To Steal the Heart of a Thief...


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As I write this letter to you, all I have to say is... I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I lied to all three of you... Еще

Chapter 1: The Job
Chapter 2: The Start of it All
Chapter 3: This Should Be Interesting
Chapter 4: Night at the Ranger School
Chapter 5: The Mean Girl
Chapter 6: Visitation Day
Chapter 7: The Leap of Faith
Chapter 8: Busted
Chapter 9: Advice
Chapter 10: What Makes You Tick?
Chapter 11: Is This Going to be a Problem?
Chapter 12: The Outdoor Class
Chapter 13: Blackened Glory
Chapter 14: Opening Up
Chapter 15: Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures
Chapter 16: The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 17: Pull Yourself Together
Chapter 18: The Friendship Bracelet
Chapter 19: Family Matters
Chapter 20: Breaking the Rules
Chapter 21: Only You
Chapter 22: Heartbreak
Chapter 23: The Internship
Chapter 24: The Transformation of One's Self
Chapter 25: Oh My God, Stop
Chapter 26: The Mile
Chapter 27: Confiding in You
Chapter 28: Keep Those Lips Sealed
Chapter 29: Graduation Day
Chapter 31: It Must Be Done
Chapter 32: As Time Went On
Chapter 33: Confrontation
Chapter 34: Interrogation
Chapter 35: Repudiation
Chapter 36: Dance the Night Away
Chapter 37: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 38: End of Shadows
Chapter 39: A Price Paid
Chapter 40: Begin Again

Chapter 30: Summer Break

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(Third Person POV)

Mightyena and Buizel took off running as soon as they arrived, wanting to chase each other around and play, leaving Keith and Rena alone to get settled in back home. As soon as they stepped in through the front door, it sunk in for Keith that this was time for him to get back to business. Which would be very boring for him, compared to school life.

Although... Rena's unwarranted reaction was very amusing to say in the least.

"GAH!..." Rena felt her voice choke up in her throat as she stared wide-eyed at the interior of Keith's estate. "You here...?"

Keith nonchalantly took a look around at all the gold walls covered by the endless priceless art and crystal light fixtures accompanied by red carpets that decorated the inside of his mansion. "Yeah. Is this not what a normal house looks like?"

Rena couldn't help but notice that the value of everything in just Keith's front room was worth more than everything she had ever stolen in her life combined.

"No, Keith..." She sweatdropped, running an anxious hand through her hair as she dragged her suitcase with her across the floor. "This is not normal..."

Keith grinned sheepishly at her as he motioned to grab his suitcase and follow her up the stairs too. "I thought you already knew that I was rich."

Rena felt her insides rotting from the level of her shock. "I did, but it just didn't occur to me that you were this rich..."

Keith didn't waste any time in laughing at her for her naivety. He simply passed her on the spiral staircase and stole her suitcase from her, insisting that he would carry it for her. Rena found it odd that several members of Keith's staff offered to carry the bags for him, but he politely refused every time, saying something about not wanting to overwork them.

Since when was Keith such a nice guy?

Keith was leading Rena through his mansion, trying to get to their rooms. But of course, on their way up, he gave her a quick tour of the place. The dining hall was the size of a ballroom, and the ballroom was four times the size of the dining room. The kitchen was glittering with all of the fancy equipment, but it was cute in a sense because of all the little vegetable plants that were scattered about. Rena was able to catch a glimpse of a luxurious garden just outside the kitchen, leading her to believe that they grew a majority of their fresh ingredients. There was just no end to the paintings, murals, and sculptures scattered throughout the mansion; there were even a few family portraits here and there too. Keith said something about the mansion having five hundred rooms, which nearly made Rena double over in shock again. Outside was a gargantuan labyrinth decorated with hedges and legendary Pokemon statues. Rena had been to Parfum Palace in Kalos before, but Keith's mansion put that one to shame...

And after an hour of wandering the gigantic place, they finally arrived at the west wing, where a majority of the bedrooms were located.

"Here we are." Keith set down Rena's suitcase in front of a large door before turning to look at her over his shoulder. "This is your room, Rena."

Rena hesitantly stepped forward and pushed the door open, and then immediately faceplanted right in front of Keith from the shock of seeing such a luxurious room.

Keith nearly fell over laughing as Rena struggled to regain her bearings, which didn't really help her at all.

"Well that was embarrassing..." Rena covered her reddened face with her hands, trying to tune out Keith's never ending laughter. "Shut up already!" She socked him in the shoulder, earning an "OW!" from the pompous red-head.

Keith began muttering curses to himself as Rena spun around in a circle, getting a full view of her room. It was the most beautiful sky blue color accented by whispy white curtains. Her bed was a canopy bed with an ocean blue comforter and black and white throw pillows. Every dresser, desk, and wardrobe in the room was pearly white, and the bedroom even had its own bathroom and balcony.

Rena immediately noticed that this room had already been prepared especially for her, because some of her stuff was already in here, as well as some new things. Her old school books that had been sent to Keith's house just before they graduated were stacked neatly on what was now her desk, as well as her graduation certificate and many other mementos from school.

