Panstagram <> Vkook

By Aeri_Taekook

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Taebeach_95: Hey hottie ;) Jeon_Cena: Hi daddy 👋🏻 In which a graduating boy gets a DM from a stranger. More

Important update :)


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By Aeri_Taekook

(Jungkook's P.O.V)
«New message from SugaDaddy»

P I groaned in annoyance as I grabbed my phone.
I was not in the mood to talk to Yoongi, I thought I made that clear.

SugaDaddy: Jungkook I know you don't want to talk to me but tomorrow you have off...please meet me at Sahara Cafe at 11am and I will explain why I don't have to respond, have a good day Jungkook 🧡

I woke up at 10:30am, my alarm obviously not going off or I would have been up at 6:10am.

But it did not matter since it was not a school day.

I quickly got up and took a shower, putting some clothes on.

I went to grab the hairspray and it fell, the logs Bang it made as the metal bottle hit the tiled floor resulted in a certain someone waking up.

"JUNGKOOK WHAT THE FUCK?!" I heard Jisoo run down the hallway, soon she barged into the bathroom and grabbed the can of hairspray off the  floor and threw it at me.

"Jungkook you woke me up at 10:39am on a free day!" She yelled, resulting in my mom waking up.

"Jisoo," she yawned,  "stop being mean to your brother." She pulled Jisoo away and I flipped her off as I ran downstairs and grabbed my bag and ran out the door.


I made it to the café just in time, my watch beeped as  they hand struck 11 right as I walked in.

I looked around and I finally spotted Yoongi sitting at a booth alone playing helix jump on his phone (A/N y'all that game is so addicting I'm on level 80) I walked over and sat down and he immediately put his phone in his pocket.

"Your lucky I came. Make it quick." I snapped, then a waitress came over.

"Hello! Would you like anything to drink?" She asked, and giggled while twirling her hair.

"One iced mocha please," I smiled.

"OK." She giggled and walked away.

"Annoying flirty bitch..." Yoongi grumbled under his breath. "Anyway thanks for coming." He perked up.

"Yup. Just say what you wanted to say." I said in a rude tone.

"Jungkook I know your mad about me telling your mom but I did it for your own good. You need a moms support in times like this A/N: my mom is never there. She just calls me insane and tries to send me away to a mental hospital....) and I know it seems unfair, like I tattled on you jut to tattle, but trust's nothing like that" Yoongi sipped his water.

"Here you go, hottie." The waiter said, handing me my drink, then a napkin with her number on it.

As she walked away I groaned while she mouthed, "call me."

I got up and headed to her section on the other side of the counter. "You must have given this to me on accident. I'm gay." I said. The girls cheeks flushed with embarrassment and she made an 'Ugh,' sound followed by the word 'faggot' as I walked away, making me flinch.

I hated that word. Just like she probably hates being called a slut but has more then likely heard it a lot.

I sat back down and sipped my drink causally, as if I was not bursting with gay pride on the inside.

"Well it sure seemed like that," I said, returning to our conversation.

"Jungkook I used to be just like you. But unlike you my mom was basically absent from my life. When I was 18 I lapsed into depression and tried to kill Myself three times! I also self harmed, and you know what Jungkook, I feel your pain. I know what your going through...I went through the same thing. I was not always this tough. I know how it feels, but I can tell you self harm will not fix anything." Yoongi said causally, I widened my eyes.

"What if he did kill him self? I would be so sad without Yoongi Hyung." I thought to myself, a depressing feeling cycling through my body as I thought about not having Yoongi.

"But you know what? My mom found out...I got sent to a mental hospital. I was in there for 8 a padded room because I was trying to kill myself to get out of there...but when I finally collected myself I realized it really helped...and you weren't like me so I was not worried about you being in there for that long." Yoongi sighed, "Jungkook I did it for your own good..not to harm you in any way...I promise."

By now I was crying after hearing Yoongi's story.

"I-I-I'm sorry Yoongi," I sniffled. Yoongi stood up and engulfed me in a hug which I gladly returned.

"It's Ok..I understand you were scared and's OK." Yoongi comforted me by rubbing soothing circles on my back. "Want to get ice cream? My shift don't start till 8pm today." Yoongi asked.

"Yeah!" I sniffled and jumped up excitedly.
We walked towards the exit but the waitress from earlier stood there.

"Bye faggots." She snickered.

"Bye slut." I responded and she scoffed.

Yoongi walked me home after he got me ice cream.

Before I walked inside I hugged him once more and my mom smiled when I walked through the door.

"Good to see you two boys on good terms again," She gleamed. "Because last time I checked you were being a little bitch to Yoongi." My mom laughed.

"Jungkook is always a bitch mom," Jisoo came down with her girlfriend, Yuna.

"Hi Yuna." I smiled.

"Hi Jungkookie, long time no see Kiddo." She came over and hugged me.

Yuna was two years older then Jisoo and I, she preferred to call me Kiddo as if I was six. But I did not mind. She was like a second sister to me.

I smiled once more and waved bye as I walked up to my bedroom, closing the door I fell onto the bed and sighed.
Then picked up my phone.

Jeon_Cena: today was a day off

Taebeach_95: oh cool! What did you do?

Jeon_Cena: met up with Yoongi and he apologized.

Taebeach_95: oh. That's good.

Jeon_Cena: Yeah. Wanna call?

Taebeach_95: sure!

«Incoming call from Taebeach_95»

"Hey bunny."

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