Is It Wrong?

By scarletwidow06

4.6K 109 0

Bucky Barnes falls for his college professor Sarah Jones his first year of college. *Along the same story li... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 2

467 10 0
By scarletwidow06

*2 months later*

Bucky had hoped that Ms Jones would be able to help him with his homework assignment for class his paper was on Hamlet and he struggled with Shakespeare in high school. He knocked on her office door a few minutes before 4 and she said "Come in." 

"Ms Jones. Hi." he said nervously 

"Oh hi Mr Barnes what can I help you with?" Sarah said 

"Um I kinda need help with my paper." he said to her

"Ok sit down over there on the couch and I will come help you." she said 

"You don't mind cause I can come back another time if you are busy." he said to her

"I don't mind I was just working on my lesson plans." she said to him 

He laid his stuff down on the coffee table and put his back pack on the floor. She said "So your paper is on Hamlet right?" 

He shook his head yes and said "I didn't do well in high school with Shakespeare Ms Jones I'm going to be honest with you." 

She got up and went over to her bookshelf and pulled out her copy of Hamlet and it was a first edition so it was really old. She started to go over everything about Hamlet with him and he took notes to help him be able to write his paper. Once she was done helping him with she said "Did that help some?"

"Yeah it did thank you." he said as he started to put his English stuff up in his back pack and said  "Um can I ask you something else?" 

"Sure." she said as she pushed some of her hair back behind her ear. 

"Do you mind if I finish the rest of my homework in here? It's very quiet in here and I would go to the library but my friends are there and they can be pretty distracting and I really have to pass my classes." he said to her 

"Sure I don't mind I have papers to grade so I won't bother you. But can I ask you why you have to pass your classes?" she said to him 

"Oh I got a full ride on a football scholarship and my GPA can't drop or I will lose it and then my dad will probably kill me." he said 

"Oh dad's a hard ass then?" She said 

"No he's military I'm a army brat." he said to her 

"Oh I know exactly how that is. My dad is military too I'm a army brat as well." she said to him 

Bucky laughed and said "But I'm sure you were daddy's princess though." 

"Mmm no I'm the middle child no one really paid much attention to me. So I just would get lost in my books." she said to him 

She went back over to her desk and he started doing his other homework as he sat in the floor and did it on the coffee table that was in front of the couch. He would look over at her every once in awhile and thought she looked so adorable when the line between her eyes would crease what she didn't see was him snap a picture of her when she wasn't looking.

Once she was done with grading papers she said "Do you need help with anything?" 

"Um I don't suppose you are good at math?" he said to her

She said "I'm decent at it." 

She walked over and sat down beside him and saw his assignment and she said "Whose your professor?" 

"Professor Taylor. Why?" he said to her

She smiled and said "Then this will be easy for me." She showed him how Professor Taylor showed her how to do the assignment and he looked over at her and he said "God beauty and brains." then he closed his eyes once he realized what he said and wished he could take it back and he whispered "Im sorry I shouldn't have said that." 

She smiled at him as she looked down and said "Its ok." 

He looked at her and said "Do you want me to walk you to your car?"

"Um that would be awesome if you did." She said as she went over to desk and got her keys and phone and purse.

He waited for her in the classroom as she locked the door to her office. Then he walked her to her car and said "Thanks for helping me today." 

"Anytime. I know what it's like to be new here and feel like you have no one even though you have friends. Anytime you need quiet and homework done just come by my office ok?" 

"Thanks Ms Jones." he said to her

"Welcome. i'm gonna go now. " She said with a laugh. 

When he got back to his apartment all of his friends were sitting at the kitchen table and Steve said "hey man you going to join us."

"Nope I have already got all my work done." he said to Steve

"What? Where have you been?" Nat said 

"Mrs Jones's office she was helping me with my Hamlet paper and then she let me stay and do the rest of my homework and even helped me with my math assignment." he said to them as he walked off to his room. 

All Sarah could think about was how good Bucky smelled and his gorgeous smile. She felt herself start to play with herself as she thought about what he could do to her  she was 28 years old and hadn't really had anyone that gave her mind blowing sex. The more she rubbed herself the more she was getting close to her release and she whispered "oh James yeah baby right there mmm fuck." She rolled over to her side and thought that's the closet she's ever going to get to sex with him. Across town Bucky was in the shower thinking about the same thing as he stroked himself thinking bout her bouncing up and down on him as she screamed his name then he released on his shower wall and whispered "oh fuck me sarah god why do you have to be so damn sexy." 



Sarah was sitting at a Starbucks drinking some hot chocolate as she picked at a muffin she missed being home in GA when it was Fall cause she had friends that could party with and dress up with all the friends she made during college moved away or went back home she didn't. She had planned on going back but NYU offered her a job when one of the professors resigned. Bucky was hanging out with his friends when they walked by the Starbucks she was at and he seen her sitting alone. 

He walked in and said "Ms Jones what are you doing sitting here a lone on Halloween shouldn't you be out partying with some friends." 

She laughed and said "I wish." 

He sat down across from her and said "Do you want to come to our party at my place?" 

"James I don't think that's a good idea I could get in trouble." she said to him

"Whose going to tell? Plus you can dress up if you want and no one will know it's you." he said to her

She smiled and said "I have very distinct hair James." 

"Just come it will be more fun then you sitting here picking at this muffin that looks like it's been pecked to death by a chicken." he said to her 

"I guess so. Give me the address." she said 

He pulled out his phone and texted it to her. "Please come ok." 

"I will. I'm gonna go home and change." she said to him. 

"ok see you in a bit." he said as he left to catch up to his friends and let them know that he invited Ms Jones. 

