A Clace Remake!

By my_secret_obsessions

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#themortalinstrumentsmovie #themortalinstruments #cityofbones #cityofashes #cityofglass #cityoffallenangels #... More

A Clace Remake!
A new beginning.
Raziel College
Beautiful Friendships
Tall Dark & Handsome
Ouch Times 2
Can't you see?
Will it set us free?
Blast from the past
Oh boy.
Grateful <3
What now?
Well well
Thumbs Up
Too long pt 1.
Sneak Peek!
Too long pt2
Finale pt1
Finale pt 2
The end.


2.5K 65 31
By my_secret_obsessions

Clarys Pov

"Tessa? Your Tessa is the same person my mom was talking about?" I asked confused

"Yes, gosh clary keep up" Magnus says

"Tessa is really sort of my great great, great grandmother in a way but since she looks young and were in the year 2014, I call her my aunt to make things easier" jace says

"Looks like our paths were destined to cross" Sebastian said

"I know I'm extremely attractive but I don't fly that way" jace says

Sebastian rolls his eyes.

"Now Clarys path, that's a different story" Jace says smiling.

I feel myself blush as I realize everyone caught me gawking at jace.

Isabelle noticing the awkwardness says "when do we leave?"

"Asap, an hour at most" Magnus says

"So let's pack & get the fuck out of here" alec says

"Ooo sassy" magnus says grinning

"We meet back here asap, no one speaks a word of this to anyone outside of this room.... understood?" Craig says

We all nod in unison and make our way out to go pack.

Jaces POV

We all head of to pack and clary and I walk to my room.

I can tell she's nervous by the way she's fidgeting, I start grinning.

As soon as she walks in my room, I pull her by the waist and push her against the door and close it.

"Jace!" She gasps

I grin as I trail kisses down her throat.

I pull away to look in her eyes

"What? you look like you need some jace therapy" I say grinning and then kiss her before she can answer.

"Mmmm" she groans against my lips.

I pull away from her to chuckle.

"I need Jace therapy all the time" she say grinning as she pulls me back to her, wrapping her arms around my neck.

After a few intense minutes clary pulls away and gives me a kiss on my cheek, "this will need to be continued later" she says and walks to her suitcase.

"At my grandmothers? Clary, who would of thought you were naughty like that" I say grinning

"Jace, you have no idea" she says as she walks to the bathroom.

"More reasons why I am happy our paths crossed" I say while walking to the closet to get my suitcase.

Clary walks to the bed with her arms full of toiletries, both mine and hers.

"Thanks love" I say as I drop my suit case on the bed.

She smiles and heads for her suitcase.

"How about we share?" I ask

"Share what?"

"A suitcase"

"You don't have to carry two suit cases, I can carry mine... I won't break a nail" she says grinning.

I have other motives for wanting to share them but I'm not going to tell her just yet.

"I want to carry it and hold your hand while we portal" I say

"Fine but I need more the half of the suitcase!" she says

"Just bring the necessities, we can go shopping when we get there, I'm sure that's what Isabelle is planning" I say

"Everything I own is a necessity !!!" she says throwing her hands in the air.

"You'll be fine, come on I'll help you" I say

After totally messing around and trying to pack ourselves literally in the suit case to express our love, that the only thing we really need was each other and laughing and wrestling around for a while we finally packed our stuff with 10 minutes to spare.

My stomach growled as we walked out of my room hand in hand.

"Hungry?" clary asks me

"Yes but I can't eat"

"And whys that?"

"Cuz it's not good to portal on a full stomach"

"Ahhh, we'll come here... now it's my turn to help"she says pulling out her stele.

She draws on one of her runes she created on my arm and gives it a kiss before she puts her stele back in her pocket.

Feeling full instantly, I quickly wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into one of the empty rooms.

"Jace!" she gasps as I push her against the door and pull her up to wrap her legs around my waist.

"We have at least five minutes" I say before I bring my lips to hers.

Sebastian's POV

"Where is clary?" I ask everyone while we prepare to open a portal.

"She'll be here" Isabelle answers putting her hand on my chest.

"They must have the worse sense of time" Alec mutters.

I let out a frustrated huff of a growl and everyone looks at me.

"I'm gunna look for them" I say irritated

Isabelle tries to hold me back.

I pull agaisnt her, just a bit to look at her and she looks worried.

