One Shot

By spicyboilouis

667 14 3

my one shot book dood ??? More

You cheated
Just a little bit of your heart
Eddie Spaghetti
I quite like you (part 1)
I quite like you (part 2)
When i get you alone


95 3 0
By spicyboilouis

(Modern AU)

Eddie adored Richie. As much as he'd like to lie and say that he didn't. They were best friends, but Eddie wanted to be more. They would spend days at Richie's house watching TV and movies while laughing and throw8ng food at each other. His mom would constantly send his sister to check on them. His mom already knew that Richie and Eddie were gay. She was the first person both of them came out to. Richie also told Eddie but Eddie didn't tell Richie. Richie also had a huge crush on Eddie, but in the end gave up because he thought Eddie would never view Richie as anything more than a friend.

After Richie gotten over his crush on Eddie he started noticing someone. Bill to be more specific now instead of always asking Eddie over he'd always ask Bill. Eddie noticed he was being invited less and less to the Tozier house hold. Once he found out who was going and was watching movies, and throwing food and getting checked on by Richie's twin sister his head started to hurt. He didn't know if Richie had a crush on Bill, but he just assumed and it crushed his heart. He was moppy and depressed for the next few days. Watching Bill and Richie splash around in the waters of the quarry, and Bill ruffle Richie's curls as Richie giggled. Eddie wanted to do that, but he felt so unwanted so empty. He didn't have the energy to talk to anyone. Beverly and Stan tried talking to him a couple of times but it was short dry conversations as Eddie was staring at Richie and Bill. Richie barely registered that Eddie was even there half of the time.

He went home alone instead of staying the night with Richie like he usually did on Fridays. Today was the day that Bill said he was bisexual and that he and Richie are dating. He tried looking happy he really did. He smiled and everything ! His heart wasn't in it though, he wished things were different. He wanted to say that he was gay and madly in love with Richie, but he didn't want to ruin their happiness. They looked so happy, and that's what Eddie wants for Richie.... for him to be happy.

Eddie was walking through town, and saw Richie and Bill holding hands with ice cream in their other hand. He froze he really didn't want to intrude on their date. So he ran the other way only to crash into someone.
He looked up to see straw colored hair and one of the most beautiful blue eyes he's ever seen. She extended her hand down towards him.
"Hey..." she waited patiently for his name and Eddie glanced at Richie and Bill seeing them getting closer.
"Oh um Eddie my names Eddie" he said dusting his pants and fixing his fanny pack. She looked down at it then back to his face.
"I like your fanny pack... it's cute" the freckles on her face got dusted over by the blush that appeared on her face. 'Richie's freckles are more cute' Eddie thought.
"Thanks um... ?"
"Darcy.... Darcy Adams" she smiled and he finally noticed her braces they yellow matching her hair.

"Eds?" He heard Richie call out when he finally caught a glance of the shorter boy he used to adore. Richie's heart starting beating way faster and his stomach got quesey when he saw that girl. "Who's this ?"

"This is Darcy we kinda just met" Darcy giggled and looked back at Eddie.
"Yeah we litteraly bumped into each other" she smiled waving at Richie and Bill.
"Babe we should go or we are going to miss the movie" Eddie winced when Bill said babe. Richie unfortunately heard it and looked at Eddie confused.
"Yeah okay" Richie and Bill left leaving Darcy and Eddie alone again.
"Do you wanna hang out ?" She smiled.
"Yeah sure, but I have to tell you I'm kinda gay" Darcy bursted out laughing which surprised Eddie.
"Kinda? Same I guess I'm bi but yeah I got it. You like boys " she smiled tussling his hair. Which caused one of the first genuine smiles in a while from Eddie. "So Eddie Bear do you wanna go get food cause I'm starving"

On Richie and Bill's date the only thing Richie was thinking about was Eddie and that girl. Was he going to ask her out? Will she say yes? Is Eddie going to forget about Richie? Bill noticed the troubled look on his boyfriend and sighed out.
"Richie what's the matter ?" Richie only shook his head so they didn't speak anymore on that subject.

Richie went to Eddie's house and knocked on the door. He noticed a skateboard on their patio, and it looked so out of place since everything was so crisp white. He knew that wasn't Eddie's his mom would never let him. The girl from the other day opened the door. The knots in Richie's stomach tightened as he made his way inside. He caught a glimpse of Eddie and ran. He tackled him to the floor. A girly shriek came out of Eddie as he realized who basically assaulted him.
"Bubba !" He hugged him tightly from missing Richie all these months. Richie hugged back just as tightly.
"Gosh I missed you" Richie squeezed Eddie closer to the fact that Richie was basically on top of him.
"Then why did you stop hanging out with me ?" Eddie pushed Richie back a bit remembering how Richie shut him out because he got the boyfriend of his dreams. Just thinking of him and Bill made Eddie push Richie off of him completely. Making his way back onto the couch next to Darcy. Richie got up sitting on the couch as well running his hands through his dark curls.

