The Legend Thief - Part 5: Th...

By Quincieevee

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Following the events of last book, everyone is back in the Protego Base. Quinci Laciasal, the heir of Team Va... More

Chapter 1: The OMG Razzberry
Chapter 2: Friendoz 2.0
Chapter 3: The Instinct Base
Chapter 4: SS Da Huang Ya
Chapter 5: When there are No Parents to tell you NO
Chapter 6: What's Worse than Raichu's Pop Tarts?
Chapter 7: Pidgey's Positively Perfect Pancake Palace
Chapter 8: Battle at the Water Park
Chapter 9: Bell & Raichu vs Arbok
Chapter 10: Pichu vs Ash
Chapter 11: Oi Boy and Oy Boy
Chapter 12: The Reason
Chapter 13: The Hurricane
Chapter 14: Welcome to the Philippines!
Chapter 15: Shipping Time
Chapter 16: Going to a Chinese Resteraunt
Chapter 17: How to Face Your Fears
Chapter 18: The Wrap Battle
Chapter 19: The Pun Battle
Chapter 20: SS Da Huang Ya II
Chapter 21: When Spark was Still Here
Chapter 22: Mr. Peeve
Chapter 23: The Lost Heir
Chapter 24: Mushy Mushroom
Chapter 25: The Sandstorm (Part 1)
Chapter 26: The Sandstorm (Part 2)
Chapter 27: Cactus Juice
Chapter 28: Stop, Drop, and FLOP
Chapter 29: When you Realize the Garlic Bread is a Coconut
Chapter 30: Separated and Trapped
Chapter 31: Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 32: The Talking Mushroom
Chapter 33: The Final Choice
Chapter 34: Follow Your Instincts
Chapter 35: The Dandelion Trail
Deleted Scenes (Part 1)
Chapter 37: To Start Anew
Chapter 38: The Legendary of Ice
Chapter 39: The Bolt of Lightning
Chapter 40: The Girl in Blue
Deleted Scenes (Part 2)

Chapter 36: The Battle for the Blooberry

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By Quincieevee

Flashes of light illuminated the dark maze, as the friends each took out their fighting pokemon.

Rudia had returned her monferno, in exchange for her audino. Its blue eyes glinted in the light of the water, and its ears twitched in anticipation.

Floating in the air was Shell's lunatone. Its mysterious blue eyes floated in black, and its body was of a crescent moon. A strange, beak-like mouth protruded from the middle of the curve. It was a rather peculiar pokemon.

Appearing in embers, Quinci's ninetails stood proudly with all its fluffy tails dancing like flames. Its eyes were red, and they mirrored Quinci's amber ones, which were filled with determination.

At Bell's side was her herdier, a warm sand color (which by now, most of the friends hated) and a midnight blue. It stood, ready to attack, hindquarters coiled as if to spring.

Lastly was Ravisu and her vivillon. Its purple wings were accented by golden-oranges and reds. It flapped its wings, and twitched its antennae.

Quinci sent the first attack.

"Ninetails! Use flamethrower!" she yelled, and her pokemon immediately spouted a column of fire. It shot at Articuno, obviously.

"Dodge!" Ash said, "Then use gust!" The legendary robotically moved to her side, and then flapped her wings. The leaves of the maze were torn off of their branches, and the friends were all pushed backwards.

"Quickly! Use safeguard!" Quinci commanded. Ninetails summoned a green shield, and the friends quickly hid under it. Rudia and audino, along with Bell and herdier helped cover the others as they hid under the protection.

"Ah! What do we do?" Ravisu asked.

"We're gonna destroy Ash!" Raichu growled, and shocks of lightning jumped from his tightly gripped fingers.

Shelly put a hand on his shoulder, "I know you're mad. But that's not important."
"That's cold," Ravisu said. "And I'm one to talk!"

"Ravisu..." Shelly shook her head, and pushed back her hair from the wind, "Raichu. It doesn't matter, unless you handle it correctly. We're all mad, but it won't do any good if we're glass cannon." (note: glass cannon refers to a team with a lot of offense but little defense; usually only used in gaming.)

"Aw, I like glass cannon!" Bell said, "Ah! Herdier, use thunderbolt!" The pokemon summoned up a condense ball of lightning, and released it at Moltres. The attack was set off course from the wind, and instead disappeared into the darkness.

"Will you guys stop interrupting me?" Shell asked, "Ugh. Look, everyone. Rudia, you be our healer with audino. Raichu and I will take Articuno, seeing as we have the right attacks. Ravisu and Bell, you two take care of Moltres. Quinci, I don't want you to fight her."

"Um, that's good," Quinci said, "But then what will I do?.."