She's looking at my eyes.

Does she think I'm going to change back ?

I'm not evil, yeah I felt badass but I will never side with my father.

My train of thought is cut off by Jace and Clary walking in.

"It's about damn time" Alec says

"Indeed, let's go" Magnus says and opens a portal.

We all jump through and Luke and Craig stay and go last.

Once were on the other side all of us are groaning and laying on the grass, some of us like Clary and Stefan and Simon are throwing up their guts.

Isabelle is holding her side and groaning.

I am on my knees with my hands on my thighs trying to breath normally.

"What the actual fuck was that Magnus?" Alec asks while laying on his back covering his eyes.

Luke and Craig step through and look fine.

"Sorry, we had to come through a secret portal that can't be traced, lucky for us it means crazy motion sickness" Magnus says.

I am about to say something when someone steps out from behind the trees and starts walking towards us.

It's so dark here.

We landed in a park of some sort, there's trees everywhere and barley any light from the moon shines through.

I pull out my blade and call it to life and pull out my witchlight and walk towards the person.

"I wouldn't try that, if I were you" a girl says.

"Yeah and whys that?" I ask

Everyone behind me tenses and the ones who aren't in pain pull out there weapons.

"Because you'll loose" she says

She pulls out her witch light so we can get a better view of how serious she is.

She has long brown hair and brown eyes, she looks tan but I can tell it's natural and not from a tanning bed.

She's about 5"4 and has a sporty petite figure with lots of curves, she must be Latina or Greek?

I am amazed by how beautiful she is that I must look like and idiot when I lower my sword just to look at her.

She pulls out her crossbow and aims it at my head.

"No one moves or I'll kill him" she says

"Take it easy" Luke says holding his hands up.

"What's your name?" she asks me.


"Why are you guys here?"

"Where here to meet someone" Luke answers.

I get a good look at her and she has runes all over her arms, but not her chest or neck... hmmm.

"What's your name?" Luke asks.

"I need a sign, of you are who your suppose to be, I won't take you to her unless you can prove it" she says

Luke sighs

"You work with Tessa, thank the angel" he says

"I need the proof" she says still pointing the cross bow at my head.

"What do we have to show?" Alec says

"If you are who you say you are, you would know"

"Alright, dammit. Your not even my girlfriend matter of fact I don't even know your name and your getting me out of my shirt" jace says walking towards us taking off his shirt.

She rolls her eyes.

"Consider yourself lucky, most girls usually never get to see me like this"Jace says

"Your point?" the girl says annoyed

Jace points up to a scar, I've never noticed before and says

"Mark of a Herondale and if you bring out a duck I'll scream like a girl and make someone kill it, but please don't, I don't want these guys to think of how hot I would be as a girl" he says smiling as he puts his shirt back on.

She smiles as she put down her crossbow and says

"I'm Envy"

The name suits her well, she's so beautiful that all girls would envy her.

As a matter if fact I look at Isabelle and yupp I was right.

"We can talk when we get back but for now we need to get out of here" Envy says and walks away.

I turn around to see if all of us are able to walk yet and surprisingly everyone looks good. So we all follow her quietly.

After a few seconds of silence Jace breaks the silence

"What's your last name Envy?"

"Heartwood" she answers

"Nice" I say and she smiles

"I'm a Lightwood" Isabelle says grabbing my hand.

"Make that two of us" Alec says

"I am a-" I start but am interrupted but Envy.

"We can finish this later, with everyone else, right now we need to get to that escalade without being seen" pointing to a big black escalade.

"How are we all going to fit?" Clary asks.

"I didn't know there would be so many of you" she answers.

"You should have parked closer to the trees" Alec says noticing the car is in plain view in the middle of a parking lot a few hundred yards away.

"If you would have landed where you were suppose to that wouldn't of been a problem" Envy snaps back

"What about a glamour?" Simon asks

"We're not hiding from humans Simon" Brad says

"Give me the keys" Clary says pulling out her steele.

"What? no Clary I can't let you" jace says

"Give me the keys! we don't have time! can't you feel it?" she says

"Feel what" Envy says

"Their coming" Clary says

"Give her the keys, she's right we don't have time to rune us all" I say

Clary puts a speed and her invisibility rune on and grabs the keys and runs.

We can't see her but we can see a pile of demon ashes she's leaves behind of demons we didn't even know were there.

