How to Find Purpose and Peace...

By tacocat91

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Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? Why am I alive? It seems that since the dawn... More

CHAPTER ONE: What I Think Our Purpose Is
CHAPTER TWO: Depression
CHAPTER FIVE : Times of Waiting
CHAPTER SIX : Discouragement
CHAPTER SEVEN : Positivity
CHAPTER NINE : Take It One Day At A Time
CHAPTER TWELVE : How I'm Trying to Pursue My Dreams
CHAPTER FIFTEEN : A Word of Comfort

CHAPTER TWENTY : The Great Beyond

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By tacocat91

Life can seem unsatisfying, and that there feels like there is supposed to be something more. The fact of the matter is that it's sort of supposed to be that way. To quote a phrase I heard somewhere eternity has been implanted in our hearts. Every man, woman, and child alive has this setting turned on. Our home is in Heaven. We are just passing by. Be of good cheer, this is all just a passing matter, dust in the wind, a shadow on the wall, a gentle gasp of air. We are but gentle seedlings, waiting to sprout into our true selves in the afterlife. I think God allowed the little inklings of discomfort so that our hearts would search for Him. The chief end of man is to worship God by enjoying Him forever. Our hearts beat alive, burn with fire when we are with Him: when we love Him, think of Him, and dwell upon Him. If we will abide in Him, He will abide in us. "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." John 15:4-5 (KJV).

He is the true Vine and He nurtures us. If we are with Him, He will bring forth life, joy, and contentedness into us. He is the true source of our joy: He is our happiness, purpose, and meaning. Everything else is vanity, grasping at the wind. These truths seem simple but have been hard for me to hold on to and accept. I would look to money, partying, career, grades, relationships, appearance, hobbies for happiness. I would look to anything else other than the one thing that would truly make me happy; which is Christ.

The Bible is the word of God, and it is kindling for our souls. I definitely feel a difference without it: when I go days without reading the Bible I really feel it. I get angry, and I feel sad and depressed. I would be in some sort of dark slump that I couldn't really explain. Like some dark cloud hovers over me, whispering discouragements; I am my worst self then. But when I intentionally read the word of God, and actually take my time, enjoy it, and think about what I read - I feel refreshed and I feel rejuvenated. I feel ALIVE! I feel like a dying plant receiving precious torrents of delicious life-giving water. I feel the sun break through the endless night, and soothe my skin. I feel all that is dead in me become Alive, and my dying heart quicken again.

The dead bones come alive, I feel the sunshine, I feel whole, I feel like myself once again. This happens when I draw close to God and I read His word. It truly is food for our soul, and much like how our bodies get weaker without actual food, so our spirits dry out without the word of God. Hudson Taylor was a great missionary in China, would arise early in the morning, lighting a match to get in his alone time with God and his Word. The effect he had on the world because of his quiet time with God was legendary. A large part of it, I think, is because of the time he spent reading the Bible.

A cool life hack I've found is using the bible app on my smartphone. There's an audiobook version that you can use as well. Early in the morning when I would get up for work I liked to play it so that God's word will wash over me and revive my sad overburdened spirit. I have really bad anxiety and this helps me start out the day with peace and soul-sustenance. You need to eat your breakfast; Including your soul breakfast of reading the bible. Spiritual warfare plays a part in this as well. Satan doesn't want you to be reading your Bible and will do everything in his power to prevent yours u from doing so. I don't know how many times I've tried to read my Bible but just fell asleep or ended up doing something else entirely. But I can tell you, friend, it is well worth the effort to read the Bible. Nothing else can bring your spirit back to life, give you heart-peace, and soul-contentment. Nothing else will make you as happy.

Sometimes I think about death and the afterlife. Not really intentionally. But like when I'm in traffic and late for work. When things aren't going great at work, and my boss gets in my face. When I go through another failure or life smacks me down again, I think of Heaven. Guys, Heaven is going to be lit. No more death! No more sadness! No more tears! No more bills! No more angry customers! No more stupid drivers! Yay! In case you couldn't tell, I'm not a huge fan of traffic. When things get tough in life, remember that our home is in Heaven. We have so many promises that we can hold on to, so many good things that are coming. For one, if you have allowed Jesus to save you, you are no longer going to Hell! My puny human brain can't even fathom burning in perdition for all of eternity. Burning, even for a little bit is AGONIZING.

I remember once when I was frying up some bacon, and molten globule of bacon oil launched from the pan onto my arm and I screamed like a little girl! It was so hot that at first I didn't even notice. I smelled the bacon burn (and me!) smoldering so I looked down and saw the third-degree burns. I can't imagine burning in Hell for all of eternity. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. If receiving the gift of salvation is the only good thing we receive in our lives, then we would still be supremely blessed indeed. Comfort yourself with these things. You were once dead, but now are alive. You are a new creation in Christ. You are a now an adopted son or daughter of God. Baby, your royalty! When you were little did you ever fantasize about being a prince or princess? Well, literally you are now. How freaking cool is that!?! If we are in Christ we have a great many things to be thankful for! :)

Key Takeaways:

- God had implanted eternity in our

hearts so that we would look for Him.

-If we will abide in God, we will abide

in true happiness.

-Reading the Bible will bring is peace

and satisfaction for our souls.

-God offers us soul salvation and a

home on Paradise if we choose to

accept His love.

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