That Butt Naked Godly Being H...

By Silent_Innocence

817K 20.5K 2.5K

Corinne Tyson and her boyfriend Seth are on a journey of love. Something neither of them have experienced bef... More

TBNGBHAB...Chapter One
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Two
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Three
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Four
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Five
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Six
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Seven
Important authors note
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Eight
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Nine
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Ten
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Eleven
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twelve
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Thirteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Fourteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Fifteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Sixteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Seventeen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Eighteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Nineteen
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty One
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty Two
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty Three
TBNGBHAB....Chapter Twenty Four
TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty Five
TBNGBHAB....Chapter Twenty Six

TBNGBHAB...Chapter Twenty

16.3K 702 79
By Silent_Innocence

That Butt Naked Godly Being Has a Brother!

I'm constantly falling apart…and you somehow always put me back together. Thanks big brother.

Previously in Chapter Nineteen

Crossing my arms over my chest, I shook my head, "What if I want a free show before heading in?" I asked innocently, letting my eyes drift down to his jeans, my eyebrows raised, indicating what I was referring to.

Seth laughed openly at my words, and rolled his eyes. Going along with it, Seth unbuttoned his pants and stepped out of them, tugging at his boxers while eyeing me carefully. Watching, I bit into my bottom lip as I waited with my hands crossed across my chest, my breath picking up slightly.

Pulling them down ever so slightly, before I could protest, Seth turned around and pulled them down completely, quickly shifting into his beautiful other half. Letting out a frustrated grumbled, I shook my head and ran my hands through Wolfy's fur on his head, "That was mean…" I pointed out, "I'll see you tonight, meanie." 

Turning on my feet, I slowly began the short walk towards my house, not sure what my dad's reaction was going to be towards me after my outburst yesterday.

Chapter Twenty

Curling my hand around the door handle, I took a long breath, and without another moment to think, I pushed myself into the house.

I was utterly surprised to find the house completely silent as I stepped in, the sound of my footsteps the only sound touching my ears. Confused, I shut the front door behind myself and wandered slowly into the kitchen. When I found my dad wasn't there, I began searching through the house, only to stumble across him staring aimlessly at the television that was muted, his stare focused on the moving screen.

Leaning against the side of the wall, I took a soft breath and tapped my knuckles against the wall hoping the noise would draw his attention. When he didn't budge, I crossed my arms across my chest nervously, and nibbled on my bottom lip, "Dad?" I spoke softly.

Jumping, my dad's head turned quickly in my direction upon hearing my voice, his eyes softening at the sight of me.

When silence continued to fill the room and I didn't see him speaking up in that moment, I stepped forwards and moved to the place beside him of the sofa, keeping quite a gap between the two of us. "I'm sorry I got angry yesterday…" He apologized after a long moment, pinching his bridge between his eyes. "As much as I hate to admit it, I overreacted quite a bit to the news of Mel's pregnancy. You were completely right that it was wrong of me to look at it any differently than I did to Nicole's," He admitted. I smiled softly at my dad's words, knowing it was a lot for him to be telling me this. Opening my mouth to respond, I stopped when my dad held up his hand, "Apparently times are now different than what I was used to…And, damn it- I just-" He paused, taking a deep breath, reorganizing his thoughts before continuing. "I just don't want you to think that now that two of your friends are going to have babies that there is any kind of rush in the matter," He sighed. "Corinne, I just want you to have the life I always dreamed of you having, going away to college, finding a nice guy, marrying him, and eventually far down the road having kids," My dad explained, his eyes fogging up slightly as he cleared his throat. "I know you hate the baby talk, and you're an adult, you make your own decisions, but I am still you dad and I want only the best things for you," He finished, running a hand though his hair, looking at me softly.

Biting onto my bottom lip, I watched my dad carefully for a long moment before all but leaping forward and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a firm hug. "Yes, you are still my dad, always will be," I laughed softly, leaning back from the hug and catching his eyes, "Honestly dad, Seth is such an amazing guy, we both agree that even with babies all around, they are way down the road for the two of us. I can honestly promise you that, pinky promise if you want?" I offered, "He's my prince charming, the one I always dreamed about, but we don't want to rush into anything." I explained, sending him a smile.

