Is It Wrong?

By scarletwidow06

4.6K 109 0

Bucky Barnes falls for his college professor Sarah Jones his first year of college. *Along the same story li... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 1

606 13 0
By scarletwidow06

17 year old Bucky Barnes was sitting in his first class of his freshmen year of college he was sitting next to Steve and leaned over and said "I'm seriously thinking about dropping this class once it's over. I don't want to do this class at 8AM." Steve just shook his head and said "You are being dramatic Bucky Nat said this class will be fine." 

Then the class heard heels clicking and Bucky looked to the front of the class and saw a bright red head woman walk in and he said "Or maybe I will just stay in this class." 

"Good morning class I'm Ms Sarah Jones welcome to English Literature 101." Sarah said 

Bucky started to bit his lip and Nat saw it and whispered "Steve smack him I know that look." 

Steve nudged him and whispered "Stop." 

Sarah said "Ok so I know you all are thinking about dropping this class already cause it's to early but I promise you won't regret it if you stay. I'm starting out as new here too as I graduated with my masters from here just a few months ago so we get to start this journey together. So before we get started this class isn't all about Shakespeare so I'm going to ask you this now." as she walked over to her white board and picked up her marker 

"What are some of the well known writers that same of you know off the top of your head." Sarah said 

Nat raised her hand and Sarah pointed to her and Nat said "Jane Austen." 

"Correct." Sarah said as she wrote that on the board  

"Can you name one of her more popular titles?" Sarah asked Nat

"Pride and Prejudice." Nat said 

"Good job. Ok anyone else." Sarah said 

Wanda said "Um Charles Dickens one?" 

"Yes mam he is." Sarah said as she wrote his name on the board 

Everyone fell quiet and Sarah said "Ok I'm going to give you some freebies Ernest Hemingway George Orwell H G Wells Oscar Wilde Mark Twain and F Scott Fitzgerald." she was writing all those on the board and all Bucky could do was stare at her ass as she was wearing a tight dress. 

"Now do you guys feel a little bit better about taking this class. It's not all about romance and death." She said to the class. She pulled out a stack of papers out of her bag and said "Here is the class syllabus it has how homework works in this class my phone number and email for if you any questions about an assignment or you are going to miss the class but please don't call me after 9PM or drunk. My office is right through that door there and my office hours are from 4-6PM. I promise if you give the class a try you won't regret it." 

She checked her watch and said "I didn't really have a lesson planned for today I just have a homework assignment for you all and that is to read the first two chapters of your book and write down any questions you may have for me and we will discuss them when we come back on Wednesday. You can stay in here and read or you can go on and read at your place. Class is dismissed." 

Bucky and his group of friends all left the classroom and Steve said "Still planning on dropping the class Buck?" 

"Nope I think I may stay in the class." he said 

Steve and the guys just shook their heads at him and said "Come on we have a football meeting in 15 minutes." 

Later that day they were all at Steve and Bucky's apartment doing their homework and Steve looked over to see Bucky actually doing the reading for English Lit and he nudged Nat and pointed to him. Nat's mouth dropped and whispered "He's actually doing his homework." 

Bucky heard her and smiled and said "Yes Nat I do my own homework all the time." 

Steve ordered everyone pizza while they had their homework party. After everyone left Bucky went into his room and went back over the reading and wrote down his questions that he had. 

When Wednesday morning rolled around everyone had questions and she went over all of them including Bucky's questions that he had. She took a sip of her coffee when he had a question about Jane Austen "I don't want this to sound rude but how was Jane able to write about love if she was never married or in love." 

"That's not rude at all Mr Barnes..Jane Austen wrote about her idea of love and how she thought it was. Has anyone seen the movie Becoming Jane that's a good movie to watch cause it's about her life." Sarah said 

Nat said "Oh I love that movie Ms Jones I should make him and Steve watch it cause I own it." 

Sarah had her glasses on that day and she pushed up her nose and said "It is a good movie Ms Romanoff." 

Bucky thought she looked so sexy with her glasses on that day that he couldn't stop biting his lip when she wasn't looking at him. She said "Ok now tonight's homework assignment is this I want you to pair up with someone and I want you two to go over any famous author/writer get on Wikipedia Google or even the library has the books. Just make sure no one else in the class has the same one picked as you. That's it for the day guys pair up and pick out your author and let me know who it is and then you can go on to do whatever else you do after this class." 

Bucky and Steve paired up and picked H G Wells and Bucky went up to her as she was leaning against her desk and he said "Um Me and Steve picked H G Wells." 

She looked on her paper and wrote their names down and said "Ok good luck you two." Bucky smiled at her and said "Thanks." 

After everyone cleared out she took a breathe having Bucky in her class drove her crazy with his ocean blue eyes always staring at her like she's the only girl in the room but she knew that it was a risk with her job so she just pushed those feelings aside. She gathered up all of her stuff and went into her office until she had to teach her next class in an hour. 

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