The Legend Thief - Part 5: Th...

By Quincieevee

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Following the events of last book, everyone is back in the Protego Base. Quinci Laciasal, the heir of Team Va... More

Chapter 1: The OMG Razzberry
Chapter 2: Friendoz 2.0
Chapter 3: The Instinct Base
Chapter 4: SS Da Huang Ya
Chapter 5: When there are No Parents to tell you NO
Chapter 6: What's Worse than Raichu's Pop Tarts?
Chapter 7: Pidgey's Positively Perfect Pancake Palace
Chapter 8: Battle at the Water Park
Chapter 9: Bell & Raichu vs Arbok
Chapter 10: Pichu vs Ash
Chapter 11: Oi Boy and Oy Boy
Chapter 12: The Reason
Chapter 13: The Hurricane
Chapter 14: Welcome to the Philippines!
Chapter 15: Shipping Time
Chapter 16: Going to a Chinese Resteraunt
Chapter 17: How to Face Your Fears
Chapter 18: The Wrap Battle
Chapter 19: The Pun Battle
Chapter 21: When Spark was Still Here
Chapter 22: Mr. Peeve
Chapter 23: The Lost Heir
Chapter 24: Mushy Mushroom
Chapter 25: The Sandstorm (Part 1)
Chapter 26: The Sandstorm (Part 2)
Chapter 27: Cactus Juice
Chapter 28: Stop, Drop, and FLOP
Chapter 29: When you Realize the Garlic Bread is a Coconut
Chapter 30: Separated and Trapped
Chapter 31: Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 32: The Talking Mushroom
Chapter 33: The Final Choice
Chapter 34: Follow Your Instincts
Chapter 35: The Dandelion Trail
Deleted Scenes (Part 1)
Chapter 36: The Battle for the Blooberry
Chapter 37: To Start Anew
Chapter 38: The Legendary of Ice
Chapter 39: The Bolt of Lightning
Chapter 40: The Girl in Blue
Deleted Scenes (Part 2)

Chapter 20: SS Da Huang Ya II

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By Quincieevee

"Ummm..." Cor stuttered, "Shouldn't we pay for that?"

"We're going to save the world," Blanche reasoned. "That's how we're going to pay them back." Cor was still not convinced but there was no time to argue.

The three leaders, to get to the friends, were stealing another SS Da Huang Ya. Unfortunately, they hadn't been as stealthy as Bell had been.

"INTO THE SS DA HUANG YA II!!!" Candela shouted as loud as she could.

"Candela," Blanche hissed through clenched teeth. "You are going to get us all caught one of these days..."

"I think that day is now," Cor said, watching as an employee press a red button on the side of the Da Huang Ya Company building. Suddenly, lights flashed red and sirens wailed, alerting everyone across the entire block that the SS Da Huang Ya II was being stolen.

"Told ya we should've paid for it," Cor said.

"Whatever," Blanche said calmly, her expression unchanging. "Cor, start inflating the Duck. Candela and I will hold them off. And whatever you do, do NOT let them see our real identities. Otherwise it'll cause a massive rebellion."

"Like the Rebellion of Instinct," Candela added. But everyone ignored her.

Cor rushed to the SS Da Huang Ya II and started the inflation process. Candela reached for her pokeballs, ready to battle, but Blanche stopped her.

"If they see us using pokemon, World War III might happen between pokemon and humans," Blanche clarified.

"So what should we do, Your Highness?" Candela fake bowed to her. Blanche made no reaction.

"We should use our powders," Blanche answered, taking out her bags full of bags of powder.

"Which one?"

"Figure it out, Your Highness."

"OOOOHHHHHH!!!" Cor yelled from the giant duck. "U JUST GOT ROASTED!"

Blanche's lips formed a thin smile from her REK. Candela was defeated.

The employees started running toward the three leaders crazily without any weapons whatsoever (no weapons allowed in the building) or pokemon (gate to gate) and only their bare fists.

Blanche reasoned, "We have only 1 minute until the police get here and 55 seconds for Cor to finish the inflating job. So that means-"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR MATH PROBLEMS! SOMEONE'S ABOUT TO KNOCK YOU OUT BEHIND YOU!" Candela interrupted helpfully. Blanche whirled around and he (the employee) was met with a facefull of sleep powder. He instantly fell asleep.

