain!" Shisui flailed his arms, trying to calm the two down and stop their questions that were actually being repeated over and over again.

The two did what he said and Kakashi went to take two chairs for him and Inoichi to sit as the one beside Sakuya's bed was occupied by the girl's tired cousin himself.

"Ok. Explain, Shisui," Kakashi started. "You were there for half an hour, which you really were not supposed to be there for that long," he sighed, which Inoichi nodded in agreement.

'That long?' Shisui blinked and was silent for a moment before activating his bloodline, immediately looked around as if trying to see if there was any eavesdropper around or not. Both older Shinobis blinked at that action, which they too turned and observed their surroundings while wondering if something was amiss inside the room.

Shisui nodded as he deactivated the Sharingan. "Ok, what I am going to tell you actually, I am not sure if it is a good idea if someone else heard it so I am hoping that we didn't tell anyone, except Hokage-sama himself," he said in a low voice.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at that. "Is what Orochimaru did that bad?" He asked in an equally low voice.

Shisui shook his head. "No, Orochimaru didn't do anything harmful thankfully. What I am going to say is actually a whole different thing that happens within Sakuya-chan's mindscape," he replied.

"From her mindscape?" Inoichi frowned at that, which Shisui nodded at him.

"For starters, her mindscape when I first entered was an unfamiliar forest, it's the reason why it took so long for me to find Sakuya-chan before exiting her mindscape," he started.

"Unfamiliar?" Both Kakashi and Inoichi widened their eyes.

Shisui was one of those who possessed much information due to him slipping here and there as a spy and informant during the war and his travel as an ANBU, so for him to claim something that was supposed to be within the village unfamiliar was impossible, unless... Did Sakuya ever go outside of the village before this rank-escalation mission?

"I am pretty sure this is the first time Sakuya-chan being out of the village," Shisui started. The two older Shinobis blinked. And here they were just wondering about Sakuya being outside of the village previously.

"But none of the forests within the village looks like that and even if she did go out of the village before, I am positive that Hokage-sama won't let her team travelled to Kiri because they are still Genin. Yet some of the plants within her mindscape are specifically those only grow in Kiri's environment but Sakuya-chan managed to create every single one of them in an exact form and shapes".

Kakashi and Inoichi looked at each other before they frowned. That was strange, how could someone create an image of something they never saw before? One or two could be count as coincidence but every single one of them?

"Which led me to the next thing I encounter and that is possibly the answer," Shisui said, effectively taking their attention.

"And please, listen to me until the end before asking questions because I know it's hard to believe," Shisui continued, which they nodded before he started telling them about the spirits from the past that led him to Sakuya's core mindscape, Naka Shrine with a very familiar symbol and past life memories.

"...That's pretty much summarized everything," Shisui sighed, ignoring the two Shinobis' dumbfounded expressions.

"Past life and all that... That's ...kind of hard to take in..." Inoichi muttered as he massaged his forehead. Kakashi nodded in agreement.

"I know," Shisui muttered. "I wouldn't believe it either if I didn't experience it myself," he sighed.

Kakashi was silent before he recalled what Shisui had mentioned in his explanation. "Shisui, you mentioned a familiar symbol, right?" He asked, taking the Uchiha's attention.

Shisui nodded. "Yeah, a very familiar one. It's at the tip of my tongue but I can't make it out. Why?"

"Can you draw it out? I think I know which symbol you were talking about," Kakashi muttered as he pulled out a brush, ink, and a blank scroll from his pouch.

"Huh? Okay...?" Shisui blinked at that but still complied as he took the stationaries from the silverette and sat on the floor, the two Shinobis followed. "I am not good at drawing so I apologize in advance," he muttered as he started to draw a crescent moon and a sun.

"There. Like this," Shisui muttered, putting the brush away and used his free hand to push the scroll to the two Shinobis.

Kakashi and Inoichi stared at the drawing for a moment before turning their heads to Shisui, who blinked at the two. "What?" He asked.

"...Shisui, are you sure you don't know what this symbol is?" Inoichi asked slowly.

Shisui blinked again. "Huh?"

"Between the three of us, you should be the one who knows this better," Kakashi arched his eyebrow.