My dad nodded slowly, and breathed a subtle sigh of relief. "I'm just not sure how comfortable I feel with him sleeping at my house any longer…now that I know how he sees my little girl indecent," He added after a brief moment of silence, shaking his head as if to erase the image that came to his mind.

Covering my eyes at his words, I  couldn't help but laugh, "You said it yourself, I'm an adult, thus I make my own decisions." I reminded him, not wanting to uncover my eyes to see him most likely eyeing me with disapproval.

 Finding my embarrassment amusing, my dad shook the sofa with his soft laughter, "It's also still my house Corey," He countered.

Dropping my hands from my eyes, I stared at him with disbelief spread over my face, "I hope you don't think I would ever in your house!" I exclaimed suddenly, my cheeks growing a deep pink just thinking about my dad even thinking about this, wanting this conversation to drop.

"I know Corey. I don't think you would, but when relationships get serious, things can get heated quickly and things can happen in the heat of the moment…and anything can cause it; a soft brush of a hand on the leg, a tender kiss on the neck," He explained, talking like it was the most normal father and daughter conversation to be having.

Shaking my head, I held my hands up to my ears and blocked out his voice, "No more, okay. I've heard enough. Seth will not sleep here as long as you promise not to bring that up ever again, with that kind of imagery!" I all but exclaimed, pushing myself up from the sofa and sending my dad a forced smile before moving out of the living room and running up the steps into my bedroom as my dad laughed in amusement.

The conversation was moving better than I thought it ever would, but of course my dad had to go and make it awkward.

With my door shut behind myself, I finally took a deep calming breath that was much needed. I was beyond pleased with how well the conversation went with my dad, knowing there wasn't going to be a wall between the two of us in the future, and as awkward as I found it knowing he knew about me and Seth, it was better than lying to him in the future. 

I knew that even agreeing to my dad's request of Seth not sleeping here any more would go unnoticed by the two of us and Seth would just go back to his routine of leaving before morning again, as much as I will hate wake up to an empty bed.

Collapsing onto my bed, hoping to pass time until Seth arrived from his run around pack lines, I grabbed my sketch pad out of the drawer and flipped to a blank page. 

After nearly two and a half hours of drawing, and no sign of Seth, I tucked away my new drawings of the trees, and went down stairs to grab something to eat. Eyeing my dad playfully as I moved into the kitchen to see him sitting at the counter as Della leaned across the other side with her back towards me.

Meeting my eyes my dad smiled, which caught Della's attention which had her spinning around to lay eyes with me, "Corey!" She exclaimed with complete surprise, "When did you get in? Why didn't you tell me Adam?" She wondered, turning and eyeing my dad curiously.

Shrugging his shoulders my dad laughed softly, "Didn't come to mind when you brought me food," He smiled, playing it off as innocently as he could.

Della shook her head, and sent me another smile, "Well, I'm glad your home sweetie," She spoke softly.

Smiling I nodded, "Me too," I spoke truthfully, "What'd you two have for dinner?" I wondered, moving into the kitchen and pulling open the refrigerator. 

"Della brought over some lasagna, there's left overs on the top shelf if you want some," My dad offered.

Making eye contact with the left overs I felt my stomach grumble at the through and greedily reached up and pulled it out of the refrigerator. 

After taking a seat next to my dad, it didn't take long for me to finish off the slice of lasagna, before I excused myself from the small talk my dad and Della were having to get ready for bed. 

Climbing the stairs, I took a quick hot shower and moved into my bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind myself. Slipping into a pair of pink panties and a plain white bralette. Just as I adjusted the top, I jumped as a pair of hands came around my waist as warm lips brushed against my neck, "I missed the good part…" Seth groaned softly, his hands rubbing against my bare skin, his fingers moving into the dangerous territory at the top of my panties.

Leaning my head back against his chest, I felt my breath catch as he began slid his hand into the front of my panties. "We can't tonight, not here…" I breathed out softly, "My dad and Della are down stairs," I explained, my words being ignored as Seth began to rub my sensitive buds slowly. "Seth-" I whimpered, "I told my dad that you wouldn't stay over at night anymore, and he got really awkward too quickly, I can't right now." I admitted, explaining why I really wanted him to stop, although my body didn't like the idea of him actually stopping.

Seth laughed softly at my words and rested his chin on my shoulder, moving his hands and gripping both of my hips firmly. "Only for you beautiful, I know you don't like your dad knowing about us being intimate." He spoke softly, his breath fanning down my bare skin of my shoulder, "I do think you should sleep in just that tonight though," He groaned faintly, squeezing my hips and pulling me tighter against himself.

Squealing lightly I laughed, "You would like that wouldn't you?" I asked him, tilting my head backwards and meeting his eyes.

Smiling, a mysterious glint came to his eyes as he moved his hands around my waist and picked me up, bringing my over to my bed and laying us down, flipping me around so we were face to face. "I would very much like that," He responded, rubbing his hips against mine, showing me how attentive his lower half was.

Whimpering slightly, I bit into my bottom lip, and lifted my chest up off the bed, "You are so mean…" I breathed out.

Looking at me like he was the most innocent guy in the world, Seth's lip slowly curled into a smile as I eyed him playfully, "Me…mean? Never," He exclaimed, moving his face down and pressing his lips to the side of my neck, dodging my mark skillfully, only brushing it slightly with the corner of his mouth, which sent chills down my body.

Groaning, I shook my head and took a deep calming breath, "How was patrol? Everything look alright?" I wondered, trying miserably to start a conversation so I could get my mind to anything else.

Seth laughed, obviously realizing what I was trying to do in that moment, "The perimeters checked out perfect, there was only one location that seemed to have breached, we've marked it as the place of entrance for Kenton and his men, I've got four men on guard, knowing him he'll use the same entrance, or fairly close to the same entrance next time." He explained.

Looking up at him, I smiled, "I'm sorry, I only got bits and pieces of that, kinda zoned out for a moment…" I admitted.

Shaking his head, Seth met my eyes with amusement, "You're adorable when you want me really bad, but are resisting," He commented, "You do know that we were successfully quiet in my room last night right?" He reminded me, smiling as he looked down at me with a suggestive glint in his eyes.

Biting into my lips, I sighed, "You don't understand, my dad just told me about doing things in his house, I'm surprised I even made it out of the conversation, let alone having sex not even three hours after the conversation…" I explained.

Seth rolled his eyes, smirked, "He'll never know," He offered, leaning down and pressing his lips to the side of my mark, sucking softly for a moment before inching over the side and drawing his tongue along the sensitive skin. "It's the last night of your heat, we have an excuse… we just have to use the excuse," He offered, lifting his lips from my neck, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

Groaning softly, I shook my head, "Not to my dad we don't. Different story in your house buddy," I laughed at his attempt to make it sound okay.

Seth shook his head, and groaned, "Lets go to my house?" He offered, a smile taking over his lips, leaning in and pressing a kiss to the bottom of my jaw.

Laughing, I shook my head, "We were just there and we left because of all the crazy good listeners there…" I reminded him, sending him a playful glare as he tried to pull off the 'I'm so innocent' facade as he pulled his lips back from the side of my mark.

Chuckling, Seth shrugged his shoulders, "Let's take a shower then…He'll never guess I'm in there with you, and he won't ask questions?" He offered as another suggestion.

"He does though know I've already taken a shower tonight…" I pointed out, laughing as Seth sighed in defeat.

Seeming to think really hard, when no other suggestions came out of his mouth, I chuckled at his expression, "You're making this way more difficult than what it needs to be Corinne," He groaned. "Why do you always take a shower before I arrive?" He wondered, shaking his head.

Smiling, I shook my head, "Hm, are you searching for a solution and suggesting that we won't have sex when I'm not in heat?" Throwing his words from earlier back at him.

Seth chuckled at my words and shook his head, "Hopefully only every damn day….now that we won't have to worry about conceiving, since you seem to taken to a heat schedule…" He smirked.

Rolling my eyes I shook my head, "I swear if we get caught, I won't let you see me naked for a whole month." I threatened, eyeing him firmly, completely serious with my threat.

"How about only a week?" He tried to counter the deal.

Shaking my head I leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, "One month, or nothing." I held firm.

Groaning, Seth thought about it for a long moment before he nodded his head and leaned forward, pressing his lips hard against mine, more than pleased for me accepting. "Your dad and Della just turned on a movie, they'll be distracted for two hours minimum," He breathed out, smiling against my lips, his hands moving up over my chest. Trailing his kissed down my neck, positioning over the bralette that I was currently wearing. Catching my breath as he kissed through the thin fabric, my body completely alert to his warm mouth and the movement of his sweet tongue. 

Feeling his smile form against my chest as I lifted myself up off the bed, pressing harder into him. Suddenly removing himself from my body, Seth stood up at the end of the bed, smiling down at me with strong amusement. Sending me a wink, Seth pulled his shirt up over his head,  before moving down to his pants and wiggling his hips as he unbuttoned them and dropped them down to his feet, "As much as I love the show..." I admitted my eyes not daring to move from him, "May I do the honors?" I asked softly, biting into my bottom lip as he grabbed onto the top of his boxers, raised eyebrows and a playful smile still spread across his lips.

"You can watch the show, but no touch," He responded quickly, tugging his boxers down slightly, his deep 'v' catching my eyes.  "I thought you liked watching, you wanted a show earlier?" He reminded me, his bright smile making my heart twist more than I thought possible.

Pouting out my bottom lip, I sat up quick and grabbed onto the top of his boxers, pulling him towards me, which wasn't much of a challenge, "Come here, I can't just watch right now," I admitted.

Seth laughed and stumbled forward with my tug, "Someone's impatient…" He teased. Letting me pull him back onto the bed, a groan slipping through his lips as I wrapped my legs around his waist and rubbed myself against him. 

"Impatient…maybe, but when am I not?" I pointed out. Nodding in agreement, Seth smiled, but chose not to respond, instead his lips latched onto mine and had my eyes fluttering closed. Sliding my fingers through Seth's hair, I smiled against his lips as Seth nibbled on my bottom lip. Pulling my lips back from his, and opening my eyes to look at him, "I don't know how or why, but even through everything, I'm still always as nervous as the first time…" I admitted softly.

Smiling, Seth nodded, "I know. You're heart picks a pattern every time that is nearly identical. Your beautiful confidence shows on the outside, but that full heart of your goes crazy." He explained, "You know I love you right?" Seth asked softly.

I smiled at his words and nodded, "Of course I do, but I still love to hear you say it," I told him truthfully.

Seth continued to smile, "I love you." 

"I love you, too." I responded instantly, letting silence take over the room for a long moment as we both just laid there, our eyes locked together, "And as much as I love this sweet moment, we are losing precious time that could be being used in other ways…" I reminded him, biting into my bottom lip.

Letting out a laugh, Seth was clearly amused, "Dammit, I'm going to miss this heat of yours so bad when tomorrow rolls around," He all but groaned, sliding his hands down my sides and wrapping his fingers around the sides of my panties and tugging them down and gently spreading my legs apart. Laughing faintly at his words, I turned my head to the side, pressing my cheek into the comforter beneath us, realizing how forward my words were a moment earlier. Reaching out and grabbing onto my chin, Seth turned my head back so face him, "Let me see those eyes of yours," He whispered, holding my eyes as he continued removing my clothes. 

Whimpering as he slid the thin fabric from my body, as his eye broke from mine and ran down my bare skin, I watched him carefully, amazed with how every detail he took in like the first time he's seen it. Moving his eyes down my body, Seth placed a soft kiss just above my belly button, before placing soft kisses in a trail upwards, ending just over my mark, his breath fanning over the sensitive skin. 

Growing impatient with how much time he was taking, I reached out and took onto his final piece of clothing, wanting complete skin on skin contact. Seth chuckled, but  didn't protest as I pulled them down as far as my hands would reach before using my feet to push them off the rest of the way. Shivering as our bodies fit together perfectly with nothing between us, I groaned as Seth flashed a silver packet. "Damn it," I complained, wanting Seth too bad to make it a big deal, knowing he'd just give me a spiel about me not liking it.

Shaking his head, Seth chose not to comment and firmly pressed his lips against mine taking in and muffling my groans as he led us into my heats shared bliss. Keeping me quiet as he worked my body into oblivion, despite a few cries that slipped through my lips when he temporarily turned his attention to my mark, sending a wave of pleasure down my entire body.

Biting into my bottom lip, a final cry of pleasure slipped through my lips, louder than I anticipated as Seth's body collapsed down on mine, our thin layer of sweat mixing as we both fought to catch out breath. Rolling us over so he was on his back, Seth rested his head back into the pillow and kept his arms wrapped firmly around my body , not letting any space form between us as we laid there catching our breath. Tucking my head underneath his chin, I let my eyes flutter closed. "The door's locked right?"I whispered softly, not lifting my head, knowing Seth would look for me.