But the one thing in particular that caught her attention was a framed photo propped up on her desk.

Rena left Keith standing in the doorway as she hurried over to the desk and picked up the frame, staring at the photo intensely.

It was a picture of Keith with his arm around Rena, and they were both smiling.

Rena remembered taking this photo. It was the day after Keith bought her that pricey camera as a peace offering, and Rena just couldn't stop using that thing for two whole weeks after getting it. She took pictures of everyone and anything, but she remembered this particular picture as her favorite. She had surprised Keith from behind and held the camera in a way to have them both in the shot, and she shouted "smile, Keith!" and then took the picture.

Rena slowly turned around with the photo in her hand, tracing her eyes from the floor up to meet Keith's gaze. "You kept this picture all this time?" She motioned towards the framed photo.

Keith stuffed his hands into his pockets, kicking at the carpeted floor. "Yeah. I have a copy of it too. It's my favorite picture of us." It took everything in his power to avoid looking at her, and also to control the blush creeping up on his cheeks.

Rena's grim look slowly broke out into a delighted smile, and she set the picture back down on the desk.

"Come on, we better get going. I still haven't finished showing you around yet." Keith pushed himself off the door frame and regained his balance, leaving the room.

Rena followed close behind and shut her door behind her, then rose a quizzical eyebrow when she saw Keith leave his bag in the room right next to hers. "You gave me the room right next to yours...?"

"Naturally." Keith scoffed before leaning in a little too close to Rena. "You know, just in case you want to sneak out in the middle of the night and come over---"





"And this is my dad's office." Keith stood in front of two twin doors, speaking in a thick tone of disinterest as he glared at the room. "He's almost always never home, but when he is, he's in here."

Rena bit her lower lip uncomfortably at the obvious hatred Keith had for his father. "So... I take it he's not home right now?"

"No." Keith spoke flatly before turning on his heel and promptly marching away. "Not like I'd care if he was, anyways."

Rena felt that stab of pain hit her stomach, and she was just so disgusted. Keith was so lucky to have a father... He just didn't even appreciate it. Not one bit.

The background noise of chatter caught Rena's attention, and she turned to see Keith discussing something with his butler and a few other staff members. He was calmly giving orders and signing whatever papers they handed to him, and there was just something about this picture that interested Rena...

She dove deep into her own thoughts, quietly muttering to herself what she was thinking. "Does that mean he runs the estate all by himself...?"

"He sure does."

Every hair on the back of Rena's neck stood up when someone spoke to her, and she cautiously turned around when she heard that same person begin to laugh at her. Right behind Rena was an older woman who looked to be one of the maids working here, and she had a gentle look on her face.

"He's all alone nowadays." She sighed contently, speaking to Rena so easily. "Poor kid. His father's never around much, ever since his wife passed away, leaving poor Keith to run the place by himself." The old maid peered over Rena's shoulder to catch a glimpse of Keith. "Sometimes I think that's why he wanted to grow up to be a Ranger so badly..." She smiled gently at Rena. "Because he couldn't save his father from his grief, he wanted to save other people instead."

It took all of Rena's remaining strength not to let a tear slip from her eye after hearing that. The old maid had a point... Was that really why Keith wanted to be a Ranger so badly...? He never told her...

"He's a good kid." The old maid smiled at Rena, gently patting her on the shoulder. "And although the prideful idiot will never admit it, he really does miss his father." She turned to leave, but she said one last thing to Rena first before she disappeared. "I'm just glad he's found someone like you who makes him so happy."

Rena was left standing there shocked and completely speechless, having no idea how to respond to something like that.

Did she...really make Keith happy?

That's not how she saw it. Rena just always felt like she was just hurting him the more she was near him. Slowly poisoning him and sending him off to his own painful death...

Rena blinked and the maid was suddenly gone, and she slowly turned to steal a peek at Keith. He was still discussing business with his staff, and Rena looked at the set of twin doors that she had been standing in front of this whole time.

"I know I can't stay here." She rested her palm on the door to Joseph Dazzle's office, the very same room that hid the desired blueprints. "I... I'll steal them tomorrow." She just had to find Mightyena later today, and then they could get out of here soon.

"Hey, Rena. Mind if I talk to you?" Keith's question suddenly snapped Rena out of her thoughts, and the brunette nearly jumped out of her skin when she noticed he was standing right next to her.

"Uh..." She stared up into his red eyes timidly. "Sure...?"

Keith's serious face was immediately replaced by a boyish grin, and he excitedly took her hand in his. "Great! But there's somewhere I want to take you first..."

"Eh?" Rena quirked a quizzical eyebrow at Keith, but she hardly had any time to react before he immediately dragged her away from his father's office at top speed. "Keith, what're you---GAH!"


Rena humored Keith and watched the sun go down with him out on the rooftop, sitting on the edge right next to him. Although, it had been ten minutes now and he hadn't said a word. So...

"Umm, Keith?" Rena twiddled her thumbs, beating around the bush. "It's not like I'm not enjoying watching the sun set, but..."

