Capture My Soul: A Lucifer Fa...

By poptastic749

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Lorelai Thomas is the poster child for being a Good Girl. Well mannered, outstanding grades and a need to suc... More

Chapter One: First Encounter
Chapter Two: Thoughts About You
Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused
Chapter Four: Wining and Dining
Chapter Five: Desire Unto Thee
Chapter Six: Foot Fetish
Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions
Chapter Eight: Dark Haze
Chapter Nine: Dont Stop
Chapter Ten: Field Trip
Chapter Eleven: Distractions
Chapter Twelve: Interruptions
Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation
Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Horrors
Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella
Chapter Seventeen: The Gala
Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away
Chapter Nineteen: First Time
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Attack
Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances
Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty Six: Please, Sir
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Truth Shall Set Me Free
Chapter Twenty Eight: Torture of the Soul
Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope and Fear
Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice
Authors Note

Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable

9.7K 259 16
By poptastic749

The next few weeks Lucifer and I became inseparable. When we werent together, were texting or calling, emailing each other even. Something had shifted between us and once again I was startled to realize how quickly and deeply I had fallen for this man.

When I wasnt in class or working, we were together, going out, staying in. He took me everywhere, to exclusive party scenes around LA, to five star restaurants where the Chef always seemed to know him. We went to jazz lounges and more formal events. It was spectacular. My wardrobe alone had grown, increasing as he lavishly purchased me clothes more suitable for our outings. I had complained at first, feeling cheap at the thought of him buying me things because we were sleeping together, but he reassured me that it wasnt like that at all. Explaining that my wardrobe was not as stocked for the kind of evenings he had planned for us, he was right of course, and was able to convince me that his gifts were just that, gifts.

On the days we stayed in, however, we rarely strayed far from the bedroom. Clothes seemed to be optional as well, both of us choosing to stay wrapped in our robes or me in his shirts. We made love numerous times a day, in various places around his penthouse and yet we never grew exhausted of one another. Well, I made love at least, Lucifer hadnt indicated any inclination of how he felt, although he told me constantly how much my presence affected him. I could see he cared for me, but felt I was unable to express to him that I loved him, the fear of him leaving ingrained too deep.

So I held my tongue and let him show me what I had been missing from my life. During all this time however, we grew closer still and learned a lot about one another it seemed. He opened up some, telling me more about his time in heaven, more about his siblings and parents. I was intrigued when he told me about his mother and her brief time on earth. I was also fascinated to learn and finally meet Amenadiel. His elusive brother had dropped by one day and Lucifer graciously introduced us. Amenadiel had seemed at a loss for words, but after recovering from his initial shock, seemed to take to me.

He had a kind soul, it seemed, and although I could see he had a dark streak running through him, I was surprised at how, well, normal he seemed for an angel.

My friends and coworkers, and Lucifers as well for that matter, came to expect the two of us wherever we went. If one was to be there, the other would surely follow. Lucifer had made several appearances on campus, earning admiring looks from my peers and even a few teachers. Jade had finally come around, beginning to trust him once she saw how well he was treating me. I was glad, finally relaxing at the thought that the two most important people in my life could be civil. In turn, I had also grown closer to his friends as well. Ella was easy to do so, making an effort to always include me in her plans, but it was Chloe I was more shocked about.

After the attack, her general outlook on me had changed drastically. The cold attitude I received from our first encounter was gone, replaced by a friendly outlook that resonated deeply. We bonded and got along quite well. I was ecstatic over gaining a few more friends, more so when Linda joined the bunch. I had seen her a few more times over the following weeks and she had been insightful on how to cope with everything that had happened; the revelations of divinity, the attack and even my feelings for Lucifer. She was sympathetic and I felt as if she wished sometimes to smack him upside the head and demand to admit how he felt about me.

My training with Maze had continued as well and I was actually getting rather good. We trained nearly everyday and with each session I could feel myself grow stronger and more knowledgeable. I was nowhere near her standards, but at least now I could hold my own in a fight. Not for very long, but at least long enough to send my attacker down and buy me some time to run away. It was through these sessions that Maze had eased up on me too, her snark lessening and guard slowly coming down. Her friendship was another surprising thing to acquire. Surprising also to find out that she was already friends with the rest of the women. It was nice, having a group of girlfriends so big and I felt filled with joy. Lucifer had inadvertently given me so much.

When Lucifer found out, however, what Maze and I had been up to, well, things went slightly adrift for a bit. He was furious, both with me and her, that I was "risking myself" this way. I argued back that it was better for me to be somewhat prepared so if I were to be attacked again I could at least get in one punch. He had countered back saying that with him always with me, I wouldn't need to learn to defend myself. But I held my own, this was something I was not going to back down on, and soon enough he finally caved, consenting purely for the fact that I was right and he knew it and that Maze was an excellent teacher.

With all the good things happening however, there were the bad as well. Like the morning we found my vespa in complete ruin. I was on my way to school, headed downstairs with Lucifer, when we came across it. The tires had been slashed and a baseball bat clearly taken to it. My heart sank and I nearly burst into tears at the sight of it, cold dread filling me. It had been a gift from my parents, but that wasnt the part that had troubled me so. It was the fact that the message was ringing loud and clear, the killer was still after me, their warning earlier having been just that. A warning. The problem was, however, that the LAPD were still nowhere near figuring out who this person was.

