
By Kathryn2468

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It's been three months since Clarke left Camp Jaha, three months of being all alone in the woods, and three m... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Authors Note
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Authors Note
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Two

2.4K 72 26
By Kathryn2468


Previously on Shadows (because yes, I know it has been almost a year since I updated):

Nia kidnapped Clarke and tortured her when she found out that Lexa and Clarke had feelings for each other. Luckily, with the help of Octavia and Roan, they were able to save Clarke before it was too late. Nia was then executed. Lexa made Octavia drug Clarke and take her back to the camp where she would be safe out of Lexa's presence, while Lexa remained in Polis to finish negotiating a treaty that she could bring back to Skaikru. Clarke is distraught at the fact that she caused Lexa to believe that love truly is weakness, and right as she was hatching a plan to prove to Lexa how wrong that statement is, a helicopter arrived. Clarke had a meeting with the leader on that helicopter, Scout, and she left Clarke with a very cryptic letter. Meanwhile, Lexa and a few of her warriors are riding as fast as they can to the camp, worried that the helicopter is a sure sign of attack on Clarke and her people.


(Clarke's POV)

It had always been assumed that the entire rest of the world was uninhabitable, void of any living presence. That, Clarke now realized, was a very unintelligent assumption to make because if there were survivors here, then there must be survivors elsewhere. Ever since they had first made contact with the ground there had always been some sort of conflict to distract them; always preventing them from even entertaining the idea that maybe there were other human beings on some other continent thousands of miles away. Besides, even if that was the case, its not like there would happen to be some easy way to access them.

Clarke had hidden the letter that Scout had left her with, not even wanting to risk showing Bellamy before she had given a solid amount of thought to it. Right now, there was only one person she wanted to share this information with, and Clarke knew, without a doubt, that she was already on her way.

(Lexa's POV)

They were riding as fast as the wind, Lexa hoping and praying that they would make it to the camp before something bad happened. She knew they were getting close when the sound of deep, continuous thunder materialized out of nowhere. She felt her horse nervously tense but she closed her leg and continued to push him forward. Moments after the thunderous noise began, the large metal beast that they had seen earlier re-appeared, hovering over the camp before turning to the north and proceeding in that direction. Lexa's heart raced and her stomach began to hurt at the thought that they had gotten there too late. Within minutes they were breaking free from the forest, galloping across the clearing and only pulling their horses up when they reached the front gates. No horrific scene awaited them. There was no blood, no bodies, no signs of any struggle or destruction. She was just debating whether or not to dismount when she spotted Octavia briskly walking towards her group.

"What happened? Is everyone alright? Are we at war?"

"There is no need to panic Heda," Octavia reached out a hand to scratch the muzzle of Lexa's horse. "At least not yet. From what we can tell we are in no immediate danger; however, I would strongly advise going to talk to Clarke."

"Very well, bring me to her."

Lexa dismounted, handing the reins of her horse to Roan. "Stay here until I figure out what exactly is going on." She turned back to Octavia, "please bring my riders and their horses some water once you have shown me to Clarke." Octavia gave a nod of understanding before leading Lexa into the camp. They didn't go far before Octavia stopped in front of a door, knocking politely before swinging it open.

"Go ahead Heda, she's in here."

Lexa quietly thanked Octavia before cautiously stepping into the room, at this point more nervous about what Clarke was going to say or do to her, rather than what information Clarke was going to pass on to her. War was something she could deal with, but her heart was another matter entirely. Taking a deep breathe, she nervously called out a 'hello' to alert Clarke of her presence before continuing into the room.

(Clarke's POV)

She was sitting on the bed in her room, absentmindedly pulling at the loose threads in the blanket, beginning to go a little stir crazy from all the thoughts swirling around in her head. A firm knock on the door startled her. Her heartrate increased and she wiped her now sweaty palms on the legs of her pants, nervously anticipating who she knew was at the door. Lexa had sent her away because she truly believed that she was too dangerous to be loved by Clarke. Although Scout and her helicopter had been an unnecessary distraction, the feeling of pure guilt had not even come close to leaving Clarke's body. She had messed up big time. It was her fault that Lexa's fear of believing that love is weakness came true, and she desperately needed to make that up to her. Knowing Lexa, Clarke was sure she was pulling a mask over her face right now, trying to hide her emotions to prove to Clarke that she had figured out a way to remove that "weakness" from her life. The door quietly clicked open, followed a few seconds later by the sound of it latching shut again. She nervously stood up but then sat back down, trying to relax her posture and assume a neutral stance.


