Happy Together {Frerard}

By gayishwayish

368 64 3

Frank is a blind teenager who stars school in New Jesery after being homeschooled all his life. He meets Gera... More

{1} Sight is for the fortunate
{2} Bad Boys Don't Drink Chocolate Milk
{3} Welcome to our Committee
{4} Not So Very Unfortunate
{5} Beileve what you want, even if it's not true
{7} Stay
{8} Welcome To The Committee 2
{9} Lost things
{10} Found Things
{11} Brother
{12} I Take It Back, Im Very Unfortunate
{13} "do you really love me?"
{14} Let Me Show You
{15} Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
{16} Questions With No Answers
{17} Forget Me Not
{18} Kill All Our Friends
Final Notes

{6} Secrets out

18 3 0
By gayishwayish


"So what the hell was that?" I yelled and turned to Gerard, who looked much to focused on driving. We were going down a narrow road in the middle of what looked like a forest-like area. "What was what?"

"Oh dont play dumb with me, whats going on? Who were those guys back there?" Gerard didn't even dare to look at me. "The greasy rat that was screaming his head off was Bert-"

"Bert?! That was fucking Bert McCraken?" I was in awe. He didn't look the way I thought he would, he kinda looks like he could be related to Gerard.

"The other one was principal Vasquez." That explains why he was running after us. Im guessing that leaving school during the day is bad. God, im going to be in so much trouble. I've never really been in trouble before. Mother is gonna pull me out of school and I wont be able to see Ray or Lindsey anymore and-

Gerard placed his right hand over my chest, he looked over to me for the first time since we've been in here, and he simply said, "Relax."
Im guessing he saw me panicking. Im afraid that mother is going to hate me after all this. I left school, I promised her that I'd be good and if she wanted she could pull me out anytime. Oh god- and thats when I remembered. That day in the bathroom. Gerard is a-

"Vampire!" I screamed. He looked over at me again. He pushed on the breaks.

"What?" He questioned, turning over to finally face me.

"The rumors! They're true aren't they?" I asked, leaning back against the door nervously waiting for his answer. He looked ahead angrily, then his face softened. Gerard let out an angry sigh and looked over at me.
His eyes switched back and fourth between the road and me. I peeked over at the speed meter, It read 120, my heart began to race, we were going insanely fast.

"Gerard," I whimpered, his nose scrunched up in anger, only focusing on me. "Gerard your scaring me!" I yelled, I didnt dare to touch him, he had a dark evil look in his eyes as he focused on me and not on the road ahead. Im not risking it.

"Gerard stop!"

And he did.

My eyes fluttered open, everything was fuzzy, The smell of burning rubber and caught my attention. My vision cleared and I saw the sky with trees surrounding me. It was a beautiful blue, and the way the green met the blue was just-
My eyes averted to the sound of flames that covered the hood of the car that was smashed against a tree, The flames weren't too big and couldn't cause an explosion thankfully.

But wasn't I in the car? With Gerard..?

I looked around frantically. Gerard? Oh shit.

"Ger-ard?" I called out, my voice cracking. He appeared from within the woods, his face all cut up and bloody. "Oh shit what happen?" I asked as I made my way to my feet.

"We crashed."

"Well, I see that, but are you okay?"

"Im fine. But are you okay? Nothing's broken?" He asked, observing my stance. "Gerard, there was no way we would of survived that crash," I placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to see if he had any broken bones or fractured. I helped Gerard sit down, I carefully went over to the rear view mirror on the passenger side where the door was wide open. I looked into the mirror, not a scratch on me. I looked up to see a giant hole in the windshield on the side I was sitting, the wipers were torn clean off and the front window was completely demolished.

It doesn't make sense. We would of flown out the fromt window, because the airbags didnt go off. We would of died. "What the fuck happened Gerard?" He panted, bringing his knee up to his chest and resting his elbow on it, looking up at me, "Im magic I guess."

"The fuck you are," I huffed saracstically, running my hands through my hair in frustration.
"Ive had enough of your bullshit Gerard, tell me what the fuck is going on."

He got up calmly, putting his hand over his face then taking it off to reveal nothing. No blood, no cuts, no nothing. He was okay, perfectly okay. I took a step back in horror, "How did you do that?" I put a steady hand up in caution as he slowly approached me. I backed up untill my back was against a tree, and we were face to face, just like the day in the bathroom. He raised his hand up, gentally placing his pointer and middle finger against my forehaed and everything turned black and white.


I looked over and saw, me? I was in the drivers seat, looking back and fourth between the familiar road ahead of me and myself. I looked into the rear view mirror to see a pair of familiar hazel eyes.

Gerards eyes. I was Gerard??

"Gerard you're scaring me!" I yelled, looking over to see myself pressed against the car door. I looked terrified. I looked back at the road and before I could turn, a huge tree was in front of us. I imeditnely looked back at myself, tearing off my seatbelt as I lunged myself at me. I tore off my other me's seatbelt as we collided with the tree with an explosion kind of noise. The impact sent us flying right through the windshield. As my head hit the glass first, my hands covered my other me's face.

I curled me agasint myself, shielding him from the glass. We rolled over the hood of the car, colliding with the dirt. I instantly got up, still holding my other me in my arms, as I set him on the ground away from the crashed car.

I drew in a long breathe as I came back to reality. It felt like everything around me stopped, including my ability to breath. I looked up at Gerard again, his eyes didn't look cold anymore, the hazel color was back.

I didn't know what to say to Gerard. I was at a lose of words.

"Yes. I am. I'm a vampire. I cured you because you were in need. I couldn't bare to see you live like that anymore. Not to sound creepy or anything but I've known of you for a very long time, in your early years you and your mother were a popular topic around town, since ya know your disability. Anyways I knew you'd come looking for me so I said some stuff to some loud mouth assholes. I didn't know we were going to crash though," He chuckled at the last part, sighing then turning his back towards me looking straight at the small flames on the hood of the car.

"I wanted to take you somewhere, and before you say anything, no. I wasn't going to suck your blood. I was taking you to the ocean. I know you've never seen an ocean before. I wanted to be the first to give you that experiance,"

"Why do you care so much?"

Gerard didnt answer. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, flipping it open and dialing some numbers before I head him speak.

"Hello. Yes. I would like to report a car accident. My car yes. Yes. Hurry before a forst fire starts. No no, we're okay. Thank you. Okay bye."

"Who did you call?"

"Ever heard of the fire department Frank?"

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