The Tall Black Book Of Onesho...

By SexWithSupernaturals

199K 2.5K 975

An anthology of homoerotic, sexually explicit tales, mostly smut with killer story smothered in between. More

Mating Season (Wolves Of Northern Adornia)
Brian & Oscar (The Farm Hand And The City Boy)
(A Reincarnated Love)
Stockbridge Penitentiary
The Summoning { Brandon & Dominic }
The Devil's Wolves {Adam's Heat}
Tales From Adornia.
My Pet Russian
The Bodyguard {Dante And Micah}
The Hill Brothers
Milo+Parker = Death
Best Friends { Corey And Bennett }
Lucid Dream
The Big Cats
Just an update.
Undercover Danger
{A Fated Love}

Little Lunas {Shawn & Franklin}

7.3K 111 32
By SexWithSupernaturals

This is a one shot from my previous book of shots, but this time I'm gonna make a series of shots, each introducing a new young Luna. Though the Luna's meet their mates at young ages, this story contains zero perv shit, I can't stomach writing something like that. Anywhore, I hope you enjoy this story, it contains some violence and foul language, as well as sex. Love you guys.

Also the first POV character is based off Macaulay Culkin from the movie Home Alone, who I've loved since I was a kid, he was actually one of the guys that made me realize my super gayness.


I was leaving the only home I'd ever known, ten years old. Left as an orphan after my parents died, the pack I grew up in was a small one, we were based in Delaware. My father was the Alpha, he and my mother were killed by a rogue Alpha during a pack raid.

My mother's sister didn't want me to be raised by people who aren't blood related, and since my father's parents are both dead and he was only an child, I was being shipped off all the way to some hick town in Colorado, some place called Sweetwater.

# # #

I arrived at the train station, I was really mature, which was the only reason I was allowed to ride the train alone. I sat inside the station for maybe thirty minutes, I was nervous so I kept combing my hair, a habit I got from my father.

I dug in my travel bag and pulled out the book I was reading, I was rereading the Sorcerers Stone, and just as it was getting good. I heard a loud scream, it was more like a squealing sound. "Oh my goddess! Look at you Shawn, you look just like your father." It was my aunt Stacey, she's an Omega like me and my mom.

"Come on, your uncle Sam is out in the car, he can't wait to see you, and I'm so sorry we missed your parents releasing ceremony." She said leading me out of the station, I could hear the tears coming into her throat, and I decided to give her the necklace that held some of my mothers ashes in the pendant.

"No, I can't take that, it's..."

"Take it aunt Stacey, I have my father's ashes." I said, turning my emotions off, afraid to feel the emotions I knew would crush me. She took the necklace and I went back to following her through the parking lot silently.

We got to the car, and my uncle Sam stood smoking what I knew was a joint, when he noticed us he threw the rest of it away from him, coughing up smoke and waving it away from him. "Hey little dude." He greeted, giving me a hug and taking my suitcases, my aunt slapped my uncles chest, and got in the car.

"Before you hop in, I just wanna say I'm sorry about your folks. But I hope you'll learn to love me and your aunt as surrogate parents." He said, and I just nodded, not knowing what else to say. He put my stuff in the car, and I got in. As we drove throughout the old looking town, I took in the sights, like the old time theater, the old time ice cream parlor, almost everything was old timey.

"What's this pack like?" I asked, still watching the sight goes by. "It's fun, especially this upcoming week, my best friend is the Alpha, he's a nice guy, but he's strict, so try to stay on his good side. There's a group of guys about your age, they are gonna start warrior training, you up for that?" Uncle Sam asked.

