More Than This: A One Direct...

By 1DNiallnation

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AN: We all need to read a "carrot" story to bring back the memories sometimes... I've decided to not edit thi... More

One Direction Love Story Chapter 1
Chapter 1:Part 2
Airplanes,Gummy Bears, and Sparks
Chapter 2 Part 1: Mirrors,Food, Irish Luck, and Smiles
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Love, Laugh, Trouble?
Chapter 5:Truth, Dare, or Love (LOL Cheesy title!!!<3)
Chapter 6: Promise
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Pool Time!
Chapter 9: I promised you, I'd never let you get hurt.....
Chapter 10: What do you mean You don't remember me?!
Chapter 11: memories
Chapter 12: SUPRISE!!!
chapter 13: OMG
Chapter 14: You Again.....
Chapter 15: Everything happens so fast Part 1
Chapter 15: Everything happens so fast PART 2
Chapter 16: Run....Stop.....Run
Chapter 17: Sticks and Stones....And White Cinnamon
Chapter 18: The Ball
Chapter 19: Happy Birthday Krissy
Chapter 20: Death??
Chapter 21: When Everything Comes Crashing Down Part 1
Chapter 21: When Everything Comes Crashing Down Part 2
Chapter 21: When Everything Comes Crashing Down Part 3
Chapter 22: NEW YORK CITY!!!
Chapter 23: Don't Believe Those Lies
*Authors Note* IMPORTANT READ!!! :)
Chapter 24: Stars, Stripes, and Broken Hearts Part 2
Chapter 25: An Average Day In Life, With A Not So Happy Ending
Chapter 26: Why Me?
Chapter 27: Its Over?!
Chapter 28: All My Exes Live on Texas......Well Harry's Ex
Chapter 29:What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas....But it'll ruin her life
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:Meeting the Family
Chapter 32: The Big Fight, and Question
Chapter 33: The Big Question
Chapter 34: The Date of A Lifetime
Chapter 35:Everybody Dies...The End?
Chapter 36:Tonight?
Chapter 37: The Last Chapter

Chapter 24: Happy 4th of July! Stars, Stripes, and Broken Hearts Part 1

2.8K 14 6
By 1DNiallnation

A/N: Hey guys!! Here's a new chapter! Don't have much to say...Oh! I entered my story in the Watty Awards!! So please please please vote!! Vote as much as you can! And Comment Vote and Fan!

