stuck on you || draxler

By wukasz

71.2K 2.2K 850

"because you, marcelle vaugrenard, are going to be so fucking in love with me." More

vingt et un
trente et un
one shot: roomies
one shot: nicknames
one shot: sunshine

one shot: baby fever

1.1K 42 24
By wukasz

20 février 2018

Marcelle never really knew why.

"Schatz, look how cute these are!"

Or how.

"Aw, look! It's so cute—the little onesie and the socks have footballs on it!"

Or what in the world Julian was thinking when he dragged Marcelle to a children's clothing store.

"Don't you think it's cute?" He held up a little set that was a yellow onesie with footballs on it along with little yellow socks and a bib. He had the biggest, most adorkable smile ever as he held it in front of her.

Marcelle? Well....

"It's cute," she said, "but we need to find a present for my brother! His birthday is in two days, and I don't want my mom to beat my ass again."

She took his hand and dragged him out of the store, leaving the onesie behind.


22 février 2018

Was Julian obsessed with baby clothes now or what?

The man was on Amazon, doing his daily Amazon surfing, but he was aimlessly adding baby clothes to his cart rather than looking at the stupid little knick knacks like Kermit stuffed plushies (because Marcelle loves the Kermit memes). He had about thirty items in his cart, and all of them were baby clothes he was never going to get.

He got away with it—sitting on the couch in the living room with his screen clearly in Marcelle's view as she walked out of the hallway.

"Baby clothes?" She placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"Look at this one!" he clicked on a Captain America onesie in his cart, pointing at it to get her attention. Julian's never been this excited for a baby onesie, but babies and baby clothes have been his entire life lately. Well, that and Marcelle. "Don't you think this is cute?"

"It would be better if it was the French flag—Captain France?"

"Marcelle, I'm from Germany." Our kids would be half French and half basically caucasian but!! Julian really needed to stop mentally squealing about this, he's not even sure if Marcelle knows what he's trying to tell her. "Or what about this one?" He clicked on a Spider-Man onesie that looked more like a costume, and Marcelle scrunched her nose at the sight of it. "It's cute, right? Or do I just have bad taste in fashion?"

"Nah, your taste in fashion is...pretty decent, but they look kind of small, don't they?"

"We don't have a baby, though!" he said, putting extra emphasis on the baby part.

"No, we do." His eyes sparked. "It's you. You're the big baby around here."

Well, she's not wrong. Julian's always the one throwing small tantrums in the kitchen because he didn't have enough milk in his cereal. Or like that one time he ordered a Star Wars themed plate just for himself.

He pouted. "I am not a baby. I'm a man."

"A man is...tall, muscular, handsome." She looked at him dead in the eye. "You're a dude."


25 février 2018

Can you get pregnant if you don't use condoms but are on birth control


Maybe this will help. Julian's sitting right in the same spot, waiting for Marcelle is walk out of the hallway and glance at his screen.

Honestly, if she doesn't get this, he's not sure what else can.

This is the third time. The third deliberate time of him looking at baby related things on the internet and having it out in front of her eyes as if he has a sign saying Give me attention NOW.

Because frankly, Julian wanted kids.

I mean, yes, he is sort of young and so was Marcelle, but it was worth a try! They had been dating for over a year now, their relationship was stronger than ever, and he knew this was the woman he was going to marry. He just knew it.

But he suddenly got all obsessed with the idea of having a baby when he saw the pictures of his fellow footballers' babies. You know, like Messi's children, Marco Verratti's kid, not to mention that he saw a video of a father surprising his baby and her running away on Youtube. It seems nice to have a kid.  A mini-me.

Can you imagine that? Mini-Draxlers running around the flat?

He wants to chase them around the kitchen, tickle them in his lap, and buy them jerseys with his name. He's willing to put in all the work and effort—caring for them, feeding them, putting them to sleep, he wants it all.

Also—he wants to see Marcelle pregnant.

Can you imagine that? A pregnant Marcelle?

He can only imagine her to be ten times more sassier and demanding if she was pregnant, but he was sure he'll still love her the same.

Of course, he would need Marcelle's approval—she's the one who would be carrying the child anyways. She would have to take time off for maternity leave, she would have to go to monthly doctor visits, go through the pain of labor, basically Julian just wants to know if Marcelle was up for this.

"I don't think I'm pregnant," she walked by and sat on the couch right next to him, resting her head upon his shoulder. "I think I'm a little sick because I shared food with you."

"We share food all the time!"

"Yes, but you were sick when I shared my chicken noodle soup with you."

He shrugged and kissed her forehead. "Bomb ass chicken noodle soup, though. How's your headache? Still hurts?"

"A little bit," Marcelle snuggled into his side, taking the television remote and turning it on. She had been a little sick lately, maybe just allergies, but a runny nose and watery eyes were all that Julian needed to search up pregnancy symptoms online. "I'm never sharing food with you ever again."

"I ordered Japanese food."

"Nevermind, I love you."


26 février 2018

"I want a baby."

Marcelle turned over in the bed, coming out of her little spoon position on the bed, and just looked at him.

Julian couldn't read her expression—I mean, he was always bad at it but it didn't mean that he couldn't do it. She had her eyebrows furrowed in the slightest way possible, her lips pressed together, and her eyes staring into his soul like he brought home a frog he found on the street. Her hands were on his arm as it draped over her body, his nose buried into the crooks of her neck, and his leg over her hips.

He stared at back like this was a staring competition, looking as if he hadn't said what he said.

"A baby," she said.

He nodded.

"Like, now?"

He nodded. "Or like, whenever you want to, but I want a kid. I know you're at the height of your career, and it could be like that for ten years, but I really want to have kids someday."


"And when I said someday I mean now."

Am I asking for too much? I'm asking for too much. See! I knew I should have asked her next week, then I would have gotten a more definite ans—

The thoughts in his head froze he felt her lips on his and her hand cupping his cheek delicately. When she pulled away, she just looked at him like he was the brightest star in the sky.

"You want to have children...with me?"

He nodded. "I know we're a bit young, but whenever you feel like it is fine with me! I just want to have a family with you, Schatz." He smiled as he felt the pad of her thumb run over the skin of his cheek ever so gently. "Also, I want to see what you look like pregnant."



"I'll have kids with you. Not now, but someday."

He eyes gleamed with hope. "Someday? That means...someday we'll have little Draxlers running around here?"

She nodded, closing her eyes and resting her head against his chest. "We'll have little Draxlers running around here someday," she reassured him. "And you'll be the best dad ever."

Wow, he mouthed, partially in shock and in amazement that it only took four words to convince her for a someday. And even if it's not a now, it'll happen someday. Julian and Marcelle will have kids someday.

You bet he's not gonna forget that...because he's probably going to use it against her in the future, but it was a start of something big.

"Also, since when did we agree that they all would be Draxlers? Why not Vaugrenard-Draxler?"

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