All These Lights

By ellienighty

15.4K 284 56

***CURRENTLY EDITING VERY SPORADICALLY*** Astrid is a young talent manager who got her "big break" in New Yor... More

a new beginning
something special
home court advantage
take off
headaches & hugs
so this is love
so this is love part 2
not impossible
dagur's epode


1K 23 17
By ellienighty

Hiccup couldn't believe it. He knew that he recognized her name, but he thought she was a reporter or a blogger or something.

He liked the fact that she didn't know who he was. She talked to him like a normal person, and that was something he missed. The first time in a long time he felt like he could really befriend someone and of course she had be his manager.

"Astrid?" Hiccup stood up from the couch. "You're Astrid Hofferson? The manager Astrid Hofferson?"

"And you're Hiccup. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III? The famous singer Hiccup Horrendous Hadd- screw it it's too long. Why didn't you tell me? I knew I recogized you." Astrid crossed her arms.

"I wanted to but, you know better than anyone how that can change things."

Before she could respond, another guy, this one with black hair and blue eyes cut in. "You two know each other?"

"Sort of." Hiccup said.

Everyone's gaze shifted from Hiccup to Astrid.

"We met on the plane." she said quickly.

"Well then, introduce me to this beauty." Snotlout nudged Hiccup.

"Shut up, Snotlout. She's way out of your league." Someone else spoke up. "Besides it's obvious Hiccup has a thing for her."

"Tuffnut!!!" Hiccup practically shrieked, turning pink.

The group went on bickering so loudly they didn't notice the door open. A man with a bushy red beard walked in.

"Astrid, it is an absolute honor to finally meet you."

"Stoick, I presume."

"Guilty." He smiled warmly. "I'm so glad you're here, you know. It was Eret here who suggested we move on from the company we had to yours."

"Well, when I heard that the Astrid Hofferson was in between clients I knew we had to at least try. You worked wonders for Lady Mala, and I knew that if anyone could whip these boys into shape, it'd be you."

"You're too kind, and really she was already talented when I met her she just needed a push."

"You certainly were the right push for her, hopefully for these guys too. I have high hopes for you." Stoick added. His phone started ringing and when he read the name he winced and said, "I need to take this. Investors." He walked out of the room speaking a stale greeting into the phone.

"Do you want to get started?" Eret asked.

"I'd like to wait for Stoick, but I guess we can." Astrid set her bag down on a nearby chair.

"So, Astrid right?" Snotlout interrupted. "You're new to Los Angeles and well, I've lived here for quite some time now, so if you ever need a tour you know where to find me."

"Back off, Snotlout." Eret stepped into the space between him and Astrid.

"Watch yourself, Son of Eret." He huffed.

"Are they always like this?" She asked Eret.

"Yeah, pretty much." He answered.

"How do they get anything done with all this arguing?"

"You've really never dealt with groups before, have you?"

Astrid shrugged. "Not directly. Why Don't We toured with Mina for a few months but I never really had the pleasure of seeing their management in action. There was a lot going on."

"Well, welcome to the world of bands." Eret smiled.

"So is there any reason I should be worried about them killing me in my sleep?" Astrid joked.

"Not if you keep your doors locked."

"That was a joke right?"

Eret's face stayed serious for a moment, then he burst into laughter. "Yes it was a joke."

Astrid laughed in relief.

Hiccup, who was sitting between Tuffnut and Snotlout who were deep in an argument about puff pastry, noticed Astrid across the room. She was laughing at something Eret said, and for some reason he didn't like that. He pushed his friends off of him and made for his managers.

"What are we laughing about?" Hiccup asked.

"You." Eret deadpanned.

Hiccup's face soured for a moment. "I didn't think I was that funny."

"You're not."

Astrid, caught in the middle of the icy gazes of her new client and assistant, pushed them apart and said, "Eret, I seem to have forgotten my iPad in your car, can you do me a favour and bring it? I have the contracts in there."

Eret smiled smugly. "Of course, I'll be right back." He left the room.

After a moment, Hiccup realized something. "Wait, the one and only Astrid Hofferson forgot something in her car?"

"I have my moments." She shrugged and proceeded to open her bag and produce her iPad. She glanced at her clients who had moved on from arguing about puff pastry to their new album. Astrid noticed that this argument felt real, not like the banter they previously shared about pastry recipes. "Hiccup?"

"Yes?" He responded absentmindedly. His brain was stuck on the fact that she just said his name for the first time ever, in normal conversation at least.

"Tell me about your friends."