She went home and changed into an outfit that probably wasn't the most professor looking outfit and curled her red hair and then left for Bucky's. She texted him and said "Hey I'm downstairs I'm afraid to knock on the door." 

He told Steve "hey I will be right back." 

He came downstairs and saw her leaned against her car with her coat on and saw her shoes and said "You look great darlin." 

She smiled at him and said "Thanks." as she looked down 

"Hey what's wrong?" he said to her 

"I'm scared that we will get in trouble." she said as she bit her lip 

"It's going to be fine. Come on." he said to her 

He took upstairs and into his apartment and pulled her to the kitchen where his friends were. "Whoa check out Ms Jones." Nat said as she seen her take her coat off and Bucky got a full view of her outfit and whispered to himself "Damn." Wanda came over and said "Ms Jones." she was already getting tipsy. Bucky leaned down in Sarah's ear and said "Please don't say nothing about the alcohol." 

"Give me a drink please." She whispered back to him as she looked up at him. 

"Tequila Whiskey or Vodka." he said to her

"Whiskey." she said to him 

He hands her a shot glass filled to the brim and she did her shot and she took a deep breathe. After awhile Bucky found himself in his room with Sarah and bottle of whiskey and they were talking about their dads. She slipped off her heels and said "I need a place to sleep James I can't drive home." 

"Here." he points to his bed 

"James No no I can't sleep in your bed." she said 

"Sarah it's fine. I will sleep on the couch." he said to her 

She bit her lip and looked down and said "I will just get a cab. This wasn't a good idea." she went to get up and he stopped her and said "No stay in here I will sleep on the couch it's fine. Stay Sarah I will make you breakfast in the morning." She laughed and said "I need a shirt if that's ok." He smiled and said "That's fine." 

He gave her a t shirt and showed her where the bathroom was so she could change. When she came out he had on ball shorts and a t shirt. She climbed into his bed and he said "Goodnight Sarah." 

"Goodnight James." she whispered as she fell asleep as he walked out the door and got a blanket and laid down on the couch. Nat and Steve saw him lay down and said "Buck everything ok." 

"Yeah Sar I mean Ms jones is asleep in my bed." Bucky said to them as he fell asleep. 

The next morning he went into his room and tickled her nose to wake her up and said "Morning gorgeous." 

"Don't do that." she whispered with a smile 

"Don't do what. Tell you that you are gorgeous." he said as he smiled at her. 

"Yes." she said as she sat up squeezing the bridge of her nose.  He laid a bottle of Tylenol and a small bottle of water in her lap. She looked up at him and laughed and said "Thanks." 

"Breakfast is almost ready. Here's a pair of my ball shorts for you to slip on." he said to her. 

"thank you James." She whispered 

He left the room and she pulled herself together and put his shorts on and come down the hallway and found him and Steve cooking in the kitchen. Steve said "Morning Ms Jones." 

"Morning' she said as she sat at the table and laid her head down. Then she heard a cup being sat down in front of her. She saw a cup of coffee and started to drink it. After breakfast she got dressed and Bucky walked her to her car.

"Thanks for coming last night Sarah." he said to her

"I had fun." She said as she bit her lip 

She was trying to get her keys out of the pocket of her coat and then she dropped them and they both went to pick them up and almost kissed. She walked away for a minute and he said "im sorry Sarah. I didn't mean for that to happen." 

"Its fine James." she said as she came back over to him

"We both knelt down to get my keys it's ok." she said to him 

He hugged her goodbye and said "Can I text you later?" 

"Sure." she said to him 

She got into her car and sighed a breathe of relief as she drove off. Bucky went into his room and slammed his door and said "What the hell am I doing." 

He laid down on his bed and smelled her all over her bed. She left a scent of peaches in his bed and he said "oh my Georgia girl." 

Later that day she texted him while he was doing homework 


Hey what are you doing?


I'm doing homework why?"


Do you want to have dinner at my place with me?


Sure do you want me to come over early and help?


If you want to and bring you homework so I can help. 


Be over in an hour.

She laid out a pot roast and veggies and then got herself dressed and made sure her apartment was clean. She texted him her address when she realized she didn't give it to him. She pulled her red hair in a high bun and a pair of yoga pants and a hoodie and her glasses. She had poured herself a glass of wine to calm her nerves it was just dinner and helping him with his homework. 

About an hour later he was knocking on her door and she said "Hey." 

"Hey." he said to her 

He laid his backpack on her couch and said "Can I just say you look beautiful right now." 

She said "Thank you." 

He asked her what she was making while she had him peel potatoes. "I'm making a pot roast." as she was trying to put the seasoning on. 

"You are putting the seasoning on wrong." he said as he laid the potato he was peeling down and came over behind her. And put his hands on top of hers and said "My mom always tells me when I'm putting seasoning on meat like this that you have to get in there and really mix it together." 

Being that close to him was about all she could take and she said "I think I have heard that same thing from my mom." 

"All done." he whispered against her ear. 

She smiled and looked down. He finished his potatoes and then she mixed everything together and helped him do his homework. Once dinner was done they ate and he said "thanks for dinner Sarah. I should probably go it's getting late." 

She walked him to his car and said "Thanks for having dinner with me. It's my way of making up to you that I made you sleep on the couch and almost kissed you earlier." 

"Sarah no doll you don't have to do that." he whispered 

"Yes I do. I feel awful but what happened this weekend can't happen again James ok." she said as she kept looking down. 

"Sarah..why can't you look at me." Bucky said to her as he tried to lift her chin and she said "I will see you tomorrow in class ok." and she started to walk off and wipe tears. She was attractive to Bucky just as much as he was to her. Bucky bit his lip and texted her from his car "PLease don't cry beautiful." 

"I will try." she texted back when she got her apartment and drank the rest of the bottle of wine and went to bed. 

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