Love in the Dark

By chubbyalejandra

18.3K 526 293

Can demons love? It isn't a question most people ask because most people don't encounter demons. But for 23 y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

615 14 2
By chubbyalejandra

We have about a million meetings in our life time but only one really matter. The one that leads to you finding the love of your life. - Somebody.


As soon as the lights went out, I held on to Wes. I didn't want us to lose each other as the crowd got rowdy.

Phone flash lights started to turn on and it created a glow over the room. So we could see a little.

"I got you." Wes told me sweetly.

I smiled at him and nodded.

Wes called out to Gen and she answered back from across the room.

Suddenly, I was snatched from Wes. Before I could even scream, I was being dragged through the crowd and far away from Wes.

I heard Wes call my name and I called his. Hopefully he would be able to find me.

I started to resist my kidnapper but he suddenly flipped me and I was on his shoulder. I pulled at his black ski mask, trying to distract him.

I kicked and punched and cursed. But nothing affected this guy.

At this point, my heart is pounding out my chest, blood is rushing to my head and adrenaline is coursing through me.

I was terrified.

What was happening?

Am I really getting kidnapped?

Who was this?

Why is this man taking me away?

Does no one notice?!

I was screaming like crazy but no one seem to care. Everyone was too busy trying to leave.

My head would occasionally hit someone's shoulder while we raced through the crowd, this made my headache worst.

I was panicking. This man wasn't stopping and the crowd wasn't helping.

No matter what kind of a fight I put up, I couldn't get loose. "Let me go!" I screamed.

The man just laughed.

I stopped struggling to catch my breath and think of an actual way out of this.


I looked up and saw Wes racing towards me.

For a minute I was hopeful. He was going to save me.

"Wesss!" I screamed helplessly.

He reached for my arm and I stretched towards him. We were close.

Just one more inch.

I heard the glass shattering before I felt the pain.

The sound was deafening. It took a minute to register that we had jumped through the big floor to roof glass window.

The cool air night stung my skin.

I looked down and saw I was bleeding.

My arms, face and possibly my back tingled with pain.

I screamed as I realized I was going to die there. As I realized that I was falling to my death.


The air was knocked out of me as we hit the ground. Hard. But this didn't stop the man.

He got up soon after and ran off into the woods.

No! I can't die like this. Not without a fight.

I used all the strength I had and ease my self upright.

I looked the bastard right in his eyes and slapped him as hard as I possibly could.

His head whipped to the side and he grunted.

"You little bitch!" He grunted out. He quickly let go of me.

I had no time to be happy of the fact. He soon realized what he had done and made a grab for me.

I quickly kicked him in the stomach and punched him as hard as I could in the neck.

He went down heavily, groaning.

I went down to his level and dug my fingers into his left eye.

I smiled with satisfaction as I felt the hot sticky blood running down my hand as his screams of pain rang through the night air.

Serves him damn right.

I quickly moved away from him and limped away. Looking down, I realized my leg was injured. A big glass shard was stuck in it.


I tried to run away, back towards the club. I could see the flashing sign that read The Lock In, we were still there.

My plans of escaping quickly disappear as I felt a pair of rough hands grab my waist.

I let out a frustrated scream and struggled against his hold.

I was so close to freedom.

"Fucking bitch!" He screamed at me. He flung me on the ground and I went down hard.

I had no time to feel the pain when he pressed his foot on my open wound.

My screamed my lungs out as my whole body was overwhelmed with pain. I could feel the glass scraping at my bone.

"You shouldn't have done that." He told me grinning. He went into his pocket and pulled out a small cloth.

My eyes widen as I realized what he was going to do.

I heaved heavily as I tried to move away but his foot remained on my injured foot and any movement was excruciating.

He knelt above me and pressed the cloth over my mouth and nose. The smell was so strong, it burnt my eyes.

I shook my head furiously, trying to get away but he was firm. The pain was unbareable.