"I'm an Omega, in my pack we aren't allowed to fight." I explained, "Why not Omega's are still werewolves, you're still strong, and with the right teachers you could be a great warrior." Uncle Sam said. "I don't want to learn to fight, fighting gets you killed, maybe if my parents weren't fighting they'd be alive." I said, feeling a hot tear quickly escape my eye, and I angrily wiped it away. I caught my aunt looking at me in the mirror.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, I watched silently as we drove into a gated and extremely wooded area. "Welcome to the Winters pack, let's get you settled in, then we can introduce you to the Alpha, you'll have to receive the pack mark." Aunt Stacey said, and I froze. "P-pack mark?" I asked, I'd read about those during school classes at home in my old pack.

When werewolves join a new pack, they have to be blood initiated, a bite from the Alpha would do just that. It gave the Alpha command over the initiates wolf, as well as added more strength to the Alpha's wolf, all while opening up a mental link into the pack. "It's just a quick bite, it won't kill you." Uncle Sam said, and I went silent again.

The pack house was huge, there was only one other building on the land, so I figured everybody must live in the pack house, it was big enough to hold a couple hundred people. The entire land was coated in trees. Tall, short, skinny and fat trees, they were all over the place.

All around were wolves, more wolves than I ever saw, some were fighting in human form while others were in wolf form, there were pups playing, and children running, but being an Omega, I felt the need to stay close to my uncle Sam, the Beta.

We walked inside the never ending home, and if I thought it was big on the outside, it was gigantic on the inside, I stood looking around in awe, the ceiling was high and covered in art. "This place was built with a spell, it reconstructs itself whenever we need more room. Cool huh?" Aunt Stacey asked, and I nodded.

"Come on, we'll show you to your room." Uncle Sam said, and I walked behind him in my aunt, the walls were a cream color, and covered in pictures of different families, but the picture that stood out the most was of a tall brown skin man, he stood powerful and commanding, he was clearly the Alpha.

I was a bit intimidated, and that feeling only got worst when a deeply deep voice spoke from behind us. "Sam, is this the nephew?" The voice asked. I turned around and there was the man from the picture, he was way taller than me, he was taller than my dad was, and my dad was six two.

He stared down at me with a look I couldn't place, I didn't understand the look, his eyes were dark, and they raced all over me. He stood wearing a vest that was tight against his bulging muscles, his arms and chest were exposed and tattooed.

His face was clean shaven, and I got the feeling he had many she-wolves chasing him, but I was scared. So scared that I hid behind my uncle, peeking out at the Alpha. My aunt and uncle laughed, but the Alpha didn't, instead his brown eyes turned ink black. His canines elongated and the veins started to show all over his neck, arms and chest.

A deep growl started to build in his chest, and he looked like he was going to attack my uncle.


I sat in my office, I was going over paperwork, bullshit like light bills, food budgets, and ally pack reports.
I was bored outta my mind, normally my Beta was all over my back, making jokes and making me laugh. I remembered that he'd left an hour ago, but I could feel him somewhere on pack land, then I felt him and Stacey and a new comer.

I could feel everything, cause the house is magical it amplifies my Alpha abilities. So I got up to go introduce myself to the little guy, as I walked through the house, I took in the names on the doors.

Each name representing a families ward, each ward has ten to thirteen rooms. I walked down the long back staircase, and stopped at the very bottom, my right foot stuck in the air mid step. My nose caught a strange scent, and it was strong, I realized the sounds of heavy breathing that I was hearing were coming from me.

It was some kind of hair jell, but it was mixed with roses, and some kind of spice, like the cinnamon from the candy Red Hots. I followed it, wondering why Stacey's nephew smelled so damn good.

I was in total shock, Sam my best friend and Beta, his mates sister and her Alpha mate were killed, and their son was left orphaned. Sam and Stacey still don't have kids of their own yet, so they decided to take the kid in, I didn't really expect anything, but I definitely didn't expect to look down into the face of my mate.

I never hated the goddess more than in that moment, I'd waited for my mate since I was eighteen, and here I am at twenty three, staring down at my kid mate. My wolf Jak, was making me feel sick, he had absolutely no care that our mate was a kid, and the thoughts he had racing through my head were sick.

