Gorillaz' Big Day

By Enchanted_Espurr

35.4K 837 1.1K

Noodle just went through the break-up of a rocky relationship. 2D, wanting to make her feel better, makes a d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 *FINAL*

Chapter 4

3.8K 86 178
By Enchanted_Espurr

2D's heart thudded loudly in his chest as he waited for Noodle to answer his question. Her answer was destined to change both their lives forever.

"2D," she started, still completely shocked. "I've known you for fifteen years now. This is, by far, the biggest thing you've ever done for me. I never would have guessed you had it in you." She teared up as she stared into his dark eyes. In them was a sincerity that she'd never seen in anyone else's eyes. From then, she knew her answer. "Yes. Stuart Pot, I'll marry you."

He jumped up with excitement and scooped her up in his arms. Before he was sure he'd drop it, he put the ring on her finger. The radio played Train's "Marry Me," almost like he'd planned it that way. They stared deeply into each other's eyes and shared their first kiss as a couple, as the boat made its way back to the dock.

The next morning, a tired but still-excited 2D stood in the kitchen. He waited for the coffee pot to brew, as he put his head down on the counter. Another of his famous headaches was coming on. It was making him feel dizzy. He then felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around his waist.

"Good morning," their owner's voice said tenderly. It was Noodle. 2D should have known it was her, because her ring sparkled in the sunlight coming through the kitchen window.

"'Ello, luv," he answered as he wrapped his arms around her. "Sleep well?"

"For the little bit I did sleep, yes."

"Oh, dear. I hope I didn' make yew lose any sleep," he joked.

She giggled. "Nope. I had a blast last night and couldn't rest!"

They heard a loud snore come from the couch. It was Murdoc, who apparently went out last night too and barely made it past the couch. He was sure to be in a foul mood when he woke up.

"Uh oh, don' wanna be here when tha' happens," 2D thought to himself. "Wait, I haven' told me mum and dad 'bout our engagement yet," he said out loud.

"Weren't you going to visit them in Crawley today?"

He looked at his watch frantically. "I completely forgot! Me train leaves in an hour."

The two of them climbed into the Geep to take 2D to the train station to visit his parents in his hometown of Crawley. When Noodle came back, Murdoc was wide awake and drowning himself in coffee.

"'Ey, Noods," he acknowledged as she came in. "Dropped 'im off at the station?"

"Yep. He's on his way there now."

"So, d'he do it?"

She was confused by what he was asking. "Did he do what?"

"The ring, girl. You wearin' it or not?"

"Oh, yeah." She held out her hand for him to see. "Did you know about this, Muds?"

He nodded. "He showed me. 'Ad to force 'im to do it, but he showed me."

"Was that why you guys were wrestling Friday?"

Murdoc blushed with embarrassment. "... maybe."

Noodle laughed. "Murdoc, can we talk? Let's sit down."

They sat down together on the couch and Murdoc lit a cigarette. "What you wanna talk 'bout, Noods?"

"When most girls get married," she started, "they have someone to walk with them down the aisle, like their dads. Since I didn't have my real dad growing up, and you kind of raised me, will you walk with me at our wedding?"

Murdoc was a little more than just shocked at her question. He'd never really thought of himself as Noodle's "dad". Sure, he happened to be around as she grew up, but he wasn't much of a father figure (or a good one at least). "You wan' me to do what?"

"You should have a part in it. After all, it was you who brought me to England in the first place."

It was true. If it hadn't been for the incident with Paula Cracker, he never would have placed an ad for a new guitarist and they never would have met Noodle. In his narcissistic mind, he liked the thought of taking credit for something.

"Okay, I'll do it," he answered.

"Really?" Even Noodle was shocked. She didn't expect Murdoc Niccals, of all people, to accept this offer. "Thank you, Muds!" She launched herself in a hug at the hungover bassist.

"Noods, it's... it's too early in the mornin' for this."

She looked up at the wall clock. "Muds, it's 12:30."

"Exactly, too early."

2D's train arrived in his hometown of Crawley, West Sussex at about the same time. The town hadn't changed much since his last visit in 2006. He had been gone for so long because of living on Plastic Beach.

His parents still lived in the house on Three Bridges Road where he grew up. He began to get emotional as his cab approached his childhood home. He always got a little emotional when he saw his parents, but this time was special; he couldn't wait to tell them he was engaged.

David Pot, his father, watered his rose bush in front of the house. To picture David, imagine a much older 2D with black hair. Life for him had been slow since retirement.

He dropped the hose when 2D's cab arrived and he climbed out of it. "Stuart!" he shouted. "How's me boy been lately?"

"Pretty good. Where's mum?"

"The luv's inside, listenin' to music. Yew couldn' 'ave come faster. Been missin' her Stuart, yes sirry." (As you can probably imagine, 2D's dad has a thicker accent than he does.) "Rachel, somefink came in the mail today!"

Rachel Pot, 2D's mom, came down the stairs. She was a petite, blonde-haired lady who had always been dwarved by 2D. "Stuart! Give your mummy a hug! How's ev'rything been?"

"It's been good. Actually, there's somefink I need to tell you two. Let's sit down."

"Are you okay, son?" David asked as they sat down on the couch.

"Mum, dad," he started, "I just wanted to tell you that I got engaged last night. I'm gettin' married."

David smiled and Rachel cried tears of joy. "Stuart, that's wonderful. Who is she? That cute little Japanese girl in your band?" David asked.

"Actually, yes it is. Her name's Noodle."

"Son," Rachel finally opened up. "I'm so happy to finally see you happy. Have you set a date yet?"

"I wan' it to be this year, 'cause I can't wait to spend the rest of my life wiv her."

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