I stared into his black cold eyes as tears poured from mines. "Please don't." I cried, desperately. It came out as a muffled cry.

He was smiling through his stupid ski mask.

He was enjoying this.

My head stopped spinning and everything become eerily quiet. My eyes started to droop and the pain in my leg was getting numb.

Then it all went black.

Was I going to die here?


"I can't believe you got the wrong girl, you fucking idiot!"

I groaned.


I had a hammering headache.

Someone was laughing like they had just heard the funniest joke ever.

"Shut up you useless demon!"

I knew that voice. My blood boiled hearing him again. That was the man who took me.

Where was I?

I forced my eyes to open but I was so tired. My eyelids felt so heavy. I felt heavy. My whole body ached in pain. I felt sore everywhere.

It was painful.

"Yeah, look who's talking? A demon that can't even follow simple instructions."

I sighed inwardly wishing they would just leave and let me die in peace. Their loud bickering made my headache worst.

"Both of you leave at this minute."

My heart stopped and my breath hitched as I heard that voice. Who was that?

The voice was surprisingly low but was powerful and demanded respect and obedience.

I wanted to cringe at the thought.

I heard shuffling and a door opening and closing, then slience.

A very awkward silence. I silently prayed all of them had left.

I couldn't hear anything. Only my breathing and maybe the pounding of my heartbeat in my ears.

Then I heard the footsteps. Low at first as if he was at a distance then louder as he came closer. Then they stopped.

Once again my breathing was the only thing to be heard in the quiet room.

I knew he was staring at me. I could feel his heated gaze on me.

It made me feel strangely warm.

Then I felt a hand on my arm. It was a delicate touch. Warm and tender.
Sudden and inviting.

Sparks flew through my body in a delicious way. It felt as if someone jump started my whole body and I was no longer in pain.

My eyes flew open and I gasped for air.

What the hell was that?!

His hand quickly left mine and he stumbled back.

I took in deep breaths and looked around the room in a panic.

What was happening?

I could feel him staring at me again. I was too afraid to look at him.

Those sparks......those weren't normal. Nothing here was normal. And it was messing with my logic.

I heard him sigh. It sounded so tired.

Against my better judgment, I turned to my side and looked at him.

It took everything in me not to gasp in shock.

I was face to face with the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. He was no human. No mere human could be this heavenly, so stunning.

My eyes scanned his body on their own.  I shamelessly took in every inch of him and inwardly swooned.

His hair was jet black and glimmered in the light of room light like diamonds caught in sun light. It rolled over his broad shoulders in waves.

His face, a work of godly art. His flawless white skin. The way his eyebrows seemed perfectly in line and arched to match the shape of this exceptional face.

His eyelashes looked like Chinese fans as they brushed his cheeks as he blinked.

A nose straighter than arrow. Full lips as pink as roses. A jawline sharp enough to cut.

His body seemed to be chiseled by God him self, with no imperfections.

I looked greedily at his sculpted muscles, his large arms, his wash boards abs that peeked out from under his tight shirt. His long slender legs that looked so strong.

Our words wouldn't be able to do him justice. He was beyond beautiful, handsome, gorgeous or pretty.

He was otherworldly.

The thing that caught me the most was his eyes.

They were amber.

A bright gold that seem to peirce into my very being. They seem to look into all my secrets. I melted under his heated gaze.

Once our eyes were locked, I could not look away.

I forgot about where I was and under what circumstances I had arrived there.

It didn't matter.

His man, if I could even classify him as such, was strangely addictive.

I didn't even know this man and I just couldn't get enough of looking at him.

His eyes did a clean sweep over me. I suddenly felt self conscious. I knew I was bad shape. I could feel it.

Why was he looking at me like that? Like a hungry man?

We stared at each for the longest of times until he took a step forward.

My heart pounded against my chest as he inched closer, moving painfully slow.

His eyes never left mine and I couldn't look away.

