Another Malfoy

By affi324

2.7K 42 5

What if the girl with the brains in the golden trio was a Malfoy, will Ron and Harry survive without her? Who... More

Way To Hogwarts
The Sorting Hat
Potion time
Mastering the brooms
Duelling in the dark

Trolls in the dungeons

339 9 3
By affi324

I'm really sorry for the long waiting time, I had some stuff going on. To repay you I wrote a hella long chapter 2657 words, hope you'll enjoy!

- Little Bookworm💙💚❤️💛

Hermione woke up feeling angry, yesterday it had seemed like a good thing to do but today she  felt awful. She could have been expelled. Her father would not have been happy if that happend, he would more peciesly be outrageous, she was suppose to be the girl in the backround not taking up any more space then needed. So when she went down to the Great Hall she was basically fuming, how could they do something so stupid just to show her even more stupid brother that they were going to stand up to him. Hermione understood that they were enemies and had almost accepted it but they were eleven. When she sat down between Crabbe and Draco she didn't speak just sove some egg and bacon into her mouth.

Draco was a little bit angry with his sister, she had helped Potter and Weasley, she was supposed to be on his side. But he also knew that he couldn't be angry at his sister for more then a day it was just too hard after spending eleven years toghether.

The owls came soaring in from everywhere through the Great hall and there came eight owls, four on each package flying over two newly made Quiddich team mates. Gasps could be heard all over the hall, it was rare that somebody ever got a package bigger then a galleon, but two in one morning. Practically unheard of. Hermione looked at the letter atached to the package.


This package Miss. Malfoy contains a Nimbus Two Thousand, but we do not want everybody knowing that you've got a broomstick otherwise they'll be wanting one too. Marcus Flint will meet you tomorrow night at the Quiditch pitch, at seven O'clock sharp is your first training.

Professor S. Snape

Hermione couldn't belive it, she had seen, and admired, Dracos' Comet Two Sixty but now she had a Nimbus Two Thousand. Hermione was in such a state of shock and exitment that she didn't mind Draco taking the card. When she stood up all her anger was gone, she walked out of the Great hall sitting on the steps with Draco on her side. She opend the package and Draco looked at it with awe and Hermione squeled with exitment. That's until she saw Ron and Harry and her anger was back more furious than ever.

" You could have got us expelled! " Hermione says as she walks over to the two who talks in hissed voices.

" Geez you weren't even there when we saw the dog "  Ron exclaimed

" What dog? "

" When we were going back to Gryffindor tower we heard Filch again and ran back to third floor and we saw a three headed dog, it was behind a door in the end of the long corridoor it was sleeping thank merlin "

" Great so not only did you almost get us expelled but you also almost got yourself killed, and you went to the third floor again! "

Harry and Ron didn't have the time to answer Hermione because another blond came their way.

" That's a broomstick Potter, You'll be in for it this time first years arn't allowed " Even if Hermione was angry with Harry and Ron she still snapped at her brother.

" What, my broomstick doesn't count? " He looked at her. Man if looks could kill. But Hermione stared back with the same intensity until Ron spoke up.

" It's not any old broomstick, it's a Nimbus Two Thousand, what did you say you've got at home Malfoy a Comet Two Sixty? Comet looks flashy but they're not in the same leuge as the Nimbus " Draco looked at the red head and smirked.

" What would you know about it Weasley, you couldn't afford half the handel I suppose you and your brothers wil have to save up twig by twig " His smirk turned into a sneer as Rons face went pale pink, both of embarresment and anger.

" Stop it " Hermione snapped looking at Draco " And you too " Eyeng the two boys she continued " I don't want to talk to you, you're to stupid to understand what's right or wrong "

" Not arguing, I hope boys " Professor Flitwick says as he came up to the five students.

' Am I a boy now? ' Hermione couldn't help but think.

" Potter has been sent a broomstick "

" Yes, yes I belive your sister has too. I heard about the circumstances from Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, what model is it? "

" It's a Nibus Two Thousand, sir. And it's really thanks to Mr. Malfoy here that me and Hermione got them " The two boys proceded to walk for the Gryffindor tower but got stopped by Hermione saying.