After a few minutes we see the car go invisible.

And see wind flying in our direction.

Clary stops the car in front of us with the passenger seat window open so we can see her and says "get in!!!"

We automatically obey.

Jace and Envy sit in the front with Clary who is now visible.

Alec, Magnus, Isabelle, and I sit in the middle row.

Simon, brad, Craig, and Luke sit in the third row.

Stefan is in the trunk bed with all of our bags.

As soon as the doors are closed, clary pushes down on the gas and we are all pushed back by gravity.

"No rush guys, but demons are on our tail" Stefan says looking out the back window.

"Which way do I go?" clary shrieks

"Pull over and trade places with Envy" Alec says

"No we can't" clary says stepping in the gas making us faster.

"Here switch seats with me" Envy says

"Were gunna die of a car accident, of all things!" Simon says

Clary stands up a bit and Envy slides under her and moves her legs to !replace Clarys on the gas and then clary lifts up and sits next to her and trades her hands with Envy's on the wheel .

"Nice" Envy says

"Not bad for still going at 100mph" Clary says smiling.

"I think that's the hottest thing I've ever seen you do" Jace says shocked.

"Yea, that was hot" I say stupidly.

Isabelle shoves her elbow in my stomach and I grunt.

"I think we lost em" Stefan says

"Great were almost there" Envy says.

Clarys POV

Thank the angel were almost there because I am so tired, and what I would give to brush my teeth!

Jace pulls me closer to him and I kiss his cheek just as we arrive to a huge gate, bigger then the institutes.

Envy puts her window down and pushes a button and says "Soy yo, abra el portón!" Into a camera.

The person on the other end hesitates

"Pero hoy!!! no mañana!" she yells and the Gates open.

I turn around and all of the guys beside Luke look like their in a daze... an Envy daze.

"I took Spanish in high school" Simon says

"Que bueno" Envy answers as she drives in through the gate.

"I didn't! fill us in" Brad says

"I said open the gate, and today not tomorrow and I just said-" Envy says

"Bueno, I understand that" Brad says grinning

I can't help but laugh

"Where are we" Isabelle asks.

"We are at one of Tessa's safe houses" Magnus says.

"We know that but where?" Alec says

"Spain" Envy says as she drives in a garage and parks.

Makes sense, I thought to my self.

"Follow me, someone will be back for the bags" Envy says getting out of the truck.

We all get out and follow her.

We must all look tense because she says

"Relax, were safe here"

"We haven't heard those words in a while" I say.

We all laugh and relax.

Jace gets on his knee and says "hop on Clary"

Giggling I don't hesitate as I jump on his back and wrap my arms around his neck and give him a kiss on his cheek.

Envy leads us down a hall way and we pass a gym, basketball and tennis court, there's also a indoor pool with glass walls.

We get to an elevator and the doors open and three more people walk out. Two guys and a girl.

"Bags in the trunk?" the girl asks

Envy nods and we get in the elevator.

She presses the button to the 8th floor.

It opens up and is a huge weapons room.

Weapons everywhere.

I can see everyone falling in love with this room.

"Drop you weapons in there" Envy says pointing to an empty shelf.

We all put our weapons on our own shelf and get back to the elevator and wait for Bass, Brad, and Jace to get all of their weapons out.

"Wow" Envy says.

"That's nothing" I say as they finally walk towards us.

She finally takes us to the tenth floor which looks like a beautiful condo.

We walk out and I can see a beautiful kitchen and dinning room.

"Tessa!" Magnus says and crosses the foyer to the dinning room where she is.

She stands up and hugs him.

"Hello Magnus" she says

She is beautiful and has an elegance to her that makes me feel out if place.

She turns to us and smiles when she looks at Jace and sees us holding hands.

"Come sit down everyone, food will be ready shortly" she says

"I'll call everyone up" envy says

"Thank you" Tessa says

We all make our way to the table, but I refuse to meet her like this I nudge Envy and ask her to take us to the bathroom first.

Envy nods and says

"The bathrooms are over here, if you need to freshen up"

"Yes" Isabelle says and grabs my arm and pulls me along.

"That's right, my apologies I forgot about the portal you used" Tessa says

In the bathroom I wash my face and mouth out with water, since there's no tooth paste.

I try to fix my hair as best as possible.

I chuckle as I look over and see Isabelle doing the same thing.