Just the sound of Lexa's voice was enough to cause Clarke to feel like a comforting blanket was being wrapped around her body. She watched in impatient anticipation as Lexa slowly materialized out of the dark hall, stepping out into the light of Clarke's room. The pure elation that coursed through Clarke from the sight of the girl she loved more than anything caused her body to involuntarily spring up from her seated position like an excited puppy. She had been right about Lexa's mask, but she knew her well enough to see that it was becoming a difficult endeavour for her to keep it in place. In her mind, Clarke knew the logical action that needed to happen was for her to apologize profusely for her behaviour, to somehow force Lexa to see that it was truly nobody else's fault but Clarkes. Her head screamed at her to at least explain herself, but her heart was pulling her harder in another direction and she was too exhausted to fight it. Her eyes searched Lexa's and they both held their breathes, loud heartbeats beating out in the silence in unison. Lexa remained annoyingly stoic and still, not daring to make the first move. Clarke's hands shook from the force is was taking to restrain herself and with one last weak attempt to stay controlled, she unleashed everything she had been holding inside, using that pent-up energy to throw herself forward to the commander. She wrapped her arms around the muscular girl in front of her, burrowing her face in the crook of her neck. Her body melted like butter at their contact, but Lexa's body remained stiff and she stood there awkwardly, not even raising a hand to place on Clarke's shoulder. Pulling back sharply, she furrowed her brow and glared at Lexa.

"Stop it. You can't do this. It's not fair to either of us. I am sorry about what happened back in Polis, but you cannot blame yourself for this. It's all my fault, okay? I was the one that was foolish, I was the one that put us both in danger. Nia is dead now, can't we just put this behind us?"

Lexa sighed, not dropping her guard.

"Our past is what builds us Clarke. If we were to constantly put it behind us then how are we expected to move forward without making the mistakes we have already made? We must learn from it. I was senseless enough to try and forget about what Nia had done to Costia and look how that ended up. If there is any..."

With each word that came out of Lexa's mouth Clarke became angrier and angrier until she couldn't keep it back anymore. If Lexa wasn't going to listen to Clarke's words, then she was going to resort to the other language Lexa was very familiar with. She raised her arms, tightened her muscles, stepped forward, and shoved Lexa as hard as she could. Lexa stopped speaking as she almost fell, scrambling to stay on her feet, a completely shocked expression now on her face.

"What was that..."

"I said stop it." Clarke growled through clenched teeth, advancing towards Lexa. She watched as the commander took a few tentative steps backwards before raising her own arms, preparing to defend herself. Clarke kept her hands up, pretending to go to push Lexa again before quickly changing her decision at the last second and instead swiping her right foot around, catching Lexa's ankle and causing her to sprawl backwards, landing directly on Clarke's bed. Lexa was quick but Clarke was quicker. She pounced on top of the girl, grabbing her wrists and holding them down firmly above her head while she straddled Lexa's waist, causing the commander to become immobilized. Was Clarke aware of the fact that Lexa could easily throw her off of her in less than a second? Of course she was, but she also knew that Lexa was not about to do that.

"Do you love me Lexa? Because I love you. I love you more than I have loved anyone in my entire life. I don't care what happened to me, I would go through all that pain a million times again if it meant that I could be with you, hell, if it meant that you could have even the slightest chance of being happy." She paused, lowering her face so that it was mere inches away from Lexa's face, so close that she could see each individual beat of sweat beginning to form on her forehead. "And if you can look me directly in the eye and tell me that you don't love me and that you would be happier if I never so much as looked at you again, then I promise I will leave you alone for good." She stayed still, not pulling away and not moving any closer as she awaited the commander's final decision.

(Lexa's POV)

She so desperately wanted to do what Clarke was asking her to do. She knew that it was necessary if it meant that Clarke would leave her alone and thus be safer without her, however, she also knew from the second that Clarke had pinned her down on the bed that it was game over. She was overwhelmingly aware of every inch of her that Clarke was touching. She felt the burn from Clarke's fingers on her wrists, the pressure that her thighs had around Lexa's waist, and most importantly there was no escaping her fiery blue eyes. Clarke's breath tickled her face as she panted and Lexa was almost too distracted by her intense gaze to even make a coherent response. Her tongue involuntarily licked her lips and she felt the mask she had worked so hard to keep on her face slip off.

"I'm sorry Clarke, I can't lie to you like that."

