
By HarleyRush

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Marinley is a different kind of Mermaid. She prefers the company of sharks and spends her time protecting se... More

Prologue: Mermaid Money
Chapter 1: Mouth of Teeth
Chapter 2: Shark Ridge
Chapter 4: Do I Correct Him?
Chapter 5: I Think Mermaids are Overrated
Chapter 6: Marinley Has a Crush on a Human
Chapter 7: Space Cadet
Chapter 8: Illumia Cove
Chapter 9: Green Slime
Chapter 10: Prom
Chapter 11: Fighter
Chapter 12: Fuck You God
Chapter 13: Jessica Alba
Chapter 14: Pirate Ship
Chapter 15: Haha...Tail.
Chapter 16: Seviran
Chapter 17: Grow a Fucking Tail
Chapter 18: Be Closer to You and the Sea
Chapter 19: Family Isn't Blood, It's Love.
Chapter 20: For Once, Keep Your Mouth Shut.
Hey Bitch. Get Ready to Get Fucking ROCKED!

Chapter 3: Speak of the Devil

49 3 0
By HarleyRush


I didn't sleep that night.

Every time I closed my eyes I saw hers. I always knew she was real. She had to be. The last time I saw her was ten years ago, but I still remember her clear as day. I remember the weird crown she was wearing and the dress made of shells.

And her eyes.

That was the main reason I knew it was her. They were even shinier than quarters, almost platinum.

They were the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.

I had to see her again. I had to. I wanted to speak to her, well at least try. I'll do it after school today. Hopefully she'll come. I wish I could tell Clary about this but I know I can't say anything.

Without her saying a word, I knew I had to keep my mouth shut.

So I would.

No matter how badly I wanted to tell my best friend I knew I couldn't. I knew it wouldn't be easy especially since she's totally obsessed with Mer-

"THERE YOU ARE! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

Clary was coming down the hallway now. Her blonde hair in its usual ponytail, her blue eyes wide and alert. A big smile on her lips. Clary was a whopping 5'1 and almost reminded me of a fairy with her soft features and bright personality.

She is my best friend and the nicest person I've ever known. She's the best. It'll be hard keeping something from her, but I know I have to. I just hope she doesn't try to force it out of me.

She knows how to break me too.

We became best friends in second grade when she moved here. She used to be a pretty big tomboy and was showing everyone a snake she had caught. Everyone but me freaked out and deemed her crazy. Kids were even douchebags back then.

We ended up naming the snake and playing with him all of our recess (the poor thing). But that's how we became friends, and we've always stayed that way. Which is why it's so hard for me not to tell her.

Especially since she's obsessed with Mermaids.

I should give you a little background. We live in Mermaid Coast, California. Our town was founded on the idea of Mermaids, and there's a lot of local legend surrounding it. Clary knows everything there is to know about Mermaids. She's just as obsessed as the old people in our town.

Nowadays, folk tales and stories about mythical creatures are just that-stories. Not many people believe in that sort of thing anymore. Even kids aren't mystified by the idea that something else might be out there.

But Mermaid Coast is different. You have to be obsessed with Mermaids to live here. My uncle used to tell me stories about Mermaids all of the time growing up, at least before he died.

Anyways, back to my point. Most of the locals in Mermaid Coast believe they exist even with no proof. Of course there's been sightings, but of course that's not valid proof. People in this town believe anyways. Mermaid Coast has a population of 738, with sixty percent being firm believers that they're out there. I have recently joined that statistic.

Unlike them though I've encountered one-Twice.

If I wasn't a believer after that you might as well deem me crazy.

"I was a little late today. I didn't get any sleep last night."

She grinned, looking me over. "I can tell. Your socks don't match and your shirt is on backwards."

I looked down and sure enough she was right. My shirt was backwards and I was wearing one black sock and one white.

I was a mess today.

I started pulling out my books for my next class and smiled at what decorated my locker door.

My Polaroid pictures of Clary and I, and Willa.

My real mother.