"You have to destroy Ash's pokeballs." Shell said, "If you break Articuno's and Moltres', the two will be freed."

"Ok, let's go!" Shelly said. Quinci commanded ninetails, "Stop the safeguard! Then use flamethrower!" Ninetails ended the defense, and blasted the fire at Articuno. The other friends quickly told their pokemon to follow up with the attacks.

Boom! Articuno was hit, and the wind finally ended. Now, the friends were free to move.

Bell and Ravisu quickly took a turn, and then commanded their pokemon to attack Moltres. When hit, Ash ordered the legendary to go after them. In a flash, the giant phoenix was just above them.

"Vivillon, use solar beam!" Ravisu commanded. Vivillon shot a blast of light, cutting through the darkness.

"Nice!" Ravisu said, as the attack hit Moltres in the face, "But we're gonna need a lot more of that."

Moltres suddenly flame-charged at them, her entire body covered in fire. The friends and their pokemon immediately dodged. They landed on the dirt ground, nearly being hit. Moltres crashed into the bushes, lighting everything on fire.

"Where's a water type when you need one?!" Ravisu asked, "Vivillon! Use gust!" The pokemon sent a wind attack at the bushes, blowing away embers and flames. But still the flares continued, burning away the shuberry. Ashes littered the grounds, what remained of the maze.

"Herdier!" Bell cried, "Use surf!" With a bark, the pokemon unleashed a blast of water, putting out the fire.

"Good doggy!" Bell said, and hugged herdier. "Puppies r cute!"

"Bell, not the time!" Ravisu said, and shook her head, "Let's battle! Vivillon, use solar beam!" The butterfly sent a ray of light at Moltres.

"Quickly, follow with thunderbolt!" Bell said, and herdier continued with lightning.

BOOM! The attacks hit Moltres, and the bird screeched. It sent a heat wave, a wind of fire, and hit the friends and their pokemon. Flames caught on their bodies. The two pokemon quickly put it out, vivillon by flapping its wings and herdier by rolling on the ground. But the trainers were at loss.

"What do we do?! What do we do?!" Bell cried, as the flames burned at her jacket.

"Well, there's one thing that cactus juice taught me!" Ravisu said, "Remember? We just have to..." And suddenly Bell did.

'If they're embers we'll stamp 'em out,' Quinci said, 'That's what my sister did when I lit her bed on fire.'

'And if it does get on our clothes,' Shelly said, 'We'll just--'

Ravisu and Rudia fell to the ground. The two started wiggling on the ground like dying fish.

"Stop, drop, and flop!" Bell finished, and she fell to the ground and began wiggling just like how Ravisu and Rudia had when they were on cactus juice. Ravisu quickly did the same, and soon the two had put out the fire.

"AHH! Watch out! Roll people roll!" Ravisu said. The two friends and their pokemon quickly dodged to their sides, as Moltres came down at them in an aerial ace.

"Quickly, herdier, use giga impact!" Bell commanded, getting up.

Herdier jumped at Moltres, surrounded with power and light, and hit her on the wings. Herdier bounced off, and Ravisu yelled, "Use light screen!"

Vivillon summoned its purple barrier again, and herdier bounced off that to reach an even greater height. Bell quickly shouted. "Use wave again!"

Herdier shot a blast of water at Moltres, damping her flames. The pokemon squaked, and prepared to send an attack at herdier.

"Now, vivillon! Use powder, quickly!" Ravisu said. Vivillon gracefully flew towards Moltres, and sprayed magenta dust all over her. Moltres looked up, and attacked with a flame burst.

But instead of hitting vivillon, it exploded on Moltres. Black smoke and embers engulfed the legendary.

"What happened?!" Bell asked, as herdier jumped back to the ground.

"Ahem! Powder is a move that traps the fire of the attack within them! So, they instead damage themself!" Ravisu explained.

"Hmmm, if that's so," Bell thought for a moment, "Then it'll be one of our best attacks. Since our own pokemon can't do too much damage (no offense, you guys are still awesome) to Moltres' high HP, then I suppose we can have her do it by herself!"


Candela, Blanche, and Cor stumbled off of the SS Da Huang Ya II, terribly seasick. It would've taken them only two days, but a random hurricane showed up out of nowhere and now they have been out at sea for four whole days. When they got to land they a) Started rolling in the dirt like dogs because they missed land so much. b) Went to the closest Chinese restaurant and devoured so much food that the restaurant ran out of ingredients. And c) rented a hotel room because of their awful jet lag and immediately fell asleep.

AN: Yup! And that's the end of this chapter. Stay TUNED all my music fanzzz and APRIL FOOLS (even though it's not April)!!!

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