Dangerous Desires (MurdochxGi...

By AlluretheNight

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Ever since James Gillies kissed Detective William Murdoch and jumped to his death, the detective can't seem t... More

Chapter One: Dangerous Desires
Chapter Two: A Forgiven Sin
Chapter Three: A New Day
Chapter Four: The Investigation
Chapter Five- Surprise
Chapter Six- Trust Issues
Chapter Seven: Goodbye
Chapter Eight: Missing
Chapter Nine: James
Chapter Ten: The Doctor
Authors Note
Chapter Eleven: Waking Up
Chapter Titles Preview!!!!
Chapter Twelve: The Chase
Chapter Thirteen: Amiss
Chapter Fourteen: Running Out of Time
Chapter Fifteen: Search and Rescue
Chapter Sixteen: Recovery
Chapter Seventeen: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Nineteen-A New Flatmate
Chapter Twenty: Moving In

Chapter Eighteen: No Escaping The Noose

342 8 0
By AlluretheNight

Terrence Meyers strode into station house number four with his head held high, his cane swinging before him, and an air of superiority emanating from his very being. Constable George Crabtree observed everything the man did, keen on the stature and stance of a real-life spy. Meyers walked past him casually, a smug smile on his face the whole time as if someone had told a joke that only he knew the punch line to. His piercing blue eyes and grey specked black hair made him seem dashing if it weren't for the whole "asshole" air about him.

William Murdoch glanced out into the lobby, and upon seeing Terrence, decided to greet the man himself. He had been only a day since he sent the telegram to Terrence. Of course, he knew that Meyers liked mystery, so he only stated this in the telegram:


We have discovered Markim. Come at once.


It wasn't much at first glance, but the last name Markim would have sent Terrence Meyers and the secret service on a field day wondering how such intelligence could have been leaked, or perhaps he was wanted and they were fast to catch him. Murdoch could only guess, and he knew there was little chance of being told the truth-but it was the best option he had if he wanted any resolution to this Pendrick/Markim debaucle.

"Terrence," Murdoch greeted, extending his hand, "I'm surprised how quickly you made it here. You must have been in the area."

Meyers simply glanced at his hand before ignoring the gesture, "Now, Murdoch. You know I can't reveal official business."

Murdoch gestured him towards his office and shut the door behind the two men as Meyers surveyed the room before having a seat. Murdoch sat in his desk chair, opposite Meyers.

"I suppose you know why I asked you to come."

Terrence Meyers sighed and rubbed his eyebrows, dropping his facade.

"Murdoch, I have no idea why I'm here. All I know is you somehow know the name of a very protected and sought after individual, and I need to know how." His face was marked with anxiety and unease, his blue eyes pleading slightly without him actually saying the word.

Murdoch sighed and recounted the story of Pendrick/Markim. Terrence sat through it all, never once interrupting him, his eyes slanted as he listened. He crossed his legs and fingered his top lip.

"So, he said he was your brother. Is that right?"

"Yes. He seems to think my mother abandoned him when he was a baby and then came to Canada." The worry must have shown in his face, for Terrence did something he rarely did-he told him confidential information.

"Murdoch, what I'm about to tell you never leaves this room. Do you understand?"

Murdoch nodded his consent. Terrence sighed long and low.

"Jonathan Markim is an American agent that we've been tracking for years. All of that information he told you was a lie to cover up the actual truth. He is not your brother, as far as I'm aware. However, he did need that watch. You see, Murdoch, that watch was given to your mother by his father. That much is true. His father also happened to be an agent back in the day. He met your mother while on a mission and she saved his life somehow or another. The details are blurry. Anyway, that watch is believed to contain a secret code somewhere inside it that tells the whereabouts of an important safe house that the Americans use for their base of operations. Markim has been after it for years after he went rogue. He wanted to find all of this information-top secret information- and release it upon the world. It would destroy whole countries, Murdoch. We couldn't let that happen. So, lucky for us, I switched the watch out a few months ago when I first saw you had it on your person." An apologetic stare met Murdoch's, and William raised his eyebrows.

