Dear Evan Hansen One- shots

By I_cant_dig_elvis

63.8K 1.9K 3.2K

Sincerely three, Kleinphy, Kleinsen, and tree bros one-shots. I LOVE sincerely three and it's my favorite shi... More

Boyfriends it is (sincerely three)
Your boy? (Kleinphy/Conman) (zolana)
Mistletoe boys (Kleinsen)
Cramps.. (kleinphy/conman)
Braces (sincerely three)
THAT picture (kleinphy/conman)
Boyfriends? (Kleinphy/conman)
Im Breaking Down (Kleinsen)
Man up (Kleinsen)
Cold (sincerely three)
Gay fanfic (kleinphy/conman)
Assembly (kleinphy/conman)
Have it all (Kleinsen)
Bet (sincerely three)
Y-O-U (Kleinsen)
Motel room (Sincerely three)
Dare Me? (Kleinsen)
Advice (Kleinsen)
Perfect kiss (Kleinphy/Conman)
Car Insurance (Kleinsen)
Asexual or gaysexual (Kleinphy/Conman)
To work on the Project? (Tree Bros)
Then I am (Sincerely Three)
Thank You (Kleinsen)
Say it Again (Kleinsen)
School is Hell (Sincerely, Three)
Valentines day special (Kleinsen)
Well~ (Sincerely Three)
A/N: Best friend application (please)
Proposal (Kleinsen)
Sick (TreeBros)
The In-Betweens (TreeBros)

Plan (kleinphy/conman)

1.6K 56 77
By I_cant_dig_elvis

A request for @doesmichaelisgay (sorry if I spelled that wrong). Another kleinphy fic, so I guess y'all like that ship.

Connor pushed his hair back, pulling it up into a bun behind his flower crown, the wind kept ruining his hair. He sat on the bleachers, watching the football players practice. He wasn't particularly interested in football, but he was interested in watching hot guys in their football uniforms. He was really there for one boy in particular, though; his crush Jared.

"Hi, Con." Evan said, sliding onto the bleachers next to Connor.

"Hey, Ev." Connor sighed, directing his focus back to Jared.

"You really like him, don't you?" Evan asked. Connor nodded. "Well, just ask him out then." Evan decided.

"No way! He's a football player! He's probably not even gay. Even if he is, there's no way he'd go out with a guy like me." Connor complained.

"Why not?! You're practically perfect!" Evan blushed as he noticed what he was saying, but he continued. "You're so pretty, you're funny, you're outrageously sweet, any guy would love to go out with you. I know I would..."

"Evan." Connor warned.

"I know. I know, you like Jared."

"I'm sorry, Evan. Maybe if I didn't feel so strongly for Jared..."

"No, Connor. It's fine. I know. I'll just go."


Jared dropped the football, noticing Connor on the bleachers. His teammates laughed.

"Damn... Jared's got it bad, doesn't he." One of the players joked, nudging the guys next to him. Jared blushed.

"Leave me alone." Jared told them. They all laughed again.

"Well if you're gonna keep being distracted by your crush every time he comes to practice then it seems we've gotta get you that boyfriend."

"Guys, no." Jared whined. "I don't even think he's gay."

"Jared, listen. No guy dresses in pink crop tops and flower crowns if he isn't gay." Another one of his teammates said, rolling his eyes. "Plus, he wouldn't be coming to watch us practice if he didn't like one of us, considering none of us actually know him."

"Guys, I'm not gonna ask him out." Jared complained.

"Oh, you don't have to." The other boys decided. "We have a plan."


Connor was walking to his third period when a group of football players cornered him against a locker.

"So... we're thinking you have feelings for someone on our team. Care to tell us who it is?" The tallest boy jabbed.

"Not particularly, no." Connor said.

"C'mon. Just tell us who it is. Maybe we can set up a date for you two..."

"Stop." Connor demanded.

"Well, it's just that a little birdy told me ya like Jared." One of the football players teased. Connor blushed. "I thought so. So what should we tell Jared?"

"What? Don't tell him anything!" Connor rushed.

"Well, Jared really likes you..."

"Wow, now I really know this is fake. Just leave me alone." Connor sighed.

"No way." One of the shorter guys said. "Jared's gonna be pissed if he finds out we talked to you and he still doesn't have a boyfriend."

"Excuse me?" Connor asked.

"I said he's gonna be pissed if you don't go out with him. Not to be rude or anything, but it's obvious you like him, and our bud Jare can't pay attention in practice because he keeps thinking about you. So, please, just ask him out already."

"Fine." Connor blushed.


Connor walked into his third period, one of the classes he had with Jared. He sat down right next to him, noticing the shorter boy's blush.

"Hey, Jared." Connor said, trying to act casual.

"Oh, hey, Connor."

"Sooo.. I heard you like me." Connor teased, causing Jared's blush to deepen.

"Well, I mean, I um." Jared stuttered. Connor chuckled.

"It's fine." Connor smiled. "I actually came over here to ask you if you wanna go out with me?"

"Wait, really?" Jared asked, excited.


"Oh my gosh, Connor. Yes!" Jared squealed (in a very manly, football player way, of course). He leaned in, grabbing the back of the softer boy's head, and pulling him in for a kiss.

"Boys! No kissing in class!" The teacher shouted, clearly wanting to quit her job.

"Sorry, Mrs. Hansen." They chorused, blushing and smiling at each other.


You guys really seem to like Kleinphy. I'll try and do more of the ship you guys are interested in, so let me know what y'all like. Sorry to tree bros shippers at the beginning lol.


Have a great day, y'all!💋💋

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