"Pretty mate, Frankie look at those sweet lips, pretty mate, so so so so pretty... Claim him claim hi..." The rest of his disgusting thoughts fell on death ears as I closed my mind to him. I was staring at him in disbelief, the tiny blonde could be no more than ten, which made me smile because in seven short years he'd be starting his heat, and I'd finally have my mate.

He was by all accounts beautiful, pretty blonde hair that hung just to his shoulders, his eyes were the kind of blue you could get lost in. But his lips were his best physical feature, they were so red and full, a perfect contrast to the paleness of his porcelain like skin.

I watched my tiny mate, with lips so red it was unbelievable, he ran and hid behind Sam. His pale face came from behind Sam's leg and peered up at me, my eyes found the little one's hands which were clutching Sam. My wolf forced his way through not liking the sight of our Omega holding onto Sam.

The sight pissed me and Jak off, I felt my eyes burn darker and my strength tripled. "Frankie, are you okay?" Sam asked, but my eyes never left my mate. A growl slowly built up in my chest, and as Jak took complete control it poured from my throat. The little Omega ran, and Jak started to give chase, but Sam tackled me. "Stacey go take Shawn to the bane room!" He yelled, and Jak flipped Sam under us.

"You stay away from my mate! I'll kill you, you hear me Hoffest!" Jak yelled, calling out Sam's wolf and punching him twice, Sam's eyes turned black and he snarled throwing me off of him. "I won't fight you Alpha! Go scare the poor boy, I guarantee he'll never forget this day." Hoffest snapped and I fought Jak for control until I had him under my command.

"You're right I'm sorry." I apologized, Sam's eyes turned back to their normal green and he smirked, "First off." He said, walking up to me and punching me in the gut. I doubled over.

"Second, how hilarious is it that your mates a kid, how funny does Luna have to be?" Sam asked, "She's not funny, this is cruel, and Jak is totally okay with claiming him, the little guys like ten and Jak doesn't care. I gotta leave." I said.

"Franklin you can't leave, you have a chance to watch your mate blossom into a beautiful young Omega and you're gonna run away from that?" Sam asked. "I can't be around him, I can't trust Jak, when the full moon comes around and he takes control who knows what he'll do." I said, fearing that I would hurt my little Luna.

"Then you'll just have to leave every full moon, we'll take precautions, but running away is not good, it'll drive Jak crazy not knowing what's happening, and he'll most likely take control and... You know." Sam trailed off, and I understood completely. "Come on, tighten up and let's go properly introduce you to your mate." Sam said, and I nodded. We were leaving the room and I was following behind him like a scared, nervous puppy, but Sam stopped.

"Stacey's taking him to his bedroom, getting him settled in, she's gonna bring him down for dinner, she says it'll give you and Shawn both time to calm down, you might want to go take some wolfsbane. Just to help keep Jak under control." Sam said, and I agreed to every word, barely lucid by this point. My mind was scattered in a million different pieces, I wanted to run, I needed to run, and I needed full control of Jak.

"Sam, just go... Please I need to think." I softly demanded. Sam made a sound as if to say more, but he seemed to have decided against it. He left and I walked over to the mirror that sat on my wall, it was a full length mirror, showing my full top to bottom reflection, but what made it special was the magic it was created from. It has the ability to allow me to speak to my conscious aka Jak, the evil queen from snow white had a mirror made from the same spell.

I stood in front of the mirror and gazed deep into my reflections eyes. The eyes turned black and my form in the mirror broke into a snarl. "Don't even think about screwing me on this Human, I've sat in the background all our lives, giving you complete control, lending you my strength and my body. Shawn's not just yours, he's ours and I demand a say." Jak spoke back from the mirror and I took in his words before responding.

"Be reasonable, we can't do any of the things you were considering, and I definitely won't mark him, he's a child and he should be treated as such." I said, and my reflection started to pace. "Fine, I give my word I won't do anything fun to him, but I want time with him, three hours everyday." Jak replied and I nodded, we had a deal.

