Alive [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

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SEQUEL TO "TRULY, MADLY, DEEPLY"! Please read "Irresistible", then "Truly, Madly, Deeply" BEFORE this one! Th... More

Alive [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (NEW)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 - LAST CHAPTER!

Chapter 13

676 21 5
By hopeangel11

Chapter 13

"Ethan - " Liam called out as his eldest child rushed up the stairs to his room after Liam had just picked his children up from school.

"Don't wanna talk!" the boy said back, slamming his bedroom door shut.

Liam sighed and turned around to see his other children just entering and closing the front door behind them. Dylan looked confused, but Claire looked up the stairs with a frown, making Liam assume that she knew what upset her twin brother.

"Claire, what happened t- "

"Dad, just... give him some time, okay? It's better if he tells you what happened. It's personal," she replied.

"You won't even tell me? I'm your brother!" Dylan complained.

"And he's my twin. I have respect for his personal 'issues', and so should you and everyone else," Claire concluded, patting his cheek before walking to the kitchen.

Dylan sputtered and put a dramatic hand on his chest. "Did she just - How dare she, Dad! I deserve to know! I'm the cute one!"

"I'm sure we'll know eventually, Dyl," his Dad assured with a soft smile. "Why don't you grab a snack and start your homework, yeah? I need have a chat with your Papa quickly."

"Fine. But if you find out before me, then I'm throwing a fit," the boy said determinedly.

After his youngest son walked to the kitchen, Liam sighed and walked to Harry's office. His husband just walked out of it, frowning when he saw Liam's somber and worried expression. Giving him a comforting hug, Harry looked down at Liam and caressed his cheek lovingly.

"What's wrong with Ethan? I heard him slam his door, and you know how I feel about that."

"Don't. He needs some alone time, apparently," said Liam. "He looked so upset and angry for whatever reason, but he wouldn't talk about it or even say anything. I'm pretty sure Claire knows, but she thinks Ethan should be the one to tell us himself."

"Think something happened with his girlfriend?" Harry suggested, making Liam blink up at him.

With a little more thought, Liam pulled away and asked, "You think so?"

"Yeah. I mean, they were bound to go through drama in their first relationships, right? Maybe something happened between him and Ella? They could've broken up... or she could have had the guts to cheat on him? No matter how stupid that sounds, she probably did do that."

"Let's not jump to conclusions like that, Harry," Liam scolded his husband. "Let's wait until he's ready to talk."

"Fine. But if I'm right, you have to ride me tonight," the older father declared with a smirk.

"In your dreams," Liam muttered as he walked away.

"You always are, babe!" Harry called back as he chuckled and walked back in his office with a smile.


"She cheated on you?!" Dylan's voice boomed from upstairs.

"And there he goes," Claire muttered with a roll of her eyes as she was watching a show with her parents.

"Li," Harry whispered at his husband on the other side of their daughter, since she decided to sit between them again. "Li. Hey, Li!"

"What, Harold?"

"I was right," the curly-haired lad claimed, waving his arms up goofily.

Claire nudged at him to stop and asked, "You guessed that Ethan's girlfriend cheated on him? Why, Papa?"

"I never trusted that 'girl thing' he had," Harry admitted calmly.

"Cuz that's how you should describe your son's ex-girlfriend," Liam retorted with a roll of his eyes. "I can't believe that girl had the guts to cheat on our son. He doesn't deserve that; no one does. Poor Ethan."

Harry turned towards them and said, "'Poor, Ethan'? We should be finding this Ella girl and give her a piece of 'Styles-Pain'. See what I did there?"

"You're so... ugh, Papa. There's just no word to describe you," Claire muttered, looking back at the TV.

"And we're not gonna find this girl to give her 'a piece of Styles-Pain' - Like, what the heck, Harry?!" Liam protested, lightly hitting his husband on the back of his head. "Stop trying to use my last name as a pun."

"Your ex-last name," Harry corrected. "You were a Styles ever since you married me."

"Our names are hyphenated, Harold," Liam countered, sighing in defeat when his husband just gave him a fond look with a dimpled smile.

Just then, they heard Ethan and Dylan coming down the stairs, the younger of the two following his brother. It seemed that Ethan was annoyed with his brother, trying to get away from him even though he knew Dylan was that persistent.

"So you're just gonna let her go and get away with it without revenge?" Dylan asked.

"Dyl, I didn't just 'let her get away with it'. She did it in front of me!" Ethan snapped, walking in the living room and pausing when he noticed everyone else was already there.

"Ready to talk now, Bub?" Harry asked carefully.

"I - ... I don't even know how to start," Ethan said sadly as he gave in and sat beside his Papa.

Liam frowned at his eldest son and gestured Dylan over to sit on his lap as the whole family was about to talk about this 'issue'. Claire turned to her twin brother gave him a sad smile, patting his knee in a comforting way.

"You were right, Claire. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you," Ethan said softly, leaning against Harry.

"I wish I wasn't. I didn't think she'd do something as stupid as that to you," she said in return. "You deserve so much better, Ethan."

"She's right, Ethan," Liam chimed in. "There are so many other girls that would be lucky to be with you. This Ella girl will regret hurting you. You'll get over what she did soon enough. Not everyone is as cruel as her."

Everyone else agreed and encouraged the boy to move on. Harry pulled Ethan closer and hugged him tightly.

"And if you can't get over her now, just think about how much better it is to be free from girls, dating and all the drama that comes with all that. You need a good break from all the little ladies; just like your brother over yonder," his Papa claimed.

"Yeah. That's exactly why I don't wanna be in a relationship now or anytime soon. Girls are so dramatic and overrated," Dylan agreed, pointing at Claire jokingly with his thumb.

"Hey! I'm not that  'dramatic or overrated'... Okay, fine. Only a little, then," she admitted.

"Anyway - The point is, Ethan, you deserve so much better than that girl and you can learn from this... experience, I guess," Liam said a bit hesitantly.

The boy scoffed and said, "Learn what? To trust my sister more than my own judgment on girls?"

"Yes," Claire declared confidently, beaming at her twin. "Don't worry. I have a lot of 'girlfriends' that are really nice and I think you might even like them better than Ella. They, like, all have a crush on you or something. Beats me as to why, but they like what they like, I guess."

"That's cuz he's a Styles!" Harry exclaimed proudly.

"Payne-Styles, Papa," Dylan corrected, making Liam smile and the twins roll their eyes.

The curly-haired father, chuckled and pinched Dylan's cheek. "You're such a suck-up to your Dad, Dyl."

"That's why I'm his favourite, right Dad?" the boy asked dramatically.

"One of the reasons why," Liam whispered to him, kissing his cheek. "But that's not what we're talking about right now, Dyl. I wanna make sure that Ethan is gonna be fine after this mishap."

"Ew. Daddy, you sound as old as Papa is," Claire grumbled jokingly.

"Why do you guys always talk about how 'old' I am? I'm not even that old! I already told you I was kinda close to your Dad's age," Harry protested, pouting at his husband.

Liam snorted and said, "Kids, don't believe your Papa. I'm nowhere near his actual age."

"So... Does that mean Papa is a hundred years old?" Dylan asked in .

"Well, he's actually - " Liam started, but Harry cut him off.

"Husband! There's no way I'm letting you tell them my actual age! That's so cruel, Li. What did I ever do to deserve such wrong doings from you?"

Their kids rolled their eyes and complained at him for being so dramatic. Turns out they might've gotten that from their Papa after all. Explains why two out of three children are like that. Harry has no one else to blame but himself, really.


"How are you feeling, love?" Harry asked once they were preparing to sleep for the night.

"I'm fine. Haven't been feeling sick for the past week anymore," Liam replied, laying down on the bed beside his husband. "I really hate that about being pregnant."

"The sickness? Yeah, me too. I hate having to see you go through it," the older lad agreed, rubbing Liam's belly lightly.

That made the younger lad scoff and bat Harry's hand away when it started going a bit too low to be on his belly anymore. "Stop being so freaking horny, Harold. Like, just try to contain yourself and resist your sexual urges."

"You promised to ride me tonight," Harry countered with a smirk.

"No, I definitely didn't."

"Yeah, you did. I said if I guessed what happened with Ethan right, you would ride me."

Rolling his eyes at his husband's absurdity, Liam rolled on his side so his back was facing Harry. Said lad pouted and tugged Liam against his front, making sure his husband felt his erection. As if it ever went away, really.

"Keep your hands and cock to yourself, honey. Goodnight," Liam muttered, pushing Harry's hand away when it started going in his boxers again.

"I just want you to ride me tonight, babe. Not asking for much," Harry begged, kissing Liam's shoulder.

"It actually is a lot, cuz it requires my effort to straddle you and move while you just lay down like a lazy a** husband that needs a good f***," Liam argued, refusing to turn around to face Harry. "Just go to sleep, Harold."

Pouting even more, Harry rolled over Liam to land on his other side so that Liam was facing him once again. "Please, my love?"

"No. And go back to your side of the bed," Liam said sternly, rolling over again.

"I know you want it too. You're pregnant with our fourth child and you're just as horny as I am," the green-eyed lad prompted cheekily, hand brushing along Liam's inner thighs. "I can feel that you're also hard, babe. No need to deny your 'needs' as a pregnant man."

"You're such a sex-addicted loser," the brown-eyed lad hissed, then slowly straddled his husband.

Harry wiggled his eyebrows and slipped both their boxers off quickly. "You love me for it, remember? Now ride me, Daddy!"

"Shut up! If the kids hear you, they'll - "

"EWW! They're making another baby!" they heard Dylan exclaim from the hallway as he walked to his room.

"Tell them to stop! They already have the one coming!" Ethan called back.

"As if we or anyone can stop them!" Claired added. "Let's just get ready for a miliion siblings. Dad's gonna be having babies for eternity!"

While Harry was laughing in amusement, Liam blushed at their kids' comments and slapped his husband's arm. "See what you did, Harold? You got our kids all disturbed again! How are we supposed to fix them now?"

"They'll be fine, love. They'll understand why we do this so often when their older," Harry responded. "Now ride me like you mean it, babe! I wanna feel you surround - "

"AH! Shut up, Papa! We don't need to hear that!" Claire shouted from her room.

"Don't tell me to 'shut up', Claire Hope! I'm your father!" Harry yelled back, helping Liam lower himself on his cock.

Liam let out a soft moan and grunt when Harry thrusted up into him to bottom out quickly. "Will you just shut up and focus on this, please? I'm actually giving you a chance to do this before I strangle you. And don't yell at our kids."

"She started i- Mmm, Li," Harry stopped his argument as he let out a moan when Liam clenched around him.

"Yeah. Just focus on us having sex and keep your mouth shut, Harold," Liam snapped as he continued to ride Harry slowly.

When they finished and let out cries of each other's names, their kids were shuddering in their rooms at the noise. No matter how much they tried to block out their parents' moans, they could still hear it through the walls and pillows.

Ethan, for sure, did not want anything to do with relationships for a while. Thanks, Dad and Papa.

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