"...Uum... Huh?" Shisui muttered in confusion, which both older ones stared at him with blank eyes before pointing at the drawing as if telling him to look at it again.

"I thought I told you it's at the tip of my tongue..." He pouted as he grumbled it out, making Kakashi and Inoichi rolled their eyes.

Shisui stared at his own drawing which slowly turned into a glare as if hoping the scroll would help and gave him the answer, while the two older Shinobis only stared at him, which was not helping at all.

Another moment passed, he was ready to give up when his brain finally displayed the answer. "I got it!" He snapped his finger before widening his eyes. "...Wait... Are you kidding me?"

"It's-" His words (scream) was cut off when Inoichi clasped his mouth. "Are you trying to wake your tired cousin up from her rest? And attracts unneeded attention?" The man whispered.

"Sorry," Shisui muttered when the Yamanaka let him go. "I am just surprised ...shocked actually. Seriously... Otsutsuki?!" He squeaked as he tugged his hair. "Sakuya-chan and those people in her mindscape are late Otsutsuki members? What the actual hell??"

"We can't be sure about that without actual proof, Shisui," Kakashi sighed. "Scenes in one's mindscape can be created to chase intruders away so until we found something, we can't fully believe it".

"To chase intruders away... Isn't gore a whole lot better choice than ...scenes like that?" Shisui asked. "And only Uchiha knew about the Otsutsuki due to us being the descendant of the Sage of Six Path so I don't think that scene would chase someone away".

"And I mentioned about you getting lost in her mindscape if no one led you to her core so scenes are unnecessary," Shisui folded his arms.

Kakashi sighed. "Again, we can't be sure it, and research doesn't look like it's going to work, seeing that there is no information about Otsutsuki in the library," he said as he put the brush, ink and scroll back to his pouch. "The only one who has is, like you said, the Uchiha".

"Actually... We don't know much. The information written was created by the Sage, Otsutsuki Hagoromo himself for his descendant about who he was, which is the reason why we knew about him, other than that, it's about our bloodline," Shisui muttered at the two, which Kakashi and Inoichi nodded at him for that.

"So basically we don't know anything," Inoichi hmm-ed. "Personally, as long as it won't causes any harm to the village and her people, I am fine with not knowing, ignoring my strong curiosity about the long lost clan," he continued.

"Speaking truthfully, I am not fine with the unknown at all. It's like going to the battlefield blind and deaf," Kakashi grumbled. "We can ask Sakuya about this when she is rested enough but if she doesn't know anything, seeing that she only possesses small pieces of her memories according to what you said, then there's nothing we can do," he sighed in resignation, which both Shisui and Inoichi nodded in understanding.

Making a glance towards the clock, Inoichi sighed. "Well, it's almost ten, let's go rest. One of us should stay to guard her, so who will stay first?" Inoichi asked as he stood up, followed by the Uchiha and Hatake.

"I don't mind being the first," Shisui blinked, volunteering himself.

"I'll go second then," Kakashi said.

"Okay, I'll take the third watch after informing Kushina and Chouza about this arrangement. Switch every four hours, I'll inform you if either of their teams or both teams are included in the guarding. If they do, we'll switch in every two hours. If not, stay in four," Inoichi said.

"Okay!" Shisui grinned as he took his seat beside Sakuya's bed.

Kakashi nodded. "Good night then"

Shisui waved at them as they left the room. "Night!"

A few minutes after Kakashi and Inoichi left, Shisui was staring at the night sky through the window before he sighed and turned his attention to the resting Sakuya. Stretching his hand, he caressed her cheek. "I wonder who Fon was talking about. The one I am the same person with..." He whispered.


After Inoichi informed the two Jounin senseis about the arrangement, both team leaders agreed in guarding the younger Uchiha in two hours shifts, which Chouza's team take the fourth shift and Kushina's and her remaining students took the last before going back to Shisui's turn.

The Yamanaka then went and informed his current two teammates about the changes before going to take some rest, wanting to take as much sleep as he could take before his turn of guarding. His turn, after all, just like Kakashi, was during dawn.


~ Time Skip ~

Hours had passed since then and Sakuya had finally woken up from her deep sleep, half an hour after Shisui took over Team Nine's guarding shift.

