Chapter Eight

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A/N: Ok first of all, thank you to all and any of those who have voted for or just simply read this story! Especially those of you who have commented! Secondly, I'm sad to say that after today I won't be able to post again until later in the week because of a camping trip I will be on, which doesn't have wifi because our camp leaders are mean. But I fully intend on continuing this story! Thank you all and I hope you enjoy!

[Ramin's POV]

Everything was on fire. It had to have been because Ramin felt like he was in an oven. The covers that trapped him in his misery were quickly fling off. A cold wet towel was pressed against his forehead and a soft hand stroked his cheek.

"Sierra..." No that was wrong, he knew it was somebody else's hand. It wasn't as warm, although he wasn't complaining since he was about to burst into flames.

"Your friend Sierra had to leave, honey." Now he knew exactly who it was. That voice he loved for so many years. The voice of his loving wife. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that Sierra was not there.

"It's so hot..." As he grumbled, Mandy got up and brought out a fan, plugging it into the wall and then turning it up on Ramin. "I-I need to thank Sierra." The wet towel and cool fan made him feel a little better but inside he was still burning up. He tried to sit up but instantly felt woozy and Mandy carefully put him back down.

"You can thank her once you're feeling better. Which better be quick Ramin, Christmas is a few days away and we can't have you getting Jaiden and Hadley sick." Mandy's hand smoothed back his hair that was stuck to his forehead and kept stroking his soft, thick locks that felt rather sweaty and greasy now.

Ramin closed his eyes again and succumbed to his drowsiness as well as the heat and slipped into a slumber once again.

[Sierra's POV]

It had been hard to leave Ramin after seeing him so sick like that, especially after whatever was going on during rehearsals. But a whole day has passed and he was at home with Mandy, so there was nothing to worry about.

Sierra walked into rehearsals that day, almost forgetting that she wouldn't see Ramin today. She wouldn't sing with him either. She wouldn't see him until some time after Christmas, probably.

Tam Mutu was to be rehearsing with Sierra and the others in place for Ramin, something that Tam was rather excited about and Sierra couldn't help but feel the same too. But her concern for Ramin still remained and put a weight on her shoulders.

Everything went smoothly beside Sierra messing up a bit or getting distracted, but it was still a decent rehearsal. Tam tried to make it as fun as possible and really connect with everybody, which also meant he wasted no time to be with Sierra when he could. It was great. But something was different that day and it was because of Ramin. Could one person in her life being missing for one day really make everything feel so different?

Ramin wasn't just anybody though. At this point he was the only one who she could confined in more than anyone else, he could make her laugh harder than anyone, and in his arms felt like the safest place in the world.

~ A few days later ~

[Ramin's POV]

Finally that horrible cold had gone away and Ramin could safely be around his family. Oh and how he longed to. Especially on today. It was Christmas after all. If he hadn't known himself then his kids made it very apparent by jumping on him and Mandy when it was only 7:30. At first Ramin groaned and tried to ignore them. "It's too early for Christmas, we'll do it tomorrow."

Jaiden jumped onto Ramin's chest and bounced up and down, which made it hard for him to breath with every downward bounce. "Daddy, Christmas is today! Right now! We have to open presents together!" He had the most precious smile o his face, Ramin couldn't deny a face and plea like that.

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