Breaking The Barriers (GXG)

By Winter_Is_Coming

231K 5.5K 336

This book is dedicated to my friend, Lizzie Clark. Chloe is an outcast in life, never fitting in, always the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

8.2K 222 21
By Winter_Is_Coming

I lay there on the grass, helpless. There was nothing I could do, my hands were restrained so I couldn't fight, my ankle was definitely broken so I couldn't try and run and Kyle was kissing me quite ferociously so I couldn't really shout for help. I didn't know what to do. My mind ran in circles, trying to think of something frantically. I could kick him? No, that would just make him lash out at me again. I plotted a million scenarios but I quickly came to grasps with reality. Kyle was stronger than me, faster than me. He had completely lost it. His mind was long since his own and I was wrapped in the mists of his irrational acts. God, I wish someone would help me.

After a period of time that felt like eternity, Kyle pulled back and broke his kiss. He smiled at me stupidly, his eyes hazy and he looked mighty happy with himself.

“See? Was that so bad?” He asked hopefully. I just stayed silent but nodded. Kyle's brow dipped and he began to get angry again. Fast. He got off me and pulled me to my feet. He began walking quickly and he dragged me behind.

“Where are we going?” I whispered, making sure it was audible to him only.

“We're going home.” I was excited for a split second when I thought he was actually taking me back to my house but my heart fell rapidly when I realised he meant I was going to a place to stay with him. Silent tears trickled down my face. Although, my family and I had our differences, I would do anything just to see them. I would be as happy as happy gets just to hear one of my Dad's bad jokes or one of my Mum's gossiped filled tales. I would be happy anywhere but here with Kyle. I never thought he could be so vile, so venomous. This wasn't the Kyle I loved once. That Kyle was kind and caring, he actually gave a damn if he hurt me or not. This Kyle was cold hearted and controlling, possessive, manipulative. What happened to him to turn him this way? I could only begin to imagine.

A short but incredibly painful walk later and we arrived at an unfamiliar flat. The exterior was grey and looked very uninviting. It looked like a prison block or a convent more than it looked a place you would call home.

“Where the hell are we?” I asked, concerned even more so for my safety for even standing in this neighbourhood.

“This is our new home, do you like it? It is just temporary, just until we sort some things. Once we are married we can look into more permanent living arrangements.” Kyle chimed.

“O-once we are m-married?” I stammered. I was set back by what he had just said to me.

“Yes, I love you and am going to marry you. You will be my wife and bare me children and keep our home tidy.”

“You are a crazy bastard. I never agreed to that. I never agreed to any of this. This is against my will. You- You've kidnapped me!” I screamed at him. I had to get away from here, far, far away. I needed to talk to someone. I had to tell someone what was happening. I needed help. Now. Kyle never even answered me, he just growled at me and pulled me inside the dreary looking apartment block. He dragged me into the flat and threw me down before leaving. He was back just as quickly as he had left only when he came back he had rope in his hands. He used said rope to bind my feet and tie them to the bed post. I winced in pain as he pulled the rope tight against my broken ankle and when he realised that he hurt me, it only made him pull the rope tighter. Once, bound he lifted be up and tossed me carelessly on the bed.

Kyle left me here for days, with little food or water. He spent most of his time out of the bedroom but when he did come in he would tell me how much he loved me. Sometimes he would bring me food. On a few occasions, I asked to use the bathroom to relieve myself and to clean myself up but he just gave me a bucket and said that was my toilet. I had tried to untie my feet but I was to no success. Kyle had refused to take me to the hospital to have my foot looked at, he even refused to give me some aspirin to dim the pain just a little bit. After about two days though the pain stopped, and was replaced by a numbness. The ankle had swollen up to double it's original size.

I lay on the bed, lost in thought. My mind had gone wandering. I pondered about escaping this hell on earth and I was planning my means of escape until the bedroom door swung open and Kyle stumbled in. He had obviously been drinking and had more than a little to much to drink. I could smell the alcohol from the other side of the room. He made his way over to me, swaying as he did so and stopped when he reached the bed to drink the entire contents of the bottle he had in his hand. When he was finished he climbed on top of me and began pulling at my shirt, ripping off the buttons and then set to work unbuttoning my jeans. I slapped at his hands, in a feeble attempt to make him stop.

“No. What the fuck do you think you are doing?” A wicked grin danced across his face.

“This is for our future.”

“What is?” I asked, a concerned look crossing my face.

“You will bear me a child. You have no choice. We do this the easy way or the hard way. It is you choice.” There was no way I was letting this happen. I would take all the punches he could throw and I sit still while he kissed me and groped me but I would not let him have sex with me. I flailed my arm and hit him in the face. I pushed him and kept doing so until I got him to fall of the bed. My fingers worked rapidly at the know in the rope around my feet while Kyle picked himself up off the floor. I nearly had it, I was so close... I payed little attention to the wooden candle stick holder Kyle was now raising above his head as I worked frantically. I could almost worm my feet out but that's when all went black. There was a sharp blow to my head and I crippled back, my body lay there almost lifeless apart from the unsteady rising and falling of my chest. Kyle admired his handy work for a second before he climbed on top of my unconscious body and carried on with his disturbed plans.

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