Seth chuckled under his breath, "It is. Why are you thinking about that right now though? You know we're pretty good with locks, and my hearing would catch anyone before they open the door," He pointed out, sounding genuinely curious.

Smiling, I turned my head slightly and kissed his bare chest, "I just don't want to get dressed and I think I'm ready for bed," I told him truthfully.

Sliding his hands down my bare back, stopping as he came over my bare buttocks and squeezing casually, Seth nodded, "I like that idea," He agreed, wiggling his eyebrows.

Laughing, I rolled my body off to the side of him and kept one of my legs over his, "Of course you do," I spoke softly, "You have no idea how badly I want to sleep in tomorrow morning, but I'm not counting on it since it never seems to happen," I told him honestly.

Seth laughed at my words, "Oh love, I know. Something always seems to come up doesn't it?" He agreed.

I nodded, "It does…" I sighed softly, "Fingers crossed for tomorrow morning though!" I offered, trying to stay hopeful.

"Should I leave before morning?" Seth wondered.

Lifting my head to meet his eyes, I shook my head, "No…" I spoke almost too quickly, "I want to be able to fall asleep in your arms after we make love, sleep in the next day and wake up tangled in your arms…We have yet to do such a thing and I think I'm missing out," I complained.

Smiling, Seth nodded and lifted his free hand to salute me playfully, "Yes ma'am. Anything for you beautiful," He agreed, "But no rubbing yourself up against me with that perfect little body of yours or I'll have to put clothes on you…" He explained.

Laughing, I nodded, "Or you can wake me up?" I suggested.

Seth's eyes darkened at my words, Wolfy obviously liking my suggestion and pressing to the surface, "I thought you were ready for bed Corinne?" He reminded me.

Biting into my bottom lip I nodded, "How much longer do they have of that movie downstairs?" I wondered, ignoring his question.

Smirking as he took in my question, Seth rolled over me and hovered over my body, "Long enough…They haven't hit the climax yet…" He responded.

Reaching up and running my hands on his chest, I smiled at his words, "Okay, we should take this heat out with a bang then," I suggested, digging my nails into his skin and drawing a faint scratch line down his chest. "Maybe we can beat them to the climax?" I offered, trying to make it sound sexy and suggestive, but I only ended up making myself laugh with how stupid I came off sounding.

Joining my laughter, Seth shook his head, "Oh Corinne, my beauty." He faintly whispered, "No need for dirty talk, you got me hooked already," He promised, flashing his bright smile, showcasing his amusement as he brushed my hair out of my face.

Giggling nervously, I lifted my feet off the bed and wrapped them around his back, pulling him down onto me completely. "Good, because I suck at dirty talk…" I admitted, "Round two then?" I asked innocently, my simple words doing more to him in that moment than my words had just seconds before, his eyes darkening. " I think Wolfy is down…" I pointed out, my simple mentioning of Wolfy's name drawing a growl from his lips.

"You've got that right, he's more than pleased that you don't have any clothes on in this moment," He informed me, leaning down and biting playfully into my scar,  "He told me to bite you in a few other places as well…" He whispered, bringing a deep blush to my cheeks as he pressed our lips together once more and pulled me tighter against his body.


A Little Note From The Author:

Wow. Where to start…I guess I could give you all the huge explanation on my absence, but I just don't want it to feel like an excuse…so instead I'll give you a run down on what has happened in the last four months, to catch you up on my life, much of which had me struggling with my anxiety and my ability to write without my mind drifting in a different direction…

Since April; I went to Jerusalem, Israel. I reconnected with my old best friend. Got involved in a business. Watched my older brother throw his life away to bad influences. Watched the business fall apart because of a divorce. Went to San Diego, California for a month. Got in a complicated relationship. Pushed the person away because of my problems despite them wanting to stay around. Lost a family member. Went to Roatan, Honduras. Got a promotion at work….And a whole bunch in between…

Sorry it took forever to update. I love all of you who are still sticking around you mean the world to me.

Since I'm not a person who has a set goal of votes or comments before I upload the next chapter, and honestly I don't ever see myself doing that, because this is sequel, and I don't know how many are joining the fun wagon of this journey, the only thing I'm asking you to do if you want to see me continue to update this at a regular pace,  I would love to see a constant response coming from this... so, if you want the next chapter really soon....VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter! And if you want, maybe FAN me too;)




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