Without waiting a second longer she lifted her head from the bed, closing the last few inches of space between them, hungrily pressing her lips against the blondes. It took no time for Clarke to answer her desire as she pushed back harder, forcing Lexa's head back on the bed. Lexa felt the weight of Clarke on her increase as the she lowered her body, trying to minimize any gaps between them. Clarke continued to keep Lexa's wrists held down, and so she resorted to other means of showing Clarke her affections. Raising her hips, she pressed into the blonde, causing a slight gasp to escape her mouth. She pulled her shoulders back slightly and arched her back, feeling her breasts press against Clarke's. For half a second Clarke's grip faltered, but she regained her iron hold before Lexa had a chance to do anything about it. With one last attempt to free herself she opened her mouth and gently bit down on Clarke's bottom lip; but as much as she knew she was driving the blonde girl wild, Clarke refused to give up her dominance. This only aroused Lexa's feelings further, and she so desperately wanted her hands free so she could run them through Clarke's hair, down her back, across her hips... She gently slipped her tongue into the girl's mouth, teasing her, knowing she succeeded when a subtle moan came from Clarke.

Pulling away slightly, she lowered her eyelids, "If you let me go I can show you what else I can do with my tongue."

"Not so fast Heda." Clarke purred back at her, "let me take a minute to enjoy the fact that the great commander is now at my mercy."

She whispered the last words seductively and shivers shot up and down Lexa's spine like lightening. Clarke moved her mouth to Lexa's neck, at first showering her with feather light kisses, leaving Lexa to turn her head to the side, begging for more. She felt teeth gently graze her skin and she gasped. She closed her eyes as Clarke began to suck at the pulse on her neck, trying to keep any noises concealed within, but not before a desperate sounding whimper escaped the confines of her lips. She opened her eyes in embarrassment and discovered Clarke gazing back at her, a coy smile on her lips. Heat blossomed in her checks.

"Don't look so pleased with yourself Clarke..."

"Oh, but I am. I've hardly even done anything to you yet...I can't imagine what other noises I will be able summon up from my commander when I continue on..."

Lexa audibly gulped. Clarke shifted her weight slightly, taking her leg that was on the left side of Lexa's waist and instead placing it in between her legs, taunting her as she gently pushed against a very sensitive spot. Lexa began to squirm under Clarke which only encouraged the smile on her face to widen as she realized just how much control she had over Lexa.

"If I let your hand go," Clarke breathily whispered, "you have to promise..."

A hard knock on the door immediately silenced her and Lexa's heart rate somehow sped up faster than it was already going.

"Give us a minute!"

Clarke desperately called out in an attempt to buy enough time to untangle herself from Lexa but it was too late.


Bellamy stood at the door, dead still, a redness rising in his cheeks. Octavia appeared behind him seconds later.

"Sorry Heda, I told him not to just barge in..." Octavia looked up at the scene splayed out in front of her. "Seriously you two? You practically have an army awaiting your orders outside right now and you thought this would be a perfect time to just..."

Clarke let go of Lexa's wrists and she pushed herself up into a seated position, straightening her shirt, trying to maintain a little dignity as she cut Octavia off.

"We were just clearing a few issues up. I told you I would come get you when we had figured out what is going on." She tried to sound as menacing as one could after being found in this particular situation.

Octavia smirked, "What kinds of issues? Like who should be the first one to..."

Lexa gave her a death glare and Octavia immediately shut up.

Bellamy finally stepped forward, adverting his eyes. "I apologize. It's just we received some news that I thought you would like to know about."

Lexa inclined her head slightly.

Bellamy opened his hand, revealing some tiny, strange metal device laying in his palm.

"I think Scout dropped this by accident on her way out."

He pressed a button and a recording of a voice cried out, "please...please we know you are out are our last hope...we need you...please hurry or it will be too late for all of us."

Hey everyone! Has it seriously been a year since I updated this story? I cannot believe how fast time goes by, especially the older you get. Well, first year of university is almost done for me which means summer which means more time to write (at least I really hope)! I have been getting quite a few questions regarding my intentions with this story...I just want to say that although it may be a little while between updates I promise that I will not abandon this story. I want to keep the Clexa memory alive through this story as long as I can and I promise that when it does come to an end I will be sure to let you know.

Anyways, I just want to say thanks again for reading this and I hope you enjoyed this update. Please vote and leave a comment to let me know what you think :)

P.S. A little side note I forgot to mention... a few months ago Eliza came to a comic convention near where I live and so I got to meet her! She is absolutely both personality and looks ;) haha.

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