Xx Krissy

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

"Hello" He said, he sat on the couch. "Ma-Matt? What are you doing here"I asked shocked. I stared straight at him. "Just visiting." Matt said getting up. "I'm calling security"I said turning towards the door. He grabbed my arm, "Shh, I'm not doing anything wrong" He whispered. "I haven't seen you in awhile"He whispered, his breath hot on my ear. Feeling his breath made me shiver. "You shouldn't be here"I said pushing him away, he pulled me close again. "Listen, you better do as I say. "He said. "I will never!"I spat out. Roughly pushing him away. He gripped my arm tighter, making me wince at the pain. "You little bitch, your a worthless slut. Your ugly and fat and your incredibley horrible in everyway."He spat at me. "Leave. Now"I said but he didn't, I screamed for security, he slapped me, soon security came and took him away. They had to carry him out. "I'll get you!! Don't think this is over! You can'tjust run away"He shouted, I turned away in disgust. I walked over to the restroom and splashed water on my face. I felt horrible, Why was it so easy to believe the rude insults, but so hard to believe the compliments? I sank to the ground. I leaned against the wall as a few tears escaped my eyes. Then someone walked in, "Krissy??"Ashley said as she ran over to me. "Whats wrong??"She asked me worried. I just sat there silently crying. She wrapped an arm around me, and sat there silently next to me. She stayed with me the whole entire time. "Are you ready to speak now?"She asked me softly, I nodded slowly. "I-...Matt stopped by"I said blankly, her eyes widened. I told her what had happened. She hugged me, "Don't believe him, those are lies"She said giving me a reasuring look. I half smiled. "Can you do me a favor?"I asked her, she nodded, "Yeah, anything!"She said. "Can we not tell theothers about this?"I asked her. "Umm Well-"She said, "Please!"I begged her. "Fine"She said sighing. I thanked her. "Now we should go, the concerts over in a few."Ashley Said. I nodded, I washed the mascara off my face then fixed myself. We walked out together. The show just finished. Niall ran over to me, "Hello Princess!"He sang, he picked me up and spun me around, I laughed. "Hellooo"I said. He put me down, "I'm hungry"He said, I smiled, "Me too"I said. He smiled, "Why don't we get some ice cream?"Niall asked I nodded, "Yay! Ice Cream!"I cheered, we all went out to a little ice cream shop right by the venue, we all ordered our ice cream. We just sat there, chatting and eating, "Opps!"Niall said, he had squirted some of the hot fudge on my face, it got on my cheeks and my lips, "I'll get that"Niall said smirking, he then gently kissed my lips, I smiled. "NO PDA!"Louis shouted, way to ruin a moment..He wiped the rest of the chocolate sauce off my cheek with a napkin. We soon had to go, we were going to drive to New Jersey on the boys new Tour Bus!! We arrived at the place where we were getting the bus. "Woah! This is so cool!" Cat said as she walked onto the bus. The bus was suprisingly big! It had 12 bunks for people to sleep, a little kitchen, a table where they could eat, a couch, a tv, and a little game room! We walked around. It was tight, but cozy. We had to leave right away, all our stuff was already packed on the bus. We all got on and the driver started to drive, everyone else was sitting but I was standing up, not a good idea. I ended up falling down and landing on my face, "Oww" I moaned. Niall jumped from his seat and ran over to me, everyone was laughing. "Krissy! Are you okay!?"Niall asked me placing his hand by my side. "Yeah"I said softly as he helped me up, "Haha! You fell!"Louis said laughing, I shot him a dirty look. "Thats not funny!"i said sticking out my tongue. "Yeah its ha not ha funny"Niall said trying to hold in his laughs. I rolled my eyes. I sat down on the couch. "Sooo"I said filling the awkward silence. "Lets explore the bus!"I said then took Niall by the hand and walked through the door/curtain. We Looked at the bunk beds, "These are tiny!"I said examing the bed, "Yeah, you get used to it though"Niall said shrugging. We walked through a door, then it was the game room, it had a couch, a tv, and a bunch of game systems with games. "Wanna Play?"Niall asked me. "Maybe Later"I said, we walked back to the others, they were talking about something. "Hey guys! Whatcha talking about?" I said sitting on Niall's lap. "Nothing"They all said at the same time, werid..."Okay...."I said slowly. "Wait, so does Niall know?"Louis asked. Harry hit his arm. "Ow!"Louis yelled grabbing his arm, I Heard Harry mumble something to Louis that sounded like Shut up. "Do I know what?"Niall asked. They all looked at each other, "Nothing!"Harry and Sydney said at the same exact time, "Whats going on?"I asked looking at all of them, "Nothing!"they all said. No matter how many times I asked they wouldn't tell me. "Fine! Don't tell us"I said crossing my arms, and giving them a look. "Well I'm tired!"Louis said, "Me too!"Sydney said, then So did Harry, and Cat, and Ashley, and Seline. Leaving Zayn, Liam, Niall, and me. Niall got hungry so he went to make us a snack. I starred at Zayn and Liam, trying my best to get them to tell me. Liam just looked down. And zayn, well he tried to ignoreit but I could tell he'd break any minute. After awhile he still didn't! "Come on! Please tell me!"I said, he shook his head. So I made the saddest face I could. And I starred, and starred. Soon he broke, "AHH STOP! STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" Zayn said covering his eyes. "then tell me!"I said, before I could do anything Zayn ran out of the room. I looked at Liam, "Liam"I said, he looked at me, "I'm quite mad at you, so it won't work"Liam said. Mad? Why? "Well how can I make it up to you if I don't know!....Plus, your hiding something from me, so I can be mad too"I said crossing my arms and looking the other way. "Sorry but-"Liam began, "But.....I can't say or the others will be mad! And- well I guess since It is your secret, and well....Fine"Liam said sighing. I smiled, then my smile soon went away. "Ashley told us about what happened earlier, with Matt"Liam said. My mouth dropped open. "What!"I said slightly angry. "Why didn't you tell us? Or at least me! I could have helped you! That jerk!"Liam said loudly, I covered his mouth. "Shhh! Niall might hear you! He can't know!"I said, Liam looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Please"I begged, he sighed. "Fine." Then Niall came over, "Here! A hot chocolate for everyone, and some popcorn and sandwiches"Niall said placing 3 mugs and a bowel of popcorn on the little table. "Umm, Wheres the sandwiches?"I asked, he smiled and blushed a bit. "I got hungry"Niall said lifting his shoulders and arms shrugging. It was too adorable. "Well I'll take this to bed!"Liam said leaving to his bunk. Leaving us two alone. "Wanna watch a movie?"I asked him, he nodded. We grabbed the popcorn and drinks and went into the gameroom. We examined the movies. Then I saw one, "Oh! Look! How about The Proposal!"I asked pulling out the movie. Niall looked at the back of the movie, "Please!"I said giving him puppy dog eyes. "Fine"He said kissing my nose. I sat on the couch, I snuggled closer to Niall, as he put a blanket over us. We watched the movie, halfway through I was getting pretty sleepy then it hit me. I felt horribly depressed. This happened sometimes, it usually went away after alittle while...I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. Niall was already fast asleep, so I slowly slipped out of his arms and went to the kitchen, and of course, I couldn't eat. I felt so empty. God, why did this have to happen now? I sat on the chair by the little table, I decided to check twitter. Bad move. I had so much hate, there were really nice tweets, but it was hard to find any with all this hate!

