Chapter Five

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[Sierra's POV]

Music pumped throughout the club as Sierra, Summer and Ramin walked into the building. Immediately Ramin started to shout right next to her, yelling, "who's ready to party!" That caused Sierra shake her head and laugh, which seemed to be his goal.

"Yeah alright, Dad. Just don't go picking up random guys because I don't want to deal with that mess when they don't call you the next day." Sierra warned him with a fairly innocent look but she could barely hold herself together from laughing with him and the way they joked around.

"Excuse me, everybody calls back this face. Do I have to show you the six pack again?" Sierra playfully pushed Ramin, enjoying the moment of contact before putting herself in place and deciding tonight would be the night to forget about whatever was happening deep down whenever she was with Ramin.

"So remember, keep an eye out and don't let any mysterious people pick you up because I prefer you alive and well. Summer and I are getting drinks. What do you want?" Sierra asked right before Summer popped in and stood between the two.

"Actually, I need to talk to Ramin for a second. Can you get me a martini and a beer for Ramin?" Sierra looked at Ramin in confusion before agreeing since he had no protest against it.

[Ramin's POV]

Once Sierra had gone to the bar Summer grabbed hold of Ramin's arm and pulled him over to a table and sat him down. He was very confused and surprised, his face obviously showing it. "What're you doing? Why do you need to talk to me?"

Summer rolled her eyes and mumbled something before looking Ramin dead in the eye, which was sort of scaring him. "I want to know how you feel."

That was a broad and perplexing question... "Right now? Because honestly, you're freaking me out a little." Of course she sighed and mumbled something about stupid, clueless boys before looking right back at him again.

"I mean about Sierra. How do you feel about her? I mean, especially with that whole tickling thing this morning! And come on, you guys go out places like every other day! You're practically inseparable during rehearsals too! So what's going on, on your side of this situation?"

Wow... That was a loaded question he definitely would not be able to answer ever, to anyone. It would probably ruin him. "What's going on is she's pretty much my new best friend. There's nothing else to it. Maybe you forgot but I'm kind of married."

Summer just kept prying though, it didn't seem like she would stop till she got the answer she wanted. "Happily married? With nothing else there, possibly hindering it and causing conflict?"

"Yes, happily and healthily married with no complications! Summer, I don't know what you're getting at but I love my wife. And I have two sons. Just because I'm close with Sierra doesn't mean anything is going on." Man, he had to use a whole lot of side stepping and withholding of truth to get out of that one.

"Ramin, when's the last time you saw your wife?" It was a short and abrupt question but it made Ramin think for a while.

Not long after he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "I talked to her on the phone last-"

"No Ramin, when is the last time you actually saw your wife and held her in your arms?" Now Ramin was really starting to understand what she was talking about and ignoring it was getting harder.

"I haven't seen her in person since my son's birthday party about a month before I had to leave..." His answers were slower and more reluctant now but he was being truthful.

"And how many times have you held Sierra in your arms between then and now?" Summer had an accusing look about her and was obviously, oh so obviously, trying to get out the secret he wanted to belong to only him.

"I don't know, but it can't be more than the number of times I've held and kissed my wife over all the years I've known her." Summer stopped for a while, which made Ramin think she was finally done but of course she wasn't.

"Ramin I see the way you look at her, the way you smile at her, the way you laugh with her and mess around, the way you hold her sometimes. You can't deny what I'm talking about." It was true, he couldn't deny it. Not to himself. But to Summer he had to. If any of what he felt were to be known to Sierra or the public or his wife everything he had going for him would crumble before him.

"Summer, I love my wife and I won't say anything that could end up-"

"This is 100% off the record, nobody will ever know besides me." That gave him more motivation to say what he has longed to say about Sierra.

"I love Sierra... as a friend. I always will."

I Always Will [A Rierra Fanfiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя