Dangerous Desires (MurdochxGi...

By AlluretheNight

13.6K 259 99

Ever since James Gillies kissed Detective William Murdoch and jumped to his death, the detective can't seem t... More

Chapter One: Dangerous Desires
Chapter Two: A Forgiven Sin
Chapter Three: A New Day
Chapter Four: The Investigation
Chapter Five- Surprise
Chapter Six- Trust Issues
Chapter Seven: Goodbye
Chapter Eight: Missing
Chapter Nine: James
Chapter Ten: The Doctor
Authors Note
Chapter Eleven: Waking Up
Chapter Titles Preview!!!!
Chapter Twelve: The Chase
Chapter Thirteen: Amiss
Chapter Fourteen: Running Out of Time
Chapter Fifteen: Search and Rescue
Chapter Seventeen: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Eighteen: No Escaping The Noose
Chapter Nineteen-A New Flatmate
Chapter Twenty: Moving In

Chapter Sixteen: Recovery

324 7 4
By AlluretheNight

Hey guys, so this is a shorter chapter. It's focused just on Murdoch's recovery-mental and physical, and also a lot of fluff. So enjoy! Also, I am working all weekend so chapters might be published late-like this one. But it's still technically Friday for me since I haven't slept yet. lol. Okay, read away~


Inspector Brackenreid and George Crabtree entered Murdoch's hospital room with giant grins on their faces.

"Oi, Murdoch! Bloody glad to see you conscious for once!" The Inspector boomed and grabbed Murdoch's shoulder- a little too roughly.

Murdoch winced, but smiled back, "Yes, Sir, and it's great to see you aswell."

Brackenreid nodded and removed his hand, a smile still playing on his face. George walked up beside the two of them, his hat in his hands.

"Well can I just say, Sir, that I am ever so glad to see you so well, and especially after your ordeal, but, Sir, we have no clue what happened to you out there seeing as you've been sleeping like the dead- oh, sorry that might have been a bad choice of words, what I meant to say was-"

"Crabtree! That's enough of your jabbering. The lad's already got a bashed up head as it is, don't confuse him more."

Murdoch frowned, remembering what had happened. He supposed it was time to recount the story, since no one else knew it...but where to begin.

"Well, you see Inspector..."


William Murdoch was laying in bed at one of the fancier hotels in Toronto. His flat was still destroyed and the work of a criminal, so he was put up by the station house at a lovely four-star hotel. Having been allowed to go earlier that day, he was ready to relax in a place that didn't smell like antiseptic and formaldehyde. The Inspector didn't take the story well. He also didn't like the fact that Pendrick had escaped without anyone noticing. They had men patroling the border by now, but he could have fled the country before they even knew to look. He wasn't too worried about it. Pendrick would find out that Murdoch was alive eventually and if he ever did want to kill him for good this time he would have to wait to come back to Canada when police weren't after his head for attacking one of their own.

He sighed heavily. Murdoch wasn't sure if what James Pendrick said was true. He could be lying about all of it for all he knew. George said he would look into the matter, but with such a quiet past in America, Murdoch doubted that George would be able to find information about Pendrick before he came to Canada. It was a frustrating situation. William wanted to forget about all of it, but he was stuck on the fact that his mother could have abandoned a child. He didn't want to believe it, but she would have been very young and not American either. Maybe that was her reason. It just kept playing at the back of his mind.

A knock sounded at the door. It must be his room service.

"Come in!" Murdoch called.

James Gillies waltzed through the door, pushing the room service cart. He beamed at William Murdoch.

"James! This is unexpected." William grinned as James Gillies set the food aside and jumped into bed with him.

"Hello, William. I heard you were staying at a fancy hotel and decided to join you. They even let me bring your room service up under the guise that we were cousins." He grinned devilishly, and winked. Murdoch couldn't help but shake his head at his brashness.

James kicked off his shoes and slid under the cover, pulling Murdoch close. He pressed their foreheads together lightly.

"I'm so glad you're safe, William. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you."

William sighed, finally able to relax. "I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you either."

James smiled and kissed Murdoch lightly on the lips. He was just so happy to have him safe that any kinky thoughts vanished. For now, he would take care of his lover and be gentle. This was for his recovery.

"James...did you hear the story or do I need to tell you?"

James sighed and nodded, "I heard about it from the patrols. I'm so sorry, William. I know you loved your mother. And who knows, maybe that wasn't even the truth. This Pendrick fellow could be particularly good at lying- like me." He smiled reassuringly at Murdoch, hoping it helped somewhat.

Murdoch nodded and lifted his lips slightly. "I just can't stop thinking about it. I mean, if my mother did that sort of thing.."

"If your mother gave her child up to a loving married family, then I'm sure she had the best possible reason." William relaxed a bit more. James was right. She may have abandoned a child, but it had to have been hard for her to do so, which meant it had to be a very good reason. He nodded, the idea sticking with him. He was still uneasy about it, but less so.

"Thank you, James. You always know what I'm thinking and what to say." He snuggled up to James, his head resting against his chest. James pulled him close, and kissed his head.

"I'll always be here for you, William. You can always count on me. No matter what." William sighed in content. Then, he remembered.

"How is your ankle? And your head?"

James tensed a little, "Ah, so you did remember. Drat. I was hoping not to worry you. My ankle is still in need of good doctoring since I tore the stitches when I was bravely rescuing you, and my head is almost healed."

Murdoch sat up, and started to reach for the phone. "We need to have Julia come and see you then. I don't like-"

"OH No, you don't," James said, pulling him back to cuddle, "I will make it one more day without assistance. It is clean and bandaged for now. Tonight, it will be just us, no more stress, and we can relax and eat that nice stew you have from room service, and snuggle up and sleep to our heart's content since you, My Good Detective, are off work for the forseeable future." He said all of this in a bit of a rush and smirked as Murdoch rolled his eyes and gave in-for once.

"You are a ridiculous man, and I love you for making me stay in bed." He laughed as he said it, and James Gillies froze.

"You love me?" His voice sounded oddly distant. Murdoch froze too, realizing what he just confessed. He breathed out,

"Of course, I love you. I would be mad not to, James."

James Gillies looked him in the eyes and stared intently, "Are you sure?"

Murdoch chuckled, "Yes, I'm sure. I love you."

James laughed and shook his head, "I love you more than you could ever dream, William Murdoch." His eyes were teary as they kissed eachother, gently but passionately. Murdoch broke off the kiss with a yawn, which in turn made James yawn aswell.

"On that note.." James chuckled, "I think it's time to eat and then get some much needed rest."

Murdoch sighed, rubbing his eyes, "I slept for two days. I don't want sleep. I want you." Even as he spoke, his eyelids were fluttering close. He wouldn't even make it to the stew. James smiled softly and kissed William's forehead as the sleepy detective drifted into a blissful unconsciousness.


OKAY! That is it for this chapter~ I hope you enjoyed the fluff! I almost love it as much as the smut. The next chapter will be out tomorrow night so get ready for Chapter Seventeen: The Truth Comes Out!



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