A Twisted Love Story

By eekkbby

521 5 0

Nialls Shocking Secret. Harrys new love. The ups and the downs. Harry falls for the girl of his dreams, but i... More

A Twisted Love Story
is this the end....
All Is Forgiven...
Home At Last..
Back To The UK...
The Best Way To Say Sorry..
The Opps...
Time To Face The Facts...
The Letter...
Fix it....
The Truth Comes Out...
Facing Simon...
Tell The Family..
The Sex...
The Promise Ring...
They Return...
The Hospital...
The Happily Ever After...

Nothing To Do But Wait..

34 2 0
By eekkbby


"AUBREE? HELLO?" I just kept shoutung into the phone. It was dead. no sound at all.

"GUYS! SOMETHING IS WRONG" i turnt around and screamed at everyone. Louis walked over to me and hugged me.

"Babe, whats wrong? What did she say?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair. I pulled away. What had i heard? I was so worried.

"A car accident" Is all i could manage to say. All the boys looked at each other.

"Aubree dosn't drive Eleanore" Niall said.

"NO!" I screamed, and tears streamed down my face. Niall jumped back in surprise.

Paul walked in, inturupting us. Everyone Turnt to him. He looked worried, nervous even. I knew i was right. Something bad had happen. I started sobbing again, and Louis pulled me into his chest.

"Aubree has been hit by a car" His voice was shakey. He placed his hand on Nialls shoulder. Niall looked at Zayn, Niall broke down and began to cry.

"This is my fault, everything!" he cried.

"What did you really do?" The words were out of my mouth before i could think. Suddenly all eyes were on me.

"What do you mean?" Nial asked.

"Aubree didnt know anything about a fan, what did you really do?" I said sharply.

"Guys! We have to get to the hospital, sort this out later!" Paul was annoyed.

We all rushed outside to the cars. Louis and i got a lift with Harry.

The car trip was silent. Just my silent sobs every now and again.

"What did she say? Harry broke the silence.

"She didnt know anything about a fan" i answered.

We all ran into the emergency part of the hospital.

"Aubree Johns, she was hit by a car" Niall said to one of the nurses. Zayn placed his hand on Nialls shoulder.

The nurse looked at her clipboard. "Shes just been taken into surgery" the nurse replied. I started sobbing again. Louis held me tight.

"Take a seat, we will let you know when the surgery is finished" She smiled warmly, and lead us to some empty seats in the waiting room.


Sitting in the waiting was the hardest thing ive ever had to do. It smelt clean....like disinfectant. It was just....white, no colour at all. Every time a nurse would walk by, id ask about Aubree,but everytime they had no news, except that she was still in surgery.I could tell Zayn was getting annoyed with the whole situation. I wouldnt talk to him....i wouldnt talk to anyone. He was tired. He was fighting a battle with his eyes to stay open. It was quiet. I was trying to process the days dramas into my head.

Aubree knows about me and Zayn.

Aubree hates me.

Everyone else thinks i kissed a fan.

Aubrees heartbroken

I caused this whole mess, that wound up with Aubree in Hospital.

I felt someones hand on my shoulder.

"Niall, please. What really happen?" Harry was standing over me, with Eleanore by his side.

"Even if you dont tell us, Aubrees going to tell us when she wakes up" Eleanore added.

"If she wakes up..." Zayn whispered under his breath. This pissed Harry off.

"What the fuck is your problem? One of our closest friends is in the middle of surgery and you couldnt care less!" Harry was mad, he walked towards Zayn. Liam quickly jumped up and held Harry back. Louis came over and took his place next to Eleanore, knowing she was about to cry again.

"Ask Niall" Zayn said, staring blankly at me.

"Why are you pissed at me?" My irratation getting the best of me.

"i told you to tell her ages ago, and you wouldnt. And now look whats happen." He shot back at me.

"Tell her what!?" Louis and Liam inturupted.

This wasn't something i wanted the boys to know. I was hoping that when i told Aubree, she would keep it a secret....i know thats stupid....and selfish.

"Ok, fine, you really want to know? i said, looking up and staring at everyone.

"YES!" Harry shouted.

"I.....welll" i stopped. How could i possibly tell them this. I had no words to explain it.

"Uhmm..." I thought a bit more.

"Spit it out!" Liam was annoyed.

"I love Zayn....and Aubree caught us kissing" i spat out. I actually felt better that the truth was out.

Eleanore looked confused. Louis and Liam looked at each other. Everyone looked at Zayn.

Zayn smiled the biggest smile ive ever seen him smile.


I was confused. I know Niall and Zayn are close. But that close? I Still had a firm hold on Harry. He was tense. I wasnt going to risk letting him go. Especially after what Niall had just shared. Louis broke the silence.

"So...what? you two are.....gay?" He asked. He blushed a little. You could tell Louis found this uncomfortabe.

"Not exactly" Niall began.

"You either are or your not!" Harry said harshly. Niall shook his head.

"Hey genius, there is such thing as bi-sexual and bi-curious" Zayn sarcastically said.

"Shut up zayn" Harry raised his voice, but didnt take his eyes off Niall.

"Calm down" Zayn rolled his eyes.

Harry broke from my grip, before i knew it, Zayn was on the ground, holding his bloody nose.