@1DIsMine: @KristinaMoore Why don't you just break up with Niall already! You don't deserve him! He's perfection, and your a pile of problems, and horrid mistakes.

@NiallersGirl: @KristinaMoore Kill yourself! God, just leave Niall alone!

@Real_1D_Fan: @KristinaMoore Your disgusting and you do not deserve Niall, your just a slut using him.

@JessiLoves1D: Don't you just hate @KristinaMoore ! She's a horrible person! Such a twat!

@MarryMe1D: @NiallOfficial Don't you know @KristinaMoore dosen't deserve you? I'm way better than her.

@1DLovesMe: @KristinaMoore I Hate you! Your a horrible person! Just die already!


I shut my laptop, I couldn't take all this. Soon I found myself crying silently. Occasionally choking a bit on how hard I was crying. I don't know how long I stayed there. But after awhile, I heard someone cough. I quickly looked behind me to see Harry standing there. "Sorry if I woke you" I mumbled. "You okay?"He asked me looking concerned. "Yeah"I said softly holding back my tears, he shook his head. "Don't Lie. Tell me"He said, "I'm fi-...I'm fine"I said. "Krissy" he said. He walked over then grabbed my laptop quickly. I tried to get it from him but I couldn't his eyes widened as he saw the tweets. "Krissy"He said softly as he scrolled through all my metions, "I'm so sorry, Please tell me you don't listen to this bs"He said. I shut my eyes, "Krissy, don't believe this."He said. "I know but-but its hard"I stuttered. he went on about how I shouldn't listen to this and how he knows it's hard. Soon he even opened his own Twitter account. Then he told me something, I never thought I'd hear harry say. "It hurts, I actually cried last night."He said tears forming in his eyes. We looked at the Hate. It was horrible, we sat there next to each other in silence, crying. I don't think I've ever seen Harry cry. It was so sad, horrible. I hugged him as I burried my head into his chest. We sat there crying for awhile. I looked up, "Promise, we both will never beleive these stupid tweets"I said. He nodded. I held out my pinky, he laughed a little but He soon wrapped his pinky around mine. "Promise"We both whispered at the same time. It felt good to have a brother figurewhile I was away from home. "Now, we should both sleep, we got a big day tomorrow."Harry said getting up. I yawned then nodded, We walked back to the bunks, Harry got in his but I kept walking, he gave me an odd look but I ignored it, I went back to where Niall was sleeping and crawled back in his arms. And there, I fell peacefully asleep.

