The shy girl [Jungkook FF]

By kook_bunny17

9K 325 63

"But.. Do you like me back?" he said shyly "Y-yeah.. but I don't want us to be together like this.." ⚠... More

Chapter 1: A new classmate
Chapter 2: Saying goodbye to dad
Chapter 3: Hanging out
Chapter 4: Meeting his friends
Chapter 5: Engaged?!
Chapter 6: Finding out we like each other
Chapter 7: Befriending our parents and I get to sing a song?!
Chapter 8: Practice part 1
Chapter 9: Practice part 2
Chapter 10: Unexpected thing happened
Chapter 11: The concert day
Chapter 12: Jungkook's POV-Playing games
Chapter 13: Getting ready for a date
Chapter 14: We're together now
Chapter 15: SeolBi's past memories
Chapter 16: Upcomming tests in the end of the semester
Chapter 17: Date
Chapter 18: Tests😱
Chapter 19: Summer break
Chapter 20: Jungkook and his friends go to Japan
Chapter 21: Surprise!
Chapter 23: The wedding
Bonus Chapter :)

Chapter 22: 2 years later

225 6 3
By kook_bunny17

   It has been 2 years since me and Jungkook met. And both of us finished school so we soon have to marry. Which I am very excited for.

  Now, I am with my mom and with my friend, and yes now I finally made a friend and she's close to my age as well. Her name is Jennie.

A/n:" Yes she's Jennie from Black Pink. :)"

  I'm 20 years old and Jennie is 22 years old. Jungkook's birthday was a few days ago so he's already 21.

  And talking about Jungkook, me and him have become really close in these 2 years and we almost became inseparable. 😊

  Like almost a year ago I got a part-time job at a caffee. And to be frank, I kinda love my job. It is kinda easy for me, I get along well with the other employees and with the boss as well.
All of them are friendly.

  Jungkook and his friends became a really popular boy group here in Korea and all over the world as well. I'm really happy for them and I wish that they will be even more popular and continue doing awesome songs!😍😍😍

  Before my dad left to America, he said that he will come back after a few years. But since the wedding will be pretty soon, he will come to see me and Jungkook. He still doesn't know him but I talked with him about him that he is very nice, handsome, smart, loyal and all another things.

  And my mom hasn't changed one bit. She's still the same. Sometimes when we go shopping, I don't know why but when we pass by a baby store she drags me with her to go there and she ends up buying at least 10 to 15 different things.. Now I have a lot of baby clothes for boys and girls and also toys.. And what will I do if I will get pregnant and end up having twins? I'll have 100 times more baby clothes. 😑😑 But God please don't let me have twins. That's all I ask of you.

  And now to Jennie.
I met her like last year at a party for celebrities and she is a celebrity as well. She's from the famous girl group Black Pink. I wanted to go somewhere and I bumped into her by mistake. And she seemed to know me. She was like: "Hey.. Are you by any chance Jeon Jungkook's girlfriend from BTS?" and I said "Yeah.. How did you recognized me?" "Everyone in the K-pop industry knows about you because you are the girlfriend of one of the most known artist around the world. But the fans don't know you'r identity. They will find out when you and him will marry each other or something like that. It's hard to explain." "Don't worry, I got it."
And after that she took me to the other girls in her group and I was really happy to meet all of them in person. And because of that, we became friends. We visit each other often or when Jennie has time to, because of her practices and other things that she has to do. And she's my BFF.

A/n:" Omg I wrote so much for Jennie 😂😂"

Right now, I'm at my part-time job. Well I don't think that I can call it that anylonger.. Sometimes I work over time and I have a day or 2 days free. At first it was like 3 or 4 days free and rest it was work time. But as I said earlier, I like this job. And they have a cute uniform as well.

A/n:" Sorry guys! I really couldn't find a cute uniform so I just put this one."

Girl1:" Hello!"

SeolBi:"Hello! How may I help you?"

Girl1:"Umm.. I want a Macchiato and this cake, please."

Girl2:" And I want Americano, please."

SeolBi:"Coming right up!"

I go and get the coffees ready and the cake and give it to them.