"Well..." What could Hiccup say? That they argue more than a bitter married couple with no love left to give? That all of them have spoken about buying out their contract more than once? That they can no longer write songs together because they can't agree on anything? That the amicability seen in pictures and interviews is only for the camera? That everyone was too busy suffering in silence that they can't see the bigger picture: their brainchild (Us Four) was dying?

"Well?" Astrid egged him on.

"Well... we're like a family." Hiccup settled on that because it was true. Families get on each other's nerves right?

"That's it?"

"No, no um, we each... bring something to the band, an instrument, songwriting skills, personality, etcetera."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, uh take Snotlout for example. That one," he pointed to his cousin who looked just about ready to throw a punch at Tuffnut, "he's my cousin. He's interesting and it takes a bit to warm up to him but, once you get to know him... he's a really incredible guy." He then pointed to Tuffnut, who looked equally as agitated. "That's Tuffnut Thorston, or just Tuff. He's a bit of a nut, but he is genius in his own way. Sometimes it seems like he's the only one who can still be himself."

Astrid heard the hurt in Hiccup's voice, it was very subtle but she noticed it. She wrote the observation off as an occupational hazard, but made a note to ask about it later. "So I take it that he's Fishlegs." She motioned toward the final member of Us Four, who seemed to be trying to restore the peace.

"You would be correct. Fishlegs Ingerman. He's like our dad in a way. He somehow manages to keep us in check and those two out of jail." He pointed to Tuffnut and Snotlout who were now wrestling on the ground. "He's quite the romantic, you know. Got a lot of love to give, which makes him the best songwriter."

"Get off me, Tuff. Fishface, tell him to get off." Snotlout was pinned under Tuffnut.

"Tuff, get off him." Fishlegs said passively. "Save your energy for something more important." For the first time, Astrid heard him speak; and, to her surprise, Tuffnut listened.

"Fine. But I'll get him later." Tuffnut said.

Astrid watched as Fishlegs resumed scrolling through his phone, Snotlout and Tuffnut now doing the same, both in their respective corners of the couch. "What about you? Where do you fit in this 'family'?" She asked Hiccup.

"I, I don't know where I fit in. I guess somedays I imagine myself as the leader." He said.

"Somedays?" Astrid inquired.

"In your dreams, Hiccup." Snotlout interjected.

"Snotlout, please, not now." Hiccup's tone was not teasing but rather pleading.

Snotlout seemed to get the message.

Astrid looked around at her clients. It was true that she hadn't really dealt with group acts like this, but even she, in her limited experience, knew that something wasn't right. She suddenly realized why Stoick and Eret wanted someone with her reputation; Astrid wasn't hired to manage a boy band, she was hired to save them.

In an effort to break the tension she started her meeting.

"So, I was going to wait for Stoick and Eret but I think we can get started now."

All the guys put their phones down and gave her their attention.

"Um, I'm Astrid Hofferson, your new manager. You're about to tour your second album, Imperfect Harmony. From here on out, it's on my terms."

she was met with silence.

"So here's how it's gonna go. First thing's first, the public. I don't know, and it sounds like I'll never know, what exactly happened to my predecessor, but that's not really my concern. I assume you have a social media team, whom I'll meet eventually. I want to know, though, from your perspectives, what is the public's perception of Us Four? Any cleaning up I need to do can be done easy before the official start of tour next Friday."

More silence.

One of the rules Astrid always had for herself was to never waiver in her approach with clients. She was cutthroat, strict, but she had to be to manage the queen of pop. Break-ups, relationship rumors; the natural difference between women and men and how they're treated in the industry definitely didn't make it easier. She always promised she'd never be intentionally mean or anything but she also swore to never take it easy. She ran a tight ship and she was proud of it.

Usually, people are more receptive of her commanding nature. She'd ask a question and get an answer. Request a task be done and it'd get done. But in this moment she realized one of two things: one, the four men sitting before her were completely immune to her demanding ways, or two, they just genuinely didn't have it in them to care.

Astrid found herself missing her former client and the world of pain and legal trouble she narrowly escaped from. these people aren't the queen of pop, she reminded herself. maybe you should go easy on them, they are on the verge of a breakup after all.

And so Astrid broke rule number one: Never go easy on your client.