I know I could have drank wolfsbane and that would have put him out of commission, but it's like he said, for years he's followed my lead, he's a good wolf, tamed. And with his word given I knew I could trust him.

# # #

I'd gone for a run for an hour and after I got back and showered, I headed down to dinner. I was on alert searching through the cafeteria style dining hall, I took my seat at the head table, it sat up on a platform over looking the cafeteria. My third and Forth in command were already seated with their mates, but Sam and Stacey weren't present.

I was just about to call them through the pack link when they walked through the doors, my eyes zeroed in on my mate, the way he looked around taking in everything, he was calculating and observant, then his eyes met mine and he dropped his head, moving close to Stacey. I held in the growl, reminding myself that he was only a kid, a kid I scared.

(Sam I want him to take his proper seat, bring him to the table.) I spoke into the link and Sam looked at me. (Are you sure you want to expose your connection to him, it could endanger him?) Sam asked.

(He's never leaving my sight, so what danger is there?) Jak chimed in and Sam led his mate and mine up to the head table, eyes were already on the new kid, there's a few hundred pack members and we are all family.

My parents weren't present, but I'm sure their eyes would have been clued to the ten year old as well, the boy followed Sam until he was at the seat next to me. Silence swept the room, as every wolf focused on listening.

Shawn and I held eye contact for a while, I got caught in a tunnel, my eyes locked on his pale blue ones. "Frankie, the cafeteria is all eyes on you." Sam said, and I blank a few times, finally being able to pull myself away.

"Everyone this is Shawn, he's Sam and Stacey's nephew, he is your new pack mate, and my... My future Luna, we will discuss this later during the pack meeting, as for now. Say hello Shawn." I said, and he looked at the crowd, and silently gave them a wave. The adult women oohed and awed, the men laughed, the teens whispered and the kids kept eating.

"Shawn about earlier, I and my wolf want to apologize for scaring you. We just weren't expecting to meet our mate. I didn't expect you to be a child." I said, and his light blonde eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not a child, I'm ten." He said, and I smirked.

"I'm twenty three." I said, and he frowned, "You're really old." He said and I laughed, his eyes widened and he smiled. "Are you hungry?" I asked, he nodded and I pulled out his tall backed chair. "This is your seat, it belongs to the Luna." I said. I turned and did a double take as I noticed the table was watching us. "What?" I asked.

"The Luna can barely see over the table, he's so tiny and cute." Moss the mate of my fourth in command said. We all laughed at her words, and things were normal.

We ate, and he could eat, it was pasta night, and by the time I was done, he was on his third bowl, it was cute seeing the sauce on the corner of his chin, that was something I'd always be able to remember. Even when he was a grown man.

I could bore you with details that go on and on, but memories are a funny thing, the most memorable part of that first year, was the day he told me he was happy that I found him, just words from some kid, but they hit me hard. At some point Jak and I stopped seeing him in the way one normally sees their mate, you know lustfully, love fueled by desire.

Instead I grew beyond protective, I didn't let him eat food I didn't cook, he was allowed to go to school, but only with a guard and two more guards behind that guard.

Stacey got mad when Shawn asked to move into my ward, she had some attitude, I got the feeling she thought it was inappropriate, I did too.

So I denied him that, and he showed me how much he could effect me, he knew he couldn't feel what I felt so he used the bond to manipulate me.

He held an attitude with me for a few good days, each day I grew more and more pissed, until I finally snapped and told he was being a brat.

He was mad at me because I wouldn't allow a ten year old to sleep in my ward, my bed. I told him how I felt, how it felt like he hated me and that I didn't like it.

I remember the way he looked so sorry. He said, "I don't hate you, I'm glad you're made for me, I'm happy we're mates, and I want to sleep in the same room as you." He said, and I chuckled before picking him up and carrying him on my hip.