"Don't be nervous" Isabelle says

"Easier said then done" I reply

"You'll love her I swear" Isabelle says.

We finish and head back out, and everyone is already seated at the table.

Jace stands up and waves at me.

Isabelle sits a few seats away from my seat next to sebastian.

Jace holds his hand out to me as I reach him and I grab it automatically.

"Tessa, this is Clary" he says smiling

"Hello" I say politely.

"Hello Clarissa, I would say it's nice to meet you, but we've already met" she says smiling.

I smile a bit.

"You've grown so much and look just like your mother" she says

I feel a pang of pain in my heart.

"Thank you" I say softly trying not to cry.

"I am so pleased that you and Jace have found each other, there isn't a better person for him" she says

I am confused, we just met... I think to my self.

"I was very close with your mother and she was so proud of her children, I am sorry to hear about what happened" she say noticing my confusion.

"Thanks" Sebastian says coming to stand by me.

My savior.

"I am Sebastian" he says

"Very pleased to meet you too, Ive heard much about you as well"

A group of people come from the elevator and join us at the table.

"Everyone but one is here" Envy says

"He's running an errand for us, he will arrive shortly" Tessa says

We all sit down and Tessa is at the head of the table with Jace on her right side and a empty chair on her left and then Envy and the other people.

"We will all be here for who knows how long, so I think we should get to know each other" Craig says

"Yes I think that's good, My name is Tessa Grey, I know most of you but I am happy to meet all the new faces"

"I am Jace Lightwood slash Herondale"

"I am Clary Garroway slash Morgenstern"

I feel all eyes on me.

" I am Sebastian slash Jonathan Garroway slash Morgenstern"

Jace chuckles and says "had to outshine us didn't you "

"You know it" Bass says winking

"My name is Isabelle Lightwood"

"You can call me Craig"

"The names Luke Garroway, just to put it out on the table, I am a werewolf"

"Whose out shining who now" bass says

"Were shadowhunters" jace say pointing to us grinning.

"Simon Lewis key master"

Everyone laughs

"Just kidding, Vampire" he finishes

"Shadowhunter, call me Brad"

"Same and my names Stefan"

"I am Alec Lightwood"

"Magnus Bane, yes you heard right and warlock"

Now that we finished, we get to hear the about them.

The boy next to Magnus hesitates looking at his tablet and pushing buttons on the screen.

"I am Envy Heartwood. Shadowhunter"

She says saving the boy a few seconds.

"I am Miah. Werewolf" she says smiling.

"I am Kyle. Werewolf too" he says looking at Luke.

"I am Riley and I am a shadowhunter" a girl with blonde hair says.

"I am Raphael. Vampire"

"I am Emma. Shadowhunter"

"I go by Jules, shadowhunter too"

"My name is Zavior Heartwood, I too am a shadowhunter" he says after a few seconds and Jules kicking him.

"Nice to meet you all! Welcome, my home is your home" Tessa says

A women comes from the kitchen and says the food is ready.

We all get up and go serve ourselves and then come back to the table.

We all chit chat while eating.

After were done eating, Tessa offers us desert and some of us eat some.

"Okay so we have your living arrangements set up, the floors are as follow :

- ground floor is recreational

-floors 1-4 Storage and guest rooms

- floor 5 My office and strategy planning rooms

- floor 6 Library

- floor 7 Training room

-floor 8 Weapons room

-floor 9 Fun room

-floor 10 Dinning room & kitchen.

-floor 11 Surveillance & security

-floor 12 My suite

-floor 13 Our groups suite and rooms

-floor 14 Guest suite forLuke, Craig

-floor 15 Guest suite and room for the rest of you guys.

If you want more privacy any of the guest rooms downstairs are available as well." Tessa says

"That's great Tessa, thanks for the letting us be here till we figure out our next move" Luke says

"No worries, we can figure it out tomorrow, we are all in this together" Tessa says

We all are about to get up and split up when a guy walks out if the elevator.

"Oh man, I missed dinner and introductions" he says

"There's still food at least" jace says smiling and shaking his hand and giving him a hug.

"YESSSS!" he says excitedly and gets food.

"He's cute" Isabelle whispers in my ear as she passes by my chair to the kitchen.

He gets food and sits at the table next to Tessa.

"Clary this is Jem Carstairs" Jace says

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