"Hey, I see you finally woke up," Shisui smiled, patting Sakuya's head which the girl smiled back at the action. "It's half past eight now by the way, you've been asleep for more than ten hours after you finished talking with the young Hyuuga in Chouza-san's team".

Sakuya blinked. "Huh... That's the first time I slept that long," she muttered as her cousin helped her sat up when he saw her tried to do it.

"Well, recovery from strong Genjutsu depends on the person themselves. The younger they are, the longer they recovered," Shisui commented. "Uchiha or not," he added.

Sakuya nodded, immediately blushed when her stomach growled in demanding some food.

"Okay, okay," Shisui laughed. "Of course you need something to eat, you haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon," he said and proceeded to princess-carry his cousin.

Sakuya squeaked at that. "I can walk by myself, Shisui!"

"Yeah, and let Kakashi-san and possibly Kushina-san to skin me alive for letting you do some activities, even if it's walking when you have just woken up. I am so looking forward to it," Shisui chirped.

Sakuya rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. "Idiot," she huffed as she folded her arms, making herself comfortable in the older one's arms. "And stop those kisses!" She yelped with a visible blush on her cheeks.

"I really missed messing with you, so I can't help it, dear cousin," The older Uchiha grinned as Sakuya planted her palm on his cheek, pushing his face away from kissing her again.

He was about to say more when someone else opened the door and Chouza's team blinked the moment they saw a red-faced Sakuya ...in the arms of her cousin ...with her trying to push his face away from hers.

Screams of accusations could be heard from everywhere within the Tower, effectively waking those who were still asleep, choking anyone who was eating or drinking, and making those who were writing long reports to rewrite everything (much to their horrors, especially to those who were almost done).

"Unhand her this instance, you fiend!" Wasabi screeched as she activated her Byakugan.

"Yeah! Release her! She's mine!" Masio glared.

"Who are you calling a fiend, girl?! And what do you mean she's yours, brat!" Shisui snapped.

"I never knew you are one of those adults, Uchiha-san," Rei muttered in a slight disappointment, as if his respect for Shisui dropped tremendously.

"I am not!!" Shisui screeched as he snapped his head towards the Aburame.

Sakuya looked like she was done with their nonsense, immediately Kawarimi with a pillow and promptly left the room without batting an eye at them.

Chouza, the poor Jounin, was trying to stop Sakuya from leaving the room all by herself while trying to calm his two screaming students from having a screaming contest with the older Uchiha.

In the end, he heaved a tired sigh and followed after Sakuya, who was on her way towards the canteen. He wondered how she knew where to go.

I know Otsutsuki Clan symbol is more to the shape of a shuriken but I like the Sun-Moon better soo.... Yeah..

Shisui was just trying to gouge Sakuya's reaction about the kisses. If she knew who he once was, he wanted to see what kind of person he was. If she reacted badly, he was most probably someone she dislikes.

He was actually surprised at the reaction he received but being an Uchiha, the master of covering reactions with another reaction, he could cover it easily ...by teasing, then Team Three entered the room, leading to the screaming contest.

Chouza definitely needs a break after this chaos. He wondered why he decided to take a Genin team again after his last one. The poor guy...

Chouza's (canon) Genin team :
Gai, Genma, and Ebisu

Jutsu list
(including from previous chapters)
(Sorted by Ranks and Alphabetically)
(土 - 風 - 火 - 雷 - 水 - Non-Elemental)

(土) Earth (土)

Doton - Arijigoku no Jutsu
Doton - Moguragakure no Jutsu
Doton - Retsudo Tenshou

(風) Wind (風)

Fuuton - Kamikaze

(火) Fire (火)

Katon - Hinoko (( Made-up technique ))
Katon - Goukakyuu no Jutsu
Katon - Housenka no Jutsu

(水) Water (水)

Suiton - Mizurappa
Suiton - Rekkuu Suigeki

( ) Non-Elemental ( )

Kikaichuu - Tsumuji (Aburame Clan Technique)
Mushi Kame no Jutsu (Aburame Clan Technique)
Sen'ei Jashu
Sen'ei Tajashu

(体) Taijutsu (体)

Konoha Daisenkou

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