"You want to know what I wanted to talk to you about." He looked over his shoulder to stare right at Rena with his bangs being gently blown past his face.

Rena stared at Keith a little longer than she should of, very aware of how red her cheeks were right now. "Uh... Yeah."

Keith turned his head back to the sunset, casually propping himself up with his arms resting behind his back. "Look, there's something I want to tell you, and I just want you to listen. Alright?"

Rena blinked owlishly at Keith for a moment before nodding her head. "Alright. I'm listening."

Keith stared off at the sunset, getting lost in his own thoughts. "When I first met you, I didn't know what to think. Besides Rhythimi, who I had known since I was a kid, you were the first girl to ever not fall for me instantly because of my money."

Rena just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that was probably because you were just so charming that I had to use all of my power to resist myself."

"GAH!" Keith flashed her a hot glare, trying to recover from that enormous stab to his ego. "Hey, I said no interrupting!"

Rena threw her hands up in defense with a sly smirk on her face. "Sorry, sorry!"

"Anyways..." Keith shot her one last sideways glance before refocusing again. "You always treated me like everyone else, and you'd even give me a hard time whenever I was being an ass."

"Which was all the time." Rena made her snarky comment, then quickly zipped her lips shut when Keith glared at her again. "...Sorry. I'll shut up now."

"I guess my point is..." Keith stared down at his lap, trying not to lose his nerve. "You were the first person to ever stand up to me, and I kinda admired you for that." He looked over at Rena with the most happy look on his face. "And it took me a long time to realize why you always drove me so crazy every single day, but I think the reason for that is---"

Rena widened her eyes in horror as she slapped her and over his mouth. "Don't say it."

Keith stared at her intensely as he pulled her hand off of his face. "I love you."

The silence that fell immediately after Keith said those three forbidden words was the most awkward and unnerving thing ever. Rena just looked completely heartbroken, and Keith had the same look on his face.

That... Wasn't quite the reaction he was hoping for.

"Look, Rena..." Keith took her hands in his, staring at her thoughtfully. "I love you, and I think you feel the same way about me. So---"

"No no no, this can't happen..." Rena jerked her hand from his grip, standing up sharply.

"Why not?" Keith stood up and almost glared at her through his despair, trying to understand her. "I think we could really make this work!"

"No, Keith, trust me." Rena shook her head, set against the idea completely. "I am wrong for you. So, so wrong for you..." She tried to keep herself from crying, but it wasn't really working.

Keith just scoffed and took a step closer to her. "But isn't that for me to decide?"

"No, you don't understand..." Rena sniffled, rubbing at her arm.

"Then help me understand." He placed his hands on her sides, staring into her eyes intently. "Why won't you even consider this?"

"Because, I..." Rena blinked at him, losing her nerve. "I can't give you what you want..."

"Yes you can." He smiled at her, grabbing her chin delicately and tilting it up to make her look into his eyes glowing with sincerity. "Because all I want is you."

Involuntary tears began pouring out of her eyes, and her lip quivered. She had wanted him to say something like this for so long, but now that she was really hearing it, all she could think about was that this would be her undoing.

"I'm sorry, but I can't." She broke away from him again, separating herself from his embrace one last time. "We can never be together, because I am wrong for you..."

Keith was getting frustrated and angry, but it was mostly the cold hard rejection that was making him feel this way. "Oh yeah? And why is that?" He walked right up to her again, ignoring her wish for personal space. "Tell me how you really feel about me."

She felt like she was staring at him through her watery eyes for a thousand years. He had the most hurt look on his face, and all that did was remind her that it was her causing.

How did she really feel about him?

She forced her lip to stop trembling as she glared at him. "You must be a real idiot to even have to ask that question."

Rena stood up on her tip-toes and grabbed Keith's tie, pulling him close and crashing her lips into his for the second time that day.

Now this is what you called a kiss. That stupid CPR earlier was nothing compared to this feeling.

Keith embraced Rena as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and even though he was shocked by her actions, he reacted instantly and kissed her back. He had been wanting to do this for a long time. It almost felt like a dream.

The weirdest combination of emotions were rushing through Rena's head: regret, sorrow, pain, envy, sadness, despair, and...bliss. She couldn't even begin to describe what she was feeling.

But then it was all over in a second.

Rena pushed herself away from Keith and shook her head. "No.... No, this is wrong..." She turned to run away from him, just leaving him standing there.

Keith just laughed to himself as he delicately placed his fingers over his lips. "You are so damn confusing..." He shook his head to himself. "Hey, Rena!" He called out to her, and he smirked when he saw her stop right in front of the door to the rooftop. "I'm still not going to give up on you! I will never, ever give up on you!"

Rena shamefully hung her head low and stared down at the floor as she walked away from him for possibly the last time. "Well maybe you should..."


...I honestly have nothing to say, because I know that no matter what comes out of my mouth, you are all going to kill me.

PS: this is chapter 30/40, making this the official 3/4 (75%) complete mark! Yaaaay!!

Fan art by @ktd527~! Thanks so much for the cute fan cover!

Read, comment, vote, and enjoy!

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