Love in the Dark

By chubbyalejandra

18.3K 526 293

Can demons love? It isn't a question most people ask because most people don't encounter demons. But for 23 y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 2

1.6K 41 31
By chubbyalejandra

I've hurt but I'm ok.
I've been lied to but I'll trust again
I've been heartbroken but I can still love- Tiana


I moved around the house sluggishly. I wasn't in the mood to move with vitality and that shit. I wasn't in the mood for anything.

I just wanted to get food because I would die if I stayed in my bed any longer.

It's been two weeks.

I haven't even seen the light of day for two weeks. I was seriously not ready for all those pity stares I knew I was going to get.

But I had to get out sooner or later. I preferred later though. No one tells you that having your heart broken makes your body malfunction and refuse to do anything than cry and sleep

I shuffled through the almost empty fridge. I needed some food.

I closed it and went to the freezer. Nothing.

I groaned in frustration. I don't need this right now. Nothing in my life was going right and all I do is cry about it.

I went to my house phone and quickly dialed Pizza Hut. I still haven't went to work to get back my phone. I wondered if I still even had a job.

I dropped my self on my couch in the living room in front of the tv and the door. I flip through Netflix, stopping at  American Horror Story. This is all I did now. Watch tv and cocoon my self in self pity because.....why not.

I loved horror movies. Its the only thing that can get my mind off that stupid idiot that crushed my feelings along with my heart.

A tear slid down my cheek before I even noticed it. I quickly wiped it away and went back to the series.

I've watched it a million times but it always seem to get better.

Fifteen minutes later, the door bell rang. I took my time getting up and walking to the door.

A young, handsome man between the age of 23 and 25 was standing at my door. I looked down at the boxes in his hand and accessed that he was the delivery guy.

I couldn't help but squirm as his eyes sweep over body. I was only in an over sized black t shirt and it didn't cover much.

"Are you Lyla?" He asked softly. He had a nice voice.

I gave him a weak smile and nodded. "Well, I have your food. Where do you want me to put it?" He asked, referring to the boxes and bag of sodas.

I pointed to my kitchen. He nodded and squeezed pass me. I quickly took the bag from him and helped him in the kitchen.

He placed down the goods. "Thanks. Most of my costumers would just watch me struggle." He remarked, giving me that smile.

I then realized I haven't said a word since he arrived.

"Its not a problem."

He looked at me expectantly and searched my brain for what he would want.

Shit! I forgot to pay him.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me today. Give me  minute."

I ran up stairs to my room and took out some money.

I paid him and he got ready to leave.

"Are you here alone?" He asked suddenly.

I was taken aback by the question. Why did he want to know that?

"Why?" I asked curiously.

He looked at me closely. It made me tingle. "I don't mean to sound offensive but you seem lonely." He answered.

I looked down. Of course I was lonely. My boyfriend of 12 years just dumped me, he didn't even call to check in. I was the definition of lonely at this point.

"It's that obvious huh?" I sighed.

He nodded. "So, do you want some company?"

I gave him a surprised look. What?

"Are you a serial killer or some sick rapist?" I asked, confused.

He laughed, "No. I just....well you look really sad. And I know I wouldn't want to be alone when I'm sad. Well, I'm just offering a shoulder." He shrugged.

I smiled at him. "That's sweet. I would actually like some company."

He grinned. "Let me make a quick call then." I nodded and he went out.

I went back to my fridge and took out the cheese. I only had that and water in there. I need to go grocery shopping.

I took out 2 pizzas and spread it with cheese. Then I rolled it up into a burrito of some sort and popped it into the microwave.

You could never go wrong with more cheese.

"You like horror?"

I jump as I heard his deep voice. He gestured to the movie.

I swallowed my nerves and shook my head yes.

He smiled, "Me too."

I heard the microwave ding and took out the burrito like pizza. The delivery guy looked at it curiously and I just shook my head, "Don't ask."

He smiled and nodded.

I cut the the pizza in half and put it on a plate, serving it to the guy. He says thanks and I do the same for mine. It felt oddly good for a man to be in my house again.

The male presence had been greatly missed.

Once we're settled in, I press play on the movie.

He watched the movie silently, while he ate. He was a lovely looking man. He definitely looked better than Tyler.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He looked at me, "Wes."

That was a nice name. I can't imagine what a nice man like him would be doing here with me.

"I already know yours." He said smiling.

The way he looked at me had me lost for words somehow. It was strange. "Yeah you do." I gave him a tiny smile.

"So, won't you tell me something about your self?" He asked suddenly. His voice was undeniable sexy.

"There's not much to tell honestly." I told him softly.

I hated telling people about my self. I wasn't interesting and I wasn't all that great and my back story is the most messed up thing ever.

