How to Find Purpose and Peace...

Von tacocat91

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Why am I here? What is my purpose? What is the meaning of life? Why am I alive? It seems that since the dawn... Mehr

CHAPTER ONE: What I Think Our Purpose Is
CHAPTER TWO: Depression
CHAPTER FIVE : Times of Waiting
CHAPTER SIX : Discouragement
CHAPTER SEVEN : Positivity
CHAPTER TWELVE : How I'm Trying to Pursue My Dreams
CHAPTER FIFTEEN : A Word of Comfort
CHAPTER TWENTY : The Great Beyond

CHAPTER NINE : Take It One Day At A Time

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Von tacocat91

It's okay to take it one day at a time sometimes. Don't get too overwhelmed by everything at once, and just break down your to-do list to a couple of items. If you're totally fried, go out and do something that you enjoy to relax. For me personally, I get really antsy when I'm at home all day, so I relax by driving off somewhere and doing something. I like going on nice walks in nature, checking out malls, reading at bookstores and hanging out with friends. I try to go to as many church things as I can since that refills my soul and brings refreshment to my being. It's like a spiritual gas station for me. When I'm running low on energy I go there. I also really need to get in God's word to bring me peace again and recharge myself.

Sometimes I'll just flip through it at random until something catches my eye, and I also have a few study plans on the bible app on my phone that are great. Reading other religious stuff like My Utmost for His Highest and things by A.W. Tozer help me as well. Going back to my original point don't fret if you are feeling obscure right now. You're not obscure to God! He is your greatest fan and He watches everything you do no matter how trivial, and He will reward you for your hard work eventually. I feel hella obscure right now so I can sympathize. I also have the typical writer hangups; wondering if I'm actually any good as a writer if I'm wasting my life writing stuff maybe no one will read, getting writer's block and discouraged etc. You are probably doing better than I! I'm also an introvert, awkward, too sensitive and I don't do well under intense pressure. I have a lot of things working against me lol.

When things get tough know that God is always by your side. "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10 (KJV). This morning I was really feeling it. I was feeling overwhelmed by life, moving, job issues, money worries, and fears about the future. I was feeling kind of like a failure, and that my life was slowly train-wrecking. I stayed in bed for a really long time. Finally I asked God to help me with my life, and I tried starting out my day reading the bible and with focusing on God. The day got better as time progressed, and I managed to be kind of productive. No matter what may be happening God is there to comfort you and guide you. "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." Deuteronomy 31:6 (KJV).

Later on in the day as I finished with some major cleaning and packing I collapsed back into my bed exhausted. While I was grateful that I managed to get a few things done I was wiped out. In my now mostly empty room I felt oddly at peace. It was really cluttered and messy before, and it kind of clashed with my flow. But with less material things to deal with I felt a serenity in the simplicity. It's great if we can learn how to bunch up all our anxieties and worries and hand them over to God. I try to do little nap/meditation breaks throughout the day as much as I can. It helps with my anxiety and it gives my brain a chance to relax. This time in particular I was lying on my bed and I just closed my eyes. For me when I close my eyes it's easier to shut out all the stress and worry. I can imagine I'm in some happy place somewhere. Perhaps a sunny beach with lazy clouds rolling by and the the gentle ssshhh-ing sound of the the waves breaking on the shore. Or maybe a beautiful forest with whispering leaves, verdant trees and foliage surrounding me. If you're into the fantasy genre maybe you'll find yourself transported off to Hogwarts or some other amazing place.

As I laid in my bed I tried to push all my problems away and tried to just focus on God, and be aware of His presence. I would try and think "Hey God, I don't know really know what's happening, but help me to trust in You, and please help me with all the stuff that's going on. I'm kind of scared, and you know I have a lot of issues so I ask that you please deliver me and comfort me." I tried to do that for a while and spend time with God. I think one of the greatest gifts that we can give to God is our time. And I think there is nothing better than that we could spend our time on. I don't know if you noticed but life can be kind of crappy: especially these days. But it is such a great comfort to spend time with God your Friend and Ally, who will comfort you and be there for you in your time of need. We are eternal creatures and one day we will be in a better place in Heaven, and all of our earthly problems will be far, far away. So take comfort in the fact that our present sufferings are but for a moment, and not even death is final anymore. Jesus Christ has smashed the shackles of death and sin and if we know Him we will spend eternity with Him in paradise. "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18 KJV).

Key Takeaways:

-Reading the Bible recharges us and brings us peace.

-You are not obscure to God and He is your greatest fan.

-God will always be by your side.

-Give your worries over to God and let Him deal with it.


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