SeolBi:" It costs 25 dolars."

The girls paid and gone to a table to sit at.

Boss:" SeolBi, could you come with me for a bit?"

SeolBi:"Sure. What is is?"

I follow him in the staff room.

Boss:"Well today is your paycheck. Here."

SeolBi:"Thank you sir."

Boss:"You welcome. And if you want you can leave earlier today. Like.. at 5:30 instead of 6:00 pm."

SeolBi:"Ok. Thank you again, sir."

I bow to him then go to finish for the day and then go home.

At home

SeolBi:"Ahh~! My lovely couch! I missed you so much!"

I flop onto the couch and stay there for a couple of minutes before geting up and change into other clothes.

I finally got all the strength to get up and go to the bathroom and change into some confortable clothes.

SeolBi:"Ahh~! Much better!"

I go to the living room and take the remote and flop again on the couch. After a half an hour I hear Jungkook coming. And yes, he started to live with me, but we will live in a house just the two of us after the marriage but at the moment we are living in the house where I lived in almost my entire life.

SeolBi:"Hey Kookie."

Jungkook:" Hey babe. What are you watching?"

SeolBi:"I don't really know.. It's a new drama that appeared a few days ago and now it's the second episode. And it's very interesting."

Jungkook:"I'll come watch too but after I'll take a shower and take something to eat."

SeolBi:"Ok. You can take your time if you want. You don't have to hurry."

Jungkook:" But if I take my time I won't get to see this drama."

SeolBi:"Ok ok, I got it."

Jungkook:"Ok. Can I have a kiss please?" *leans fowward*

I give him a quick kiss and then he goes to take a shower. I'm still watching this drama because it's so good! And you know that I love dramas a lot.

10 minutes later..

Jungkook comes from the kitchen with a plate of pasta and with his hair wet. I swear, every time I tell him to dry his hair everytime after he showered but he doen't listen sometimes, so I have to dry his hair almost all the time. He's such a kid sometimes😂.

SeolBi:"Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook knows that when I call his full name means that I'm angry. And now he looks me scared.


SeolBi:"How many times do I have to tell you to dry your hair after you take a shower? I told you that you will get a cold if you continue to do this."

Jungkook:"I'm sorry.."

SeolBi:"Ok.. How can I stay angry to a cute little Kookie? Finish your pasta so that I can dry you hair. And be careful. I don't want you to choke like you did last time."

Jungkook:"Got it eomma."

After he finished it, I take the plate to the kitchen and put it in the sink. Then I go to take the hair dryer and go to the living room where Jungkook is then I start to dry his hair.

SeolBi:"Done! Ok, I'm gonna put this in the bathroom because I'll need it later."

Jungkook:"For what?"

SeolBi:"When I'll get out of the bathtub."

Jungkook:"Oh ok. But I think you should take a bath now."


Jungkook:"It's already 8:42 pm. And I know that you stay in the bathroom for almost an hour or more."

SeolBi:"Yeah you're right. I'll go and take a bath right now."


I go to the bathroom and take a nice warm bath. And well.. after like 40 something minutes, I get out of the but and put a towel around my body because, dummy me, I forgot to take clothes with me to the bath room. And of Jungkook sees me like this I will torn him on.. So I have to be careful not to be seen by him. I see that he's in the living room watching one of his favorite cartoon so it's the perfect time to go to dress.

I tiptoed so that he won't see me. And luckily, he didn't turn.

When I got into our room i close the door and put on some pijamas. And I go back to the bathroom to dry my hair. After an hour or so (it felt like years) I finally dryed my hair.

I go to the living room and sot next to Jungkook.

Jungkook:" This time I think it took longer to take a bath.😂😁"

SeolBi:"How much?"

Jungkook:"Almost 2 full hours."

SeolBi:"It wouldn't take so much if my hair would dry quicker.."

Jungkook:"I know."

I hug Jungkook from the waist and he hugs me back. We cuddle while watching a movie but both of us got tired so we go to bed.

