By AshuriNikoru

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wondering why the ASEAN was late in the show and manga....maybe their dead the only survivor was Vietnam and... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

1K 36 8
By AshuriNikoru

   (unedited if you found a typo or don't understand you could tell in the comment section) 

They all stopped and stared at Vietnam, who cried in pain. Thailand was with her kneeling beside her trying to make her feel better. In his eyes, he knew that she would find out sooner or later but he was a coward. Bakunawa runs in and kneels beside Vietnam seeing her conditions before he turns in Maria, pleading.

"Do it quick," She said as Bakunawa sighed and nodded. He bowed and teleported Vietnam along with Thailand, leaving nothing but a black mist that quickly faded away from one blow of the wind. Maria coughed to get all the attention of the remaining countries "They should all be here by now"

Just then a vine came sprouting out of the ground twisting and expanding what seems to be a reptile like a form. It emerges a Kimodo dragon from with a mark of its forehead. Then a gust of wind started to spiral to encircle at one place when that gust of wind finally calm down. A white tiger emerges from it with a mark in its bottom. When the country thought it was over, water started to gather in a certain one place until when it reaches about Maria's height it exploded everywhere out came a lion with a mermaid tail as it's a lower body there was a mark on his chest. Those marks each represent their masters.

"Why did you call us here?" The Tiger spoke to the countries surprise.

"We are disappearing"

Those words that Maria spoke were like an arrow of pain. She was right they are disappearing not because no one believes in them. It was because no one cared for them. No one can control their power anymore.

"Is that what you called us here and them also to know we're going to die? That's just cruel Maria even for your attitude" The merlion yelled affecting the weather a by a small scale.

"I don't think Maria intend to that" The Komodo dragon spoke in a calmer voice. "Isn't that right?"

Maria was silent at what she just heard. She looked at the Kimodo dragon "You are like your master Zamur always knows what I'm thinking" Zamur, the Komodo dragon nodded with a smile. Maria turns to the Merlion "And you Zhishi, you always judge me before I could speak my true intention" Maria scolded which Zhishi, the merlion ignore her retort. "I called you here not to remind you of us dying, I called you here for a reason that is them—" Maria pointed at the remaining countries. The rest of the deities all have the look of 'What are you pointing at? It's just a bunch of brainless people' before Zhishi could open his mouth Maria beat him to it "—I know they look more homeless but I'm sure that they will get our master back"

"What do you mean by that Maria?"The white tiger questioned "Do you intend us to blindly trust them because you told us so? If that's it I rather not"


The deities and the countries were all in silent to what she was getting at.

Zamur was the first one to break off the silence "Rebirth? Are you sure about your answer Maria?"

"Are you saying that they were rebirth? How would you defend that? How come you're so sure?"India asked. If there were really reincarnated where are they now?

"Ever wonder how Philippines and the rest of the Asean never disappeared as countries? I don't know but older Zamur...I feel that something happened that day of their deaths, I felt something wrong...I'm sure of it the whole balance is in shambles in our territories " Maria explained "I can tell they are reincarnated because I have a feeling she's...She's still here"

"I agree" Zamur nodded along with Maria "If you're trusting them...then...I probably will"

"Oh, come on it's a lifetime when you see Maria trusting someone, not after that betrayal I'm in!" Zhishi boomed that earn a smack from the white tiger "That hurt! Angin!"

"If you all trusting I'm I," Angin said as she whispers at Maria's ear "Are you sure were betting at them they look like dumbasses?"

"W-Why are you confident on us?" India asked

"We're not" Maria bluntly answered and somehow seems a little rude for the countries "But we'll take any chance even by slim chance or luck"

"We'll be in your care"

The deities one by one took different forms. Zamur who stood in front of India saying "Please take care of her once more" before turning into a hair comb which made India smiled sadly.

Zhishi and Angin who stood near the almost passed out brit with Zhishi poking him "Heyyyy if your still conscious please try not to be irritated and angry at anything you see" and turned into a cane whil Angin just pinch the brit cheek and smiled "I always want to do that when you colonize us" And turn into a fabric

And last was Maria who turns into her animal form, an eagle. She stood and stares at America for a while before turning into a bracelet.

