Let Us Live Forever (One Dire...

By MikiHemmings

18.8K 267 21

"How have you been Louis?" She asked quietly. "I've been fine, Lily. It's been hard not talking to you though... More

1. Run Dog, Run!
2. We Meet Again
3. Meeting The Worlds Biggest Boy Band
4. Arguments And Pain
5. Beach - Part 1
6. Beach - Part 2
7. X-Factor Auditions
8. Boot Camp!
9. Intervention - Louis Tomlinson Style
10. Nothing's Fine I'm Torn
12. Twitcam Love
13. When You're Gone...
14. Not Going To Pick Up
15. Forgiven
16. Liar, Liar
17. Finally Talking
18. Nothing I Do Better Than Revenge
19. Clubbing
20. More Apologies
21. Forgetting A 'Crush'
22. Short Break From Practice
23. Gone Back
24. Leaving
25. I Love You
26. Those Special Moments
Epilogue. Love You Forever

11. The House

588 10 0
By MikiHemmings

OMG GUYS 100 READS ON THIS STORY HJKEBFHBUKWERFJOSJOV! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you,.. you get it. Please tell people about this story if you like it and COMMENT AND VOTE. it'll mean heaps

Anyways please keep reading, I really want this story to go somewhere. Its just... please?

- Miki xx

"The person that gives you unexplained happiness, will always be the reason for your unexplained sadness." - Zayn Malik


***Louis' P.O.V***

Standing before Simon as he just stares at you is probably the scarriest thing to happen in your life. He doesn't look mad, nor upset... He just looks at you. He doesn's talk either. So your just standing there with the urge to laugh while possibly the scariest man alive after Chuck Norris stares at you.

"What are you doing here?" He finally asks after about 5 minutes of us twitching and near giggling. I looked at Harry and I could tell he was close to laughing as well. He was biting his lip, his top teeth digging into his lip so hard I swear it was bleeding as he looked at Simon.

"Um, we came to... um..." Liam stuttered. See, even Liam's terrified! He cleared his throat and tried again, "we came to give an intervention to our friend." He told Simon. Simon nodded slowly making a small giggle escape Niall's lips. That set the rest of us off. I collapsed into laughter, not being able to hold a serious conversation for the life of me and Harry leaned on Zayn for support.

"BOYS!" Simon yelled, making us stand up straight and bite our lips. "You should of called her, this is a house of business at the moment. There are camera's and we don't want ANY of the contestants to be famous for their relations!" He told us. Everyone except me nodded. I just stood there, smiling. "Something funny Louis?" He asked me. The boys all looked at me, begging me with their eyes to say no.

"No... not at all." I smiled. Simon scowled (hehe Simon Cowell, Simon scowled... get it? No? Okay). Usually I'd be laughing at whoever he's scowling at because it means they're in some deep doo doo... But I'm not going to laugh at myself. "Okay, it's just... Have you ever had a friend you REALLY want to help, so you go to any lengths to stop them from harming themselves? That's why were here Uncle Simon." For once Louis Tomlinson is serious... Don't worry, I'm surprised too.

"Okay, I assume you're talking about Lily yes?" He asked us.

"Yes." We all replied. He scratched his cheek and sighed.

"I want you to stay away from her boys. I don't want you near here while this competition is on. She needs to concerntrate on her singing and her singing alone if she wants to win." He ordered. I opened my mouth to argue back, but nothing came out. Who am I to tell the great Simon Cowell, the man who created One Direction in the first place, to shove it?

"But Simon-." At least Liam tried to do my dirty work.

"No. Now go home." Simon said, waving a hand in the direction of the door before turning around and walking towards the pool. I stayed longer then the boys, staring in disbelief at Simon's back for an extra two minutes, before turning around and walking away.

***Lily's P.O.V***

The boys didn't say good bye to me. That's the only thing that went through my head as the car door shut behind me. I waited for ten good minutes for them to come and say good bye, but when I went looking for them, they'd already gone.

And I honestly felt like crying.

Or killing them.

Either one.

Anyway we were on our way to the X-Factor House right now, after staying at our houses for a bit and saying good-bye. I was so excited that Shreya and I were both through, and hopefully sharing a room because I am SO not sharing with a random.

As we pulled up at the huge house my phone started ringing. I looked down at the caller I.D and bit my lip, wondering if I should answer Louis' call or ignore him the way he ignored me. I stepped out of the car once it stopped and followed an old dude into the house. Straight away Shreya jumped on me, grabbing my sleeve and pulling me to the stairs. We reached the second story and she pulled me along the hallway and into a huge room that had two queen beds in there. "WE ARE SO ROOMING!" Shreya screamed, making me laugh.

"Okay, just let me make a call." I said before walking into the hallway and down the stairs, I stopped at the landing and sat down, exactly were Louis had once sat, clicking on Louis' name so it rung. When he picked up I almost cried.

"LILY! I'm so sorry! We aren't allowed to talk to you and we couldn't say good bye and we all feel really awful!" He cried. I laughed, a stray tear falling from my eye.

"It's alright Lou, promise. Wait, if you aren't allowed to talk to me why did you pick up?" I asked, hearing him sigh.

"Don't tell Simon?" He asked, then both of us started laughing. "So what are you up to?" He asked. I smiled, almost bursting, before telling him where I was sitting.

"IM ON YOUR STAIRS LOUIS!" I shouted, making him jump because I heard the phone drop to the floor.

"Don't do that!" He shouted back. "Anyway that's cool." He said, trying to sound non-chalant. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, it's really cool! Tell them I miss them." He ordered. I laughed.

"I'm not talking to stairs Louis. Anyway, I have to go get settled in but I'm thinking of doing a Twitcam later. You'll watch right?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Anything for you Lily." He answered before hanging up and leaving me alone on his step.

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