I explained to him why it was inappropriate, and after the promise of a bottomless ice cream bowl, he came around. But the entire week I floated on air. He was happy we were chosen mates.

If I may skip the scene my parents made over him and get right to the part where the story gets real.

Like I said, Jak and I no longer saw Shawn in a sexual manner, he was like a puppy we both needed to protect we had to keep him happy, but I perfectly remember when we started seeing him in a sexual manner again.

It was the day he started going through heat, something he started a year early, sixteen and his Omega wolf was mature, fertile. I remember the first day, I tried to be strong. The thing I remember most is the crying, the screams of pain, his pathetic whimpers, his helpless barks.

I lied when I told you I was strong, I almost killed Sam and my third in command, trying to get to Shawn, Jak couldn't bare the smell of want and need, I couldn't stand Shawn's cries, and seeing him naked, sweaty writhing in desperation.

When I was finally able to get control of Jak, I decided to leave, a whole week I was gone, off to a cabin out of state, I spent the week jackin off in the woods. When I came back, I finally noticed his blossoming. He was a mature, and obviously fertile Omega.


He'd run off, left me in a very vulnerable state. I understood, but that didn't mean I had to be okay with it, and I wasn't. His first day back I was still pissed, and he's so clueless, I think he expected me to be happy that he didn't take my innocence, but I wasn't.

I've always hung out with the older kids, and my best friend Keith was already marked. He constantly went on about how good sex was, always showing off the healed over bite mark on his neck.

He was constantly teasing me, and finally after praying for weeks, my heat somehow started. A year early. Our law says a she wolf or male Omega is considered an adult when they start heat. I had become an adult and I wanted to be treated like one.

I know Frankie, and he still saw me as a child. My heat was gone, but that didn't change the fact that I wanted to be marked and mated, I was ready to lose my virginity. I was ready for everything that came with my mate, the wealth and power, the love and the feeling of being complete. Franklin stood as my last chance to fill the gap in my heart, and I was prepared to do whatever it took to get what I wanted. And there was no better person to help, than Keith.

# # #

"He's still treating me the same, he won't even acknowledge that I went through my first heat, and when I brought it up, he gave me a freakin pamphlet... a pamphlet Keith." I was complaining to my best friend, he laughed swinging his purple hair, away from forehead.

"How hard is it to seduce him, I mean the guy hasn't had sex in at least twelve years. His balls have gotta be beyond blue." Keith said. "I don't know how to seduce him, I never learned how to flirt, because Frankie has constantly been around." I said.

"Well you came to the right person, let's go to the training field." He said, and I gave him a look, that asked him if he was crazy. The training field was full of strong dominant wolves, and Omega's were never really caught dead there. Except for Ollie and Brett, they were the only Omega's who were pack warrior's, and they were good strong fighters.

"Relax, and just think sexy. Now come on." He said, rushing me out of the pack house. We ran around the whole house, finally reaching the backyard, we walked down the sloping hills, and down into the never ending fields of bright green. Warriors were running drills, the packs leaders were all over the place.

Men and women, teenagers and kids. They were training, fighting in both wolf and human forms. My eyes shot to my mate, he stood shirtless, powerful and in control.

He was running drills with the defense wolves, warriors who were used during wars with other packs.

"Are you sure you're ready to lose your V-card?" Keith asked, running his fingers through his hair. "Now watch me. Duplicate it and I promise you'll be a full fledged Omega before dinner." He said, snatching off his shirt. "Don't be scared, just take off your shirt, we're about to get wet." Keith said, I gave him a weird look.

I followed him over to the table that were full of bottles of water. We walked over and Keith grabbed one, he opened it and squirted me with the contents drenching me in water. I didn't even think about what we were doing, until we were both running around screaming and laughing.

Water droplets clung to our body's and it felt good in the heat of the bright sun. Suddenly I took notice of the wolf whistles, coming from the unmated dominant wolves.