"I would love to hear about you but maybe you're feeling shy around a total stranger. So let's start with me." He offered gently.

I gave him a genuine smile. He understood.

He turned to me, putting away his food

"So, My name is Wes Allen. I'm 24 years old. Born on May 20 1997. I live a little way from here. Not far actually. Born and raised in the city. I've been working at Pizza Hut for a couple months. I'm not a high school drop out if that's what your thinking."

I laughed, "I honestly wasn't."

He nodded and continued. "I actually have a master's degree in science and I was supposed to study in Germany didn't feel right to leave my family. I wouldn't have seen them for years. So I decided to stay here until I figured out what to do next."

He suddenly took my hands in his and looked into my eyes as if he wanted to see my soul. I didn't pull away.

"I know that this weird. I don't know you and you don't know me. But, I feel like I connect to you on some type of level. It's hard to explain. But seeing you sad didn't sit right with me. Which is why I offered to stay with you. It's so weird but, I think I like you."

I looked down on our joined hands. This was a bit fast. "Wes....."

"Please don't say my name like that." He groaned.

I couldn't hold back my laughter. He smiled at me, shaking his head.

"Look Wes, you seem like a great guy but I literally just came out of a 12 year relationship. I do need time." I told him softly.

He gently took his hand away from mine. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm sorry for being so blunt." He said quickly.

I took back his hand. "No. It was cute. It's just too soon." I reassured him.I

He nodded. "You mind telling me about it?"

I looked at him for a while. Did I really want to talk about this to stranger. I had already let him in my house. I don't see the harm in letting it out. God knows I needed to vent.

"Um, a couple weeks ago, I was supposed to meet my ex for a dinner date. I was late because I had to work a few extra hours unexpectedly. I got there and this man breaks up with me at the front of the restaurant. Saying he's pushing the most effort. I ran all the way from work to the restaurant. Isn't that effort? It wasn't my fault my dick of a boss wanted me to work over time." I threw my hands up in frustration.

I wasn't sad right now, I was angry.

"I mean, I get it. I'm always late for our arrangements but I have memory problems. It's not something I can control. Who dumps their girlfriend on the side of the road. Like, wow!" I ranted.

I blew out a hot breath, "There were much better ways to go about this. And he chose the worst. He didn't even look sad. We've been together for so long. You would expect some kind of emotion. He was just blank. Then he honestly said he wanted us to be friends."

I quickly faced Wes, "Friends! I wasted 12 years of my life just for friendship?! I think not. I've been with him since I was 11. He was the only boyfriend I ever had."

My voice broke at the end and I forced my self not to cry.  I've been crying for two weeks. I need to stop.

"Lyla, it's ok." I looked into his gray eyes. The sympathy I saw there was overwhelming. I nodded and blinked away tears. "Yes I know. Thank you."

Wes smiled at me and held my hand, giving it small squeeze. His presence was a calming thing for me. I wasn't so sad. And I liked it. That constant feeling of emptiness was not so overbearing now.

It was a good feeling not being so sad.

At that time, the phone rang. I made a mental note to go to work tomorrow and get my bag. My phone was in it.

"Give me a minute." Wes nodded and I walked to the kitchen where the house phone was.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Oh my God, Lyla! Are you ok? I've been so worried about you!" I smiled as I heard Genna's worried voice on the other side.

Genna was my best friend of 10 years.

"I'm sorry Gen. It's just been a tough couple of weeks. Did Tyler tell you why happened?" I sighed.

I heard her scoff, "That bastard. Yes. He did. Listen I'm kinda busy right now but I will come over tomorrow And I'll bring your bag. You lazy klutz."

I smiled, "I would really appreciate that."

"I know baby. Listen, I love you and you'll be fine. I'll talk you tomorrow."

"I love you too. Bye."

I hung up and went back to Wes.

He smiled at me warmly, "I think it's time for me to go."

My smile dropped, "Can you stay the night?" I blurted out before I could stop my self. It surprised us both.

"What?" He asked, his brows furrowed.

I shook my head, "I know it's weird. We don't know each other and you probably have more deliveries and you might have a girlfriend to go home to but I...........I don't want to be alone." I told him softly.

I'm awfully sad and I don't think I should be by my self. Even though he could be a murderer.

He just gives me this safe feeling that is very much needed at this time.

"I don't have a girlfriend, Lyla. Why would I say I like you if I had a girlfriend?" He smirked.

I mentally smacked my self in the face. "Of course."

"I would like to stay." He said suddenly. I grinned like an idiot.

"Thank you." I whispered.

He took my hand and pulled me a bit closer, "We talked out most of the episode." He said huskily.

I laughed. "I know. Let's go back."

He nodded and I started over the episode. I sighed as I rested my head on his shoulder.

This was a nice way to get over that jerk.

Chubbyalejandra 💖

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