"Look, I know you guys are struggling, okay. You don't have to hide it from me. And I don't want to tell you that you need to save face for your fans. Despite what you may have heard, I'm not the kind of manager who controls everything about you, nor do I want to be. We don't even have to talk tour today, okay, just," she sighed, "I can't help anyone if all you do is stare at me lifelessly when I ask a question. I like to think of this," she gestured between her and the guys, "as a partnership, and partnerships don't work unless all parties involved are willing to participate. You can trust me with whatever it is you think is so insurmountable you can't recover from it. Or you don't have to speak to me unless you absolutely have to. You can hate me for all I care but this relationship will not work and I cannot do my job if you give me the same fake smiles you give your fans."

Astrid noticed the difference in the guy's faces. They each subtly, but visibly, softened at her words.

"You guys are an inspiration for so many people. I know you're all hurting in your own ways and you each have your own reasons for wanting to leave this part of your lives behind. All I'm asking is that you try one last time. Not for me because I'm nobody. For your fans and your families. I will do everything I can to make this bearable. I promise you."

Hiccup was the first to speak. "Thank you, Astrid."

The others nodded and muttered agreements.

"Good. Now, let's get down to business." She sighed in relief. "Back to the whole public image thing... obviously the less the so-called reporters have to write about you the better, so I run a tight ship. I gotta ask, any girlfriends? boyfriends? relationships in general?"

"Not for me." Tuffnut said. "Although Fishlegs and Snotlout have a thing for Ruffnut. Ruff's my sister. The other nut." He added. "She'll be in town next week. You can meet her then, she's coming to see us off."

"Good to know, good to know..." Astrid said making a note to remind herself not to act like an idiot when she met Ruffnut Thorston. "And Hiccup–"

"I don't want to talk about it." He replied quickly.

"Okay. I guess that's that then." Astrid said. "I know you've been in tour rehearsals so, how's that going?"

When her question was met with silence she considered it answered.

"Right then, I'll pop in on your rehearsal tomorrow, just to see. What time is it at?"

"11. At the forum." Came Hiccup's quiet reply.

She nodded and wrote that down. She went on writing notes in her planner muttering what she was writing, not loud but loud enough for Hiccup to hear. "I'll take an inventory of equipment, meet your sound team, security I assume will also be there, maybe I'll get to see Carl again."

Hiccup watched as Astrid made a to-do list. He wondered how someone as attractive as her got into talent management. Not that he didn't think attractive people couldn't be managers, and he wasn't necessarily attracted to her, he just... wasn't blind. He definitely thought she could have been a model or something.

It was at this moment Eret reappeared with Stoick right behind him.

"I see you took the liberty of beginning." Stoick commented.

"Yes, I apologise. I just felt it was a good time to start before it got too late." Astrid replied.

He nodded saying, "Well then, don't let us stop you."

"Okay well, we were just discussing tour rehearsals. I figured I'd stop by tomorrow and see how it was going, maybe meet some more of the crew."

"That's a great idea, I'll be there so I can introduce you." Eret piped up.

"Great." Astrid scribbled a quick note of that.

The meeting continued for another hour or so, covering many topics from their first tour to the creation of their second album. It consisted mostly of Astrid asking questions and either one of the guys answering quietly, or not at all.

When they had finished, Hiccup offered to walk her to her car.

"Thank you, Hiccup but I think I can make the walk."

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you walk alone at night?"

"I don't need some sort of hero or protector, if that's what you're implying."

"That's not what I meant, I just meant... well, I don't really know what I meant. But I want to, I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to. I mean," he paused to compose himself, "I want to walk with you to your car because I've come to like your company?"

Astrid smiled, wondering why seeing her client so flustered made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy. "That's alright, Hiccup. I know what you meant, but I need to speak to your father actually."

"Oh," Hiccup was disappointed. "What about?"

"Nothing bad, and not you, just... business."

"How specific."

"I do want to talk to you, though." The words came spilling out before Astrid could stop them.

"Oh? What about?"

Before she could come up with a answer she saw Stoick beckon her over. "I guess you'll have to wait and see." She patted him on the arm as she went.

"I'll see you tomorrow right?" He asked as she walked away.

"Yes, you will." She turned and offered him a smile.

Hiccup walked out of the building into the warm spring night.

"I can see what you took a shine to her, Hiccup." Fishlegs was waiting for him at his car.


"Come on, you know the rules."

"There are no rules in that department, Fishlegs."

"And you would know that how?"

"Even if I was interested, she's-she's too professional for that."

"Hmm, I'm sure she also has standards."

Hiccup rolled his eyes and unlocked his car. "I'd quit while I'm ahead if I were you, especially if I still want that ride home."

Fishlegs got in the car after his friend. "Admit it, you love me."