She cared for me when she didn't have to. She was not only our maid but also my teacher, my personal chef (since I burn everything I touch), my best friend, and my mother.

She will always be my mother to me.

She's always loved me as if I were her own even though she was just employed to babysit me while my parents did their own thing. She didn't treat me like I was her job. She loved me and cared for me and nurtured me while I grew up. Even though it wasn't part of the deal with my parents she didn't care. She loved me anyways. She's easily one of my favorite people.

Favorite people being her and Clary. I don't have anyone else anyways.

My locker was covered in photos I've taken. If I have any hobby, it's photography. I always have my Polaroid with me and my regular camera in my backpack. I loved photography.

Seeing these pictures every time I open my locker gives me the strength I need to get through the day. And I definitely needed it today. But seeing all of these photos of me with my two favorite people always makes me happy.

They both make me happy.

There were some funny notes and doodles Clary and I did in class and the whiteboard we write notes on every day to each other. We were doing that as we speak. It's pretty much tradition.

She took my pen and wrote a note on my whiteboard as I wrote one on hers. Normally we tease each other but I was in a funny mood so I made mine more cheesy than anything. I wrote down-

You may be an ass but you're my ass and you look great in these jeans.

She wrote-

Thanks for making me a solid 7 when you stand next to me.

Jerk. Love her though.

"Problems with the Rents or what?" She asked as I grabbed my next book, my smile falling.

I hate lying to her but I can't say anything. No matter how badly I want to.

And as I looked at the contents of her locker I felt even worse.

Her colorful drawings of Mermaids around pictures of us together bummed me out. I would make her life to know they really do exist. I just wish I could tell her. I hate keeping things from her.

"No. Just couldn't sleep." I lied, hoping she bought it.

But I know she didn't.

I'm a bad liar and she knows when I'm lying anyways.

"Okay I get it. You don't want to talk about it. You know you can tell me anything but I won't push. Ready to go? We're going to be late for class."

I grabbed the last book from my locker and shut it, following Clary towards our next class. I couldn't wait for school to be over. I'm going to see her again.

I have to.

I just hope I do.


I stood on the dock, pulling the bag of shells from my pocket and dropped it into the water. I sat down and got comfortable, not sure how long she was going to take this time.

Fifteen minutes in and she still hasn't showed.

What if she doesn't come?

I don't know what my plan is exactly but I just...I want to say something to her. I want to see her and see that she does exist. That she's real. That I'm not crazy.

And I also...she was so beautiful I just want to see her again.

If she is real I know I don't stand a chance but I just have to see her. I feel this pull inside of me and I'm so drawn to her. I just want clarity of her existence. I want to speak with her even for just a moment. But I don't think I'll be able to and I won't lie and say it doesn't bum me out. 

"You don't look like you're drowning or lost at sea."

I jumped and whipped my head around, my eyes almost popping out of my head when I saw her.

Her silver hair was down to her shoulders in crazy waves, her platinum, cat-like eyes shining in the sun. She looked like a normal human, but she was almost too beautiful to be real. She had a strong nose, prominent cheek bones, and her lips were full and pulled back into a grin.

My eyes traveled down, noticing a large scar on her shoulder that almost looked like a bite mark. I could see a tattoo on her other forearm of a mermaid and I almost laughed at that.

A mermaid with a mermaid tattoo. How odd.

I didn't even know mermaids could have tattoos.

That's another question I'll have to ask her about.

She was wearing a shimmery silver dress that matched her hair, showing part of her stomach and hanging off of her shoulders. It was slit up both sides and showed just how long her legs were.

She was absolutely stunning.

Wait back it up...legs?

How does she have legs?!

"You have legs?" Were the first words out of my mouth.

Not my proudest moment probably.

Especially judging by the annoyed look on her face.

"And you have two eyes. Congratulations, Captain Obvious."

Mermaids are sarcastic.

Duly noted.


Her grin got bigger as she stepped towards me. She was so beautiful I could barely keep my mind straight. She was absolutely stunning. She took my breath away without even trying.

