Part 7

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A few weeks after Thanksgiving Sarah had a few more fainting spells so Bucky started getting up early and make her breakfast before class. He was worried that something was really wrong with her and he begged her to go to the doctor and she refused to go to the doctor. It was a week before Christmas and it was finals week during Bucky's class she was writing notes on the board for them to have to study for their final that was going to be that Friday. She missed breakfast that morning cause Bucky had an early football meeting so he wasn't able to make her breakfast that morning. She rested her head against the board and stopped writing for a minute hoping that she wasn't going to faint especially in Bucky's class and she took a few deep breathes but it wasn't working. 

Bucky saw her and knew something was wrong. "Ms Jones is everything ok?" Bucky said 

"Um class we will pick the rest of this up on Wednesday just um..." Sarah couldn't finish cause she hit the floor.

Bucky didn't care if anyone noticed that he ran down to her. Nat started getting the rest of the class out and all that was left was Bucky's friends. Nat called 911 and Bucky kept saying "Baby come on wake up. EMTs are on the way." The EMTS came in and she whispered "James." He went to his desk and gathered his stuff and met them outside and they told him what hospital they were taking her to. He got in his car and followed them the best he could. He got to the hospital and the front desk of the ER "Sarah Jones just came in here." he said 

"RIght she's right down this hall." The front nurse said 

He went down the hall looking in the rooms for her till he found her and he kissed her once he saw that she was awake and hooked up to an IV. "Baby something is wrong you haven't done this till recently." he said 

"I know they are running tests right now." Sarah said 

She hugged him as she cried 'Baby please don't cry I hate seeing you cry." Bucky whispered as he rubbed her back. A few minutes later the doctor came in and said "Ms Jones we got your blood work back." Then another doctor came in behind him with what looked like a ultrasound machine. Sarah wiped some tears and said "What is wrong with me?"

The doctor said "It seems that you are pregnant." 

"Im sorry what. You must have me confused with someone else cause I've been fainting." Sarah said 

The other doctor came in and said "Hi Ms Jones I'm doctor Pearson and fainting can be a sign of pregnancy. So let's just take a look ok." 

Sarah bit her lip and lifted her gown that they put her in. She looked up at the ceiling and thought I would know if I was pregnant I would miss a period for that. It wasn't even time for her to start and she had a small one last month. Then the sound of heartbeat broke her thoughts as she looked at the portable ultrasound machine the doctor brought in. "oh god." she whispered 

"Ms Jones can I ask you when your last period was?" Dr Pearson asked her 

"Um I mean I had spotty period for like what 2 days the week of Thanksgiving." she said 

"Was it spotting just like if you wipe or spotting on your underwear." she said to Sarah

"Um a little of both I guess I don't really remember. Why?" Sarah said 

She started to do measurments and said "That wasn't your period last month that was implantation bleeding. Based off this ultrasound it looks like your last period was in October do remember when that one was." 

"Of course I do cause it was the week of Halloween." she said 

"Which puts you about 9 weeks pregnant and due in July." Dr Pearson said as she turned the screen towards her and Bucky. 

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