I Always Will [A Rierra Fanfi...

By FieryPortrait

9.3K 208 51

Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo meet at their rehearsals for Love Never Dies, instantly having chemistry an... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Seven

427 13 5
By FieryPortrait

~ One month later ~

A whole month past by since that night at the club where everybody had lost Ramin. Don't fret, they discovered him at rehearsals the next day with a killer headache and dished out some major scolding. Everything Ramin had mentioned to Hadley never left that room, but sadly his feelings didn't stay there too. He wished... Instead they kept building up and snowballing. Little did he know that the girl he was dreaming of felt the same way. But she was trying to move on from those escalating feelings, by dating Tam Mutu. It distracted her and she slowly found herself starting to take a special liking to him as well. Yet neither Ramin or Sierra changed their daily habits of talking and hanging out and teasing one another. If anything they became more comfortable with it and it was natural for those around them as well. Tam didn't even see Ramin as a threat, he saw him as a brother to Sierra. But Christmas is nearly upon them and Love Never Dies is set to start in two months for previews.

[Sierra's POV]

At rehearsals they had been going through songs and bits towards the end of Act II since everything else was mostly figured out with singing and practicing and some of the blocking. As of lately she got to see Joseph Millson and Ramin beautifully act out Devil Take the Hindmost. Both of their voices were amazing and every time Ramin opened his mouth she felt uplifted and empowered.

Today it seemed like they needed to run through some earlier scenes and songs just to check and make sure everything was still fine. So it was announced that Sierra and Ramin would be working on 'Til I Hear You Sing, Once Upon Another Time and Beneath A Moonless Sky.

As Ramin readied himself for his solo song, without the blocking and acting out this time though, Sierra watched from off to the side. Just before her closest friend was about to sing, Tam came up to her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. She sighed in contentment and leaned her head back against his shoulder, but her attention was recaptured by Ramin as his voice crept into her ear.

She was so lost, so helpless, wandering in her mind like a child as he sang. Every word served to breath the flame inside her to life. But the flame dimmed as Tam whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek. Instead of the flame there seemed to be electricity or some spark going through her. She couldn't tell which one was better, but she knew the flame brought her comfort in a way the spark didn't. It made her feel safe, like no one would harm her. The song was nearing the end anyways, but she was disappointed to be drawn out of her pure enjoyment of the song, his voice, his music.

"So, I was thinking we could go to that new Italian place tonight after rehearsal." Tam said softly just as Ramin finished. Sierra turned around and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"I'd love to." Before she knew it her name was being called and she gave Tam another kiss before joining Ramin to sing Once Upon Another Time.

Ramin smiled at her and grabbed her hand for a while as the music began, slowly letting go as they had to take their places across from each other.

"Once upon another time
Our story had only begun
You chose to turn the page
And I made choices too

Once upon that other time
We did what we thought must be done
But now we have no choice
We do what we must do"

Sierra and Ramin moved according to stage directions they had learned previously and neither could hide the little half smiles they were giving each other.

"We love
We live
We give what we can give
And take what little we deserve"

Sierra could already feel herself getting caught up in Ramin's voice before he even opened his mouth.

"Once upon another time
I knew how our story would end
But maybe I was wrong
And now the moments gone

Were it still that other time
I'd make time itself somehow bend
But now I'm not that strong
And time keeps moving on"

Something in the words struck Sierra somewhere now that she was listening so intently and sprung a strange thought in her head. But she swatted it away and joined Ramin in the chorus.

"We love
We live
We give what we can give
And take what little we deserve

We love
We live
We give what we can give
And take what little we deserve
Once upon another time"

As soon as they ended Tam came up and gave Sierra a big old bear hug, telling her how good she was before putting her down. She laughed and then he had to leave after being yelled at since there was still more stuff they had to do. When she looked over at Ramin, he has a strange look of longing or something like that as he stared at her and Tam before he glanced away. It must have had something to do with being away from his wife and kids. There was nothing else logical that it could be.

"Ok, we're running Beneath a Moonless Sky from the top!"

The music started up and Sierra placed herself into character. It was still kind of strange to be acting everything out since they didn't have props or costumes but it was what they were told to do. And it was really just a quick run through so they didn't have to be perfect yet.

"I should have known that you'd be here
I should have known it all along
This whole arrangement bears your stamp
You're in each measure of that song"

Ramin had his blatantly obvious Phantom expression on but something about it still reminded her of him more so than usual.

"Ah Christine
My Christine
In that time when the world thought me dead

Ah Christine
On that night just before you were wed
My Christine
You came and found where I hid
Don't you deny that you did"

Sierra had started to walk away from him but stopped as she was supposed to and slowly turned to him.

"That long ago night"

"That night"

"Once there was a night
beneath a moonless sky
Too dark to see a thing
Too dark to even try"

"I stole to your side
to tell you I just go
I couldn't see your face
But sensed you even so
And I touched you"

"And I felt you"

"And I heard those ravishing refrains"

"The music in your pulse"

"The singing in your veins"

They continued on, a strange and new found passion seeming to come from Ramin. She wasn't sure what it was or why, but Sierra had to admit it added to his performance yet made her concerned. Finally it came for her outburst as he began to walk away.

