Jelsa and the Seven Seas

By eira-anime-girl

8.6K 350 46

Captain Elsa of the ship Aren is kidnapped by Captain Jack Frost of the ship Spirit. Elsa bargains her way ou... More

Crew and Pubs
Co- Captains and Flashbacks
Wait, She Dove on her Own?
Startling Revelations To Myself
Final Ending

Undersea Bloodhound

882 37 2
By eira-anime-girl

Elsa POV

I looked at Jack and realized he wasn;t too bad after all. He did seem to care. I smiled at him and almost hugged him again. He really did kind of look cute with the soft look on him. ELSA! I screeched at myself mentally, telling myself not to fall for the enemy.

"So, erm... do you want to go get your dinner? I can show you to the dining hall. If you would like I mean. I can always have he food delivered to your room." He said hastily.

"I think food ywould be great right now." I smiled and let him lead me to the food.

Anna POV

I got off the boat. Nicoli, or something, and ran back to the Aren. Soon I was back, panting.

"Anna! What's wrong?" I heard Ari yell.

"We have to find Elsa! Jack took her!" There were gasps, and Ari nodded once, knowing what to do. She was a special person. She could change into a mermaid. She dove into the water after the Spirit, a long ways off. She swam and soon was next to the ship, floating next to it, keeping tabs.

I went to the wheel and started steering it away from the docks. The people and supplies were already back. Some people went under the deck and started to put the provisions away. Others stayed on board, ready to take my commands. I was the only one capable of being a captain in Elsas place. I just hope nothing is happening to her on the ship.

Elsa POV

I dug into the hot chicken breast set in front of me. Jack looked at me and I ate more. He chuckled and I grinned.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just I never thought you would be the type to eat that much in that amount of time." he smirked. It was true. The chicken was eaten in five minutes and the chocolate piece was being savoured. I loved chocolate, and Anna and I always went for the chocolate on land. 

I stood up and brushed off my skirt. "Couldn't you have at least let me grab a few clothes frist?" I joked.

"Sorry, we can dock in a few hours, there is another dock a few leagues from here and we should reach it by sundown. Besides, we didn't get any provisions. We need to stock up." I smiled, and nodded. I hugged him. I then realized what I did and jerked back.

"Erm... sorry... I didn't realize..." i apologized. 

"It's fine. I don;t care." He smirked at me, earning himself a glare. 

"I'm going back to my cabin." I said and walked away from him. A few minutes later, I made a wrong turn or something as Tooth grabbed me.

"See now? Jack isn't here to help you. And if you cry out I will slit your throat." She held up an ornate knife and waved it in my face. I smirked. "What? You aren't afraid? You should be. I know how to gut a man in five minutes." I laughed a little then.

"No, I'm not afraid of a little pin. Seriously, get a sword. And by the way, I can stop you cold." I smirked with my pun.

"Follow me."

"Don't think so."


"Try me."

"Fine." And with that, Tooth went to plunge the dagger into my gut. I froze her arm in place though. "What? But... Jack is the only..." 

"Yeah yeah. I know. He isn't. He is the only one. I am too."

"Fine. Just makes it harder to kill you, but I will find a way." and she turned on her heel and left, her arm still frozen. I liked it that way. She would have to do a lot to get it unfrozen. Or just go to Jack. Then he would find out what she tried to do. The mutinous traitor.

Jack POV

Tooth came into my office with a frozen arm. "Pick a fight with Elsa did you?" I smirked.

"Ugh. Why do you know about this? And how?" 

"Because. She is... ah... well... she is like me. And she will learn from me. So, I suggest you leave her alone, or her wrath will not be the only wrath you face." I looked at her dead on. Her eyes knew the things I could do with my powers, andeven though she was a friend, she didn;t want to get frozen. I touched her arm and the ice melted into my powers. "Now go, I have to plan how to get to the Palace before the other ship does. We need to get to another dock tomorrow to get provisions too. Alert the crew to that." She turned and was about to walk out before I stopped her.

"And Tooth, even though you know my powers, you don;t have to tread lightly around me because of that. It is my status you need to worry about, okay? I don't want a friend to be afraid of me."

She looked at me, almost happy. "Okay. And I don't want to be afraid of a friend." She then gave a sllight wave and went to prepare the crew for another dock, this time for tomorrow. I smiled dryly before getting back to work.

We would have to get all of our weapons, and food, and we had to get a few more clothes. Elsa might be a bit more... captain-y... with more clothes than just a rumpled blouse and skirt.

A few hours later, it was dark so I went to see how far we were. I went to the prow and put one foot on the side of the boat. We were about three leagues from shore. About eleven more hours and we should reach the port. Broch Island, some sort of scottish settlement. I don't know.

I turned to go back to my cabin to get a well-earned rest.

<11 hours later>

I spotted land, eleven hours just like I predicted. I ran to get Elsa, so she could get ready to go get her clothes. I ran into her on the way, and we both fell back. "Oh, sorry." I said, looking at her. 

"It's fine, Frosty. Didn;t hurt anyway." she said smiling. 

"We are going to dock in a few minutes. Be ready." She nodded once, and went to go wash up. The ship lurched once, notifying me that we were at port. I ran back up to the deck and to the wheel where North was steering. I gave my commands.

"Ruff, Tuff, get water. North, San, and Aster get meat. Tooth, Snotlout, and Fish, can you go get the other essentials? Vegetables, blankets, clothing. That stuff. We will leave at sundown." They all nodded and ran off the ship to the city nearby. I addressed the rest of the crew. "Stay here and guard the ship. And if everything is not clean and well-prepared by the time I get back, you will have to redo it all. Draw lots if you must, but 3/4 has to stay on at all times. The other 1/4 has 2 hours on land. No one go anywhere alone. This place gives me the creeps." Everyone nodded, and about 10 people left and were on land and the rest were cleaning the deck, nets, and ropes. Others were sorting out the little random things that got jostled around. Pthers were detangling nets and ropes and repairing a broken sail on the docks. I nodded at the good work people were doing and Elsa came up on deck. I grabbed rope and loosly tied it around her left wirst and my right wrist. 

Loud enough so that the crew could hear I said "So you don;t try to leave me", but I whispered to her that it was just for show, she could take it off as soon as we were in the city. she nodded and we left. We ended up at a few shops, and about lunch time we found our way to the pub for a some food and drink. She got chicken and I got fish. 

"How can you eat that?" she asked me.



"I don't know. I just do, why?" 

"I can;t eat it. One of my crew is a mermaid."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah. She can turn into a human and a mermaid, and she is a really good tracker...." she trailed off.


"Ari is probably after me, here, in the city, now."

Crap. "Okay, well, erm, we can always try to ditch her." 

"No use. She has a friend under the ocean that can change shape to anything he wants to. He prefers bloodhound, so yeah. No luck there."

I groaned. "Okay, well when should we ecpect her?" The door burst open, and a girl with a purple top and green skirt walked in. And looked right. At. Me.

Elsa POV

The door burst open and Ari walked in, and looked straight at us.

She came over and pulled up a chair.

"So. Elsa. What is going on here? Having lunch witht he enemy?" Jack spluttered in protest. I looked at her calmly.

"No. Well, yes, but he has me well... tied up." I said and held up our wrists, which I had managed to slip the rope onto. "He doesn't trust me. Imagine that." I frowned.

"Come on, Els. We have to go. The ship will be here at any moment." Ari looked at me, urging me to pick the right boat.

"No. She isn't  going anywhere." Jack said. Ari looked up in surprise. 

"Excuse me?"

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