" You two can be really stupid sometimes "

" I thought you weren't talking to us? "  Harry says and Hermione felt a little ashamed but quickly brushed it of.

" Yeah don't stop now, it's doing us much good " That got on her nervs and she whipped her head around letting her silvery hair dance in the wind, as she walked back to the Slytherin common room and opend of her nimbus two thousand. With a smile tugging at her lips she walked to the first lesson.

Draco watched his sister from the back of the classroom, father would be so proud of her. Why was he never proud of him, Draco felt extremly jealous he had tried so hard to be better at something then his sister. But she beat him to it every time.

Hermione sat in class trying hard to focus but her mind keept wandering of to her green and silver bed where a package layed under. She couldn't wait for tommorow night to come, she would accuall be able to ride a broom. Not just watch her brother but fly herself, it felt unelivable for both th siblings. Draco was still in shock, his sister had actually made it o the team and he hadn't. He couldn't be angry with her but it was mostly jealousy he was feeling, he was supposed to be her, he was supposed to be on the team and friend with Potter.

Hermione watched as the day passed by i a rush, nothing seemed to matter except her meeting tomorrow night. When classs were finally over she ran to her dormitory and took the package out from under her bed. Jus then the window flied open and a rush of fear ran through her. But still she got up and closed it, hearing a weird sound, as if something as soaring through air. Then she also realised it must be Harry practicing, she aced to practice and even more to talk to them, but they had made a choice not to talk to her and she would not be the one to break it. She was just about to run outside and try it even though she knew she shouldn't when Pansy Parkinson walked into the room.

" Ughhh " She grunted falling onto her bed next to Hermione's.

" What? " Hermone asked putting back her broom under her bed.

" I have way to much homework " She then turned aound to look at Hermione with an arched brow " You're smart, can I copy yours, just this once " Hermione sighed but gave her finished homework to Pansy, she thanked Hermione and started taking out quill, ink and parchment.

That night Hermione skipped dinner and went to bed early because of her nerves, What if she had only been good at flying because of luck, what if she accually was really bad? But soon enough she fell asleep, even though it was a very restless sleep.

The morning light sweeped through the curtains in the girls dormitory, making the black floor look like the lake wich could be seen from the Slytherin common room. Hermione woke up just as the sun had risen over the horizon and the nerves came back, she was going to fly in front of Marcus Flint tonight, she knew that the Slytherin Quidditch team had a reputation for not playing fair, but she would play fair. Although she knew that if she maybe needed to do something off rules maybe she would, but not much.

As she got dressed into school robes the other girls started waking up, but nobody seemed to notice when Hermione slipped out of the dormitory and went up the stairs to the Great Hall. It was a beutiful day according to the sealing, sun shining and wind russling the leaves. She saw Harry and Ron stting at the Gryffindor table, anger and guilt boiled in her stomach. She had nver really had any friends before, yes she went to an all pure-blood school before this where they learned a little bit about how things were and how they were above others but she had never had any friends before Hogwarts. And now she had pushed them both away.

Draco got up with the other boys and walked straight to the Great hall with nose heald high in the air walking with such authourity you wouldn't belive he was just a boy. He sat down next to his sister and mumbled something about their uppcoming lesson in half an hour.

The day passed and Hermione made some new 'friends' she really just wanted to be alone and read or study, but she needed to uphold the Malfoy legacy like her father always said. Finally the day had ended and dinner had been served when Marcus Flint aproached Hermione outside the dungeons.

" Do you have your brom? "

How thick can you be, Hermione thought as she held up the broom who was in her right hand.

" Good, follow me "

They went out to the dark Qudditch pich and Flint took out a box and opend it.

" You kow the basics right " Hermione bit her lip and nodded, he would have to do some reading later " Well let's practie a few throws " He took up a small ball and motioned for Hermione to climb her broom. Now that she was on it she felt even more insecure about this.

