Part 5

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Monday afternoon Bucky came to Sarah's apartment after football practice and found her about to climb on to her entertainment center with a duster in nothing but a loose hoodie and a pair of cotton shorts "Whoa baby what are you doing? And why does it smell like a cleaning closet in here." he said to her and as he helped her down. She was red in the face and sweating and said "Oh I've been cleaning." 

He saw the look in her eyes and he knew that look he saw that look on his mother's face all the time when his dad would tell her he was coming home she went crazy cleaning and made him and his sister help. "Baby how long have you been home?" he said to her 

"Um since 3 I cancelled my office hours today. I had stuff to do and then I started cleaning. I've already done the baseboards and the bathrooms and the kitchen and the guest room and in here besides dusting all the spider webs down. I went by Bed Bath and Beyond to get more stuff to decorate the apartment with." she said without taking a breathe.

He grabbed her cheeks and said "Baby look at me. I've never seen you like this what is wrong?"

"James I have to get this done before Friday when my family comes." she said

"I thought I knew that look. My mom would act like this when my dad would come home from being gone." he said to her

"My mom was the same way." she whispered 

"Ok well I'm here now and a lot taller than you so let me do this." he said as he took the duster out of her hand. She whispered "Thank you." 

She went into her bedroom and gathered up all the laundry in her room and her bathroom and said "Oh before I forget James I got you something while I was out." 

He came in her bedroom and said "And what is that?"

"This." She patted a box that was a dresser that matched hers 

"You got me a dresser for here?" he said to her

"Well yeah you have been keeping your stuff in your duffel bag so you can put your stuff in here once we get it together and the laundry done. I even got you these." she said as she held up two picture frames. One frame had a picture of them at the Halloween party that she took and then the photo he took of her in her office that she didn't know about she asked if he had any photos of her on his phone that he would like to be framed he sent her that one. He said "baby I love them thank you." He kissed her and said "You are amazing darlin." 

She smiled and said "You are James." 

He helped her put the dresser together and she put the frames on top of it and then they went into the laundry room and started doing laundry. Once all the laundry was done she carried the basket to her room and put it all away while he made them dinner. After dinner they laid on the couch and watched a movie and he said "Please tell me I won't find you like this tomorrow." 

"Oh no I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Me and my big mouth suggested that we all eat dinner here and I would cook for everyone." she said 

"Big mouth huh...I would like to see that big mouth." he said to her

She climbed on top of him and straddled him and he kissed her. 

"Hey have you figured out your Thanksgiving plans?" he said to her

"It looks like I get to meet your mama next." she said to him

"Really?" he smiled 

"Yeah I just hope she likes me." she said to him 

"oh baby she's going to love you." he said as he kissed her. 

They went to bed after their movie was over. Some time in the night she woke up and looked at him and kissed him. He started to kiss her back in his sleep and he moaned and whispered "Baby what are you doing." 

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