Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic

By CranberryPower

152K 9.1K 8.1K

Mark's homeless and broke, looking for a job when a friend suggests he should apply for a job at RMFinacial w... More

Broke asf
First day
Mrs. Wang
I miss you
A Walk
Another day
Yes Master


4.9K 274 386
By CranberryPower

Mark POV

"Mark! Mark baby! MARK WAKE UP!"

"I'M UP!" I fall off my bed.

"Finally. My goodness, you're a heavy sleeper." Mrs. Wang looks down at me on the floor.

"Sorry. I was having an interesting dream." I yawn and stretch.

"An interesting dream? About what?"

"It was about Mr. Wang."

"What?" Mrs. Wang looks like her eyes are about to fall out.

"Yeah....his body was a biscuit. And he was talking like a chicken. It was so strange."

Woah. My dreams are so awesome.

"Oh wow. Your dreams are quite...interesting."

"Aren't they!" I finally get up from the floor.

"Aww. You even look cute when you wake up." Mrs. Wang pinches my cheeks.

"You remind me of my grandmother." I smile.

I miss Nana. She was the strongest person I ever knew.

"Are you saying I'm a grandmother? Do I look like a grandmother?" Mrs. Wang's tone rises.

"Um no. You look like a young beautiful woman in my opinion." I reassure her.

"Do I? Thank you Mark. You're so sweet." Mrs. Wang hugs me.

"Mrs.....Mrs. Wang? Are you....are you crying?" I feel my back become wet.

"I just want my Jackson to get married and have kids. Is that too much for a mother to ask for!"

"" I have no idea how to respond to this situation.

"He'll be 30 in three years. He needs to make a move on. He has money, looks, he has the whole package. Why Mark? Why can't my baby marry!" Mrs. Wang shakes my shoulders.

Maybe because he made a girl cry because she wore the wrong dress but who knows.

"Um..I don't know? Maybe he's not ready. You shouldn't pressure other people for your own wishes. That's bad. That's what mommy said." I smile.

"Yep. You hear that mom. It's bad to pressure people for your own wishes."

Mrs. Wang and I both jump from Mr. Wang's voice behind us.

"Holy biscuit! You scared me!" I hold my chest.

"Jackson? How long have you been there?"

"Long enough." Mr. Wang walks into my room.

"Good morning master!" I bow.

"Get dressed."

"What? Why master?"

"You're going to accompany me at a brunch." Mr. Wang averts his eyes.

"Really? A brunch? What's a brunch?" I'm excited! Even though I have no idea what a brunch is.

Mr. Wang pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Just get dressed." Mr. Wang casually walks out of my room.

"Am I invited?" Mrs. Wang asks.

"No." Mr. Wang's voice is cold and mean.

"I carried you for 9 months and pushed your fat ass head out. Don't be rude to me. I can still whoop your ass."

"Mom!" Mr. Wang looks at his mother in shock.

"Whatever. I'll go hang out with my girls. Bye Mark! See you later." Mrs. Wang leaves the room.

"Stay with your damn girls."

"Nope. I rather stay with my beloved son."

I giggle. I find it cute how Mr. Wang can bicker with his mother.

"So what's a brunch again?" I ask as we arrive at a restaurant.

"Breakfast and lunch combined. Brunch." Mr. Wang explains.

"Ohhhhhhh! That's what it is." I nod my head.

I never knew such a thing existed.

"Why did you invite me master?" I ask once we exit the car.

Mr. Wang doesn't answer my question, he just walks to the entrance of the restaurant.

"Is it because you don't want to be alone?"

"Just come inside Mr. Tuan." Mr. Wang opens the door to the restaurant.

I'm still curious why he told me to come.

We enter a very rich looking restaurant. Just looking at the design makes me feel broke. But the food looks amazing.

"Are we going to eat?" I feel my mouth water.


I stare at Mr. Wang with my mouth open.

"But-we-how-what?" I stammer.

"But we how what? We aren't eating."


Mr. Wang must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Mr. Wang leads me to a table with people I don't know.

"Well well well. Look who finally decided to show up." A man stands up to greet us.

I don't even look at him. All I see is the food on the table.

"Sit." Mr. Wang whispers to me.

I sit down. Mr. Wang on my left and some girl on my right. I honestly don't see anything but the food.

Steaming hot ramen, braised short ribs and chicken, an array of soups. I think I might cry from the sight and the smell of this delicious food.

"Mark? Is that really you?" I turn to the female voice whispering to me.

"Oh. Hi Mai." I smile at the familiar girl.

"I see you really do work for Mr. Wang." Mai smiles but it seems a bit forced.

"Yeah." I don't really care about this conversation. My stomach is in need of attention.

"Jackson, if I may ask, why are you so late?" A man asks.

"I'm here aren't I? At least I came." Mr. Wang shrugs.

The man across from him scoffs.

"Really? And you really made him the CEO of our company? You're kidding right."

"Namjoon, calm down. This is what this meeting is for. To see if Jackson should keep his title." The man in the boss seat explains.

I finally zone out of my food dreamland once I hear those words.

If Mr. Wang should keep his title?

The Namjoon guy, smirks.

"I think he's been doing well. Our stocks haven't dropped since he's been running the place." Another person I don't know speaks.

"You're right. It hasn't." The big boss guy rubs his beard.

"But dad, he doesn't allow new employees into the company. He's so strict." Mai intervenes.

That's her dad? Woah.

Mr. Wang glares at Mai. Mai smiles confidently.

