Capture My Soul: A Lucifer Fa...

Da poptastic749

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Lorelai Thomas is the poster child for being a Good Girl. Well mannered, outstanding grades and a need to suc... Altro

Chapter One: First Encounter
Chapter Two: Thoughts About You
Chapter Three: Dazed and Confused
Chapter Four: Wining and Dining
Chapter Five: Desire Unto Thee
Chapter Six: Foot Fetish
Chapter Seven: Consequences of Actions
Chapter Eight: Dark Haze
Chapter Nine: Dont Stop
Chapter Ten: Field Trip
Chapter Eleven: Distractions
Chapter Twelve: Interruptions
Chapter Thirteen: Affection and Trepidation
Chapter Fourteen: Lustful Antics
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful Horrors
Chapter Sixteen: Cinderella
Chapter Seventeen: The Gala
Chapter Eighteen: Dance the Night Away
Chapter Nineteen: First Time
Chapter Twenty: Revelations
Chapter Twenty One: The Attack
Chapter Twenty Three: The Doctor Is In
Chapter Twenty Four: Falling
Chapter Twenty Five: Inseparable
Chapter Twenty Six: Please, Sir
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Truth Shall Set Me Free
Chapter Twenty Eight: Torture of the Soul
Chapter Twenty Nine: Hope and Fear
Chapter Thirty: Sacrafice
Authors Note

Chapter Twenty Two: Reassurances

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Da poptastic749

His elbow had pressed into one of my ribs and suddenly stars danced before my eyes as pain shocked my system. "Lorelai!?" Lucifer jerked back, moving himself off of me as tears sprung to my eyes. "Bloody hell, I am so sorry, love." I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut, waiting as the pain slowly faded away to a subtle throb. I opened my eyes and found his gaze, filled with contempt. "Its okay, Im okay." I reassured him. He didnt buy it though, frowning. "You need more pain medication." He pressed the nurses call button and I sighed. "I dont want to go back to sleep," I pouted. The corners of Lucifers mouth twitched at my pout. "Im sure they can give you something non-drowsy, love."

"I hope so." I didnt want to go back to sleep. Now that I was awake, I had all these questions for Lucifer; about him, about the case. A nurse came in shortly after and Lucifer explained the pain medication situation, as if I couldnt speak for myself. The nurse understood, however, and gave me two pills that wouldnt put me to sleep. I knocked them back, waiting for them to take affect. Lucifer sat on the side of the bed, one leg pulled up to rest on top of it. "So," I started, "are you gonna tell me about the case? And the victims?" Lucifer frowned, opening his mouth as if to decline but I raised a hand, effectively cutting him off. "Dont even think about not answering, you owe me an explanation." My hard tone and face must have done the trick because he sighed.

"Three people have been killed, the first was an employee of mine, the second a woman I had a sexual relationship with and third an ex sub of mine." I rose my brows at his confession and he gave me a wry smirk. "Come now, darling, you cant be an expert in something if you havent tried  all the techniques."I blushed, a stupefied smile tugging at my lips."Im not saying anything, Im just not surprised is all."

"Oh? Whys that?"

"Because every time I call you 'sir' I can see the thrill run through your eyes." He gave me a wicked grin, shaking his head with a chuckle. "I didnt realize I was so easy to read,"

"I just seem to know you well," I teased, "besides, now that youve confirmed my theories it means that maybe..." I trailed off, hoping my silence would speak for me. Lucifer got the hint and that devilish smirk of his made my heart stutter. "My, my, insatiable arent you? One taste and Ive got you practically begging for more." I grinned, but we were getting off track. "Not that we'll be doing much in the sack, until further notice." His abrupt switch started me. "What? Why not?"

He rose his brows and gestured to me with one of his hands. "If you hadnt noticed, love, youre a bit delicate at the moment." I frowned, he was right of course. My ribs alone were cause enough to stay away from anything too physical. Didnt mean I couldnt pout over it though. Again I realized we had deviated from my line of questioning, so I went back to it. "So this killer is targeting people who are close to you, theyre clearly obsessed with you. Do you now any exes of yours that could stoop to this level?" Lucifer pondered my question, surprising me instead of answering back with a smart ass quip. He shook his head, though, and I sighed. "I guess this means we're back at square one with nothing." Lucifer leaned forward, grabbing my hands.

