I Wished I Said It (Larry Sty...

By loverlouis

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Larry Stylinson AU: Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles have been arch enemies for the longest they can rem... More

I Wished I Said It (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Part A
Chapter 11 Part B

Chapter 8

30.1K 848 222
By loverlouis

Comment/Vote/Fan? Please? And would you guys mind telling me how it's going so far? Message me or comment? It's really important to me :| x


The green-eyed boy twitched in annoyance as he watched the two boys in front of him playfully hug each other, the smug look on the puppy-like boy’s face evident to Harry. He just wanted to rip his guts out! But Harry couldn’t do such thing because then Louis would be left alone, having no one else close to him but his sisters that were in a boarding school over the seas and his parents who were busy with city business. The boy was the only thing that wouldn’t ever leave Louis. A person who always managed to make a small smile appear on the older boy’s face. Someone who could hug Louis whenever he wanted. Things that Harry couldn’t do.

The person: Liam Payne.

He was bloody lucky. But Harry blamed himself for making Louis hate him yet at the same time he doesn’t. He hated that he was feeling these things for the boy ever since day one: when they met face to face. That day was the first day Harry has ever thought that a young boy could ever be attractive to Harry.

The curly-haired boy frowned. He still remembers it nice and clear.


“Hi. I’m Louis.” said the young yet slightly older boy in front of Harry as he peered down at the boy’s hand. Harry glanced back up and was taken back at how different the boy “Louis” was to other boys. He had really delicate facial features. Light blue gems were his eyes, sparkling in the beaming sun rays as he stared at Harry warmly. A silly tiny smile played on his small mouth, his body lying on the grass of the new playground in the neighborhood Harry just moved into. The boy’s hair looked soft, soo soft that he bet it was softer than his own favorite blanket.

There was something special about him. Harry noticed this when his stomach started doing weird turns, a blushing growing on his cheeks.

A boy shouldn’t make him like this! It was strange to Harry and he thought more about how Louis made him feel, all giddy and flushed. He didn’t like it at all! No boy ever did this to Harry.

And immediately, Harry made his decision on the blue-eyed precious boy that made his heart flutter. Ignore and dislike.

The curly-haired young boy glared at Louis hand and watched as his small face scrunched up into a confused expression, slowly.

“I don’t like you.” Harry said, the bluntness in his soft voice hard and firm. Louis gaped at him, obviously more confused then before and he stood up from his relaxed position.

“W-Wha-?” He blurted, eyes wide on Harry. His heart fluttered even more.

“I. Don’t. Like. You.” Harry spoke through gritted teeth and quickly stomped out off the park to his mum, despising the way his tiny body was reacting to each of Louis’ hurt expressions. Harry didn’t like him for doing that, emotions swirling through his heart and mind.

How can a boy do this to him?

*(End of Flashback)*

Harry sighed. He now understood why he hated him so much and he couldn’t do anything to fix it. The damage was done. Plus, his childish side was still with him, loathing Louis in his every cute detail. He hated how much the boy has grown, his features becoming sharper yet still delicate and feminine compared to any girl. His hair became lighter, the dark brown becoming a chocolate milk colour. His small body growing taller into this huge figure with toned abs and large biceps.

And he was still beautiful…

Harry shook his head. He seriously needed to stop thinking these things. Louis was his enemy now and probably will be forever, even when they get married and go out to show of their rings to the LGBT community. Nothing will ever change between them because Louis hated him too, with the same amount of passion.


“Liam, I swear if you throw tha-“


The TV remote fell on Louis’ lap after it collided with his face. Liam started laughing so hard that he had to clutch his stomach, rolling on the carpet floor.

Louis growled.

“Shuddup, pup.” Louis murmured, gently rubbing his forehead that was turning pink from the hit. That did bloody hurt, even if it was a small remote.

Liam glared at the nickname “pup” but then continued off laughing.

Across the room Harry snorted and Liam stopped his fit and turned to look at Harry, challenging brown eyes meeting green cold eyes. Harry smirked, a glint in his eyes that made Louis shiver all over.

But then suddenly, Louis was pushed next to Liam, his face pressed up against the other and soon the two were giggling again, like 4 year old boys.


Louis’ basement room’s door was slammed closed and Harry’s appearance was gone too. What just happened?

Louis pulled himself away from Liam’s tight embrace and went to look for Harry, ignoring Liam’s pleads to just ignore it.

Who did Harry think he was, going around slamming people’s doors? Harry had no such respect for Louis and it was kind of ticking him off.

“Where the bloody hel-“Louis stopped and walked into the kitchen’s huge entrance, where he found Harry inside, gripping the counter harshly, his knuckles turning into a deathly white. He saw his tense posture and how the curly-lad had his head down with his curls too, shamefully.

The blue-eyed boy softened up and trotted to Harry, his footsteps barely heard to Harry.

“Harry?” Louis whispered, hand reaching for the boy’s shoulder.

Harry blindly flinched away from his touch, not wanting Louis to be here at this very moment.

“Leave Louis.” Harry grunted, head still down, eyes shut closed as he tried to control himself from the raging jealously flaring inside him. He hated this feeling too. The possessive side of him for Louis. It wasn’t right.

Louis quickly retreated his hand back, hurt when Harry spoke to him but then masked the face with an angry expression.

“I was just trying to help, you know.” He said, eyes narrowed on Harry;s hunched back.

“I don’t need it, okay!” the green-eyed boy yelled, his eyes cracking open but still maintaining himself from doing anything stupid. He didn’t need this right now. He was in a state where he could burst anytime and give himself away.

“Harry, why are you like this?” Louis sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“Just leave. You don’t need to know anything about me.” Harry grunted.


“LEAVE DAMMIT!” Harry yelled once again, the same feelings crashing into his heart.

“Why can’t you just bloody let me get close to you?!” Louis shouted, red flushing on his face.

Harry lost it.

He swiftly turned around, dark eyes on Louis, and stalked over to him. Louis became frightened. He didn’t know what Harry was going to do. Was he going to punch him for being irritating? Was he-

He lost his train of thought when he felt the younger’s breath on his lips, millimeters apart from brushing against each other. He felt Harry’s body heat and the guy’s huge hands on his hips.

“I’m sorry.” Was the last thing Harry said before he smashed his lips on Louis’ into a bruising kiss. The exchanged passion between them equally as they angled their faces into a better position, access granted, tongues gliding against together. There was hair pulling and lip biting. Moans filled the kitchen area as Harry pinned Louis on the counter, fisting his gray t-shirt as he began to suck the older’s tongue.

Louis groaned and tugged on Harry’s curls, loving the soft feel of it between his fingers.

Harry was dying inside, treasuring every movement of Louis’ lips on his. He knew he was going to regret this but it was Louis’ fault for provoking him in such manner.

Louis started to trail his hands down Harry’s side when he was popped out of his trance and ripped himself away from Harry.

And once the green-eyed boy felt his love’s lips leave him, Harry opened his eyes and gazed at Louis who looked lost and so so confused. He needed to stop this or else Louis would find out for sure.

So Harry walked out of the kitchen and left with a gentle close on the door.

Louis crumpled to the floor and sat there, his mind blank until Liam came up to check on them. It wasn’t too late before he picked up the pieces to the puzzle and saw Louis swollen lips and distanced eyes.

Harry had done it again.


Comment/Vote/Fan? Please? And leave a message or comment on what you think so far of this story :3 x

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