Meanwhile, Bakunawa had enough mana left to teleport Thailand and Vietnam into his own realm. He set Vietnam floating in mid air and started checking her conditions. Vietnam screamed that her head was in pain and something was flashing inside it. Bakunawa deduces it's either she's remembering from the past or something was messing with her. Bakunawa looked at Vietnam eyes casting a spell that would help him deduce some of the possibilities.

It teleported him somewhere but it was moving the pace so fast that it made him dizzy and he's not the type of person that would be dizzy even at this fast pace. He knew what's up

Bakunawa canceled the spell and looked at Thailand's eye "It was you, isn't it? The one who cast it"

Thailand only smiled "Who else could it be?"


Vietnam POV;

My head was throbbing in pain as I recall all their faces, smiling. I tried to reach for them but I couldn't. I was pathetic. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save my family...I felt so worthless, so guilty that I bare all of their deaths. I couldn't just move on, how could I?

"Kak Vietnam" I saw Malaysia patted my backed. She smiled at me. I stood there speechless...what was happening? "What are you dozing off for let's get going"

"Oh, Vietnam you're already here?" I heard Indonesia said as I saw her immerge from a bush. In her head I noticed a leaf, I unconsciously brush it off. She felt warm, breathing and...Alive. I heard Indonesia laughed "Thanks for wiping that leaf out"

"Big sister Vietnam!"...was that Laos. I felt I could cry...They were alive...but no tears were streaming down I just smiled "Let's go I'm excited we haven't done this in years!"

Indonesia smiled "WE'LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE" She grabbed my hands and pulled me towards Laos but the direction was heading...from the temple, we saw earlier...but it was well kept. Then my head began to throb again. The more minutes I have it the more it gets more painful


The scenery of Laos and everyone was starting to fade away. I tried to reach them...but it was useless. All I could see was...


...I was alone

"Vietnam?" I heard Thailand's voice calling for me. I jolted awake. I felt the wetness in my forehead and one of my hips. I looked and see a wet cloth. I looked at Thailand and hugged him. He was the only one left if he died then...then...

"Ahem!" I heard someone coughed behind us. He looked extremely annoyed "If you're done I send you back from your friends"

"Who are you?" I asked as I let go of Thailand.

"Just your neighborhood dragon," He said. I shot with a look and he shot me back in a full minute we were having a staring contest but when I blink we were already at the conference room? I looked around. It was indeed a conference room. The countries were also staring at us and that's how we all was having a staring contest until someone threw a shoe to break it off.

"WHO THREW THAT SHOE I SWEAR!" Germany yelled and it was back to the old chaotic conference. It was rowdy to even think and my head was also still throbbing but it wasn't bad as before if I could tolerate the pain. Thailand shot me a wary looked. I nodded and excuse myself. As I was walking through the hallway and into some free bedroom I heard America's voice and...Japan?

"I see so that's what happens" I heard Japan said "It's weird but I heard from Italy who complain about Romano complaining about Spain and Spain telling Romano some dream where he was looking at the back of a man"


"Well, when you were all out some countries that have relations to the de--...them was having some weird dream and if this goes like a book we can't ignore that clue"

"So you're telling me is?"

"Yes they might be a clue"

Vietnam decided that it was enough to eavesdrop and went to some extra unused chamber.


A young woman stood above the twin towers. She wore a wicked smile, her brown hair sway where the wind was blowing. She stood there with a smile. In her hand was a mirror but not the kind you think is normal. Deep in the mirror was despair and madness. She raised up her hand to and smiled.


She threw in the mirror in the rooftop. The black mist started to spread wider and wider and out emerge the countries with red eyes

"Ve~ what can I do for you Bella?"

The woman only laughed in her eyes was insanity written in it. The countries didn't say a word but flinch at her laughed.

"For now on, you were to follow me as a master if anyone betrays me then" She took a flower named Plumeria and crushed it, the speck of dust felt in her hands "You will be that flower understand?"

The countries looked at each other. They were left no other choice but to bow down to her

...She laughed 

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