"Try not to worry, we'll find them." I gave him a small smile. "Now," he stared, "I realize that you might have some...questions for me?" He averted his gaze and I tugged on his hand. He looked back to me and moved so he was sitting next to me. Carefully, he wrapped an arm around me and I leaned into him."Your eyes," I started, "can I see them again?" I looked up at him and he looked startled. He thought for a moment, lulling it over before I saw his eyes glow a brilliant shade of crimson. He stared down at me, unmoving, and I caressed his face softly. I felt as if I could see directly into his soul, the red warming my insides. "Arent you scared?" he whispered. I shook my head, watching as the glow slowly faded away. "No, should I be?"

"Most people are," he began, scratching his chin. I shrugged, "theyre just your eyes, baby. If anything, it makes you look kind of badass." That put a small smile on his face. "Really?" I nodded, grinning and he chuckled, giving me a chaste kiss. "As always, darling, you stupefy me."

"You told me once about your nastier side, is that it?" And just like that his smile vanished, a frown etching his face. "No, and thats not something youll get to see."

"Why not?"

"Because I know for a fact that if you see who I really am, if you lay eyes on my devil face, youll run screaming into the hills." I frowned, my hand reaching up to cup his face again. "You know I wouldnt do that," I murmured. He gave me a wry grin, shaking his head. "Its not something Im willing to risk, love." I wasnt going to push him, purely because I knew doing so would only make him upset. Instead I vowed to wait until another day, there would be time later for arguing. Instead, I switched to another thought. "So what Rhian told me is true? You grant favors for people?" This had him amused and he nodded. "Of course, except contrary to popular belief Im not after souls. I usually just wait to collect until a later date. Call it a devilish-I-owe-you type of deal." I raised my brows. "And people actually go for that?"

"Of course, love, they all do." That devilish grin of his was conniving and delighted all at once. A deal like that could be deadly and to think people actually went for it stunned me. "So, Maze really is a demon then?"

"Of course, she followed me here from hell. Her role in hell was the master of torture and my sworn bodyguard."

"Bodyguard?" I frowned. If I remember correctly, Maze looked to be about a hundred pounds soaking wet. Lucifer chuckled, "Looks can be deceiving. Its her job to protect me at all costs." Hmm, I thought. That was interesting, Lucifer had his own protection. That thought put me at ease slightly. That meant I wouldnt have to worry about him as much as I would have otherwise. With this psycho on the loose who knows what he or she was capable of. I was about to fire off another question when there was a knock on my door. Lucifer and my heads turned in sync just as Ella peeked in. When she met our gazes she smiled and rushed in. "Oh, my god!" She rushed over, throwing her arms around me. I winced slightly, but the pain meds kept the worst of the pain at bay. "Miss Lopez!" Lucifer interjected, his tone causing Ella to jump and pull back. "Shit, Lorelai I am so sorry! Decker told me what happened, are you okay!?"

"Im fine," I nodded, clasping my hands together. "I probably look worse than I feel." Ella frowned eyeing the bruises on my neck. "I swear, we are gonna find this sicko. How did they even know how to find you?"

"My best guess is theyve been watching me," I shrugged. I tried not to shiver at the thought of someone watching me, choosing to focus on the fact that now that they had already attacked, we would be ready if they tried again. "Thats insane," she shook her head. She glanced over her shoulder at Lucifer "and you need to keep a better eye on your lady friend, mister." Lucifer frowned and my heart went out to him. It wasnt his fault, not in the slightest and I just hoped he didnt blame himself.

Ella hung around a little longer, filling the silence with cheery chit chat. I liked her, she lifted my spirits and made me smile. She left though when a nurse came in to check my vitals. "Well, your scans came back clean and your vitals are strong, looks like we can discharge you tonight."

"Really?" I asked, hopefully. She nodded, letting me know she would be back with the papers. "Thats great news, love." I turned to Lucifer, smiling slightly. "Theres just one problem," problem? I thought. Other than the obvious, a killer after me or Lucifer, I couldnt see one. "Your living situation." He clarified. I frowned, I lived with Jade and couldnt see the problem with that. "I dont think its safe for you to go back to your dorm. I was thinking you could, temporarily of course, move in with me?" My jaw dropped slightly, move in with Lucifer? I didnt know what to think. He watched me carefully, his unease clear even though he was smirking as per usual. My eyes wandered over him, how long would it take to catch this guy? A week? A month? A year? My heart fluttered at being with Lucifer for that long but I cut those emotions down. This wasnt about feelings, this was about practicality...wasnt it?

