I'm Not Her (Bendy x Reader)...

By Clara-TV

306K 9.5K 6.1K

DO NOT REPOST IN ANY FORMAT! This includes republishing my work onto other sites or uploading it onto YouTube... More

1: Why did you leave?
2: Turn Around and Run
3: Doll
4: The Safe House
5: Memory 1, Piano
6: Angel or Devil
8: Memory 2, Fireworks
9: Frogiveness
10: Not So Bad
11: A Fresh Start (1/2)
11: A Fresh Start (2/2)
12: A New Life
13: Memory 3, Dancing
14: Welcome Home
15: Girl Talk
Halloween Special
A/N: Clarification
16: Cute
17: Second Kiss
18: Sugary Sweet
19: A Dime an Hour
20: Memory 4; School Halls on Prom Week
21: Meltdown
22: Rain
23: Storm
24: A World's End
25: Alive
26: Memory 5, It's Time You Know
27: Do it all Again
28: Old Toys
29: Void
30: Memory 6, An Offer
31: Loop Number Whatever
32: Help
A/N: Clarification 2; electric boogaloo
33: Memory 7, Ready, Set, Speak
34: Wake Up
35: The End
A/N: Jiji
Where I'm Going

7: Back to the Demon

13K 426 511
By Clara-TV

    Wandering through the halls, you felt lost. You didn't know where you were going or if you'd even be able to meet up with Henry and Boris. Sure, the hallway only went one way, but that way could be taking you further and further from the people you could trust and closer to the demon who wanted you dead. You hugged the Alice doll to your chest, the small plush bringing you a sense of safety. Yes, you took it from the room. Did you care? No. Right now, you were stressed. You were just trying to take care of yourself.

From the other side of the wall, you could hear a voice, a familiar voice. Pressing your ear against the wall, you could make out the sound of Henry talking to Boris. Excitement filled you as you stepped away from the wall. They were there. They were actually there. Sure, there was a wall blocking you, but the fact that you knew they were there and that you could hear them was enough for you.

Noticing a vent up on the top of the wall, you stuffed the Alice plush into your pocket and grabbed a few barrels that were nearby and dragged them over. You noticed that Henry had mostly stopped talking, only saying a few things in what you could assume was a concerned voice.

You climbed up onto the barrels, grabbing a hold of the vent grate and pulling with all your might. After a minute, the grate came loose, causing you to fall back. You hit the ground with a thud, still clutching the vent grate.

"Hello?" you heard Henry's voice call.

"Hey! Hi! I'm on the other side of the wall!" you yelled, climbing back up onto the barrels.

"Wait, (y/n)? What are you doing?" Henry asked. His voice sounded closer, so you could only assume he had heard you through the vent and went over to inspect it.

"Step back. I'm gonna try something," you said.

You pulled yourself up by one of the rafter beams and slid into the vent feet first. When you felt your foot hit the other vent grate, you pulled your leg back and slammed it into the grate. You did this a few times until the grate gave way, allowing you to slip through. Not realizing just how far you were from the ground, you tumbled to the ground, laying there for a few seconds.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked, running over to you and helping you up.

"No, but I can make it," you said.

Boris had darted over to your side, looking extremely worried. You smiled, gently rubbing the top of his head.

"We should get going. We need to get out of here," Henry said.

"Yeah. I don't wanna be in the same place as those weird Bendy and Alice wannabes any longer," you said.

Walking through a nearby door, the three of you came across a room covered in ink. There were some plush toys and cutouts around, but most of them had been destroyed by the ink. You walked through the room, noticing a lever at the end of the hall as well as some wires on the floor. Walking over, you noticed the wires went down another hall, one that was shrouded in smoke from whatever machines were running.

"Looks like to open this, we're going to need to throw two levers at once. You two get this one while I find the other," Henry said, walking down the hall.

You stayed close to Boris, another feeling of dread making its way into your stomach. After a few seconds, you could hear the sound of screams echoing throughout the hallway before it all went quiet.

"H-Henry?" you called, taking a few steps down the hall.

"Everything's okay! Just pull the lever!" you heard Henry yell.

You turned back to Boris, who pulled down the lever. The large metal door near you opened up, revealing a new room. You and Boris waited outside the door, seeing Henry slowly walk back over. He was holding his arm, a pained look on his face.

"What happened?" you asked, running over.

"I... don't really know. It was another mutated character. I think it was one of the characters from the butcher gang," he said.

You slowly nodded. Now you had to deal with three more creatures out to kill you. Just great.

The three of you walked through the door and into yet another hall. Boris took the lead this time, leading you through a bunch of broken down walls. Soon, the three of you stepped out onto a balcony-like area. It overlooked a large room with what appeared to be a lift. As you walked over to the stairs, you saw two rooms with Bendy and Alice's faces on them. Bendy's had ink splotches all over it while Alice's just had an ink drawing of an angel over her face.

Boris led the two of you down some stairs and over to the lift. As the three of you got into the lift, a loud speaker turned on as Alice's voice echoed through it.

"Unfortunately, dear, I don't think I can let you down until this little girl gets off," she said.

"I-I don't wanna go," you mumbled, shuffling closer to Henry.

"Just hide in the Miracle Box, dear. The demon shouldn't find you there," Alice said. Her voice sounded way too cheery about you getting off. It was like she wanted you out of the picture.