(Cat's P.O.V.) I woke up the next morning with my back hurting really bad. These bunk beds weren't the comfyest! I slipped out of the bunk. I looked around, everyone except Liam and Seline were still sleeping. I walked into the kitchen, which was really small. "Morning"I said grogily. I made some microwavable waffles then sat on the table. "Where are we?"I asked looking out the window, we were parked somewhere. It was a really sunny place, really pretty. "New Jersey!"Seline said smiling then sipping her orange juice. "What time is it?"Liam asked. "Umm 11:52"I said, Liams eyes widened. "We have soundcheck at 1:00 and we have to get ready with Lou at 12!"He shouted etting up and running to the bunks. "Wake up!!!"Liam shouted. "Ahh!"Ashley screamed as she fell from the top bunk to the floor. I laughed as I helped her up. I walked to Krissy's bunk, she wasn't there, nor was Niall! "Where are they??"Liam asked panicing, I opened the game room door, "Found them!"I said laughing. Niall and Krissy were both on the floor sleeping. They were in a tangle of sheets and pillows. "Wake up!"Lia shouted. They both jumped. "I'm up!"Niall shouted hiding under the blanket. Liam sighed then pulled Niall by his feet to the front of the bus. Soon we were all up. "DIBS! So I'll take the first shower"Krissy said running to the bathroom, but Liam stopped her. "You can use our hotel room"He said. She nodded. We wall walked into the Hotel in our PJs. We got some odd looks but we were soon up in the hotel room. There was two so me and The girls took one while the boys took the other. We all took showers and got ready. I slipped on some blue shorts and a red and white shirt and some converse. I just had a plain, cute, and simple outfit for the 4th of july, but Krissy went all out! She wore a american flag bikini, denium shorts that had the American flag on them, a blue tank top, red white and blue braclets a pair of red Toms, star earrings, she had her hair curled with an american flag bow in it, and an american flag bandana wrapped on her wrist. "Someone sure has spirit."I said laughing, she smiled wide. "Thanks!!! ...What are you wearing?! Wheres the spirit!?"She asked me, I rolled my eyes. She then kept bothering me untill I agreed to let her pick an outfit for me. I told her it can't be too cray though. She came back with alot of choices, I chose the least crazy one. It was a red white and blue stripped shirt and a denium loose skirt. And I even agrees to wear her I heart America Bracelet. She handed everyone an american flag. She sure did love this country! We knocked on the boys door. "Helllooo?" Krissy said in a sing song voice. Harry anwsered the door, the boys were all wearing there signiture outfits, "Look at this!"Niall said calling us over, he was holding a Barack Obama cardboard cutout. We all laughed, now that was creepy. "You look cute"Harry said coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "well you can Thank Krissy, she made me wear this" I said laughing. "Well Thank you Krissy"Harry whispered into my ear, making me blush. He kissed me, "Harry! Your makeup! Wait till is dry!"Lou screamed making us jump. I laughed and walked to the rest of the group, Niall and Krissy were taking pictures with the Obama cut out. "Hey Cat! Don't you have your camera stuff? Can you take pictures??"Krissy asked me. I nodded taking out my camera, I decided to take some pictures, make some memories. I took a bunch of cool shots. Soon it was time to go to Soundcheck. The beach was Beautiful! There was people walking around setting up booths. The water was a light crystal blue. It was completely clean, nothing was in it. The sky was a perfect light blue, only a few clouds, and the sun was shinning bright. I took some pictures. The boys got on stage, we watched but soon got bored, so Me, Krissy and Ashley decided to walk around. We walked past a pircing/tattoo booth, We walked in. We looked around, we could still see the stage from here, it was actually right next to the stage. We found out the guys name was Nate, he was kind of cute. Who am I kidding he was hot! But I still liked Harry better of course! "So Are you ladies intrested in a pirecing or tattoo?"Nate asked us. We all looked at each other, "A belly button piercing would be cool right?"Ashley said. Krissy's eyes widened, "But! Its...Like...You know!"Krissy said. "Maybe Next time"Ashley said. We got to talking to him. He was a usual guy. He's a bad boy type though, like one of the too cool for you guy. A bad boy. I saw Harry looking over here, checking out the guy we were talking to, I waved. He noticed then waved back. Then I saw Niall and Zayn looking over here too. I shook my head then returned to the conversation. "So, is this your first time at the carnival?"Nate asked, "First time in New Jersey actually!"I said, "Really?"Nate asked suprised. "Yeah! Its really nice here though! For what we've seen."Krissy said smiling "Then I have to show you around!"Nate said wrapping an arm around Krissy. And leading us out the booth. I don't think Krissy even noticed his arm around her! I saw the boys starring but we kept walking. "You hungry?"Nate asked us. We all nodded. We went up to a booth, it said Bobby's Bugers. "Best Burgers in Town!"Nate said. We all went up to the counter. "Nate! Welcome! I see you've brought Friends."A guy said, I'm pretty sure he was Bobby. "Yeah, Uh 3 Burgers"He said. "Here you go, on the house!"Bobby said. He didn't even have to pay! The whole time he acted all Bad boy, and cool. Telling us stories of fights and stuff. It was hot but, I was good with Harry. But poor Krissy, she had personality that was bubbly and sweet and just, well. It looked like she was flirting but she wasn't. "Ash! Okay time to go"I whispered to her nudging my head towards Krissy. She nodded. "Well we better go back now."Ashley said. "Oh! Yeah we should, soundcheck is probabaly over."Krissy said getting up. "Soundcheck? You mean for that little boyband? Are you trying to meet them or something?"Nate asked us. "Actually-"Krissy began but Nate cut her off. "'Cause I don't think you'll be able to meet them.'Nate said. Everytime we tried to tell him, he would cut us off! We finally got up to leave he walked us back, they were inging there last song. "So you should give me you numbers"Nate said wrapping his arms around all of us. I pulled away. "Maybe we could go out sometime."He said, We all pulled away. "Umm We have boyfriends"Ashley said. He looked a little shocked then smirked. "This is Jersey, One Night?"He asked. "Okay, Leave"Krissy said. "Whatever"He said walking away. "Gross"Krissy said. "You know the badboy thing is pretty cute though"Ashley said giggling "Yeah, it was hot"I said. "Bad boys are always cute" Krissy said agreeing with us "Haha Thats why I got my Bradford Bad Boy"Ashley said joking, "Harry's all slick and cool so I'm good"I said laughing. Krissy kept laughing. "But you got Niall, whos adorable! He's like a fluffy bunny"I said laughing."Like a peguin! Cute and cuddly!"Ashley said "Haha Niall definetly isn't a bad boy"Krissy said.....

