Chapter Twenty

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[Sierra's POV]

Love Never Dies was due to open previews on the 20th of February. And finally the day had come! But Sierra had also just recovered from her cold and was rather upset with herself. Over the week she also figured out where she got the cold.


The incident with the snow outside the pub had indeed made her sick. And now the show was postponed until the 22nd as long as Sierra was still able to perform. Which she was! Luckily. Her voice was in shape again and she no longer suffered from sneezing. All of which was thanks to Tam's great nursing skills, aka Tam fetching her blankets, making her soup and all of her food, and basically calling to her needs. Which made her feel bad, but she did try to ask for only what she absolutely needed to survive and get better.

However, nothing could get her down that day! She was back at rehearsals and walking through the door made her feel at home. Especially with Tam at her side. Once they had reached the hall of their dressing room, Sierra caught of someone she wanted to hug and possibly murder.

Her feet were already marching towards them, slowing down only for a second. In that second she pulled off her nice and fuzzy hat, and shot it at the unsuspecting victims head. It successfully slapped into the side of their face, startling them for sure as the hat dropped onto their shoulder.

They turned their head to look at Sierra, and instantly they smiled despite just being hit. "Hey, you're back! Why is your hat being smacked at my face though?" Ramin held out the said article of clothing, which Sierra quickly snatched back.

"Because!" Sierra paused as she had to collect her thoughts again. "Because you didn't visit me once! And you also got me sick in the first place!" Honestly she wasn't scolding him because she was mad but because she was disappointed that he hadn't come to visit or anything. "And my hat happened to slip out of my hand."

Ramin seemed oddly unfazed by her efforts and semi-shouting. "It slipped and hit me in the face?" He chuckled and seemed to completely miss the point of what she had said. "Hey Tam, my mate! Good job bringing her back alive."

Sierra sighed and scoffed before turning to look back at Tam, who was slowly catching up to them. "Well it was my top priority as the boyfriend." Tam smirked and took his place next to Sierra.

Ok, somehow her words went completely unnoticed. Tam and Ramin were also being really chummy and upbeat. They were definitely messing with her... "Ramin! Karimloo! Don't ignore me! Why didn't you visit?"

Ramin let out a sigh and looked at Tam, as if they were communicating in some way. Seriously, when did they get so close? "I did visit you, multiple times. But you were sleeping so I just chilled and chatted with Tam. We both thought it was best that we didn't wake you. Plus I was worried to just walk in even if you might have been awake because women get scary sometimes when they're sick."

"Look at you getting all worked up you little biscuit." Tam chuckled and earned a smile from Ramin. "But he really did visit. I thought you were still awake the first time he came."

Sierra was a little puzzled. Well, at least she knew Tam and Ramin were getting along because otherwise they'd have some serious issues. "No, I fell asleep not long after you came back in." She looked past Ramin to see the door which led to where they previously practiced singing with the orchestra. Which was their whole reason for being there. Final rehearsals!

"Oh! We should get going I missed being gone!" She became very excited and was already on her way to put her belongings in her dressing room. But Sierra stopped momentarily after passing Ramin. "But you're not off the hook, mister. You're having dinner with us tonight."

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