Keith loved the attention, and started to wave. He walked up to me and smiled, "Relax, and trust me." He said. He started running his fingers through my hair, touching me sensually.

I wanted to run, surely him touching me wasn't going to work. "Now look over at him, hurry up he's looking." Keith said, I turned and caught Frankie watching me, only he looked pissed. "Here he comes." Keith said.

The next thing I knew, I was being dragged off the fields. I struggled to keep up with Frankie's giant steps, then we were in my room, and I was pinned against my rug covered wall.

"What did I say to you about exposing yourself to other people?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes remembering the talk he gave me at eleven, when I went skinny dipping with Keith and our friends.

"I only took my shirt off 'cause it was hot." I said, and he muttered something, then his eyes went to my chest, from there they kept going between my eyes and chest.

I licked my lips and his eyes shot to my lips, when I heard his breath skip, I licked them again, slower. He groaned, his eyes flickering between brown and dead black.

I don't know what happened, my head just shot forward and my lips landed on his. His reaction was immediate as if he'd been waiting for me to kiss him, he pushed me against the wall and started controlling the kiss.

He didn't know it, but Keith had made sure I was a great kisser. I knew how to let him lead the kiss, but I also threw in some nips and licks to his bottom lip. A hand cupped my ass, and squeezed my cheeks, he added more force to the kiss, and my wolf whimpered finally getting what it needed.

"Please Frankie, can we mate?" I asked, he pulled away from my neck his eyes pitch black. "Frankie doesn't want me to, but I want you so bad beautiful." Frankie's wolf said. "Please Jak, I'm begging you, I ne-need it." I pleaded.

He drove his lips and nose into my neck, inhaling my scent. His free hand, raced under my shirt, feeling me up, he groaned and my shirt was yanked off. "I wanna see you break." He said, ripping my pants off from the button area.

I felt my eyes burn with lust, undoubtedly the iris had completely disappeared, showing the pure white of my Omega's eyes. My fingertips itched as my nails grew, I used them to shred through Frankie's buttons.

Somehow in the haze of pleasure my back slammed against my queen size bed. Frankie was completely gone, his wolf was savagely grinding into my nakedness. The fabric of his briefs felt so good against my hard shaft, the scratchy waistband kept stimulating my weeping tip.

I was definitely a virgin, my hands were at my sides. "Touch me." He commanded, my hands shaking, they dug pass the scratchy waistline of his briefs. His ass was high and tight, my hands gripped the muscled mass. .

I ripped the material off his body, leaving my Alpha as naked as me.

His hips grinded down, and our cocks met for the first time, his a whole lot bigger than mine. "You want me to take your cherry, is that what you need pup?" Jak said, grinding down harder, making me mewl, a bitchy sound.

"Nghhh pl-please." I was becoming overwhelmed, my body was overreacting. His body weight was comfortable against me, it was hard and I touched everything. Our cocks were rutting against each other, the precum between us making things hot and slick.

"Don't fight it puppy, cum for us." Jak said, his voice a deeper and more masculine version of Frankie's. His lips were sucking marks on my neck, his canines running over my pulse point. Those big hands gripping and lifting my waist, bringing me up off the bed and rubbing us harder together.

The familiar tingles of an on coming orgasm started to build, I started babbling nonsense about how good it felt, the words melded together. "When I'm done with you, everyone in this pack will know you're mine, now let go." Jak whispered darkly in my ear, and my body gave up.

My head shot back and I coated our lower regions in spunk, making our frottage slicker. I rode my high, my eyes shut, my mind and body reeling from the pleasure and the fact that this was finally happening.

My eyes snapped open, and I sobered up slightly, I looked down into the eyes of Frankie, not Jak. "Are you sure?" He asked, his nose nuzzling the space between my balls. "Ta-take my cherry Alpha." My wolf whined, taking over for a second.