Slowly, you stepped off the lift, turning and watching as the gates closed behind you. You gave Henry and Boris a small wave as you watched them descend. Once they were out of sight, you went over to the Miracle Box and stepped inside, closing the door. You sat down, not wanting to be seen through the little hole on the door. You'd just have to wait it out.


For what felt like the next few hours, Henry would routinely check up on you. Apparently. Alice was making him run errands for her. He would check up on you every time he got a new errand and after he completed it. He told you about Bendy and how if you weren't careful, he'd probably hear you. So, for the most part, you opted to stay inside the Miracle Box. You really didn't want to have to get caught by Bendy again and if he didn't look inside the Miracle Boxes, then you were safe.

Henry had just come back from getting his fourth task. He gently knocked on the door of the Miracle Box you were in, causing you to slowly open the door. He was almost completely covered in ink and scratches, making you worry.

"What's the task this time?" you asked.

"Destroying cutouts," he said.

"Can I help?" you asked.

Henry gave you a skeptical look. You were still limping from both your encounter with Bendy and falling out of the vent, you looked extremely tired, and you didn't have anything to defend yourself with.

"I can take the ones upstairs. It's not too far but it will give you one less place to look in," you reasoned.

"Fine. Just be careful," he said.

You nodded, darting up the stairs and through the room you originally came through. You made sure to inspect every room thoroughly, not wanting to miss any of the cutouts and get Henry in trouble. This was also a way for you to get on Alice's good side. Sure, you weren't too fond of this strange, warped Alice, but she was better than the creature that was supposed to be Bendy.

You darted around the halls, stopping between every Miracle Box and listening for Bendy. Between running from box to box, you would destroy as many cutouts as you could. Unfortunately, without anything to properly break them, you were taking longer than you would've liked.

Eventually, you made it back to the large room with the giant Bendy and Boris plushies. There were a bunch of cutouts in this area, making you happy. You ran over to the closest one, slamming your foot down on it. The thin board snapped in half, the pieces falling to the ground. A small part of you could see why this was one of Alice's tasks. This was fun.

You continued running around the room, breaking the cutouts. Each time you broke one, you felt a wave of joy wash over you. You couldn't have been happier right now. After breaking the last cutout in the room, you heard Alice's voice over the speaker.

"That should be enough. I must say, I'm quite impressed with you, little girl. You were actually useful. But it's still not enough for you to visit. Oh! But I forgot to mention... he hates it when I break his little cutouts. I would hide if I were either of you," she said, chuckling at the end.

Your face immediately placed at the new bit of information. You really didn't think there would be any consequences. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed ink blotches and strange shadows forming on the walls. While you weren't entirely sure where they were coming from, your gut was telling you it was Bendy.

You looked around for the Miracle Box only to see it was where Bendy was about to come from. You ran the other way, heading back to where the lift was. Every time you found one and tried to open it, the door would be jammed. You could hear Bendy's footsteps getting closer and closer every time you stopped. You sprinted out into the lift area, grabbing the handle on the first Miracle Box you reached and yanked on it. When it didn't budge with the first pull, your eyes immediately trailed to the space next to the stairs. You knew you could get under the stairs from that little space, but you'd be trapped there if Bendy found you.

Out of sheer desperation, you hopped over the railing and hid under the stairs. You pulled your knees to your chest and pulled your shirt over your mouth and nose to keep your breathing from being heard. A few seconds after managing to get under the stairs, you could hear Bendy run into the room, his footsteps stopping when he couldn't see you immediately.

"Where are you, Doll," you heard Bendy say. The floorboards creaked as he started moving. You could hear one of his feet dragging against the ground.

Trembling, you shifted further into one of the darker spots under the stairs. You could feel puddles of ink forming around you, some of it dripping down from the stairs above your head. As Bendy got closer, the room seemed to grow darker.

It was quiet for a minute. Sure, the ink and shadows were still there, but Bendy had stopped moving. You knew he was somewhere on the staircase, but you didn't know exactly where. Still scared for your life, you kept quiet. You didn't want him knowing where you were.

Suddenly, an inky hand smashed through the plank above you, causing you to scream and slam your body to the ground. You pushed yourself further under the stairs, trying to get to a place where Bendy couldn't reach you.

You could hear the demon crawl over the side of the railing and hit the ground. You could only watch as he crawled under the stairs, turning to face you. He grabbed your leg and pulled you towards him, you kicking and screaming.

"I found you~," he purred, his voice sickeningly sweet.

Before you could do anything, you felt Bendy cover your face with his hand, ink getting all over your eyes and mouth. You weren't sure if it was the stress, the ink fumes, or both, but soon you passed out.


Hahaha I got 2000 words in one day hell yea. I'm proud. Anyways, Wattpad did a glitchy and kinda sorta deleted all the quotation marks from the edited chapters, I don't know what happened to the originals, but I really don't care since they're going to get edited anyways.

Either way, I'll leave the picture of Jiji here for y'all. I really wish I could've adopted this shoulder loving cat, but unfortunately my family already had three cats and my dad didn't want us getting a forth. I think he's been adopted, but I don't fully know. It's been a few years, so he's probably got a home now.

Edited: 02/11/2021

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