(Niall's P.O.V.)

During the show Harry called me and Zayn over during Liam's solo, Krissy, Ashley, and Cat was with some guy. We watched them. Then during my solo I saw the guy wrap his arm around Krissy. I stopped singing, Louis just kept singing. "I'm sure it's nothing"Harry whispered to me. After soundcheck I hurried over to the girls, they were alone. Then I overheard there conversation. They were Saying how the guy, Nate, Was a bad boy, and how bad boys are hot and cute. Then they said some things that got me thinking. "Bad boys definetly are cute"Krissy said. Then Ashley and Cat said how Harry and Zayn are like that in ways, then they said, I was cute and cuddly, a fluffy bunny...Krissy said she liked bad boys, then she said something that grabbed my heart. "Niall is definetly not a bad boy."....

(Cat's P.O.V.)

"Niall definetly isn't a bad boy!"Krissy said laughing. Zayn called us over, so we walked across the street. "But, I Love him. Not bad boys, I could never go out with a bad boy, they have no respect for you. And I like Niall's cute and cuddliness"Krissy said as we walked over there. We all agreed. We got over to Zayn and Harry. "Who's the guy"Harry asked imedietly, "Just some guy we met, Nate."I said. Harry seemed odd. "Why are you hanging out with him?"Zayn asked us, Then we all smiled wide. "YOUR JELLO AREN'T YOU?"Krissy said poking there stomachs. "Am Not!"They both said. We all laughed. "Wheres Niall?"Krissy asked. They shrugged. "Hey"Niall said glumly walking over to us. "Nialler!!"Krissy sad hugging him, he didn't hug back, she pulled away her eyes filled with concern. "Whats Wrong?"She asked, we all starred. "Nothing, I just-"Niall began but trailed off, "I gotta go"He said then ran out of there. "Werid"Harry said. "Whats wrong with him?"Krissy asked. We all shrugged. "Wanna go for a walk?"Harry asked me, I nodded. We left them and walked to the beach, suprisingly, no one was there yet. We walked along the water, the waves crashing at our feet. We just chatted. "Cat,"Harry said. I looked at him. "Do You Love me?"Harry asked me. I was taken back by the question. Do I love Harry? I mean I like him, I like him alot. But does that mean I love him?....

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

Soon after Harry left everyone else did leaving me alone. I went to look for Niall. "Niall! Niall? NIALLL??"I said looking around. "Hey babe"I heard a familliar irish accent say. "There you are!"I said hugging him, he put his arms up, "Woah woah doll face, don't ruin in my look"Niall said, I pulled away. He brushed off his clothes. "Niall?"I asked shocked by what he said. Niall was dressed diffrent too, he had on a tight rock and roll t-shirt, a leather jacket and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans on. And a pair of aviators that looked like they were Zayn's. "Umm okay...So what are we doing tonight?"I asked smiling. "Don't know, Don't care."He said. He was speaking weridly too, he spoke slowly..Then ashley ran up to us, "There you guys are! Were all going to go eat are you coming with?"She asked. "With you guys? Looking like that? No thanks"Niall said. My feeling instantly got hurt. And I could tell Ashley's was too. She just left. Then I saw him checking out bunch of girls that walked past us! "Niall!"I said. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Niall I think you hurt Ashley's feelings"I said. "And?" He said as if he doesn't care. I was taken back! "You hurt her feelings!"I said. "Fuck it, it doesn't matter" He said. I shook my head. Who was this guy and what did he do to Niall?? "What is wrong with you?!"I asked him. "Hey Babe, why don't you go change into something pretty then meet me by the stage? "Niall said. I slapped his arm. "Why don't you go fix yourself!" I said. What happened to Niall?

To be continued....

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