"Why are you asking me this?" I questioned. He frowned, sitting down. "Well, its the best way to know youre safe. Id move in with you but space wise, love, theres really no competition." He chuckled and I frowned. He stopped immediately and continued. "Besides, we spend so much time together this would definitely make things simpler."

"Simpler," I let the word hang there. A part of me wanted to say yes, but I couldnt bring myself to do it. He was right, of course, moving in with him would offer us both more protection, and yet saying yes to that didnt feel right. "I dont know," I said. He leaned forward, grabbing my hands and looking earnestly into my eyes. "Please dont overthink things, love, I want you there with me. Itll make me feel better knowing youre safe, I cant stand the thought of something like this happening again." His words made me realize that the only thing holding me back had been the doubt of whether or not he wanted me there because it was convenient or if he actually wanted me there. I gave him a shy smile and nodded, tugging in my hair nervously. "Okay," I whispered, "Ill-Ill move in with you." His eyes lit up and he carefully grabbed me, wrapping himself around me in a warm embrace. "Excellent!" I giggled slightly, excitement coursing through me. It was hard to believe that only a few days ago I was questioning whether or not he cared for me at all. A lot had happened since the gala and I felt more connected to him more than ever right now.

We left the hospital soon after. After signing my discharge papers and convincing Lucifer that no, I did not need a wheel chair to leave the hospital, we were on our way. We were going to head back to Lux so he could change and then head back to the dorm. I had texted Jade letting her know we needed to talk and was rewarded with a slurry of messages, all ranging from excitement to concern. I promised her all was well and that Id be home soon. When we reached Lux, we walked through the empty club, heading to the elevator that would lead us up. Maze stood behind the bar and an idea went off in my head. "You go ahead," I told him. "Ill be right up," he frowned glancing down at me and back to Maze before shrugging. "Alright, dont take too long," he leaned down to kiss the top of my head before turning and heading to the elevator. After the doors closed I turned to Maze who was watching me.

"We havent been introduced, Im Lorelai," I extended my hand and she glanced at it with a smirk, ignoring my gesture. I went slightly pink and dropped my hand, folding the two together behind my back. "Um Lucifer's told me quite a bit about you, Maze." Her eyes flashed and I tried to steady my nerves, she doesnt like me. "Oh he has, has he?" I nodded and took a step closer to the bar. "I know...about who he is and who you are," I gestured towards her and she flinched, her mouth turning down and her eyes narrowing. But I continued, "hes told me how youre a...warrior, of sorts? Anyways, I wondered if I could ask a favor." Maze regarded me with a cool gaze and I wondered if she would just tell me to eff off and leave. Instead she folded her arms over her chest. "Im listening."

"Well," I started, climbing up on a bar stool and sitting across from her. "I wondered if you could teach me how to fight?" Her eyebrows rose and amusement danced through her eyes. "You want to learn how to fight?" She laughed. I reddened slightly but sat up straighter, a firm resolve in my eyes. "Yes, someones coming after me and Lucifer and Id rather they didnt have a chance to lay a hand on me, or him, again." This cut her chuckling off and she frowned, leaning forward. "Protecting him is my job," she hissed.

"Which is why Im asking you if you could teach me to protect myself." I wasnt stupid, it was plain and clear that Maze didnt like me all that much, so I couldnt see her going out of her way to protect me either. Protecting myself was another matter; I didnt need to become the next Black Widow or anything, but I wanted to learn enough to do a little damage. Maze watched me carefully, "alright, Ill do it. But if you think for one second that I dont still think youre a bad idea, then youre mistaken." I blanched but nodded, "I completely understand."

"Good." She grabbed a bottle off the shelf and walked away, effectively ending our conversation. I sighed, getting up and heading towards the elevator. I didnt know if I should tell Lucifer about this. After all, I knew he would insist that it wasnt necessary, but I didnt want to sit back and do nothing. I needed to learn. When I reached the penthouse he was nowhere in sight. I looked around, moving deeper into the apartment until I heard the shower running. I headed into the bathroom, stripping down as I walked and tossing my clothes on the floor. He stood in the shower, back to me in the fog that encased him. Quietly, I slipped into the bathroom, coming around to enter the shower with him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek to his back.