When Flint had thrown the final ball Hermione landed swiftly on the gound, he looked at her with bored eyes.

" You were all right, Sixteen out of twenty " Hermione's confident air quckly evaporated into nothingness and she felt an urge to hit him, sixteen out of twenty was probably much more then he could catch. But still she kept her mouth firmly shut and nodded then walked back to the castle in silence with Flint. As soon as she was in the girls dormitory she changed into sleepwear and went to bed, falling asleep seconds after her head hit the pillow.

The weeks passed quickly, Hermione helped Draco with his homework and he in turn helped her with Quidditch practices. This went on for about two moths and Hermione was extremely proud of herself, not only because she was the top student in every class but also because her mother and father had told her how proud they were over her for entering the quidditch team. 

So when hey had charms class with the Gryffindors she was even more happy, she had practiced the Leviosa charm for weeks and now knew exactly how it was done.

"Now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing" Said professor Flitwick from the pile of books he was standing on "Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magical word properly is also very important - never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself on the floor with a buffalo n his chest"

Hermione sat besides her brother and looked around at the other eleven year olds who waved their wands like fools, soon enough her eyes landed on the red head i font of her who was waving his wand worse then anybody else

"Wingardium Leviosa!" He shouted.

"You're saying i wrong" said Hermione leaning over her table to talk to him " It's Win-gar- dium make the 'gar' nice and long" Ron looked back at Hermione eyebrows raised

" You do it, then, if you're so clever," Hermione smiled triumphantly, the Slytherin in her showing.

"Wingardium Leviosa" Her feather rose up i the air and she quirked an eyebrow "Not hard at all"

"Oh well done! Everyone see here Miss Malfoy" Flitwick praised looking at Hermione with joy.

After the lesson Hermione was so happy she thought she would burst, she had won Slytherin fifteen points, now they were back in the lead again. She skipped through the courtyard until she came close to Harry and Ron and slowed down, not wanting to be noticed my them.

"It's no wonder no one can stand her! She's a nightmare, honestly" Hermione furrowed her brows trying to think of who they were talking about, until she realized it was her. They were talking about her. She rushed past them knocking into Harry as she rushed to the girls bathroom. 

Draco looked around at lunch for his sister but she was nowhere to be found, what had happend to her? He began to grow even more worried when she didn't show up to class, she would never miss class willingly. So Draco went back to the Slytherin dormitories when it was time for dinner, but she wasn't there either. So he went back to the Great Hall and started asking around, feeling more and more worried every second. He barely ate any of the Halloween food, finally giving up in trying to ask the Slytherins he went over to the Gryffindor table and asked them. But none of them knew anything, or if they did they wouldn't tell him. Just as Draco had walked back to the Slytherin table professor Quirrel came running up to Dumbledore and then said.

"Troll - in the dungeon - just thought you 'ought to know"

Panic spread over the hall as people screamed and rushed to get somewhere, Dumbledore had to make several firecrakers to make the hall go silent, once it was he spoke high and clear.

"Prefects, lead your house back to their dormitories immediately!"

Draco heard a Slytherin prefect named Gemma Farley roar 'Follow me, follow me' He did as he was told and they went up some stairs instead of down, to some unused classrooms. Draco looked around trying to spot his sister and then remembered, his sister dosn't know.

"I need to get my sister!" He said while walking towards the wooden door keeping them safe.

"You can't"

"My sister, you don't understand, let go of me!"

"We have strict order-"

"I don't care I need to get her!"

"I'm really sorry, Pertifcus totalus"

Hours seemed to pass before Draco could move again and when he could his head started throbbing and his eyes were unfocused.

"I'm really sorry but I could't let you get out"

"My sister, is she alright?"

"Hermione Malfoy is perfectly fine"

"Oh thank Merlin!"

"She is in the common room where all the food has been sent"

"Thank you"

Draco went back to the Slytherin common room and when he saw his sister ran up to her and gave her a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry, I tried to get you but they put some spell on me so I couldn't move, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'll tell you tomorrow let's just get something to eat"


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