Hiccup gave an odd look as he started the car. "I knew there was a reason you're my best friend."

- - -

"Stoick, can I ask you a question?"

"Why of course."

"I want to know about their previous management. I don't need to know every little detail of my predecessor's departure, I just..." Astrid sighed. "I need something to build off of. The band is obviously having some issues, and I'm sure there are a number of contributing factors but... they went on hiatus right after he left. There has to be some sort of connection."

"Astrid, I don't think-"

"With all due respect, I have seen what happens when an artist's management is only interested in what they can get out of it. I made a promise to never be that kind of manager, but, Stoick, these guys are on the verge of breaking up. They could barely look at each other when they weren't arguing. From what I can tell, they used to be the best of friends and I just want to know what happened."

The man across the desk thought for a moment. "There were... whispers, rumors really about the previous head manager having a bit of a temper. I personally don't believe it ever got physical, but words can be more hurtful than a punch to the face sometimes."

Astrid nodded slowly.

"The reason Mildew was let go was because of his issue with alcohol. He came to work one day intoxicated and it eventually evolved into a habit. Could that have caused him to lash out at the guys? Yes it could have. But there was definitely other parties involved."

"You mean Eret."

"No one's perfect, Astrid. What Mildew, Eret, or even myself and the label might have done is in the past now. Go home. Get some sleep. You have a long day ahead of you."

"Thank you again, Stoick, for the opportunity."

"Think nothing of it, my dear. If anything we should be thanking you."

She nodded and made for the door. Just before leaving she turned and said, "I promise to work with them. I may not be a professional counsellor, but I can see that under all the masks there's something incredible. I won't be that kind of manager, I promise you like I promised myself and my mother."

- - -

Astrid drove to her cousin's apartment, only a forty minute drive with minimal traffic. When she got out of the car, she couldn't help but notice that the building was rather old. It was made of brick and it resembled early 20th century architecture. Her cousin met her at the door.

"Astrid!" A mess of black hair pounced on her.

"Heather!" Astrid hugged her back. "It's been how long?"

"Too long. Let's get you upstairs." They made the short trek to the second floor.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you."

"Of course that's what family is for." The girl closed the door after letting the both of them in. "And besides, it's been way too long since I've had a proper girl friend around here."

"Your apartment's beautiful"

"Thank you, and here, this is your key to the apartment, and to the building." Heather handed her cousin two keys.


"Ooh! Let me give you the tour!" She dragged Astrid down the hallway. "That was the kitchen and living room. Your room is the last door down the hallway, the bathroom is this second one, and that first one is mine."

Astrid opened the door to her room. "Wow, this is nice." She admired the vintage furniture and light green-beige color scheme.

"Yep, and it's all yours as long as you want it."

Astrid set her bags down in front of the bed.

"Are you hungry?" Heather asked.

"I could eat."

Within thirty minutes, the two girls were sitting on the couch eating the best Italian food Astrid had in a while.

"So how was it?" Heather asked between bites.


"How so?"

"Well, first of all, I sat next to one of them on the plane over here, and I unknowingly told him how much I hated their music. Then I get to meet them and I find out they are on the verge of breaking up, and they were mistreated by their previous manager."

"That is complicated; you sound like you either need a night out or hot chocolate."


"Hot chocolate it is then." She went into the kitchen.

Astrid got up to follow her. "Do you have any movies? I need to wind down, get my mind off the whole situation. Then I can figure out what to do."

"Yeah, of course, there's a remote on the cabinet. You can pick whatever you want, there's Netflix, Disney+, HBO."

Astrid went in search of the perfect movie to watch. She eventually settled on a movie called Dragons Don't Mix with Love. "What's this about?"

Heather walked into the living room with two mugs in hand. "Don't be fooled by the title. It's about a boy who befriends an elusive dragon, trains it to not kill people, and changes his world, all while him and his lifelong crush fall for each other." She set the mugs down.

"How... interesting."

"Yeah, but everything is better with dragons." Heather shrugged and they burst out laughing. "Can you imagine Hiccup riding a dragon though?"

"I try not to imagine my clients, Heather."

"Think about it, though; how ridiculous would it be?"

Astrid did think about it, trying to imagine her brown-haired client on the back of a giant, scaly creature. "You're right, it would be absolutely ridiculous."

"Lighten up, Astrid. Everything will be alright."

"Thanks, Heather."


two in one night! finals insomnia lmao.

I hope I can actually finish this story now that I'm motivated to do it again.

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