He stilled briefly, turning around to see who was grabbing at him. When his eyes met mine he relaxed, a slow smile spreading ever his features. "Well this is a surprise," he murmured, turning around to wrap me in his arms. The hot water sprayed over us, flattening my hair as I looked up at him. "I missed you," I murmured. A warm smile touched his lips and he leaned down to kiss me gently. We stayed in the shower probably longer than we needed to, holding eachother and kissing sweetly. I think we both realized what had truly happened last night and how lucky we both were. The fear I had tried to bury reached up, threatening to smother me, but Lucifer's presence and murmured words about how I was safe now calmed those fears.

Our hands slid over each other, memorizing every line and curve of one another. My heart swelled with affection for him. It terrified me that someone was stalking him, killing those who got too close. What would they do if they ever got to him? I had never seen Lucifer get violent with anybody but Im sure he could hold his own. Even still, just the thought of anyone hurting him lit a fire in me, yet it also terrified me all at once. It seemed irrational, knowing that I was the one who had been attacked, for me to worry about him so much. As my fingertips traced up the curve of his shoulders and up his neck, our eyes locked. My hands cupped his face and in that instant we both seemed to sag with relief, knowing how close we were to losing each other. We kissed each other hard, that relief pouring into our physical attraction for one another. He pushed me into the glass, cool against my heated skin. My hands were in his hair, his hands roaming over me. We needed each other, needed to reassure each other that we were both here and both alive.

He pushed into me and I groaned softly as he gently started to move. His hand lifted my leg up to wrap around his hip, his lips keeping themselves attached to mine. There was only him and I, his movements for once soft and subtle instead of hard. I moaned softly against his lips and he pulled back, staring hard into my eyes as he moved in and out of me. "Dont leave me," he begged. My lips parted, taking his back as he kissed me feverishly. "Never," I murmured, holding his face close. Our foreheads rested against one another as he continued to move, our breath intermingling. "You belong to me," he said with conviction. "Yes," I breathed, "Im all yours."

We found our release simultaneously soon after, Lucifer calling my name into the crook of my shoulder. My ribs ached slightly but I didnt dare ruin our moment. I held onto him tightly, our breathing labored. "What are you doing to me?" He murmured. He pulled back to look into my eyes and I felt as if he was touching my soul; his gaze so intense and heated. I wanted to give him everything I had, everything I was. I gave him a shy smile, "surely nothing more than what youre doing to me." I whispered.

We headed out of the shower a bit later, getting dressed and driving to the dorms. The closer we got the more nervous I began to feel. There was a slight shadow of bruising across my face from the attack and the more darker bruises on my neck. Jade was going to freak out when she saw me and I prayed she'd let me explain. I had told her we were on the way, to be there when we got there and she had happily agreed. This was the first time I had ever left for he entire weekend and she was lonely. When we arrived, Lucifer must have been able to tell how scared I was, for he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

I unlocked the door, opening it with Lucifer trailing behind me, holding my bags. The dorm was just as I left it, everything neat and its place. "Lor!?" Jade came rushing out of her room, a smile on her face.

She froze, however, the instant her eyes landed on my battle scars. I saw the disbelief in her eyes, than worry. She came rushing forward grabbing me by the tops of the arms. "What the hell happened? Your face, your neck." She squeaked, eyes trailing over me. "Jade let me explain-" but her body shifted suddenly and her gaze narrowed, that anger and protectiveness flaring up. "Who did this to you?" Her voice went cold and her eyes suddenly flicked behind me. She moved me, pulling me away from Lucifer and putting herself between us. "Did you do this?" She accused. Lucifer looked taken aback, eyes wide as he looked from Jade to myself. He frowned, moving forward and causing Jade to step back, effectively pushing me back as well. "Of course not, why would I lay a hand on her and then be ballsey enough to show my face in public?"

"I dont know because some guys get a kick out of throwing around their power over women." She snapped. Jade didnt let her guard down and I tried to reason with her before she took things to another level. "Jade he didnt do this to me, I was attacked."

She turned to look at me and I pleaded with her with my eyes. I saw when that rage inside of her stilled, changing to sympathy. "Attacked?" She whispered. I nodded, pulling her towards the couch. "Let me explain."

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