Dangerous Desires (MurdochxGi...

By AlluretheNight

13.6K 259 99

Ever since James Gillies kissed Detective William Murdoch and jumped to his death, the detective can't seem t... More

Chapter One: Dangerous Desires
Chapter Two: A Forgiven Sin
Chapter Three: A New Day
Chapter Four: The Investigation
Chapter Five- Surprise
Chapter Six- Trust Issues
Chapter Seven: Goodbye
Chapter Eight: Missing
Chapter Nine: James
Chapter Ten: The Doctor
Authors Note
Chapter Eleven: Waking Up
Chapter Titles Preview!!!!
Chapter Twelve: The Chase
Chapter Thirteen: Amiss
Chapter Fourteen: Running Out of Time
Chapter Sixteen: Recovery
Chapter Seventeen: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Eighteen: No Escaping The Noose
Chapter Nineteen-A New Flatmate
Chapter Twenty: Moving In

Chapter Fifteen: Search and Rescue

308 10 3
By AlluretheNight

Hey guys! Sorry I'm late in the day posting this! I had to work a 12 hour shift today so I was too busy to publish! Hope you enjoy~




Inspector Brackenreid and Julia had stumbled across some footprints by a creek and decided to follow them. The Inspector didn't have enough deductive capabilities to figure out it was actually the footprints of Murdoch's lover, but Julia knew from the dragging of one of the boot prints that it was James that they were following. She also knew that if James was after Murdoch's captor, then they better hurry to catch up or else someone aside from William was going to be murdered tonight.

The path continued on next to the creek, a few trees spotted around it, but otherwise not much cover. Julia wasn't sure where they were walking to in the dead of night, but she was glad that the Inspector had brought a lantern and his gun. It was probably past midnight, she thought. They only had a few more hours before Murdoch would be missing for twenty-four hours and she knew that it could already be too late. She just prayed-for once- that William's god would show mercy on him.

Inspector Brackenreid picked up the pace, probably sensing that they were running out of time. Julia was worried that if they went any faster they would catch up to James Gillies. She knew he was good at sensing people approaching though and hoped that he was either hiding or that he had already made it to wherever William was being held. They trudged on through the dark field. She realized that the trees were growing denser and the creek was widening into more of a river. Then, up ahead, they saw it-an abandoned water mill. That had to be where they were keeping William. The INspector froze when he saw it and held up his hand. They would have to be quiet.

"Alright," He whispered, "We have to be careful. We still don't know if it's one man holding him or if they have the place surrounded."

Julia nodded in response and they both crept forward in the darkness, the weight of their situation pressing down heavily on their shoulders.


William Murdoch was growing more and more tired. The gas in the room was already messing with his banged up head and he knew withing a couple more minutes he would pass out, and then the inevitable. He lay on the cold, concrete floor and prayed that wherever he wound up-Heaven or Hell- that one day he would be able to see James again. His eyes started to close.


James Gillies busted the door down, the smell of gas leaking from behind it. Covering his face with his handkerchief, he bolted through the room to find William laying there nearly unconscious. He breathed a sigh of relief-he wasn't too late. Tearing a strip of cloth from his shirt, he wrapped it around William's mouth and nose. They had to get out of there and without even feeling his injured ankle anymore, James Gillies hoisted Murdoch to where he was leaning on him and quickly dragged them both out of the room. Even when he came upon the stairs leading up into the main area of the mill, James didn't falter. He took them one by one, and held his breath, making sure they made it outside before he finally knelt onto the cold earth, easing Murdoch down onto the ground.

"William," He prompted, "William, wake up. You're okay now. I've got you." He shook the man gently, removing the strip of cloth, and beamed when Murdoch's eyes opened and registered the man leaning over him. A weak smile escaped the Detective's lips. Suddenly, he heard voices. James sighed, knowing that the Inspector had been on his trail for the past couple of miles.

"Hey, I have to go. I'll come to you as soon as you're alone, I promise." With a swift kiss on Murdoch's cheek, James Gillies vanished into the woods just as the Inspector's lantern shone on Murdoch's body.

"Oi! Murdoch!" The Inspector and Julia ran over to him, and as Julia checked his vitals, she smiled.

"He's alright, Inspector. He might have breathed in some fumes though. We need to get him to the hospital." The Inspector sighed in relief and patted Murdoch on the shoulder, as the Detective slipped back into unconsciousness.


It had been nearly two days since Murdoch was rescued by James Gillies. He had been in hospital, unconscious until that afternoon. George Crabtree was standing guard by his bedside and grinned that silly grin of his as soon as he saw the Detective was awake.

"Sir! You're awake," He beamed, "Why, wait right there! The Inspector told me if I didn't inform him when you woke I was a goner!"

The young constable disappeared out the room and Murdoch couldn't help but smile at being surrounded by the aloof George again. He sat up slowly, still stiff from having slept so long. He wasn't sure what day it was, but judging by how his head was healing he assumed it had to at least been two days or less. His memory was still foggy, but he also assumed that was whatever medicine was being fed to him through the tube in his arm. Staring at it too long made him nauseous so he opted not to. Just then, the doctor entered. He was an older gentleman with round glasses and a curiously pointy nose.

"How are you feeling, Detective?" His voice was very gruff and low pitched.

"I'm feeling much better. Thank you. Might I ask, what day it is?" His voice itself was rough what with not being used in the past couple of days.

"It's Tuesday. You've been asleep for nearly two days. You've made a lot of people worry about you...Detective." The Doctor's voice slipped into one he recognized and yearned to hear. James Gillies smiled through his disguise, and Murdoch began tearing up. James rushed to his side, pulling off his fake nose and glasses. Sure, his hair was still painted grey and white, but he was mostly himself now. He held Murdoch's face between his hands and gazed into those beautiful amber eyes that he loved so much.

"Now, Detective, you know that if you cry, we'll both wind up blubbering idiots." James's voice cracked a little and Murdoch laughed through his small sniffles. James wiped a stray tear from Murdoch's face and kissed his forehead lightly. While they might be in a room alone, James had to be careful if the real doctor walked in all of a sudden. Though, after the sleeping draught he slipped into his tea, he highly doubted that would be happening anytime soon.

"James, you saved me." Murdoch whispered, an overwhelming sensation in his chest causing him to tear up again. James Gillies sighed and pressed their foreheads together.

"I thought I had lost you, William. Don't do that to me again. Next time you go chasing after the bad guy, take me with you. We're better together. You know that."

Murdoch smiled softly, "Yeah, I know that. I promise I'll take you with me next time."

James smiled and went to kiss his beautiful Detective when he heard doors banging down the hall. That would be the Inspector, most likely. Always bad timing.

"Damn. I guess we will both have to wait for that." He smirked and casually slipped out the open window with a wink. William Murdoch laughed lightly. He was never going to get tired of this man. 

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