"ZAYN!" Niall shouted, and ran over to him.

"Im fine, Zayn said, pushing Niall away.

"You deserve worse." Harry said, staring at Niall. That hurt Niall. His eyes filled with tears.

"I do love her Harry" He said, wiping his wet eyes on the sleve of his shirt.

"Its hard" he managed to blurt out, before he started sobbing.

I felt sorry for him. His inlove  with two amazing people. And he didnt want to hurt any of them.

If i ever hurt Danielle, id be just as torn up as Niall. His stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"its ok" I placed my arm around his shoulder, Niall dug his face into my chest and began to sob. Zayn rubbed his back gently.

Harrys facial expression changed. It went from rock hard hatred, to something more sympathetic and soft.

"Niall, im sorry. Its just a huge shock, and the way things have turnt out is bad, im sorry" He took a seat next to Zayn, and placed a hand on Nialls shoulder and squeezed it. Louis and Eleanore joined us on the ground. We all just sat there in silence, comforting each other. We sat there for what seemed like hours, but in reality was only about ten minutes, when a nurse came to see us.

"Aubree is out of surgery, she is in a stable condition, but is still unconscious" the nurse said, looking at us awkwardly.

"Can we see her? Niall asked, lifting his head from my shoulder, for the first time since he placed it there.

"Of course you can" The nurse gave him an encouraging smile.

We all jumped up, but waited for Niall to lead the way into the room.


I slowly made my way down the coridoor to room 25. Aubrees room. The footsteaps of the others echoed behind me. I didnt really pay attention to them.

The room was plain, and white, just like the waiting room. But the smell was much stronger in here.

There were machines hooked up to Aubrees lifeless body. i slowly walked towards her. Her skin was so pale, which i found unsettling, Aubree aways had a beautiful glowing tan, that made her look....well, alive. Her beautiful brown hair sat perfectly oer her chest, it always did, even in the morning when she just wakes up.

I took a seat in the chair next to her bed, i could feel the others eyes watching me, i didnt care, id already made myself vulnerable to them. I took Aubrees pale, but surprisingly warm hand and held it close to me.

"You need to wake up. I need to fix this." i whispered. i waited, like i expected her to listen to me.

"you hear me, you need to wake up! i need you!" my voice was louder, and i was holding her hand tighter. still no response.

I laid my head down on her bed, and let my tears flow. I felt hands rubbing my back, and voices, voices telling me everything will be ok. but i doubted them. I sat up straight, wiped the tears from my face, and continued holding her hand. Waiting, waiting for any improvement.

Zayn came over, and looked at me, as if he was asking for my permission to be near me. I held out my free hand to him, and pulled him closer to me, so he was pretty much sitting on top of me. He kissed the corner of my mouth. This was the first time anyone, apart from Aubree had seen us intimate like this. I could feel the awkwardness in the room, zayn straightened himself up on my lap and looked at everyone else.

"Its going to be ok boys" Liam said patting my shoulder.

Eleanore ran up and hugged Zayn, he looked surprised, but returned the hug. Everyone knows Zayn dosnt handle emotions well, and that kiss, well that was him saying something. It was him asking approval from our best friends.


Seeing Niall like this. It kills me. He hadnt been back to the hotel for three days. He just sits there. Unwilling to move. Sometimes i questioned if he was even breathing.

"Niall, lets go back to the hotel for a while" i pleaded.

He didnt answer. He just sat in silence.

"You need some rest" Liam said.

Niall just shook his head.

"Niall, please" Tears swelled up in my eyes. I was worried. Niall loves Aubree, i know. But he wasnt eating, and he barely drank anything. And most of all, i was worried about us. Niall could talk to me about anything, But for the last three days, he had barely said two words to me. I felt the tears roll down my face.

"Ok" Niall let go of Aubrees hand, and took mine.

"Only for a couple of hours" he wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"Uhm, maybe you should hae a shower, freshen up a bit?" i suggested, as we walked into my hotel room. I didnt want to ruin thingd between us by asking questions about us and Aubree.

Niall nodded and walked into the bathroom.

I finally felt relaxed, i turnt the tv on and forgot about eerything.

Niall walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel covering the bottom part of his body.

"Can i borrow some clothes, these ones kind of stink" he smiled. Wow. I hadnt seen him smile in three days. I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

Nialls smile got wider "Zayn....i need clothes" i could see the water droplets on his abs, dripping down.

Niall walked over to me, and pulled me off the couch.

"I havnt forgot about you Zayn, its just been hard" He said stroking my cheek. Then he kissed me.

I kissed him back and our lips started moving together, Niall moved his hands to my hair and started tugging at it as our kissing became more intense. I quickly pulled my shirt up oer my head, and threw it to the floor. He moved his lips to my neck. That was my weakness, and he knew it.

Our bodies moved closer to each other, Niall ran his hand down my lower back, i started moving, pushing Niall towards the bed. I could feel Nialls smile on my lips. I pushed him on to the bed and climbed on top of him. The kissing become more intense, i reached down, and undid Nialls towel, so he was naked beneth me. Then i heard something in the background. Niall quickly pushed me off him, and ran to his phone. I laid on the bed, disappointed, coming down from my high.

"We have to go!" Niall shouted.

"Aubrees awake!"

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