Part 4

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It was Saturday morning Sarah made sure Bucky ate a good breakfast before his game. He came over to her while she washed up the dishes and said "you are coming right baby?" 

"Yes I will be there." she said to him

"Good send me a text when you get there so I know where you are sitting. I have to go now though ok." he said as he kissed her and hugged her. 

"I will send you a text ok. Drive safe." she said as he walked out with his football stuff in hand. 

After he left her cellphone rang she saw that it was her mom. 

"Hey mom." she said 

"Hey sweetie what are you doing?" Her mom said 

"Oh just finished up some breakfast dishes and about to get ready for the football game." She said 

"Oh do you got a minute?" her mom said 

"Sure what's up?" Sarah said as she put her speakerphone in the bathroom and started to braid her hair into a side braid. 

"Um next weekend your school is playing GA and your daddy wants to bring us all up there to watch. Don't worry we will stay at a hotel but we are flying in the night before he wants to have dinner with you." Her mom said 

"Oh um that's great." Sarah said 

"What is it baby? Are you still upset about the other night with James?" her mom said

"Um well I've decided to try and give him a chance just keeping it a secret for now I guess." she said as she was putting on mascara. 

"That's great honey I know you are scared. But you do know that your daddy will want to meet him too right?" Her mom said 

"Meet who?" she heard her dad say in the background 

She just rolled her eyes and said "Hey daddy heard you are coming to see me." 

"Yes I am babygirl can't wait to see my girl next weekend. Now mama tells me there is a boy that I need to meet." Her dad said as he got on the phone

"Yeah I guess so." she said as she finishes getting ready for the game. 

"Baby your mama told me about him. I know he's much younger than you but if he's willing to take on my daughter then he must be something special." Her dad said 

She just chuckled and said "I know. I will let him know after the game about your alls visit." 

"Wait why after the game." he said 

"Um cause he plays football daddy." she said to him as she grabs her keys and heads out the door. 

"Then yes definitely tell him after the game no need to get him all worked out before the game about meeting me." her dad said 

"Yeah yeah cause meeting the colonel is scary. But I'm on my way to the game now so I will call you all back later love you both." she said 

"Alright sweetie we love you be careful." her dad said

She pulled out of her parking spot and headed to the football stadium and got herself to her seat and sent him a kissy selfie with a text that said "I'm here baby. Good luck." he smiled when he seen it. 


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