Two more bodies had popped up, a man and a woman, more people Lucifer had known. One was a drug dealer of his, his personal supplier. I had been none to pleased to find that out, of course, but still, it was another body. The woman was another fling and surprisingly that didnt put as bad a taste in my mouth as the drug dealer did.

My body had finally healed from the attack, the bruises moving from purple and black to green and yellow, until finally disappearing altogether. Life seemed to be well, excluding the lack of a killer that is.

"Honey, Im ho-ome!" I called, walking into the penthouse, grocery bags in tow. Blues filled the vast space, a pleasant sound that resonated within me. "No, no! Stay where you are!" Lucifer came flying out, tongs in one hand as he waved with the other. I stopped, a slow smile stretching over my face as I took in his black apron that had "kiss the cook" embroidered on it in red. "What are you doing?" I giggled. He grinned and snapped his tongs at me. "A surprise, I insist that you stay here." He came forward to snatch the bags from my hands and I reached for him, pulling him towards me before he could walk away.

"I beg your-" he started, but was soon silenced my lips. He grinned against me but didnt pull away. When we finally pulled apart from one another, he was smiling. "Hello, love."

"Hi," I grinned, pinching at his apron, "very apt instructions, Mr. Morningstar." He chuckled and pecked my lips. "Stay here, no peeking." He turned around, heading back to the kitchen and leaving me alone. I headed over to the couch, plopping myself down and picking up my laptop. I opened it up to my email and started checking them. Most were from school, some from Lucifer that I had yet to open. But one in particular caught my eye.

It was from a publishing house.

I opened it up and read, panic and shock coming over me the further along I got.

Dear Ms. Thomas,

We would like to formally thank you for your submission. After extensive review from our talented editorial staff, we have decided to go ahead and publish your novel. That being said, however, we would like to sit down with you and discuss some finer details, along with the pending title of the book.

Please reach out to me as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Janet White, Fiction Editor of  Tyrant Books

My heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest. How is this possible? I thought. I felt dizzy and was glad to be sitting down. The email made no sense, I hadnt submitted anything to any publishing houses. Certainly not to Tyrant Books. So why were they emailing me? This couldnt be real, I deemed, it had to be a dream. Im dreaming!

"Alright, darling Im ready for-" my head snapped up as Lucifer came in, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel. He stopped speaking, however, when he saw the expression on my face. My eyes narrowed, suddenly the unanswered questions making sense as the answer finally clicked into place. "It was you," I accused, moving the laptop off of my lap and onto the couch. I stood up, my hands on my hips. "You submitted one of my books didnt you!?" Lucifer paled and I knew I was right. He didnt lie, not ever, that didnt mean he didnt withhold the truth however.

"Darling, listen-"

"Dont 'darling' me! Lucifer how could you!? I told you that stuff was private! Whatever you submitted probably wasnt even finished!" I cried. A dark panic rose in my chest, my irrational fear returning to me. "Lorelai, listen. I didnt mean any harm, love. You left a manuscript here and I thought Id submit it on your behalf." His look, so earnest, broke through some of my anger. He seemed to see this and hurried on, coming forward and taking hold of my hands. "I figured the worst that could happen was that youd never get a call back and you wouldnt even know. Im guessing your finding out means theyre going to publish it?" I frowned. His logic was pretty sound and if I was being honest with myself, I knew I never would have submitted anything. I sighed and leaned my head against his chest.

"I wish you wouldve asked me," his arms went around me and the tension between us eased. "I knew you wouldve said no. I apologize love, but only for going behind your back. I knew I would be right." I looked up at him with a raised brow. "Dont get cocky, youre forgiven but Im still soured." He smirked and pecked my lips, "feel free to take it out on me in the bedroom, love. Now come along, your surprise awaits."

His surprise ended up being homemade burgers and they were delicious. We ate them outside, watching the sun go down. I contemplated the publishers email, wondering what I should do. His intentions were good and I recognized that this was a really good opportunity for me. "Lucifer," I murmured. We had cleared the food away and were now pressed up against each other. He had an arm wrapped around me and a drink in the other hand. "Yes, love?" He looked down at me with a lazy smirk and my eyes met his. "Would you come with me to New York? To sit down with the publishers..." his eyes widened and a large grin slowly spread across his dark features. "So youre going through with this?"

"Yes...its a good opportunity. But dont think this lets you off the hook!" I pointed at him while trying to hold a stern face, failing hopelessly as his smile was contagious. "Oh heaven forbid I think such a thing," he teased. I rolled my eyes and pulled him down for a kiss. As per our usual, sweetness turned sultry and I soon found myself in his lap, hands gripping his hair desperately. "Sweet Lorelai," he murmured, hands moving up my thighs. "I love it when your sex kitten comes to play."

"Meow," I giggled, trailing kisses down his jaw. He stood up abruptly, keeping my legs wrapped around his waist and holding me beneath my rear. "Does the kitten want to play?" He murmured. There was a dark edge to his tone, a note that awakened my own darkness. A thrill of excitement ran through me, "yes" I whispered.

"Good," he walked us slowly to the bedroom, all the while my heart racing. "Lets play a game shall we?"

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