"Get out your super powder," Blanche told Candela.

"On it!" Candela responded, opening her gigantic purse. She buried her hand through her items in her purse, trying to find the right one. "Ugh, where did I put it. I remember putting it in a safe place in my purse..."

Blanche threw another fistfull of sleeping powder at close-ranged attackers and confusion dust at long-ranged attackers. (Long-ranged attackers threw shoes, apple cores, leftover pizza from lunch, etc.)

Candela moved aside the gum wrappers, annoying leftover change, and the millions of passes to places like Magical Mountain, Seal World, Belmonte Park, and many other places. She burrowed deeper inside the depths of her purse. The powder had to be somewhere around here...

The enemy threw an apple core at Blanche's head, who ducked, thankfully. The apple core exploded onto the side of the SS Da Huang Ya II, about halfway inflated. Blanche grunted as she threw the confusing confusion powder at the employee who had chucked the apple core. And like any Mystic, the powder landed directly on his face. He twirled around, eyes crossed and tongue hanging out, bumping into nearby co-workers, throwing them off balance.

I remember I put the powder inside my purse, Candela wondered. But where...? I remember putting it in a safe place in my purse. Somewhere that I knew I wouldn't forget. Somewhere that I made sure I wouldn't forget. But instead of remembering where I put it, I'm remembering that I needed to remember...

Ten employees surrounded Blanche, each with a shoe in their hand. Blanche had ran out of sleeping powder and confusion powder, and was trying to look for more helpful powders. She sifted through other labeled powders; Make- Everything-Taste-Better powder, Coughing powder (from a real coffing), and chili powder. Blanche glanced at Candela angrily. Come on! she thought, Hurry up and get the super powder!

Candela made no response, and continued to obliviously search through her bag. Hmmm... she thought, done searching the first compartment in her purse. I deserve some gum. It's so tempting... Candela unwrapped the gum and carelessly threw the wrapper into her purse. Mmmm... pineapple flavored...

Blanche rolled her eyes, and went to her last resort. She grabbed a bright red bag filled with chili powder, and threw the contents into an employee's eyes. He screamed and clutched his eyes, unused to such a pure form of fresh Asian flavors. All the non-Asians carefully backed away as the real Asians took over the job. Blanche took out another pouch and threw a handful of dust at an Asian employee. A pink-red cloud poofed over his face.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" the Asian employee cried, clutching her eyes. "ITZ FAKE CHILI POWDER! THE POWDER WE ALL FEAR! THE RIPOFF OF THE REAL STUFF!" All the Asian employees fled the crime scene.

I love pineapple flavor... Candela thought, chewing away, forgetting about the reason she was looking through her purse (which is actually pretty hard to do since the reason was HAPPENING ALL AROUND HER!!!). Nom, nom, nom-


"Uhhh... coming!" Candela said, almost choking on her gum in her mouth as she was startled out of her train of thought. She continued searching until she found it in the most obvious place. In the front of her tenth compartment. Doi. She smiled, but the grin slid off her face when she looked up. Blanche had disappeared. The Mystic leader's voice cut out from behind Candela.

"Too late Candela!" Blanche shouted calmly. "GET ONTO THE DUCK ALREADY." Candela groaned in disappointment and stuffed the bag back into her purse. She turned and sprinted toward the SS Da Huang Ya II.

"Down here!" Cor yelled, diving through the plastic hatch. Candela and Blanche followed. They slid down, landing in an empty (giant) yellow rubbery room with a control panel in the front. Candela closed the hatch.

Blanche reached for the control panel, but Cor stopped her.

"Let me handle the Da Huang Ya for a while," Cor suggested. "I mean, I worked with Mareep Bestmountain. I could do it."

"Mystic Head of Pokemon Technology and Research?" Blanche said skeptically.

"Look," Cor reasoned. "You've worked hard! Lemme steer this thing for a while." Blanche rolled her eyes, but sat down anyways. As she looked from Cor to Candela, she began to remember the day they all met.

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