A few days later

Mom:"Ok Darling, me and Jungkook's mom think that we will have to start the preparations for the wedding. So first, me and miss Jeon will prepare almost everything. We will come with you to choose your dress and if you want, you can say who else do you want to invite for the wedding. And then both of Jungkook's parents and me will go and choose his tuxedo."

SeolBi:"Ok. Can I say now who else I want to invite for the wedding?"


SeolBi:" I want Jennie and the other girls in her group to come. And Jungkook's frien--"

Mom:"Yeah I know. Jungkook's friends are coming no matter what. And yours as well."

SeolBi:" Thanks mom!"

Mom:" You welcome. As of for now, you and Jungkook can relax. So, I don't know, go on dates or hang out with your friends or something."

SeolBi:"Ok mom. Well, I'll go get ready."

Mom:"Ok. Bye darling. If you need anything call me."

SeolBi:"Got it."

I go upstairs to my (and Jungkook's) room to change. I wasn't really sure in what to change in but I ended up in this:

I braid my hair and put on some light makeup and then I'm done.

I text Jennie to ask her if we could hang out today, and lucky me, she could. I told her that I'm gonna wait at the caffee *******. (Not the one that I'm working in)

After I get in that caffee I order some Cappuccino and sit somewhere. After a few minutes she arrives.

Jennie:"Hi Bi-Bi! Sorry I'm late!"

In case you don't know, and I'm sure you don't, she calls me Bi-Bi for short and it sounds kinda of cute. And I call her Jen for short.

SeolBi:"Hey Jen! It's ok, I didn't wait too much."

Jennie:"Ok good. So what do you wanna do today?"

SeolBi:"Well.. first I wanna tell you something."

Jennie:" Tell me what? And please don't scare me. You always when you say that you wanna say something, you act as if it will be something shocking."

SeolBi:"Well.. I don't think this one will be shocking."

Jennie:" Ok then. Spit it out."

SeolBi:"Soon me and Jungkook are gonna marry!"

Jennie:"That's awesome! When is the date? I wanna come."

SeolBi:"The date isn't set yet and of course you can come. Lisa, Jisoo and Rose can come as well."

Jennie:" Really?! Thank you Bi-Bi!!"

SeolBi:"You welcome."

Jennie:" So when are you gonna go see for the wedding dress?"

SeolBi:"I don't know, but when I will I'll tell you."

Jennie:"You better."

We start to lauch.😂😂
It has been almost a whole month since we didn't seen each other. I really like it when she's around because she's like a big sister to me.

A/n:" Omg!! I did like 2007 words until now!!!"

Jennie:"Ok so do you wanna watch a movie at the cinema?"

SeolBi:"Yeah. I haven't been to a cinema for some time now.."

Jennie:"Ok let's go!"

Me and Jennie go to the cinema and we pick an action movie.

~Time skip~

The whole day I've spent it with Jennie. Now I'm on my way home.

When I get there, I see Jungkook at the front of the house looking like he is waiting for someone. Then when he saw me..

Jungkook:"SeolBi! There you are! Where have you been the whole day?"

SeolBi:"I hung out with Jennie."

Jungkook:"Oh. Well, get inside. It's cold out here."

Both of us go inside the house and it's so warm in here that I almost fell asleep in a few seconds.

Jungkook:" You can go to bed if you want. You look exhausted."

SeolBi:"Ok. But you have to come with me as well."

Jungkook:"Huh? Why? I will come later."

SeilBi:"But I want you to come at the same time as me and I want to hug you while I'm trying to fall asleep."

Jungkook:"Ok. You win. C'mon, let's go upstairs."

We go upstairs and change into our pijamas and then go to sleep.

Hello everyone! This chapter is the longest chapter that I have ever done in my whole life😂😂
The next chapter it is gonna be the end of this book. Trully, I'm gonna miss writing for this book. But I have another one that I started so yeah. So now in total I have like 2349 words 😱😱😱
So I started to write this chapter at like 5 something almost 6 am. And now I finished it at 9:20 am. Omg what is wrong with me😂😂
In every summer break it happends that I stay up all night. I'm a night owl or somethng because more I'm active in the night time instead of day time😂😂
Ok then, I hope you liked this chapter. Bye😘

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