Panstagram <> Vkook

By Aeri_Taekook

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Taebeach_95: Hey hottie ;) Jeon_Cena: Hi daddy 👋🏻 In which a graduating boy gets a DM from a stranger. More

Important update :)


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By Aeri_Taekook

(Taehyung P.O.V)

I was hovering over Jungkook while he was a panting mess underneath me, hickies spread all the way down his neck.

"Your mine." I growled as I unbuttoned his shirt.

"A-All yours—" he moaned when I rubbed my bulge against his.

Soon he was shirtless. I traced hickies all the way down his chest. Then I twisted his nipples around, making him moan loud.

"Sshhh, Jin might wake up." I covered his mouth.

Jungkook started whining quietly when I sucked on one of his pink buds.

I wanted to control myself and not hurt him but when he started fisting the sheets and whining I lost it all.

I ripped his pants off at an animalistic pace, followed by his underwear.

"F-Fuck M-M-Me Tae," he moaned when I stared pumping his cock.

I prepped Jungkook and started thrusting my fingers in and our of his virgin hole, then lined my cock up with it and spread lube around it.

"Wake up!" Jungkook suddenly yelled, "Taehyung wake up!" He screamed.

I woke up and looked around. I could feel a bulge between my legs.

"Wake up!" Jin yelled, "Taehyung wake up!" He screamed to get me up. I prayed he did not look down.

"I'm up!" I yelled at him as he hovered over my bed.

"Good." He sighed, "you seemed to be really enjoying that dream. You growled in your sleep." Jin laughed.

"Oh god," I blushed.

"What was the dream abo-" Jin's eyes froze on my mid section where my dick was proudly sticking up through the sheets. "O-Oh..." he stuttered our nevously.

"Was Jungkook in it?" He asked and I looked away.

"Yes." I said, feeling ashamed for dreaming about doing that to him. It was not just imagining it while I jacked off it was actually dreaming about it.

"'ll talk to you might want to handle that...take a shower or something." Jin awkwardly walked out.

Then I heard him trip down the steps.

RIP Jin.

I got up and went to the bathroom and took care of my little problem (A/N sorry my parents are like, right by me so I can't write this scene)

I walked downstairs and was greeted by the overwhelming scent of pancakes. And an awkward Jin cleaning a wound on his leg.

"Yah! I need a husband to do this for me." He pouted.

"I have a feeling your husband will destroy your leg even more."

We both laughed.


I sat in Jin's office on his computer.

By now hours have gone by. I let out an annoyed groan when I looked at the clock. 4:20pm (A/N ;)))))))

"Why can't I find a place hiring?!" I yelled.

Then a porn ad came up.

Followed by a loud commercial.

"Are you annoyed at looking for places that are hiring?" The commercial blasted.

"Yes." I groaned.

"Are you looking for max wage for a beginner?" It continues.

"Yes," I sighed.

"Then come on down to BigHitOn's gay strip club! We are hiring and we tip great." It finished, then the fast credits rolled out of the announcers mouth. "WedonotpayforSTDcheckupsanythingthathappensdoesnotmatteeitsaysitinthrcontractyouhavetosignpleasecomedownweareDESPERATE."

Then the add went away.

"Hmmm stripper pays good." I said aloud.

"oh HELL no! You are e not going to become a stripper! Not uh, nope, nopity nope. N-O EN TO THE OH, NO. NAYYYYY." Jin said as he suddenly appeared behind me.

"Jin I need a job and—" smack.


"How do you know?" I asked.

*Crickets* *more crickets* SHUT THE FUCK UP CRICKETS -Aeri.


"Work at McDonald' get squirted by mustard. It was fun-" Jin fell into a daydream of when he was younger.

"I'm not getting squirted with anything unless it's Jungkook's cum!" I yelled.

Jin paused.


"Jin what the fuck?" I asked. Jin was really high today or something.

"What the frick frack tic tac patty wack race track double quarter back guy named jack DID YOU JUST SAY?" Jin yelled. "We do not curse in this household—OW SHIT." Jin screeched as he banged his knee wrong while bowing down.


"Oompa loompa doompidy doo I cant find a job, ooooooh fuck you." I sang as I continued looking for places hiring.

Then my phone started ringing.

•Jiminie Hyung•

"Hi Jimin, what's up?" I asked, hearing static on the other end.

"I know you said you were looking for a job and I just got done a speed dating session at this really nice restaurant and when I walked out I saw a sign saying 'Help wanted,' so I asked. They need a waiter." Jimin says on the other end in his usual high pitched voice.

"Oh! Thanks! Send me the information." I said into the phone.

"Ok." Then the call ended.

•Jiminie Hyung•
xxx drive, Seoul, korea, 3289.
And the number is


I put my phone down and looked it up, sure enough they were hiring.

I called and got an interview for Thursday.

seeing him this happy makes me happy

He is the cause of my euphoria ❤️
-Aeri 🖤

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