"And I loved you
Yes I loved you
I'd follow anywhere you led
I woke to swear my love
But found you gone instead"

"And I loved you"

"I loved you"

"And I left you"

"How I loved you"

"And I had to
Both of us knew why"

Unlike before, when they got close and Ramin expressed the Phantom's frustration during "both of us knew why," it was even more compelling and seemed to have more aggression behind it. A similar vibe came from him as they finished the song, but he seemed to be normal once it was over.

Sierra grabbed his arm gently with one hand and held his hand with her other. "Hey, is everything alright? You seemed more worked up today than before..."

Ramin didn't say anything for a moment and looked at their hands before smiling up at Sierra. "I just thought I'd try something out this time. Maybe I should just stick to being a little more compassionate though."

"No no, it was good. Some parts went well with the extra aggression but some parts, well, they weren't as soft and caring as you sang the last time. I just thought something might be up personally with Mandy or someone." Instantly she could tell Ramin's expression changed and his arms wrapped around her.

They stood like that for quite a while, Sierra rubbing his back and cooing to him that it was alright while Tam looked at her with a confused expression.

"I miss them..." Ramin finally spoke, his words brushing against her skin and sending a small shiver down her back. "I'm afraid of what'll happen if I'm away from them for too long."

"Ramin it'll be alright. You'll see them for Christmas remember? It's only a week away! You gotta hang on a little longer!" Sierra perked up in hopes of Ramin doing the same, and with those words Ramin suddenly let go of her and smiled.

"Thank you Sie. I'm sorry, I'm just really tired right now. I think I'm gonna take a nap in my room. See you after rehearsals?" Sierra felt instant guilt and her eyes drifted over to Tam.

"Oh um... I have plans tonight. But tomorrow for sure! We still have to make all those Christmas cookies we talked about." Ramin chuckled softly and nodded before heading to his dressing room.

Tam walked over to Sierra once Ramin had left and she already knew what he was going to ask. "He's fine. He's just tired and needs to rest up a bit." Something was definitely up today with Ramin and Sierra wanted to help with that. It was hard trying to keep up with two guys and the show.

[Ramin's POV]

Ramin had collapsed onto his couch and curled up with a blanket as soon as he reached his dressing room. It took no time at all for him to fall asleep and once he did, he didn't want to wake up.

Ramin was holding onto Sierra's waist as she laid her head against his shoulder, both of them looking out into Tam Mutu singing 'Til I Hear You Sing. That feeling he constantly had every time he had her in his arms felt stronger than ever before and as Tam came to an end of his performance, Sierra kissed his cheek.

A tingling, warm and delicate feeling danced in his skin where her lips had touched. That feeling he didn't have the right to filled him with pleasure. He spun her around and pulled her close, her arms wrapping around his neck as they leaned into one another and planted their lips on one another's.

That warmth and comfort spread from his lips down his whole body, a fire lighting inside him that grew large and wild. He deepened the kiss, pulling her as close as possible and remaining like that till they had to break away for breath.

"Sierra, I love you..."

The warmth was gone, the flame died out and Ramin was sprawled on his dressing room floor. Desperate for that feeling again, he laid in desperation until his body drifted into sleep again.

Ramin found himself standing behind two other men and a crowd of seated people in front of them. Everybody was dressed formally and when he looked around, more closely, he realized it was a wedding. But he wasn't waiting at the alter with the priest or in the audience. He was standing as a groomsman.

Everyone fell silent and his attention was stolen by the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Gorgeous red hair was tumbling over her shoulders, half of it up and half of it down. A white dress flowed over her body and seemed to fit like a glove. Her face was the definition of all things wondrous and beautiful. Her sparkling green eyes met his and she smiled at him. She was an angel.


As she walked down the aisle, her music and voice filled his head, her mouth not moving though and his body seemingly paralyzed.

"Who knows when love begins
Who knows what makes it start
One day it's simply there
Alive inside your heart"

Ramin's eyes couldn't peel away from her, but the actuality that she was getting married and he wasn't the groom made him choke, his heart being squeezed too tightly. The man she joined at the end of the aisle was none other than Tam Mutu. Despair hit Ramin, he tried to speak up and move but he felt like he was sinking and his voice couldn't reach Sierra.


Ramin's body was being swallowed by the ground and every inch he seeped into it the colder he felt. There was no light, no flame, no warmth, just darkness and despair.

"Try to deny it
And try to protest
But love won't let you go
Once you've been possessed"

Ramin's eyes droopingly opened, Sierra's voice still in his head even though he was sure he woke up. He was cold still though, so maybe he hadn't woken yet.

The singing stopped and something wet was placed on his forehead. Forcing himself to keep his eyes open and look around, he couldn't spot anyone.

"Ramin, are you awake?" Suddenly Sierra's face was hovering above his, and he wanted to reach out and touch her. But his body ached and he felt drowsy.

"C-cold..." He stuttered in a whisper, to which Sierra got up and came back with another blanket. Huh, apparently she had wrapped him up in a few already... It helped a bit but he still felt like his own personal winter storm was raging inside his body. "W-what's happening..."

The wet object was removed from his forehead and he made it out ws a towel before his eyes started to drop down again. "You got sick from sleeping on the ground without s blanket or the heat on in your room. I don't know how you managed to pull any of that off though." She chuckled a little and Ramin felt the corner of his lips tug upwards.

His hand slowly inched out and he felt it move across the material of his couch in his dressing room. Ramin finally got his hand out and stretching his fingers, pleading that Sierra would understand, and she did. Her hand clasped in his and he felt himself slipping back into sleep.

"Just rest Ramin."

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