Was this some kind of spell? It had to be.

He came to a stop when he was standing right by my side, looking down at me.

My eyes followed him as he took a seat on the bed I was on.

At this point I knew I had to say something.  He hadn't uttered a word since the other men left, I was feeling very inadequate.

My throat was dry and it hurt.

I swallowed hard trying to ease the pain and tried to get a few words out by clearing my throat.

"W-who a-are you?" I stuttered, my voice barely above a whisper.

I wanted to face palm my self. Why did I have to sound so weak?

Why was I even stuttering?

I quickly looked away in embarrassment. He must think I'm an idiot.

I could feel his eyes on me still and that made me even more embarrassed.

"Are you.......ok?" He asked suddenly, sounding unsure.

His voice sounded even more sexy with him being this close to me.

It was so deep and sultry. I groaned inwardly. What is wrong with me?

He was most likely responsible for me abduction and I was thinking about how smooth his voice sounded.

Snap out of it!

I turned to him and nodded.

But my headache returned so suddenly, I was shocked by it. The pain was 10 times worst.

I couldn't see anything for a second. My vision was clouded by black spots. My brain was being beaten by something. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't even scream.

I groaned in agony and clutched my head in my hands, willing the pain to stop.

Tears ran down my cheeks involuntarily as the pain only worsen.

How weak I must look to him right now.

But then I felt his hand over mine. It was soft and warm and covered my whole palm. The same sparks erupted through my body instantly.

Suddenly, I didn't remember about my excruciating headache. I didn't remember I was kidnapped. I didn't remember this man was the bad guy.

The instant relief his touch brought me was magical. There was no description for it.

Everything just felt felt right.

I slowly looked up at him.and his golden eyes showed he was worried. His perfect dark brows were furrowed, making worry lines on his forehead.

Why was he worried? Did he feel the sparks too? Is he realizing how fucked up this is?

I think too much.

He looked down almost .....sadly and sighed

I had to suppress my gasp when he took my other hand and placed it at my side.

Why did his touch feel so good?

He gently rubbed my temples and it was like haven. Everywhere he touched, the pain went away and it was replaced by those delicious sparks.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, looking into my eyes. His golden orbs stared at me and I could see for a fact he was sad.

I was at a lost for words. What was happening here? What could I possibly say?

This godly creature was here apologizing to me. To me.

This was crazy.

Soon, he removed his hands away from me. The sparks stopped. I groaned. I didn't want the pain to come back.

I think he noticed because he gave me a small smile showing a dimple.

My heart melted. Why was he so fucking handsome?

I looked away before my face showed my emotions.

He got up and hovered over me. "You should get some rest. You had a.." he paused, his face morphing into anger. He took a deep breath.

My eyes widen.

"A difficult journey coming here. Plus, you're still injured." He continued, softly.

He came closer and gently pushed me back down to the bed. Again, the jolts of electricity ran through my body. This was a feeling I could get used to.

I looked up at him, a tiny shadow of a smile was there.

He felt them too.

I bit back my smile.

He pulled the sheet over me and fluffed my pillow. His hands lingered on my shoulders longer than they needed to.

I could see him hesitate before he leaned in planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

The millions of butterflies I felt in my stomach over powered the sparks.

Oh my lord.

His warm breath made me feel so hot. His soft lips against my skin was even better than anything I could think of.

What was this man?

His lips made their way to my ears, which tickled me. But I didn't want to laugh.

"I'll see you soon, baby." He whispered huskily in my ears with a final kiss.

He straighten, gave me one last look and left, turning off the lights as he left.

It was night. The curtains were parted from the windows which was to the side of me.

I saw the beautiful full moon.

It placed a soft glow in the room.

I was terrified of the dark. I never liked it. The memories were usually too hard to handle.

But now, I didn't even notice. His face was all to could picture.

I sunk deeper in the comfy bed and sighed.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I was out.

Chubbyalejandra 💖

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