"I've heard from some employees that he doesn't actually do anything productive, just bosses people around to make the magic happen." Mr. Namjoon says.

"And also scams some employees for their money. I don't think he's fit to be the CEO of our com-"

"Stop!" I yell at Mai.

She glares at me.

"Mr. Wang is very productive. He works even when he gets off of work through the night. Why wouldn't he be bossy? He's the boss. He's in charge of the success of the business. And why lie about him trying to scam people? Mr. Wang isn't like that. He has plenty of money already." I don't like the way they're disrespecting Mr. Wang.

I see the ghost of a smile on Mr. Wang's face.

"Is that so...who may you be?" Mai's dad looks at me now.

"I'm Mark Tuan." I bow.

"My secretary." Mr. Wang explains.

"Well your secretary seemed quite passionate. He seems the most believable."


Mr. Namjoon and Mai glare at me. I smile at them weakly.

"But sir, before you make a decision we still have some things to discuss." Namjoon talks to the big boss.

"Um can I go to the restroom?" I ask Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang looks at me. He nods his head.

I get up to leave.

"I have to go to the restroom too." I hear Mai behind me.

"Hey Mark! Let's go take a walk." Mai grabs my arm and leads me out of the restaurant.

"Why do you want to go on a walk?" The chilly afternoon air makes me shiver.

"I just wanna talk." Mai smiles.

"Okay. We can talk." I agree.

Mai and I begin to walk on the sidewalk along the restaurant.

"I see you and Mr. Wang have gotten closer."

"Have we? I guess." I shrug.

"Must be nice. Since you've been working with him, Mr. Wang doesn't really talk to me anymore."

"Oh. Why not?" I stop walking to look at Mai.

"Say Mark, do you like him?" Mai's brown eyes look into mine.

"Like who?"

"Mr. Wang."

"Of course I like him. He's helped me a lot." I smile.

Mai smiles and grabs my shoulders.

"Aww really? How cute. He helped you. One day I asked him about you. You know what he did? He answered with a smile! A smile dammit!" Mai pushes me.

"Um..okay. Is it a crime to answer with a smile?" I ask honestly curious.

I think Mai is crazy.

"Is it because you like like him? Don't worry. Mr. Wang doesn't like me like that." I reassure her kindly.

"You dumb bitch. You're so stupid if you haven't noticed the way he looks at you."

"I'm not stupid. And no need for curse words." I pout.

Mai's being mean. She kind of reminds me of Tammy.

"You know if my dad doesn't like Mr. Wang then Mr. Wang loses his job." Mai smirks.

"What?" I stop walking again.

Mr. Wang can lose his job? No! That can't happen! If he loses his job then I can't get paid or I won't have anywhere to live.

"Your dad has to like Mr. Wang." I tell Mai urgently.

"Does he?"

"Yes! He has to like him."

"Well that all depends. My dad loves his daughter more than anyone else. If I'm not satisfied then daddy isn't satisfied." Mai sits down on a bench on the sidewalk.

I sit aswell.

"Does that mean you want Mr. Wang to get fired?"

"That Mark, is correct." Mai smiles with her teeth and pokes my cheek.

Mother forgive me for what I'm thinking but this woman is a evil wench.

"Why? Don't you like like him?"

"Of course I do. But it's against the rules for an employee to date another employee. If he's fired then me and Mr. Wang can be together." Mai bates her eyelashes.

God, if you can hear me, please help this crazy woman.

"I have the greatest proof for my dad." Mai holds up a black USB flash drive.

"What is that?" I look at the tiny object in her hand.

Mai leans to my ear.

"You're not really Mr. Wang's secretary. Am I right or wrong?"

I stare at Mai in horror. Does she know that I'm Mr. Wang's.....

"Your fifth and final rule, don't tell anyone about this. No one needs to know you're my maid, got it?"

Is that why Mr. Wang said that?

"Once you plug this baby into a computer, there's one file. The video that I got from security of Mr. Wang giving you that offer."


"Nothing a good little fuck can do." Mai chirps.

I do not understand what the bad word means in that sentence but I'm guessing it's bad.

"But no one has to know about it. If you quit working for Mr. Wang than he'll never get fired."

Quit working...



"Never! You evil woman!" I grab the flash drive and throw it into the road.

Mai laughs.

"You idiot. I have another one dumbass." Mai pulls out another flash drive.

"Just for that, I'll go tell my dad right now." Mai tries to skip past me but I grab her.

"No! I'm not going to let you get Mr. Wang fired like that! You're going to hurt him even more." I pull on Mai's arm.

"Who cares if he's hurt! He'll be happy with me dammit!" Mai slaps me.


"Yah! That was rude." I slap her hand with the flash drive. The flash drive slides into the road again.

"Damn you bitch!" She pushes me and runs into the road to fetch the black demonic object.

I run after her.

I have to protect Mr. Wang. No matter what.

"The hell are you two doing?" Mr. Namjoon walks out the restaurant. Mr. Wang is behind him.

Mai grabs the flash drive but I grab her hands and try to pry it out of her hands.

"Get off Mark!" Mai pushes me just as I grab the flash drive out of her hands.

Just as I want to cheer, I hear a truck horn. I turn to see a pretty red truck.....driving straight towards me.

"Mark!" I hear Mr. Wang yell.

I feel my body jerk and tumble on asphalt.

How nice. He said my first name! And I saved his job.


But everywhere hurts. The last thing I hear is Mai's screaming and last thing I feel is strong arms holding me.

I am terrible:') Sorry for the wait
Is Mark going to be okay?
Thanks for reading!

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