I've never seen anyone more radiant in my life.

"I'll tell you everything you want to know...if you buy me a milkshake."


"You have questions, I'm sure. I'll answer some of your questions if you buy me a milkshake. That's not too much to ask, is it?"

I shook my head and her grin turned into a smile.

And damn was it a magnificent sight.

My stomach had butterflies and my heart was racing the closer she got. I've never felt this way before. I didn't know what to do.

I hope I don't mess this up.

"I'll get my keys and we can-No. I don't believe in cars. Giant metal death traps. No cars for me."

The only other option was my bike or to walk. And I was okay with that. That meant more time with her and I wanted her time forever.

"We can take my bike?" I offered next.

She nodded in agreement, gesturing for me to lead the way. She followed me quietly back to my house, grinning the whole time. It made me a little nervous knowing she was behind me. I mean...a real life Mermaid is following me to take a bike ride to go get milkshakes.

I must be dreaming.

I pulled my bike from the garage and sat on it, moving forward so she could sit on the back. I patted the spot and she climbed on, wrapping her arms around my waist.

I tried not to panic at the thought of her touching me. Not in a bad way, it's just the only girl who touches me that isn't my technical mother is Clary.

And she's a mythical being.

I better calm down or I'm going to make a fool out of myself.

"Let's get going. I have somewhere I have to be tonight."


I sat across from her, watching as she happily drank her milkshake, the grin never leaving her face. I don't think it's went away once. And she looked pretty content as she inhaled her strawberry shake.

Apparently that one is her favorite.

It was mine too.

"What would you like to know? I'll questions."

I sat back and bit my lip, thinking about what I could ask her. I had so many questions how could I narrow it down?

"How do you have legs?"

She laughed lightly, shaking her head.

"Of all the questions...Okay. A Mer can shift at will. Kind of like some werewolves I've read about in books. When humans started trying to hunt us down, we spread the lie that splashing us with water reveals our tail. That way, when they got a Mermaid wet, we didn't change. So we were safe. Next question?"

"What do Mermaids do like...? Do they have jobs? Hobbies? What do they do in their free time? What's a Mermaids purpose?"

She looked at me with a thoughtful expression, still grinning though. I wonder if it hurts to grin for so long.

"Well...what's a humans purpose?"

I got quiet at that.

What was a humans purpose?

"I think Mers were supposed to protect sea life but they got lazy. I seem to be the only one doing it though." She grumbled, looking slightly agitated. "Now they just focus on living a free life and having a family. Having a family is everything to Mers now. The bigger the pod, the better. And safer. Mers don't have jobs, no. We're even short on Warriors to protect the pods because everyone thinks they'll be fine but they're idiots.

"Anyways-they do have hobbies. Like painting, astrology-and you look confused but we do chart stars and have constellations and study the night sky. We're also into animal watching and making music. A lot of Mers are singers. That part of history is true."

I took it all in, but I had so many more questions. I just didn't know where to start.

And then it was like a lightbulb went off above my head. I could physically see it.

This should've been my first question.

"What's your name? I-I'm Sailor."

"Your parents must've hated you with that name, you're right." She said, her grin growing as I rolled my eyes. "My name is Marinley, but everyone calls me Fin."


I like it.

It's a beautiful name, why go by anything else?

"Why Fin?" I asked, her smile getting bigger.

"Another story for another day."

I sighed dejectedly, I really wanted to know.

"Where did you get that scar?" I asked again, pointing the scar on her shoulder.

"Another story for-Another day. Got it." I groaned, rolling my eyes.

Why can't she just tell me?

"I can't give you all the good stuff at once."

I guess I could agree with that logic.

"You have two more questions before I need to leave. Make them count."

"How do Mermaids you know...make little Mermaids?"

Her brows came together in confusion as she looked at me, and once she realized what I meant she tipped her head back and let out a loud, yet melodic laugh.

I couldn't help the blush that took over my face either.

When she was finally done laughing at me-which felt like hours-she wiped away her happy tears and took a deep breath, slowly letting it out.