"So, this Markim is not my brother, and my mother just had the watch as a gift for saving a man's life who just so happened to be an American spy? And now Markim has the watch, except it's a fake because you switched them when we met before?"

Terrence had a smug grin on his face.

"I must admit, that was some clever foresight on my part. You see, we had your mother pinned as a potential agent back in the day. When we realized she was just a bystander we kept tabs on your family just to make sure that watch stayed in your possession. Markim, on the other hand, we lost track of six months ago. I knew that he would be after the watch, especially since his father told him about the code on it before his death. So, while you weren't looking, I switched them out."

Murdoch nodded slowly, all of the information processing a little bit slower than usual.

"So, where is the watch now?"

"Safe. I'm sorry I had to take it from you, Murdoch. You understand though."

William nodded again, "Yes, of course. I'm just relieved that Markim didn't actually get the real one."

Terrence Meyers grinned at this and shook his head, "Yes, and the code I imprinted on the new watch will lead him to a secure area where my men are waiting for him as we speak. There's no escaping the noose this time around. He fell for our little trap."

William Murdoch smiled slightly and shook his head at the audacity and confidence of Terrence Meyers. The man was so good at the game, it was almost anticlimatic. The same could be said for some of Murdoch's cases as well though. Meyers stood with ease, his face still smug as ever.

"I trust none of this will leave this room? Even that Inspector of yours can't know. Got it?"

William nodded, "You can trust me, Meyers. I am a man of my word."

Terrence nodded, grateful, and turned to leave.

"Oh, one more thing, Murdoch," He turned slightly, "It's not a problem now, but be careful of the company you keep. It's fine if the animal is tame now, so long as he doesn't jump the fence. Yes?"

Murdoch's blood froze. He could feel his heart thundering in his chest. Of course Terrence would know about James. He was too good not to know. Murdoch nodded, tense. Terrence smiled reassuringly and vanished out the door, leaving Murdoch shaken and stunned. He had said it was fine as long as James behaved himself. So, everything should work out fine. He hoped, at least.


Inspector Brackenreid strolled into Murdoch's office.

"Oi, Murdoch. What the bloody hell was Terrence Meyers doing at the station house? Don't tell me another of his agents has gone and died again?"

Murdoch smiled briefly, "No, Sir. He came as a favor to me."

Brackenreid looked abashed, "A favor? To you? What the blood hell kind of favor do you need if you have to ask that snake of a man?"

Murdoch gave him a pointed stare, and Brackenreid's eyes widened.

"OH. Oh, this is about that Markim fellow ain't it? Well, go on, what did he say?"

William looked at him apologetically. Brackenreid huffed,

"Don't tell me, you can't tell me. Honestly, the things I do for that oath of a man when he comes barging into my station house and I can't even know what's going on with my own crew."

Murdoch thought for a moment, "Well , Sir, I can tell you that we are not related, and that he will soon be aprehended and hanged."

Brackenreid nodded appreciatively at this news, "Well, that's all I need to know then. That case was sorted fairly easy if I do say so myself. Sure, I had to treck to God knows where just to find out about his real name, but none of that bloddy matters anymore. I'm just glad that you're back to yourself, Murdoch. You've had a hell of a time lately and you deserve some peace of mind for once."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Inspector. And thank you again for all of your help. If it wasn't for you I don't think I could have figured this one out." Having flattered the Inspector's wounded pride, William watched as Brackenreid now waltzed out of his office, chest puffed out and all.


James Gillies was fast asleep when Murdoch made it home. As William slipped into the hotel bed, he noticed that Gillie's ankle had been properly bandaged. He would have to thank Julia later for that. For now, everything was settled. Sure, he was in love with a dangerous ex-criminal but at least he could sleep tonight knowing that he was safe next to the love of his life.

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