Frankie growled and began cleaning the mess I made, long licks from his tongue. I laid back and let him work, only to shoot back up when his canines pierced my thigh. My first mark, and I felt my cock harden and spray.

One of his big hands wrapped around my shaft and stroked me, licking away the seed from my tip. "You like that puppy?" He asked, not waiting for my answer before sucking my dick into his mouth.

I was so caught up in the feeling his tongue gave me, with every twist of his jaw. My feet were spread and planted flat on the bed. I didn't even notice, as he drove his thumb into my slick filled opening.

I didn't notice until he started twisting and turning, then rubbing against what I knew was the fabled prostate. My eyes rolled back, my toes curled and a harsh grunt slipped outta my mouth. "That's your spot, I'm gonna be abusing it for the rest of the night." He said.

"Mmmhh Al-Alpha." I whimpered. He slipped his thumb out of my wet hole, before sliding his index and middle finger back inside and I whined at the stretching feeling.

Before long my hole was a damp twitching mess. My dick was limp and oozing and Frankie was like a wild savage, as his tongue replaced his fingers and fucked into me.

"Do you think you're ready for me?" He asked and I moaned yes, everything stopped, as he sat up and placed his tip against my entrance.

"Look at me. I want to see everything." He said, slowly pushing against my opening. The pressure was intense, so I bit my lip to keep from crying out. My canines pierced my lip, when his bulbous head slipped inside.

"You're so sexy." Frankie said, kissing my swollen, fang bitten lip. His length slowly impaled me, until he was buried at the hilt. My nose burned causing my eyes to water, from the pain.

"Tell me when to move puppy." He said, and I groaned trying to accommodate for his size. The minutes passed by, and I could feel myself stretching.

"Kiss me." He said, leaning down and stealing my lips, driving his tongue into my mouth, and tasting me. I groaned, when his hands trailed my form, stopping at my nipples, running circles around the buds.

I whimpered and he softly snarled, when my hole flexed around his length. "You can move." I whispered, and he slowly slipped outta me, he was almost out when he pushed back in. It burned, but he struck my prostate, and the pain was also pleasurable.

My legs wrapped around his waist, and I clutched his biceps, "You feel like fire, fuck puppy, I need you to loosen up." He groaned. With each painful pleasurable stroke, my hole opened up for him.

Within the first twenty minutes, I was panting, his hands were at my hips, yanking me into his pelvis, slamming me down on his girth. "More Alpha!" I screamed, loving the sharp pinch I felt everytime he hit my prostate.

"Fuck yeah puppy." He snarled, chewing and nipping on my pulse point. He laid flat against me, and started to dig into me. I loved his long strokes, the way he filled me up then pulled out, stealing my breath.

Within the first hour, my stomach was coated in precum, my cock laid flat against my stomach, my balls drawn up tight. "Your ass is perfect baby, fuck... I can feel it nursing on my tip... Shit." He growled, and more precum poured outta my cock.

Then it happened, he sped up, sitting back on his knees, leaving my back on the bed, but bringing my ass onto his lap. He fucked into me, making me yelp, whine and cry until my voice was hoarse.

Then his stroke became sloppy, almost desperate, he started grinding and slamming into me, growling and snarling. "Cum for me pup." He growled, grabbing my prespunk soaked dick and stroking it and time with his strikes to my prostate.

He hit my spot six times, and I started spraying. At the feeling of my wild orgasm, my back slammed against the bed, and I started panting and whining feeling like I was drowning in that intense pleasure.

He growled falling forward, planting his face into the crook of my neck. His lips and tongue, sucking and licking on my pulse. Without warning he snarled, and slammed his canines down into my neck.

I gasped in surprise, my cock jerking and spasming, releasing my essence between us. I came down from my high, panting. Then my wolf snatched control and I fell asleep in the recesses of my mind.

"My turn Alpha!"

Thanks for reading, what did you guys think? Do you guys remember the original version? Don't forget to vote and comment.

Until Next Time
Love Ya.

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