"I guess I got carried away in having a boyfriend I didn't think of anyone else except Bill" Eddie thought an explanation would help him, but to know that Richie wasn't even thinking  about him made it even worse. Tears almost made it out of his eyes before he shook it off.
"Darcy do you want anything to drink ?" Eddie said hoping she would say yes so he could cry without Richie seeing.
"Yeah water is good" she understood what Eddie needed so she played along. Eddie nodded and got up to get the water.
"Richie Eddie is like my best friend -

"No !! I'm his best friend" Richie snapped looking away from her and in the direction of the kitchen.
"You sure didn't act like it. I was here for him all these months" she said moving closer to Richie.
"Listen you bitch I'm Eddie's best friend through thick and thin so fuck off."
"Who's the one Eddie is avoiding?" She challenged. She didn't want to have a war over who was Eddie's best friend she knew it was Richie, but she thought it was a clever way to let Richie in on how Eddie was feeling. "Who's the he comes to with his problems about you ?" Richie shot up from his seat and marched to the bathroom sitting down on the floor he cried. He didn't even know why he was crying he just was. Richie looked at himself in the mirror his curls wild as always his eyes red and puffy, eyelashes laced with tears. He washed his face with cold water. Richie decided he was just going to go home and maybe call Bill. He walked out and passed the kitchen catching a glimpse of a crying Eddie on the floor near the fridge. He fought the need to go over to him. And ended up going home.

Eddie finally got out of the kitchen and he wasn't suprised to find out the Richie wasn't there anymore. He sat on the couch next to Darcy wiping his tears.
"I saw him look at you Eddie, he saw you crying and did nothing" she shook her head pulling Eddie into a hug. She though of Eddie as a son and she didn't want anything to harm her son.
"He was never one for emotion if it wasn't happiness" Eddie rolled his eyes cuddling into Darcy.

Richie laid in bed looking at the picture near his bed of Eddie attempting to give Richie a piggyback ride.

"No way your gonna be able to hold me Spaghetti Man"
" oh yeah watch me Rich"
"Okay but you asked for it" Richie hopped onto Eddie's back rocking back and forth.
"Bubba! Stop or I'm going to drop you"
River smiled taking pictures of her brother and Eddie. Eddie  ended up dropping Richie and they landed in a fit of laughter.

He smiled at the memory and felt all the feelings for Eddie flooding back into his heart. His mom came into his room with a bunch of cut up fruit handing them to Richie and looking at the picture.
"I miss Eddie... don't get me wrong I love Bill too, but you had something special with Eddie." His mom kissed his check, glancing at the picture one last time before leaving. Richie was left alone eating his fruit alone. Richie pulled out his phone and dialled Bill.

"Hey babe"
"Hey Bill we need to talk"
"Yeah um this is crappie to do over the phone but-
"Richie it's fine I know what your doing and it's fine we both love other people, and that's perfectly fine."
"Who do you love ? "
"... Stan"
"Shut up Trashmouth"
"Bye big bill"
"Bye Tozier"

He was glad that Bill didn't get mad. He loved Bill with all his heart, but not in that way. He put a watermelon in his mouth and dialed Eddie.

"Hey Eds !"
"What do you want Richie ?"
"Come to my house I need to talk to you"
"Why should I ?"
"Because I have fruit"
"I'll be there in 5 minutes"

As promised Eddie was there 5 minutes after he hung up. Richie's mom hugged Eddie at the door leading him to Richie's room. He walked into his room looking at all the clothing on the floor.
"Where's my fruit Tozier ?" Richie smiled and patted his bed. Eddie sighed sitting down with his eyebrow raised.
"So I kinda ate it" Eddie got up, but Richie grabbed his arm. "I can have my mom get more for you after I talk to you."
"Fine" Eddie sat back down looking at Richie's freckles.

"I'm stupid and fucked up, but I loved you for such a long time I knew you'd never love me though so I started to flirt and hang out with Bill a lot to get over you. It worked for a while, but when I saw you with that girl all of my feelings resurfaced and I got so jealous. I never wanted to hurt you I loved you so much, but I didn't want to get hurt. That was selfish of me really really selfish. I'm not asking you to forgive me but I just though time should tell you. " Eddie looked up a Richie smiling a bit. The frowned

"You saw me crying you didn't do anything." Eddie scooted back not noticing how close he got to Richie during his speech.
"I I have no excuse for that I'm such a horrible person Eddie. I don't deserve you I never did." Tears now streaming down Richie's face.
"Baby it's okay" Eddie said reaching out and grabbing Richie's hand. "You're not a horrible person, you never were never will be." Eddie pulled Richie into a hug and squeezed when he heard a soft sob come out of Richie. "Bubba calm down. I forgive you" he rubbed his back in small circles. Richie pulled back looking at Eddie's face staring into his eyes before leaning in stopping right before their lips touched almost to say 'is this okay' Eddie looked up at Richie. Both of them were bright red, and Eddie closed the gap. The kiss erupted fireworks in their bellies. It was the best thing to ever happen to both of them.
"I love you Bubba"
"I love you too Spaghetti Man"
"Fuck off Trashmouth"
"Whatever let's go get your fruit" Eddie laughed kissing Richie again and guiding them down to the kitchen.


(2054 words my personal best 😥)

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