I'm glad she finds this to be so funny.

"Once a year, Mers come on land with their mates or to find a mate. We call our partners Lumin, by the way. So we either find a Lumin or we already have one, we come on land and mate, the same way humans do. We have our babies on land, teach them how to swim and change form, and then return to sea. Or river. Or lake or whatever. Anyways, we make babies just like humans. We carry our Naleas (nah-lee-s) for nine months too."

Although she had answered all of my questions, one other question kept popping up in my mind the whole time she was talking.

"Do you have a Lumin?"

My question made her grin fall, she looked down at the table and shook her head.

"No. I do not. That was your last question." She stood up and I followed, not wanting her to leave yet.

"Please don't go I didn't mean to upset you I still have so many questions. I want to learn more about you just...just stay for a little bit longer."

She shook her head, the grin back on her face. She looked much better when she was grinning.

"I'll come back tomorrow. I heard there's going to be a fireworks show in town. I happen to love fireworks. You can come with me?"

I would be crazy not to accept that offer.

"Yeah okay. Meet at the dock at say...six?"

She raised a brow, an expectant look on her face.

"Mermaids don't have clocks genius. We don't need to tell time. We'll meet when the sun is setting. Sound good?"

I nodded and she smiled, looking out of the window.

"I have to go. Thank you for the milkshake. I'll see you tomorrow."

I watched her leave, sitting back in my seat and gathered myself.

I can't believe I just spoke to her.

And she seemed so normal too.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. And she was going to come back tomorrow. I wish I could tell Clary she would lose her mind. I'd have to ask her the same questions and see what answers she gives me. I want to see what's correct and what's not.

When I got home, Willa was cooking up something that smelled good. Willa has been in my family since I was about two. She's always taken good care of me and I consider her to be my mother more than my real one like I said earlier.

But she really is.

She smiled when she noticed me and waved me over, lifting the spoon with a little bit of sauce on it.

"Is it too spicy? I think it's missing something."

I tasted it, feeling my tastebuds tingle at the flavors. "A little more salt and it'll be perfect."

She pointed at me and sprinkled more salt into the sauce, stirring it around. She turned to say something but stopped, looking straight into my eyes.

She knew something was up with me.

I swear this woman knows me better than I know myself.

"What did you do today, Nugget?"

Lame nickname, I know.

I got it because from ages three to six I refused to eat anything but chicken nuggets. I was also a little smaller than your average guy, so the name suited me I guess. She never calls me it in front of anyone though, thankfully.

Clary will never know of that nickname.

She'd never let me live it down.

"Nothing." I answered, sounding a lot more guilty than I meant to.

I don't like lying to Willa, I usually tell her everything too. But I can't tell her about Marinley even though I really want to.

"You met a girl. What's her name? I can't believe you haven't told me!"

Is she a psychic or what?

"How did you...It's nothing yet. We just met today."

She narrowed her eyes at me, pointing at me with the spoon in her hand.

"I swear if she breaks your heart I will dismember her and feed her to the sharks." She gasped and looked at me with a surprised expression, her hands covering her mouth.

"I'm sorry Nugget I didn't mean-It's okay. Don't worry about it." I waved her off, not really bothered by what she said.

Yeah, my uncle died from a shark attack but I wasn't going to get offended by that kind of comment.

"Anyways, I want to meet her. You should invite her over for dinner this weekend."

What did she even eat? Another question I'll have to ask her later.

"We'll see."

"Alright alright, I won't push it. I'm just so excited the only girl you talk to is Clary and while I love her, you're not exactly her type."

Ain't that the truth.

"What's her name?"


"Is she pretty?"


"Do you like her?"

"I just met her."

"Okay okay, I'll stop with the third degree. Go wash up and get ready for dinner."

I saluted her and headed off to my room. I pushed my window open and stared out at the sea, knowing she was swimming out there somewhere. I wanted to know what she was doing, what her hobbies were, what she did in her free time.

I wanted to know everything about her.

Hopefully she'll put up with me long enough to find out.

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